1 hook knife
Общая лексика: нож – пеликан -
2 hook knife
<06> нож-пеликан -
3 safety hook knife
Парашютный спорт: стропорез -
4 knife
1. нож2. скребок; фрезерный зуб
* * *
нож; скребок; фрезерный зуб
* * *
1) нож2) резец; скребок•- casing knife
- hook rope knife
- horseshoe trip knife
- inner tube shoe knife
- paraffin knife
- rope knife
- wireline knife
- wirerope knife* * *• нож -
5 hook rope knife
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > hook rope knife
6 hook rope knife
1) Нефть: инструмент для резки каната (в скважине), инструмент для резки каната в скважине2) Макаров: нож для резки каната в скважине -
7 hook-rope knife
Нефтегазовая техника инструмент для резки каната в скважине -
8 hook rope knife
инструмент для резки каната в скважинеEnglish-Russian dictionary of terms for geological exploration drilling > hook rope knife
9 hook-rope knife
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > hook-rope knife
10 casing hook
11 capsule hook
12 kidney hook
ledger hook — крючок для наживки, рыболовный крючок
13 kidney pedicle hook
English-Russian big medical dictionary > kidney pedicle hook
14 laminectomy hook
15 muscle hook
16 nerve hook
17 plastic hook
18 block
1. блок, шкив; полиспаст, тали2. колодка; чурбан; брусок3. геол. глыба, массив, сплошная масса; целик4. пробка; препятствие, преграда, заграждение || преграждать, препятствовать, заграждать5. геол. тектонический блок6. узел, блок ( прибора или аппарата)7. pl. блочной конструкции, смонтированный из блоков— in blocks
* * *
узел; блок (машины, при бора)
* * *
1. глыба, блок, массив (геол.)2. колодка, шкив; пробка, препятствие
* * *
блок, целик слов или чисел ( зона записи на магнитной ленте)
* * *
1) блок, шкив; ролик; полиспаст, тали2) геол. глыба; массив, сплошная масса; целик3) пробка; препятствие (); самозаклинивание керна () || преграждать, препятствовать, заграждать4) геол. тектонический блок5) узел; блок (<<машины>)•to block a line — заглушать трубопровод;
- block of observationsto block off — 1) изолировать, перекрывать (обрушающиеся>) 2) изолировать ( подземную горную выработку устройством перегородки) 3) ограждать (<<опасные места);
- air block
- anvil block
- backing block
- barite block
- base block
- bearing block
- blade block
- brake block
- breakout block
- building block
- casing block
- chain block
- column base block
- combination traveling block
- conical impression block
- core block
- crown block
- crown block of double deck
- cylinder impression block
- derrick block
- distributor block
- dressing block
- drill anvil block
- drilling block
- drive block
- dual speed traveling block
- fault block
- fault-tolerant block
- flat impression block
- floating block
- floor block
- foot block
- footage block
- four-sheave traveling block
- friction block
- gas block
- ground block
- gun block
- head block
- hoisting block
- hook block
- hydrate block
- impression block
- in-line crown block
- jar block
- junction block
- knife block
- knock-off block
- lead block
- lead impression block
- link block
- marker block
- overthrust block
- premature block
- preventer ram block
- pulley block
- quadruple block
- redundant block
- roller block
- running block
- sandline pulley block
- setting block
- shoe block
- single block
- single-axle pulley block
- single-sheave traveling block
- snatch block
- spare block
- split traveling block
- spur geared chain block
- standard block
- standby block
- swivel block
- tackle block
- tectonic block
- test block
- three-fold block
- thrust block
- traveling block
- triple-sheave traveling block
- tubing block
- undertube block
- water block
- wedge block
- wirerope block
- wooden base block* * *• баба• барьер• блок• колодка• пробка• ролик -
19 switch
1) переключатель; коммутационное устройство; коммутатор || переключать; коммутировать2) выключатель; прерыватель; разъединитель; рубильник || выключать; прерывать; разъединять5) вчт. оператор выбора, переключатель6) ж.-д. стрелка; стрелочный перевод || переводить стрелку7) ж.-д. маневрировать•to close the switch — замыкать переключатель;to switch off — выключать;to switch on — включать;to open the switch — размыкать переключатель;to switch out — выключать;-
access switch
accumulator switch
acoustic switch
air-blast switch
air-break switch
air-pressure switch
air-to-electric switch
alignment switch
all-insulated switch
allotter switch
analog switch
analog-to-digital switch
antenna switch
antibuckle switch
antidazzle switch
automatic reclosing switch
automatic switch
automatic transfer switch
baby knife switch
backbone switch
band switch
bandwidth switch
bank-and-wiper switch
bank-and-wipe switch
