1 hos
у, приvi bor hos ham — мы живём у него́
* * *care of, with* * *præp with ( fx I am staying with friends; have influence with somebody; it is a habit with me);( i ens hus, i en forretning) at,(+ genitiv, fx I lived at my uncle's, I saw it at the bookseller's),( i ens nærhed) by ( fx come and sit by me; he kept her by him), with (fx sit up with somebody);( på sin person) on ( fx I have no money on me);( blandt ens egenskaber) in ( fx a valuable quality in an editor);( i ens skrifter) in ( fx I found that word in Shakespeare);[ hos denne digter er der mange sjældne ord] in this poet's works there are many rare words;[ som det hedder (el. der står) hos Holberg] as Holberg has it;[ det er skik hos eskimoerne] it is a custom among the Eskimoes; -
2 udstråling
aura, emanation, emission, presence, radiance* * *(en -er) radiation ( fx of heat, light),( af lys også) emission;( hos person: positiv udstråling) (great) charm, (personal) magnetism,( personlighed) force of personality;(F: især hos leder) charisma;( neutral, omtr) aura ( fx the personal aura of each individual). -
3 betingelse
sg - betíngelsen, pl - betíngelserусло́вие сópfylde betíngelserne — выполня́ть усло́вия
på den betíngelse at... — при усло́вии, что...
* * *condition, stipulation* * *(en -r) condition;( bestemmelse, fx i kontrakt) provision;( forudsætning) condition ( for of),( hos person) qualification, requirement;[ betingelser](dvs levevilkår, forudsætninger) conditions ( fx live under favourable conditions; provide optimum conditions for them to learn the language);( i aftale også) terms ( fx easy terms; we must accept his terms);[ han har alle betingelser for] he is fully qualified for, he has all the requirements for,( udsigt til) he has every prospect of;[ opfylde en betingelse] fulfil a condition;[ opfylde betingelserne] meet the requirements;[ på den betingelse at, på betingelse af at] on condition that;[ på hans betingelser] on his terms;[ stille betingelser] make conditions;[ stille én sine betingelser] impose conditions on somebody;[ stille den betingelse at, sætte som en betingelse at] make it a condition that;[ uden betingelser] unconditionally;(se også knytte). -
4 fejl
1. sg - fejlen, pl - fejl1) оши́бка ж, опло́шность жbegǻ en fejl — допусти́ть опло́шность
2) недоста́ток м2. aневе́рный, оши́бочныйgå fejl — заблужда́ться
hǿre fejl — ослы́шаться
táge fejl — ошиба́ться
* * *error, failing, fault, flaw, impediment, mistake* * *I. (en -)( i stil, oversættelse etc: noget man har gjort forkert) mistake,(mere F, fagligt: noget der er forkert) error ( fx your English translation is full of mistakes (el. errors); the classification of learners' errors; printer's errors);(ved ting etc, generelt) imperfection ( fx these goods have been reduced because of imperfections),( især funktionsfejl) fault ( fx in the electrical system),( mangel, F) defect ( fx hidden defects, a defect in his character, in the system, in the mechanism),contract, in his character);( hos person) fault ( fx he has many faults; that is his only fault),(F: ufuldkommenhed, især pl) shortcoming ( fx I know my ownshortcomings; we all have our little shortcomings; try to correct one's shortcomings);( fejl man begår) mistake ( fx you have made a (serious) mistake), fault( fx that is his own fault; it is my fault that we are late; headmitted his fault (el. mistake)),(mere F) error ( fx there are errors (el. faults) on both sides),( mindre) slip,( brøler) blunder;( i tennis) fault;[ det er fejlen] that is what is wrong.II. adj wrong.III. adv wrongly,(især T) wrong,F erroneously;(ved vb kan fejl ofte udtrykkes ved:) mis- ( fx mishear, miscalculate);[ gribe fejl] miss,(fig) make a mistake;[ gå fejl] go the wrong way;[ gå fejl af ham] miss him;[ huske fejl], se huske;[ læse fejl] make a mistake in reading;[ se fejl] be mistaken;[ skrive fejl] make a mistake (in writing);[ skyde fejl] miss (the mark);[ slå fejl] go wrong, fail;[ tage fejl] make a mistake, be mistaken, be wrong;[ tage fejl af tiden (, vejen)] mistake the time (, the way);[ jeg tog fejl af ham] I was mistaken in him;[ hvis jeg ikke tager meget fejl] if I am not greatly mistaken;[ jeg tog fejl af ham og hans broder] I mistook him for his brother;[ ikke til at tage fejl af] unmistakable;[ tag ikke fejl af det!] make no mistake (about that)! ( fx it is a very difficult job, make no mistake);[ så tror du fejl] then you are greatly mistaken;T then you think wrong;[ træde fejl] stumble, miss one's footing. -
