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  • 1 house music

    house music [ausmjuzik]
    feminine noun

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > house music

  • 2 house-fly

    the common fly, found throughout the world.
    ذُبابة البُيوت

    Arabic-English dictionary > house-fly

  • 3 house

    [haus] plural houses [ˈhauzɪz]
    1. noun
    1) a building in which people, especially a single family, live:

    Houses have been built on the outskirts of the town for the workers in the new industrial estate.

    2) a place or building used for a particular purpose:

    a public house.

    بَيْت، مَسكِن، مَحَل، مَقَر
    3) a theatre, or the audience in a theatre:

    There was a full house for the first night of the play.

    4) a family, usually important or noble, including its ancestors and descendants:

    the house of David.

    عائِلَه، أُسْرَه
    2. [hauz] verb
    1) to provide with a house, accommodation or shelter:

    The animals are housed in the barn.

    يُسْكِن، يَأوي
    2) to store or keep somewhere:

    The electric generator is housed in the garage.

    يَخْزِن، يَحْفَظُ في

    Arabic-English dictionary > house

  • 4 house-warming

    1. noun
    a party given after moving into a new house.
    حَفْلَة تُقام بِمُناسبة الإنتِقال إلى بيتٍ جديد
    2. adjective

    a house-warming party.

    إحتفالي بمناسبة الإنتقال إلى بيتٍ جديد

    Arabic-English dictionary > house-warming

  • 5 boarding-house

    a house where people live and take meals as paying guests.
    بَيْتُ النُّزَلاء يُقَدِّمُ المنامَ والطَّعامَ

    Arabic-English dictionary > boarding-house

  • 6 opera-house

    a theatre in which operas are performed.
    دار الأوبرا

    Arabic-English dictionary > opera-house

  • 7 slaughter-house

    a place where animals are killed in order to be sold for food; an abattoir.

    Arabic-English dictionary > slaughter-house

  • 8 hus n


    Dansk-engelsk ordbog mini > hus n

  • 9 aban

    a large, fine building
    a large, strong building
    a stone house
    multi-storey building

    Twi to English dictionary > aban

  • 10 ahɔhodan

    guest house

    Twi to English dictionary > ahɔhodan

  • 11 ahɔhofi

    guest house

    Twi to English dictionary > ahɔhofi

  • 12 ahemfi

    chief's house

    Twi to English dictionary > ahemfi

  • 13 isäntä

    yks.nom. isäntä; yks.gen. isännän; yks.part. isäntää; yks.ill. isäntään; mon.gen. isäntien isäntäin; mon.part. isäntiä; mon.ill. isäntiin
    employer (noun)
    farmer (noun)
    head of the house (noun)
    host (noun)
    keeper (noun)
    landlord (noun)
    lord (noun)
    master (noun)
    owner (noun)
    proprietor (noun)
    taskmaster (noun)
    warden (noun)
    * * *
    • man of the house
    • warden
    • trustee
    • taskmaster
    • ruler
    • proprietor
    • possessor
    • owner
    • master
    • master of the house
    • holder
    • chief
    • director
    • employer
    • lord
    • farmer
    • head of the house
    • host
    • keeper
    • landlord
    • farm-owner

    Suomi-Englanti sanakirja > isäntä

  • 14 pönttö

    yks.nom. pönttö; yks.gen. pöntön; yks.part. pönttöä; yks.ill. pönttöön; mon.gen. pönttöjen; mon.part. pönttöjä; mon.ill. pönttöihin
    bin (noun)
    bird house (noun)
    bird-house (noun)
    bowl (noun)
    box (noun)
    can (noun)
    pan (noun)
    pulpit (noun)
    tin (noun)
    * * *
    • can
    • bird house
    • pan
    • keg
    • bowl
    • nesting box
    • pulpit
    • barrel
    • bin
    • tub
    • toilet bowl
    • tin
    • tin bird-house
    • cask

    Suomi-Englanti sanakirja > pönttö

  • 15 asunto

    yks.nom. asunto; yks.gen. asunnon; yks.part. asuntoa; yks.ill. asuntoon; mon.gen. asuntojen; mon.part. asuntoja; mon.ill. asuntoihin
    accommodation (noun)
    apartment (noun)
    domicile (noun)
    dwelling (noun)
    flat (noun)
    habitation (noun)
    home (noun)
    house (noun)
    living quarters (noun)
    lodging (noun)
    lodgings (noun)
    quarter (noun)
    quarters (noun)
    residence (noun)
    * * *
    • living quarters
    • tenement
    • suite
    • residential
    • residence
    • quarters
    • quarter
    • private house
    • lodgings
    • house
    • home
    • habitation
    • flat
    • dwelling
    • domicile
    • domicil
    • condominium
    • apartment
    • accommodation
    • abode
    • lodging

