Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 hot and cold

    hot and cold
    mistura de heroína e cocaína.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hot and cold

  • 2 hot

    1) (having or causing a great deal of heat: a hot oven; That water is hot.) quente
    2) (very warm: a hot day; Running makes me feel hot.) quente
    3) ((of food) having a sharp, burning taste: a hot curry.) picante
    4) (easily made angry: a hot temper.) colérico
    5) (recent; fresh: hot news.) recente
    - hot air
    - hot-blooded
    - hot dog
    - hotfoot
    - hothead
    - hotheaded
    - hothouse
    - hot-plate
    - be in
    - get into hot water
    - hot up
    - in hot pursuit
    - like hot cakes
    * * *
    [h'ɔt] adj 1 quente. 2 apimentado, picante, muito condimentado. 3 apaixonado, ardente, excitado, fogoso, ávido, ansioso. 4 cobiçoso, lascivo. 5 entusiasmado, caloroso. 6 zeloso. 7 furioso, veemente, perigoso. 8 difícil, árduo. it is hot work / é uma tarefa árdua. 9 sl recente, moderno. 10 vivo, forte (cores). 11 quente (diz-se nos jogos de adivinhação e de procurar objetos). 12 recém-saído. 13 Electr que conduz corrente ativamente. 14 bom, excelente. 15 sl obtido ilegalmente. 16 sl rápido. 17 sl pornográfico, sujo. • adv 1 de modo quente. 2 ansiosamente, ardentemente. 3 furiosamente. at the hot test no ponto mais perigoso. don’t make it too hot! devagar com isso!, não torne as coisas difíceis! hot and cold mistura de heroína e cocaína. to be hot on a) ser bom em. b) estar interessado em. to be in hot water Amer estar em apuros. to give it one hot criticar ou punir severamente alguém. to give someone a hot time fazer alguém passar apertado. to go like hot cakes ter venda rápida, vender muito. to grow hot esquentar-se, encolerizar-se. to have the hots for ser atraente sexualmente. to hot on the heels of perseguir alguém. to make it hot for dificultar as coisas para, fazer com que as coisas sejam impossíveis para.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hot

  • 3 water

    ['wo:tə] 1. noun
    (a colourless, transparent liquid compound of hydrogen and oxygen, having no taste or smell, which turns to steam when boiled and to ice when frozen: She drank two glasses of water; `Are you going swimming in the sea?' `No, the water's too cold'; Each bedroom in the hotel is supplied with hot and cold running water; ( also adjective) The plumber had to turn off the water supply in order to repair the pipe; transport by land and water.) água
    2. verb
    1) (to supply with water: He watered the plants.) regar
    2) ((of the mouth) to produce saliva: His mouth watered at the sight of all the food.) encher-se de água
    3) ((of the eyes) to fill with tears: The dense smoke made his eyes water.) encher-se de lágrimas
    - watery
    - wateriness
    - waterborne
    - water-closet
    - water-colour
    - watercress
    - waterfall
    - waterfowl
    - waterfront
    - waterhole
    - watering-can
    - water level
    - waterlily
    - waterlogged
    - water main
    - water-melon
    - waterproof
    3. noun
    (a coat made of waterproof material: She was wearing a waterproof.) impermeável
    4. verb
    (to make (material) waterproof.) impermeabilizar
    - water-skiing
    - water-ski
    - watertight
    - water vapour
    - waterway
    - waterwheel
    - waterworks
    - hold water
    - into deep water
    - in deep water
    - water down
    * * *
    [w'ɔ:tə] n 1 água: a) o líquido. b) qualquer líquido que sugere água. c) líquidos do corpo, como suor, saliva, lágrima, urina. d) chuva (também waters). e) limpidez, transparência, brilho ou lustre (de pedra preciosa). f) vazamento (no casco de um navio). 2 curso d’água, rio, lago, lagoa. 3 enchente ou nível baixo de um rio. 4 profundidade de um rio. 5 maré (alta ou baixa). 6 superfície de aspecto ondeado em seda ou metal. 7 ações emitidas sem aumento de capital. 8 waters águas: a) águas correntes. b) águas agitadas, ondeantes, o mar, o alto-mar. he fished in troubled waters / ele pescou em águas turvas. c) águas de fonte, águas minerais. • vt+vi 1 molhar. 2 irrigar, banhar. 3 regar. 4 aguar. 5 abastecer de ou prover com água. 6 dar de beber. 7 enfraquecer, diluir, misturar com água (leite, etc.), batizar (líquidos). 8 encher de água (boca), salivar. 9 lacrimejar. 10 dar aspecto ondeado a seda ou a superficies metálicas, ondear. 11 emitir ações sem aumento de capital. • adj 1 de ou relativo à água. 2 hidráulico. 3 aquático. 4 fluvial, marítimo. above water acima d’água. an ornamental water lago artificial. by water por via marítima ou fluvial. he is in low water sl ele está em apuros, tem falta de dinheiro. high water maré alta. hot water bottle botija de água quente. it makes your eyes water faz lacrimejar os seus olhos. joy water birita, pinga. like water abundante. low water maré baixa. of the first waters da melhor qualidade. on the water na água, no mar. still waters run deep quem vê cara não vê coração, pessoas muito quietas podem guardar fortes emoções. they cast their money upon the water fig eles jogaram o dinheiro pela janela. to be in deep water fig estar em aperto, em maus lençóis, em situação difícil. to hold water a) à prova d’água. b) fig ser convincente, fundamentado, verdadeiro. to keep one’s head above water conseguir manter-se à tona, ficar acima das dificuldades. to make the mouth water dar água na boca. it makes my mouth water / me dá água na boca. to pass/ make water soltar água, urinar. to pour oil on troubled waters acalmar. to test the water/ waters pesquisa de motivação. to throw cold water on fig jogar balde de água fria em, desencorajar. to water down diluir. water of life a) refresco espiritual. b) conhaque, uísque. water under the bridge experiências passadas, problemas passados já esquecidos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > water

