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См. также в других словарях:

  • Hunting Season — may refer to: *The Hunting Season, a title of an event *A season within the activity of hunting, called hunting season …   Wikipedia

  • Hunting season — A hunting season is a a period marked by the legality to kill a particular species in the field of hunting. [wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn] In the United States, each state has primary responsibility and authority over the hunting of wildlife… …   Wikipedia

  • hunting-season — medžioklės sezonas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Medžioklės laikotarpis, nustatomas, atsižvelgiant į tam tikros gyvūnų (žvėrių ar paukščių) rūšies paplitimą, biologines jų savybes, gausumą, tankumą ir kt. atitikmenys: angl …   Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • hunting season — noun the season during which it is legal to kill a particular species • Hypernyms: ↑season …   Useful english dictionary

  • hunting season — time of year during which hunting animals is permitted …   English contemporary dictionary

  • The Hunting Season — or The Saison ( he. הסזון, short for lang fr|la saison de chasse) was the name given to the struggle conducted by the Haganah against the Irgun in late 1944, in order to force it to stop its insurgencies against the British Mandate in… …   Wikipedia

  • Hunting weapon — Hunting weapons are weapons designed or used primarily for hunting game animals for food or sport, as distinct from defensive weapons or weapons used primarily in warfare. CharacteristicsSince human beings are lacking in the natural weapons… …   Wikipedia

  • season — [sē′zən] n. [ME sesoun < OFr seson < VL satio, season for sowing < L, a sowing, planting < base of serere, to sow: see SEED] 1. any of the four arbitrary divisions of the year, characterized chiefly by differences in temperature,… …   English World dictionary

  • Hunting — Hunter redirects here. For other uses, see Hunter (disambiguation). For other uses, see Hunting (disambiguation). Boar hunting, tacuinum sanitatis casanatensis (14th century) Hunting is the practice of pursuing any l …   Wikipedia

  • hunting —    Spain, widely regarded as the hunting reserve of Europe, has more land area devoted to hunting than any other EU country, provides more than 20,000 permanent jobs in gamekeeping alone, and employs around two million temporary workers during… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture

  • hunting box — noun chiefly Britain : a hunting lodge * * * Chiefly Brit. a hunting lodge or house near or in a hunting area for use during the hunting season. Also called hunt box. [1790 1800] * * * hunting box, a small house for use during the hunting season …   Useful english dictionary

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