5 magelighed
6 uro
agitation, alarm, disquiet, disturbance, flurry, flutter, unease, unrest* * *I. (en)( hos person: rastløshed) restlessness;( nervøsitet, utilpashed) uneasiness,F concern ( for for, fx her safety; there is no cause for concern; it gives rise to concern),( stærkere) alarm;( røre, politisk uro etc) unrest,(se også uroligheder);(fx i forsamling) stir,( stærkere) commotion;( larm) noise;( travlhed) bustle;[ der er uro i luften] there is a storm brewing,(fig) there is trouble brewing;[ skabe uro om skolen] expose the school to criticism.II. (en -er)( til pynt) mobile;( i ur) balance. -
7 vedkommende
I. (et):[ for mit vedkommende] for my part, as far as I am concerned, personally;[ for Danmarks vedkommende] in the case of Denmark.II. adj concerned ( fx the firm concerned), in question ( fxthe person in question);sb the person (, persons) concerned, the interested party, he (, him), she(, her), they (, them);[ henvend Dem hos rette vedkommende] apply in the proper quarter.III. præp concerning, relating to;[ de sagen vedkommende oplysninger] the information concerning the matter, the relevant information. -
8 akkreditere
1уполномо́чивать; дип. аккредитова́ть* * *vb(merk) open a credit for;[ akkreditere mig hos ham] open a credit for me with him;[ den akkrediterede] the person accredited. -
9 handle
11) де́йствоватьher må hándles húrtigt — здесь ну́жно де́йствовать бы́стро
2) торгова́ть3) ( от ngt) трактова́ть, говори́ть (о чём-л.)artíklen hándler om... — в статье́ говори́тся о...
* * *act, act on, bargain, do, trade, traffic* * *vb act ( fx we must act quickly);( drive handel) trade, deal, do business;( købe ind) go shopping;( med objekt) deal in;[ handles]( om børspapirer) change hands;(omtr) you cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs;[ med præp:][ handle efter ens råd] act on somebody's advice;[ handle hos X] shop at X's; deal at X's; deal with X;(am) trade at X's;[ handle imod] act against ( fx his wishes, one's conscience);[ handle med]( person) trade with, do business with, deal with;( varer) deal in;[ handle ilde med] treat badly;[ handle om](dvs dreje sig om) be about,( have som emne) deal with,F treat of,( købslå om) bargain over. -
10 placere
deposit, place, station* * *vb place,( penge også) invest;( om ting også, F) locate ( fx the school is badly located), site ( fxdecide where to site the missiles (, the school));( person på et bestemt sted) station, place;( bestemme, identificere) place ( fx he is a difficult man to place);( i sport) be placed;[ placere sig] plant oneself ( fx in a chair),( stille sig, også) station oneself ( fx in front of the door);[ jeg ved ikke hvor ansvaret skal placeres] I do not know where to place the responsibility (el. whom to hold responsible);[ placere en ordre hos] place an order with;[ placere et stød] land a blow. -
11 prøve