  • 4 water

    ['wo:tə] 1. noun
    (a colourless, transparent liquid compound of hydrogen and oxygen, having no taste or smell, which turns to steam when boiled and to ice when frozen: She drank two glasses of water; `Are you going swimming in the sea?' `No, the water's too cold'; Each bedroom in the hotel is supplied with hot and cold running water; ( also adjective) The plumber had to turn off the water supply in order to repair the pipe; transport by land and water.) água
    2. verb
    1) (to supply with water: He watered the plants.) aguar
    2) ((of the mouth) to produce saliva: His mouth watered at the sight of all the food.) salivar
    3) ((of the eyes) to fill with tears: The dense smoke made his eyes water.) lacrimejar
    - watery - wateriness - waterborne - water-closet - water-colour - watercress - waterfall - waterfowl - waterfront - waterhole - watering-can - water level - waterlily - waterlogged - water main - water-melon - waterproof 3. noun
    (a coat made of waterproof material: She was wearing a waterproof.) capa de chuva
    4. verb
    (to make (material) waterproof.) impermeabilizar
    - water-skiing - water-ski - watertight - water vapour - waterway - waterwheel - waterworks - hold water - into deep water - in deep water - water down

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > water

  • 5 alternate

    1. ['o:ltəneit] verb
    (to use, do etc by turns, repeatedly, one after the other: John alternates between teaching and studying; He tried to alternate red and yellow tulips along the path as he planted them.) alternar
    2. [o:l'tə:nət] adjective
    1) (coming, happening etc in turns, one after the other: The water came in alternate bursts of hot and cold.) alternado
    2) (every second (day, week etc): My friend and I take the children to school on alternate days.) alternado
    - alternation
    * * *
    [ɔ:lt'ə:nit] n substituto alternativo. • ['ɔ:ltəneit] vt+vi 1 alternar(-se), revezar(-se). 2 suceder alternadamente, dispor em ordem alternada. 3 substituir regularmente. 4 intercambiar, permutar. 5 Electr alternar corrente. 6 produzir ou acionar por corrente alternada. • [ɔ:lt'ə:nit] adj 1 alterno (também Bot), alternado, revezado. 2 recíproco. alternate angles ângulos alternos. on each alternate day de dois em dois dias, dia sim, dia não.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > alternate

  • 6 alternate

    1. ['o:ltəneit] verb
    (to use, do etc by turns, repeatedly, one after the other: John alternates between teaching and studying; He tried to alternate red and yellow tulips along the path as he planted them.) alternar
    2. [o:l'tə:nət] adjective
    1) (coming, happening etc in turns, one after the other: The water came in alternate bursts of hot and cold.) alternado
    2) (every second (day, week etc): My friend and I take the children to school on alternate days.) alternado
    - alternation