barrel switch
bat-handle switch
battery-regulating switch
battery switch
beam deflector switch
bellows-actuated pressure switch
biased switch
bilateral switch
billet switch
bladed switch
blocking switch
brake switch
branch switch
break switch
breakdown switch
bus isolating switch
bus-bar sectionalizing switch
bus-tie switch
button switch
bypass switch
call switch
cam-operated switch
cam switch
cam-operated group switch
capacitive switch
catch switch
ceiling switch
cell switch
centrifugal switch
chain billet switch
change tune switch
changeover switch
channel switch
charge switch
chopper switch
circuit-changing switch
closed switch
closing switch
cluster switch
coaxial switch
combination switch
commutation switch
complete switch
contactor switch
control switch
converging switch
cord switch
cross switch
crossbar switch
current switch
cutoff switch
cut-out switch
danger switch
dean-front switch
decade switch
decimal switch
deicer switch
delay switch
derailing switch
diaphragm-actuated pressure switch
differential-type pressure switch
differential pressure switch
dimmer switch
diode switch
DIP switch
direction switch
directional switch
discharge switch
disconnecting switch
disconnect switch
door switch
double switch
double-break switch
double-pole double-throw switch
double-pole single-throw switch
double-pole switch
double-throw switch
down-lock limit switch
drum switch
drum-type billet switch
dry reed switch
dual-in-line package switch
dual-in-line switch
dual-stage pressure switch
earthed switch
earthing switch
electric switch
electrolytic switch
electromagnetic switch
electronic switch
emergency brake switch
emergency switch
enabling switch
enclosed low-voltage switch
end switch
end-cell switch
entrance switch
equilateral switch
exit switch
face point switch
feed switch
ferrite core switch
ferrite switch
field breaking switch
field breakup switch
field switch
field-dividing switch
film buckle switch
fixed distance retract switch
fixed-function switch
flag switch
flexible switch
float switch
floor switch
flow switch
fluidic switch
flush switch
foot-operated switch
foot switch
forward/reverse switch
four-line billet switch
front-connected switch
function switch
fuse disconnecting switch
fuse switch
fusible switch
gang switch
gas-filled reed switch
gate switch
gate-activated switch
gate-controlled switch
gate-turnoff switch
grounding switch
ground switch
group switch
half-open switch
Hall-effect switch
Hall switch
hand-operated switch
hand switch
high-pressure switch
high-speed switch
high-voltage switch
hitless switch
hook switch
horn-break switch
horn-gap switch
hospital switch
hump switch
ignition switch
independent switch
indicating switch
indoor earthing switch
indoor isolating switch
inertia switch
insulated switch
integral pressure switch
interchanging switch
interlock switch
interlocked switch
interrupter switch
isolating switch
key switch
kickdown switch
knife-blade switch
knife switch
knife-break switch
laser Q switch
lead switch
level switch
lever switch
lightning switch
limit switch
line switch
liquid-level switch
load switch
load-break switch
load-interrupt switch
locked switch
lockout switch
logical switch
logic switch
low-duty-cycle switch
low-pressure switch
low-voltage switch
magnetic switch
magnetically operated sealed switch
main light switch
main switch
mains switch
mast switch
master switch
mechanical switch
membrane touch switch
membrane switch
mercury switch
mercury wetted reed switch
micro switch
microwave switch
mode select switch
momentary switch
motor-actuated switch
motor-operated switch
motor-starting switch
multiple-way switch
multiplexer switch
multiplex switch
multiposition switch
multithrow switch
multiwafer switch
neutral-start switch
night alarm switch
no-load switch
nonbiased switch
noninsulated switch
noninterlocked switch
nonlocking switch
nontrailable switch
normally closed switch
normally open switch
oil-break switch
oil switch
on-and-off switch
on-off switch
optical switch
outdoor earthing switch
outdoor isolating switch
packet switch
packet-type switch
PAL switch
panel switch
paralleling switch
passing track switch
pendant switch
piano-key switch
pilot switch
piston-actuated pressure switch
plug switch
pneumatic limit switch
pneumatically operated switch
p-n-p-n switch
point control switch
polarity switch
pole-changer switch
pole-changing switch
pole-top switch
poll switch
power switch
preselection switch
press-button switch
pressure switch
provisional switch
proximity switch
pull-cord switch
pull switch
pull-on switch
push-back-push switch
push-button switch
push-to-talk switch
Q switch
quick-break switch
quick-make switch
