1 -nya
by him, her, it or them -
2 a
3 aba-aba
4 abad
5 abadi
eternal, everlasting, immortal* * *endless* * *eternal, lasting, enduring -
6 abai
neglectful* * *neglect, neglected, neglected, neglecting* * *neglectful -
7 abang
elder brother, dear friend (adress)* * *elder brother* * *elder brother -
8 abangan
one who doesn't adhere strictly to the precepts of one's nominal religion -
9 abdi
servant, slave* * *serve, served, served, serving* * *servant, slave, Abdi negara = Servant of the state -
10 aben
cremate -
11 abjad
12 abon
side-dish (seasoning of meat reduced into fibres)* * *shredded meat that has been boiled and fried, abonemen, subscription (to a magazine, etc) -
13 absah
14 abu
15 abu-abu
16 acak
17 acak-acak
18 acapkali
often, repeatedly, frequently* * *frequently* * *repeatedly, frequently -
19 acar
pickles* * *piccalilli* * *pickles, salad made with raw vegetables mixed with spices and a souring -
20 acar kubis
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