audition, fitting, quiz, rehearsal, sample, seek, specimen, test, trial, trial run, try, try on* * *I. (en -r) trial,( mere indgående) test;( i undervisning) test ( fx a test in arithmetic),( eksamen) examination;(på teaterstykke etc) rehearsal;(som aflægges af sanger etc) audition;( filmprøve) (screen) test;( af tøj, hos skrædder) fitting ( fx have a fitting);( i regneopgave) proof;( bevis) proof (på of, fx of one's courage),( eksempel) sample (på of, fx of one's skill);( vareprøve, kvalitetsprøve) sample;( af tekstil, tapet etc, mønsterprøve) pattern;( afklip af stof) swatch;[ med vb:][ aflægge prøve] submit to a test,( bestå) pass a test (, an examination),( ved teater) be given (el. do) an audition,( ved film) be given a test;[ anstille en prøve] make an experiment;[ anstille prøve med] try; test;(dvs eksamen) pass an examination;[ bestå prøven] stand the test;[ holde prøve]( på teater) rehearse, hold a rehearsal;[ holde prøve på et stykke] rehearse a play;[ med på:][ på prøve] on trial,( om vare også) on approval,( om person) on probation, on trial;(se også løslade);( i skole) get a conditional remove;[ lade det komme an på en prøve] give it (, him etc) a trial;( udsætte for prøvelse) try ( fx his patience);[ hans tålmodighed blev stillet på en hård prøve] his patience was severely tried (, F: taxed).II. vb( forsøge) try ((på) at gøre noget to do something, doing something, fxhe tried to sell his car; he tried selling cars but he wasn't asuccess),(F: mere tøvende) attempt ( at gøre noget to do something, doing something);( underkaste en prøve) try ( fx one's strength; another hotel),( mere indgående) test ( fx his eyesight; test the ice to see if it is safe);( i undervisning) test,( eksaminere) examine;( prøve i brug) try, try out ( fx a method; a new typewriter (, car));( tage en prøve af, smage på) sample ( fx the wine);(teaterstykke etc) rehearse;(tøj etc) try on;( udsætte for prøvelser) try;[ prøv at gøre det] try to do it,T try and do it;[ prøv en gang!]T have a try! have a go!(fig) he has seen it all;[ jeg har prøvet hvad det vil sige] I know what it is (el. means) ( fx to be poor);[ jeg har prøvet lidt af hvert] I have been through the mill; I have tried a bit of everything;[ med præp & adv:][ prøve ad] try;T have a try;[ prøve sig frem] feel one's way;[ prøve dem i regning] test them in arithmetic;[ det kan du bare prøve på!] you just try! don't you dare![ prøve på et skuespil] rehearse a play; -
12 stille
adjust, dumb, dump, pose, position, put, quell, quiet, quietly, regulate, put right, set, silent, slack, stand, station, still* * *I. (et)( modsat storm) calm ( fx after a storm comes a calm).II. adj( ubevægelig) still ( fx he sat (, lay) still; the air is still);( rolig) quiet ( fx evening, street, village),(F: især om dybere ro) tranquil;(merk) slack, dull, quiet;adv quietly, calmly, silently, still;[ stille!] be quiet! hush!( i forsamling) silence!(dvs hemmeligt) secretly,T on the quiet;[ liste af lige så stille] slip away quietly;[ så stille som en mus] as quiet as a mouse;[ med vb:][ dø en stille død, dø stille] die (el. pass away) peacefully;(fig) let something die (quietly);[ gå stille med], se gå;[ holde stille] stop,F halt,( være standset) be standing (still);[ holde sig stille] keep still;[ han hører til de stille i landet] he says very little; he belongs to the silent majority;[ ligge stille] lie still; be quiet;( om forretning, produktion etc) be at a standstill;( om fabrik) be idle;[ stå stille] stand still;(om virksomhed etc), se ovf: ligge stille;(om vand etc) stagnate;(dvs af forfærdelse etc) one's (el. the) mind boggles;(dvs han anede ikke hvad han skulle gøre) he was at his wit's end;[ luften stod stille] there was not a breath of air;[ tie stille], se tie;[ med sb:][ stille sind], se sind;[ en stille tid] a period of quiet,(merk) a slack period;[ en stille tvivl] a secret doubt;[ den stille uge] Holy Week;[ det stille vand har den dybe grund] still waters run deep;[ stille vejr] calm weather.III. vb( tilfredsstille) satisfy ( fx one's hunger);( tørst) quench, slake;( lindre, F) allay, alleviate.IV. vb( anbringe) put,(mere F, mere omhyggeligt: anbringe) place,(mindre alm) set ( fx the vase on the table);( anbringe i lodret stilling, også) stand ( fx he stood the gun against the wall);( skaffe) supply,F furnish ( fx a witness),( om penge også) find ( fx £500);( indfinde sig) present