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  • hotchpotch — (N. Amer. hodgepodge) ► NOUN ▪ a confused mixture. ORIGIN Old French hochepot, from hocher to shake + pot pot …   English terms dictionary

  • hotchpotch — [häch′päch΄] n. [< HOTCHPOT] 1. a thick stew of various meats and vegetables 2. a) Brit. HODGEPODGE b) HOTCHPOT …   English World dictionary

  • Hotchpotch — Hotchpot Hotch pot , Hotchpotch Hotch potch , n. [F. hochepot, fr. hocher to shake + pot pot; both of Dutch or German origin; cf. OD. hutspot hotchpotch, D. hotsen, hutsen, to shake. See {Hustle}, and {Pot}, and cf. {Hodgepodge}.] 1. A mingled… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hotchpotch — hotch|potch [ˈhɔtʃpɔtʃ US ˈha:tʃpa:tʃ] n BrE hodgepodge AmE [singular] informal [Date: 1300 1400; Origin: hotchpotch mixture (14 21 centuries), from Old French hochepot, from hochier to shake + pot pot ] a number of things mixed up without… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Hotchpotch — Hotch|potch [ hɔtʃpɔtʃ] das; , es [...iz] <über engl. hotchpotch aus gleichbed. fr. hochepot, dies aus hocher »schütteln« u. pot »Topf«> Eintopfgericht aus Gemüse mit Fleisch …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • hotchpotch — [15] Hotchpotch is an alteration (for the sake of the rhyme) of an earlier hotchpot. This was borrowed from an Old French compound made up of hocher ‘shake’ (perhaps from Frankish hottisōn) and pot ‘pot’. So originally the word meant literally… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • hotchpotch — [15] Hotchpotch is an alteration (for the sake of the rhyme) of an earlier hotchpot. This was borrowed from an Old French compound made up of hocher ‘shake’ (perhaps from Frankish hottisōn) and pot ‘pot’. So originally the word meant literally… …   Word origins

  • hotchpotch — noun Etymology: Middle English hochepot, from Anglo French, from hocher to shake + pot pot Date: 1583 1. a. a thick soup or stew of vegetables, potatoes, and usually meat b. hodgepodge 2. hotchpot …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • hotchpotch — /hoch poch /, n. 1. a thick soup or stew of vegetables or meat, often thickened with barley. 2. Brit. hodgepodge. 3. Law. a hotchpot. [1350 1400; ME hoche poche, rhyming var. of HOTCHPOT] * * * …   Universalium

  • Hotchpotch — Hotch|potch 〈[hɔtʃpɔ̣tʃ] n.; , s; Kochk.〉 = Hochepot * * * Hotch|potch [ hɔtʃpɔtʃ], das; , es: ↑Hochepot …   Universal-Lexikon

  • hotchpotch — Synonyms and related words: agglomeration, conglomeration, farrago, gallimaufry, hash, hodgepodge, jumble, medley, melange, mess, miscellany, mishmash, mixed bag, mixture, olio, olla podrida, omnium gatherum, patchwork, potpourri, tangle, welter …   Moby Thesaurus

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