Перевод: с английского на греческий

с греческого на английский


  • 1 machine

    [mə'ʃi:n] 1. noun
    1) (a working arrangement of wheels, levers or other parts, driven eg by human power, electricity etc, or operating electronically, producing power and/or motion for a particular purpose: a sewing-machine.) μηχανή,μηχάνημα
    2) (a vehicle, especially a motorbike: That's a fine machine you have!) μηχανή, μοτοσικλέτα
    2. verb
    1) (to shape, make or finish with a power-driven tool: The articles are machined to a smooth finish.) επεξεργάζομαι μηχανικά
    2) (to sew with a sewing-machine: You should machine the seams.) ράβω στη ραπτομηχανή, γαζώνω
    - machinist
    - machine-gun
    3. verb
    He machine-gunned a crowd of defenceless villagers.)

    English-Greek dictionary > machine

  • 2 humanly

    adverb (within human power: If it is humanly possible, he will do it.) ανθρώπινα,για τον άνθρωπο

    English-Greek dictionary > humanly

См. также в других словарях:

  • Human power — is timed rate of work done by a human. Most humans can exert only less than one half horsepower for a duration of a few minutes. World records of power performance by humans are of interest to work planners and work process engineers. The average …   Wikipedia

  • Human-powered aircraft — Michelob Light Eagle human powered aircraft Part of a series …   Wikipedia

  • Human-powered transport — is the transport of person(s) and/or goods using human muscle power. Like animal powered transport, human powered transport has existed since time immemorial in the form of walking, running and swimming. Modern technology has allowed machines to… …   Wikipedia

  • power — n 1 Power, force, energy, strength, might, puissance mean the ability to exert effort for a purpose. Power is the most general of these terms and denotes an ability to act or be acted upon, to effect something, or to affect or be affected by… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Power — may refer to*any ability to effect change;political or social * Power (philosophy) ** Political power, power held by a person or group in a country s political system ** Reserve power, a power exercised by a head of state in certain exceptional… …   Wikipedia

  • Human rights — Rights Theoretical distinctions Natural and legal rights Claim rights and liberty rights Negative and positive rights Individual an …   Wikipedia

  • human evolution — Evolution of modern human beings from nonhuman and extinct hominid forms. Genetic evidence points to an evolutionary divergence between the lineages of humans and the great apes (Pongidae) on the African continent 5–8 million years ago. The… …   Universalium

  • Human Powered Aircraft — Light Eagle während eines Testfluges Ein Muskelkraft Flugzeug ist ein Flugzeug, das nur mit Hilfe der Muskelkraft des Piloten unter Ausnutzung der Gleiteigenschaften der Flugzeugkonstruktion angetrieben wird. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Human-powered hydrofoil — A human powered hydrofoil is a small hydrofoil boat propelled entirely by the muscle power of its operator. A typical design for human powered hydrofoils consists of a large hydrofoil at the stern end that is used both for propulsion and keeping… …   Wikipedia

  • human — 01. Animals and [humans] must learn to live together. 02. Animal and [human] power equals nearly 40% of all energy used in India. 03. A [human] fetus develops fingerprints at the age of three months. 04. Culture has been described as the way… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • Human security — is an emerging paradigm for understanding global vulnerabilities whose proponents challenge the traditional notion of national security by arguing that the proper referent for security should be the individual rather than the state. Human… …   Wikipedia

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