oneself,T turn up;(mil., = melde sig) report,( møde) muster;[ stille lige], se III. lige;[ stille tilfreds], se tilfreds;(se også stillet);[ med sb:](dvs at løse) set somebody a problem,(dvs et hverv at udføre) set somebody a task;[ stille et ur] set a watch (, a clock) ( efter by, fx set one's watch by the time signal);[stille uret til at vække kl. 7] set the alarm for 7 o'clock;[ med sig:][ stille sig] place oneself,(for at passe på etc) station oneself ( fx in front of the door),( som kandidat) stand (, am: run) (as candidate),( indtage en vis holdning) take up an attitude ( fx take up afriendly attitude),(se også afventende);[ hvordan vil han stille sig?] what will be his attitude?[ stille sig en opgave] set oneself a task;[ stille sig an] strike an attitude (el. a pose),( generelt) strike attitudes, attitudinize,F posture;[ stille sig an som om man er syg] pretend to be ill;(fig: støtte) back up ( fx a person, a statement),(om erklæring etc også, F) endorse,(om politik etc også) identify oneself with;[ stille sig i kø] queue up;(se også I. spids);[ stille sig op] place oneself, take (up) one's position,(for at passe på etc) station oneself, plant oneself, take one's stand;( i en række) line up,( i kø) queue up;[ tusinder af mennesker havde stillet sig op langs ruten] thousands of people lined the route;[ stille sig på hans side] side with him;[ sagen stiller sig således] the facts are these;[ hvordan stiller han sig til sagen?] what is his attitude to the matter? what are his views on the matter?[ stille sig under éns kommando] place oneself under somebody's command(el. orders);[ med præp & adv:][ blive stillet for en dommer] be brought before a judge;[ stille ham for retten] put him on trial;[ stille frem] set out,( til skue) display,( et ur) put forward, put on;[ stille én frit] give somebody a free hand;[ det stiller os gunstigere] it leaves us in a better position;[ stille hos én] report to somebody;[ stille ind], se indstille;( radio) tune (in);( om kikkert, kanon) train on;[ stille ind på en station] tune in to a station;(tlf) put the call through to him,( flytte den) transfer the call to him;( på radio) switch on to,( under transmission) switch (el. go) over to,(tlf), se ovf: stille ind til;[ stille op]( med objekt), se opstille;( uden objekt: i rækker, også mil.) form up ( fx the schoolchildren had to form up before entering the school),(se også ovf: stille sig op);( til valg) stand,(især am) run ( fx run for President);(= gøre) do ( fx what shall I do with them? he did not know what to do with himself; there is nothing to be done about it);[ stille op mod en mur] put up against a wall ( fx he put the ladder up against the wall; he should be put up against a wall and shot),( om flere) line up against a wall;[ stille op som] put (oneself) up as ( fx treasurer),(parl) stand as ( fx an Independent);[ blive stillet over for] be faced with (el. by);[ stille ham over for] face him with ( fx a challenge, a choice, a problem),F confront him with ( fx a challenge, a problem);[ stille på en skrue] adjust a screw;(se også I. prøve);[ stille noget til ens disposition] place something at somebody's disposal;[ stille tilbage] put back;[ stille noget under éns beskyttelse] place something under somebody's protection. -
13 støtte
back, backer, back up, comfort, favour, foster, promoter, prop up, rest, second, seconder, sponsor, stick by, subscribe, support, supporter, uphold* * *I. (en -r)( lodret) support, stay,( ofte kort) prop;( til afstivning) brace;( skrå) shore;( stræbepille) buttress;( bogstøtte) book end;( søjle) pillar;( billedstøtte) statue, monument;( om person) support ( fx her daughter has been a constant support to her), helper,( for en sag) supporter,( fast støtte, F) pillar ( fx he is a pillar of the Church),( bedste støtte) mainstay ( fx he is one of the mainstays of the club),(pol.: loyal støtte) stalwart ( fx he