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > alternate

  • 7 alternately

    adverb She felt alternately hot and cold.) alternadamente
    * * *
    [ɔ:lt'ə:nitli] adv alternadamente, reciprocamente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > alternately

  • 8 alternately

    adverb She felt alternately hot and cold.) alternadamente

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > alternately

  • 9 warm

    [wo:m] 1. adjective
    1) (moderately, or comfortably, hot: Are you warm enough, or shall I close the window?; a warm summer's day.) quente
    2) ((of clothes) protecting the wearer from the cold: a warm jumper.) quente
    3) (welcoming, friendly, enthusiastic etc: a warm welcome; a warm smile.) caloroso
    4) (tending to make one hot: This is warm work!) que dá calor
    5) ((of colours) enriched by a certain quantity of red or pink, or (of red etc) rich and bright: a warm red; I don't want white walls - I want something warmer.) quente
    2. verb
    1) (to make moderately hot: He warmed his hands in front of the fire.) aquecer
    2) (to become friendly (towards) or enthusiastic (about): She warmed to his charm.) começar a gostar
    3. noun
    (an act of warming: Give your hands a warm in front of the fire.) passagem no calor
    - warmness
    - warmth
    - warm-blooded
    - warmed-over
    - warmhearted
    - warmheartedness
    - warm up
    * * *
    [wɔ:m] n aquecimento. you must have a warm / você precisa aquecer-se. give your hands a warm / esquente as suas mãos. • vt+vi 1 aquecer(-se), esquentar, aquentar. we were warming ourselves by the fire / estivemos nos aquecendo ao fogo. 2 acalorar(-se), avivar(-se), animar(-se), interessar-se, tornar interessante, entusiasmar-se. 3 enternecer-se. 4 causar satisfação ou prazer. • adj 1 quente, cálido, morno, tépido, aquecido, aquentado. 2 cordial, afetuoso, fervoroso, amoroso, apaixonado, ardente. 3 excitado, animado, entusiasmado, acalorado, vivo. 4 vigoroso (descarga de artilharia). 5 zangado, irado, encolerizado. 6 que aquece. 7 terno, generoso. 8 seguro, confortável. 9 recente, fresco (rasto). 10 coll quente, perto, próximo (do que se procura). 11 perigoso. 12 quente (cores, como vermelho, amarelo, alaranjado). 13 coll rico, abastado. to warm up a) animar-se. b) fig incitar, instigar. c) fazer exercício ligeiro antes do jogo para aquecimento. to warm (up) again requentar (comida).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > warm

  • 10 warm

    [wo:m] 1. adjective
    1) (moderately, or comfortably, hot: Are you warm enough, or shall I close the window?; a warm summer's day.) quente
    2) ((of clothes) protecting the wearer from the cold: a warm jumper.) quente
    3) (welcoming, friendly, enthusiastic etc: a warm welcome; a warm smile.) caloroso
    4) (tending to make one hot: This is warm work!) que esquenta
    5) ((of colours) enriched by a certain quantity of red or pink, or (of red etc) rich and bright: a warm red; I don't want white walls - I want something warmer.) quente
    2. verb
    1) (to make moderately hot: He warmed his hands in front of the fire.) aquecer, esquentar
    2) (to become friendly (towards) or enthusiastic (about): She warmed to his charm.) animar-se
    3. noun
    (an act of warming: Give your hands a warm in front of the fire.) esquentada
    - warmness - warmth - warm-blooded - warmed-over - warmhearted - warmheartedness - warm up