    Suomi-Englanti sanakirja > asunto

  • 16 liike

    yks.nom. liike; yks.gen. liikkeen; yks.part. liikettä; yks.ill. liikkeeseen; mon.gen. liikkeiden liikkeitten; mon.part. liikkeitä; mon.ill. liikkeisiin liikkeihin
    business (noun)
    commercial house (noun)
    concern (noun)
    firm (noun)
    gesture (noun)
    gyration (noun)
    manoeuvre (noun)
    motion (noun)
    move (noun)
    movement (noun)
    play (noun)
    shop (noun)
    store (noun)
    * * *
    • trade
    • moving
    • maneuver
    • manoeuvre
    • motion
    • motive
    • move
    • movement
    • locomotive
    • play
    • shop
    • kinesis
    • store
    • gyration
    • trading
    • traffic
    • transport
    • without stint
    • stir
    • drift
    • boutique
    • business
    • commerce
    • commercial house
    • company
    • impetus
    • doing
    • industry
    • emotion
    • establishment
    • firm
    • gesture
    • house
    • concern

    Suomi-Englanti sanakirja > liike

  • 17 tullikamari

    yks.nom. tullikamari; yks.gen. tullikamarin; yks.part. tullikamaria; yks.ill. tullikamariin; mon.gen. tullikamarien tullikamareiden tullikamareitten; mon.part. tullikamareja tullikamareita; mon.ill. tullikamareihin
    custom house (noun)
    custom-house (noun)
    customs house (noun)
    customs office (noun)
    * * *
    • custom-house
    • customs house
    • custom house
    • customs office

    Suomi-Englanti sanakirja > tullikamari

  • 18 yömaja

    yks.nom. yömaja; yks.gen. yömajan; yks.part. yömajaa; yks.ill. yömajaan; mon.gen. yömajojen yömajain; mon.part. yömajoja; mon.ill. yömajoihin
    casual ward (noun)
    doss house (noun)
    doss-house (noun)
    night shelter (noun)
    * * *
    • doss-house
    • night shelter
    • flop house
    • casual ward
    • doss house
    • common lodging house

    Suomi-Englanti sanakirja > yömaja

  • 19 kasvihuone

    yks.nom. kasvihuone; yks.gen. kasvihuoneen; yks.part. kasvihuonetta; yks.ill. kasvihuoneeseen; mon.gen. kasvihuoneiden kasvihuoneitten; mon.part. kasvihuoneita; mon.ill. kasvihuoneisiin kasvihuoneihin
    conservatory (noun)
    forcing-house (noun)
    glass-house (noun)
    greenhouse (noun)
    hothouse (noun)
    * * *
    • conservatory
    • forcing-house
    • glass-house
    • greenhouse
    • hothouse

    Suomi-Englanti sanakirja > kasvihuone

  • 20 loppuunmyyty

    full house (noun)
    house full (noun)
    out of print (noun)
    out of stock (noun)
    sold out (noun)
    * * *
    • full house
    • sold out
    • out of stock
    • house full
    • out of print

    Suomi-Englanti sanakirja > loppuunmyyty

См. также в других словарях:

  • house — ► NOUN 1) a building for human habitation. 2) a building in which animals live or in which things are kept: a reptile house. 3) a building devoted to a particular activity: a house of prayer. 4) a firm or institution: a fashion house. 5) a… …   English terms dictionary

  • house — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 building that is made for one family to live in ADJECTIVE ▪ beautiful, comfortable, elegant, fancy (esp. AmE), fine, grand, handsome, lovely, luxurious …   Collocations dictionary

  • house music — an up tempo style of disco music characterized by deep bass rhythms, piano or synthesizer melodies, and soul music singing, sometimes with elements of rap music. [1985 90; prob. after the Warehouse, a dance club in Chicago] * * * noun [noncount] …   Useful english dictionary

  • house martin — noun common small European martin that builds nests under the eaves of houses • Syn: ↑Delichon urbica • Hypernyms: ↑martin • Member Holonyms: ↑Delichon, ↑genus Delichon * * * noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • house of God — noun any building where congregations gather for prayer • Syn: ↑place of worship, ↑house of prayer, ↑house of worship • Hypernyms: ↑building, ↑edifice • Hyponyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • house guest — noun a guest entertained in your house • Syn: ↑houseguest • Hypernyms: ↑guest, ↑invitee * * * house guest noun A guest in a private house • • • Main Entry: ↑house * * * hous …   Useful english dictionary

  • House of Representatives — noun the lower legislative house of the United States Congress (Freq. 5) • Syn: ↑United States House of Representatives, ↑U.S. House of Representatives, ↑US House of Representatives, ↑U.S. House, ↑US House • Hypernyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • house husband — noun a husband who keeps house while his wife earns the family income • Syn: ↑househusband • Hypernyms: ↑husband, ↑hubby, ↑married man * * * house husband UK US noun [countable] [ …   Useful english dictionary

  • house-hunting — houseˈ hunting noun • • • Main Entry: ↑house * * * house hunting UK US noun [uncountable] the activity of trying to find a house to live in, especially one that you want to buy Thesaurus: relating to buying or leasing real estatehyponym * * *… …   Useful english dictionary

  • house arrest — noun confinement to your own home • Hypernyms: ↑confinement * * * noun [noncount] law : the condition of being forced to stay in your home rather than in prison as a form of punishment often used with under He was placed under house arrest until… …   Useful english dictionary

  • house party — noun a party lasting over one or more nights at a large house • Hypernyms: ↑party * * * noun, pl ⋯ ties [count] : a large party at someone s house that usually lasts for several days * * * ˈhouse party [house party house parties] …   Useful english dictionary

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