is one of the stalwarts of the party);( hjælp) support, backing ( fx with American backing),( penge) financial support,( statsstøtte) grant ( fx grants to students, to research projects), subsidy ( fx subsidies to farmers, to shipyards),F subvention;(dvs bistandshjælp) he is on social security (, am: on welfare),( arbejdsløshedsstøtte) he is on the dole;[ søge støtte hos en] seek somebody's support;(fig) in support of.II. vb( afstive) support, prop (up), stay,( med skråstøtte) shore up;( lade hvile, læne) support, rest ( fx one's chin on one's hand), lean( fx one's head on somebody's shoulder, a ladder against a wall);( hjælpe) support, back (up);( anbefale) support ( fx a proposal),( i debat) second ( fx a motion);( bekræfte) support ( fx his statement; a theory which is not supported by the facts);( begrunde) base (på on, fx what do you base this assumption on?);( i bridge) support;[ støtte på benene] stand upon one's legs;[ støtte sig til] lean on ( fx a stick, somebody's arm),( med ryggen) lean against,(fig) lean on ( fx a rich friend), take one's stand on ( fx thecontract);( idet man holder tale) speak from a manuscript.
См. также в других словарях:
hos´tile|ly — hos|tile «HOS tuhl; sometimes HOS tyl», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. of or having to do with an enemy or enemies: »the hostile army, hostile ground or positions. The hooked chariot stood Unstain d with hostile blood (Milton). 2. Figurative. like an… … Useful english dictionary
hos|tile — «HOS tuhl; sometimes HOS tyl», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. of or having to do with an enemy or enemies: »the hostile army, hostile ground or positions. The hooked chariot stood Unstain d with hostile blood (Milton). 2. Figurative. like an enemy;… … Useful english dictionary
hos|tler — «OS luhr, HOS », noun. 1. a person who takes care of horses at an inn or stable; stableman; groom. 2. a person who moves locomotives around a railroad yard or shop. 3. Obsolete. an innkeeper. Also, ostler. ╂[Middle English hostiler innkeeper,… … Useful english dictionary
skötesynd — s ( en, er) karakteristisk ovana el. svaghet hos person … Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok
hosteler — hos•tel•er [[t]ˈhɒs tl ər[/t]] n. 1) a person who operates a hostel 2) a person who stays at a hostel or goes hosteling Also, esp. brit. hos′tel•ler … From formal English to slang
hosteler — /hos tl euhr/, n. 1. a person who operates a hostel. 2. a person who stays at a hostel or goes hosteling. Also, esp. Brit., hosteller. [1250 1300; ME; see HOSTEL, ER2; akin to OF hostelier] * * * … Universalium
hostler — hos•tler [[t]ˈhɒs lər, ˈɒs lər[/t]] n. 1) a person who takes care of horses, esp. at an inn 2) cvb a person who services trains, buses, etc., or maintains large machines • Etymology: 1350–1400; ME; var. of hosteler … From formal English to slang
Hospitaler — /hos pi tl euhr/, n. 1. a member of the religious and military order (Knights Hospitalers or Knights of St. John of Jerusalem) originating about the time of the first Crusade (1096 99) and taking its name from a hospital at Jerusalem. 2. (l.c.) a … Universalium
hospitalization — /hos pi tl euh zay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act, process, or state of being hospitalized. 2. the period during which a person is hospitalized: to extend one s hospitalization. 3. See hospitalization insurance. [1905 10; HOSPITALIZE + ATION] * * * … Universalium
hospitalman — /hos pi tl meuhn/, n., pl. hospitalmen. U.S. Navy. an enlisted person working as a hospital assistant; corpsman. [1820 30; HOSPITAL + MAN1] * * * … Universalium
Forbundter — Person der har stået i lære hos en ikke laugsmester, eller een der i kortere tid ønsker at lære et håndværk; også om lærling der arbejder som svend. En lærling der har haft afbrudt et læreforhold grundet andet arbejde, og som genoptager… … Danske encyklopædi