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > warm

  • 11 weather

    ['weƟə] 1. noun
    (conditions in the atmosphere, especially as regards heat or cold, wind, rain, snow etc: The weather is too hot for me; stormy weather; ( also adjective) a weather chart/report, the weather forecast.) tempo
    2. verb
    1) (to affect or be affected by exposure to the air, resulting in drying, change of colour, shape etc: The wind and sea have weathered the rocks quite smooth.) desgastar(-se)
    2) (to survive safely: The ship weathered the storm although she was badly damaged.) aguentar
    - weathercock
    - weathervane
    - weatherperson
    - make heavy weather of
    - under the weather
    * * *
    [w'eðə] n 1 tempo (estado atmosférico). 2 temporal, vento, chuva. • vt+vi 1 expor às intempéries. 2 desbotar, descorar, estragar (pela ação do sol, ar, vento, etc.). 3 arejar. 4 desgastar, desintegrar (devido às intempéries). 5 vencer, resistir a, passar por (dificuldades). 6 Naut pôr-se a barlavento de. 7 Naut dobrar (cabo). • adj 1 para ou ao lado do vento. 2 Naut de barlavento, situado a barlavento, exposto ao vento. fine weather for ducks! que chuva!, quanta chuva! he is under the weather sl a) ele está indisposto, doente, deprimido, na fossa. b) ele está bêbado. stress of weather temporal, tempestade. the boat drove with the weather Naut o barco ficou ao sabor do vento. to keep one’s weather eye open estar alerta. he keeps his weather eye open / sl ele está alerta, está de sobreaviso. to make good weather Naut encontrar bom tempo. to make heavy weather criar dificuldade, fazer um bicho-de-sete-cabeças, fazer um cavalo de batalha. to weather out superar, vencer. under stress of weather por causa do tempo (condições atmosféricas). weather permitting se o tempo permitir.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > weather

  • 12 weather

    ['weƟə] 1. noun
    (conditions in the atmosphere, especially as regards heat or cold, wind, rain, snow etc: The weather is too hot for me; stormy weather; ( also adjective) a weather chart/report, the weather forecast.) tempo, clima
    2. verb
    1) (to affect or be affected by exposure to the air, resulting in drying, change of colour, shape etc: The wind and sea have weathered the rocks quite smooth.) desgastar(-se)
    2) (to survive safely: The ship weathered the storm although she was badly damaged.) resistir a
    - weathercock - weathervane - weatherperson - make heavy weather of - under the weather

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > weather

См. также в других словарях:

  • hot and cold — 1. adjective Ambivalent; having conflicting emotions. 2. adverb Ambivalently; with conflicting emotions. They went hot and cold about the proposal for a whole year, before finally saying no …   Wiktionary

  • Hot and Cold (song) — Infobox Song Name = Hot and Cold Artist = Kate Miller Heidke, Yanto Browning Album = Escape Released = 2004 track no = 2 Genre = Pop Length = 4:15 Writer = Kate Miller Heidke Composer = Kate Miller Heidke, Yanto Browning, Keir Nuttall Producer =… …   Wikipedia

  • blow hot and cold — VACILLATE, dither, shilly shally, waver, be indecisive, change one s mind, be undecided, be uncertain, be unsure; Brit. haver, hum and haw; Scottish swither. → hot * * * phrasal : to be favorable at one moment and adverse the next : react or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • blow hot and cold — {v. phr.} To change your ways or likes often; be fickle or changeable. * /Tom blows hot and cold about coming out for the baseball team; he cannot decide./ * /Mary blew hot and cold about going to college; every day she changed her mind./ * /The… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • blow hot and cold — {v. phr.} To change your ways or likes often; be fickle or changeable. * /Tom blows hot and cold about coming out for the baseball team; he cannot decide./ * /Mary blew hot and cold about going to college; every day she changed her mind./ * /The… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • go hot and cold — phrase to suddenly become very nervous, afraid, or confused about something Thesaurus: physical sensations and movements in response to emotionshyponym Main entry: hot * * * go hot and ˈcold idiom to experience a sudden feeling of fear or anxiety …   Useful english dictionary

  • blow\ hot\ and\ cold — v. phr. To change your ways or likes often; be fickle or changeable. Tom blows hot and cold about coming out for the baseball team; he cannot decide. Mary blew hot and cold about going to college; every day she changed her mind. The boys will get …   Словарь американских идиом

  • blow hot and cold —    If you blow hot and cold on an idea, your attitude and opinion keeps changing; one minute you are for it, the next you are against.   (Dorking School Dictionary)    ***    If you blow hot and cold about something, you constantly change your… …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • feel hot and cold all over — feel/go hot and cold (all over) British & Australian, informal to feel that your body is hot and cold at the same time, because you have had a shock. When I suddenly saw him again in the street after all these years, I went hot and cold all over …   New idioms dictionary

  • go hot and cold all over — feel/go hot and cold (all over) British & Australian, informal to feel that your body is hot and cold at the same time, because you have had a shock. When I suddenly saw him again in the street after all these years, I went hot and cold all over …   New idioms dictionary

  • feel hot and cold — feel/go hot and cold (all over) British & Australian, informal to feel that your body is hot and cold at the same time, because you have had a shock. When I suddenly saw him again in the street after all these years, I went hot and cold all over …   New idioms dictionary

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