rail current switch
range switch
recessed switch
redundancy switch
reed switch
remotely controlled switch
remote switch
retract switch
reversing switch
ribbon switch
rocker switch
rod pair differential switch
roll erection torque switch
rotary stepping switch
rotary switch
rotary wafer switch
route switch
run-through switch
safety switch
sampling switch
sectionalizing switch
section switch
selector switch
self-locking switch
self-restoring switch
semiconductor switch
sense switch
SF6 load-break switch
sharp-angled switch
short-circuiting switch
shunting switch
shutdown switch
side-break disconnecting switch
silent switch
silicon bilateral switch
silicon symmetrical switch
silicon unilateral switch
silicon-controlled switch
single switch
single-pole double-throw switch
single-pole switch
single-slip switch
single-throw switch
single-way switch
slide switch
snap-action switch
snap switch
socket switch
software-defined switch
software switch
solenoid starter switch
solenoid switch
spark gap switch
split switch
spring switch
star-delta switch
starting switch
step-by-step switch
stepping switch
stud switch
suspension switch
tandem switch
tank-type oil switch
tapping switch
tap switch
terminal switch
thermal switch
thermo-time switch
three-pole switch
three-position switch
three-way switch
throw-over switch
thumbwheel switch
time switch
time-delay switch
toggle switch
touch-sensitive switch
touch switch
touch-to-talk switch
trailing point switch
transponder destruct switch
tree-type switch
tree switch
trip switch
triple-pole switch
tumbler switch
turn switch
turnout switch
two-pole switch
two-way switch
underload switch
unlocked switch
up-lock limit switch
vacuum sealed magnetically operated switch
vacuum sealed switch
vacuum-operated switch
vacuum switch
video switch
voice-activated switch
voice-operated switch
wafer-type switch
wafer switch
wall-board switch
wave-band switch
waveguide switch -
20 load
1. груз; нагрузка; загрузка || грузить; нагружать; загружать2. заряд; забойка ( скважинного заряда водой или буровым раствором) || заряжать3. pl. отдельные блоки передвижного оборудования— bit load— net load
* * *
нагрузка; загрузка
* * *
1. нагрузка, напряжение; блок ( оборудования)2. заряд3. грузить, нагружать; заряжать
* * *
1. мощность2. нагрузка; заряжать; загружать программу (компьют.)
* * *
1) нагрузка; загрузка; груз || грузить; наливать ( нефть в танкеры)2) заряд || заряжать3) забойка ()4) блок ( оборудования)•- balancing load
- beam load
- bearing load
- bit load
- bottom load
- breaking load
- buckling load
- cable load
- calculated load
- casing load
- collapse load
- collapsing load
- compression load
- concentrated load
- continuous load
- cracking load
- crashing load
- cyclic load
- damaging load
- dead load
- dead load of derrick
- dead-line load
- derrick collapsing load
- destructive load
- dynamic load
- eccentric bit load
- effective wind load
- emergency load
- engineering service load
- equivalent load on derrick
- explosive load
- even load
- failure load
- fatigue load
- filter load
- full load
- gust load
- hoisting load
- hole load
- hook load
- impact load
- impact allowance load
- imposed load
- impulsive load
- intermittent load
- knife-edge load
- light load
- line load
- linear load
- live load
- maximum load
- maximum permissible load
- normal load
- off-center load
- operational load
- overburden load
- permanent load
- pipe setback load
- point load
- polished rod load
- pulsating load
- repeated load
- resultant load
- running line end load
- safe load
- safe bearing load
- sedimentary load
- service load
- shock load
- single-point load
- steady load
- strainer load
- sucker-rod load
- sustained load
- tensile load
- test failure load
- thrust load
- tilting load
- torque load
- torsional load
- total load
- total bit load
- total critical load
- transient shock wave load
- ultimate load
- unbalanced load
- uncompensated load
- uniform load
- uniformly distributed load
- unit load
- unit bit load
- unit wind load
- useful load
- variable load
- varying load
- vibratory shock load
- wellhead landing load
- working load
- yield load* * *• блок• забойка• наливать
См. также в других словарях:
hook — 1) a bent piece of wire with its tip sharpened and often a barb below the tip, used to catch fish. Available in many sizes and styles, variously numbered and named. May be single, double or treble but all these are counted as one hook in angling… … Dictionary of ichthyology
Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site — Infobox protected area | name = Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site iucn category = V caption = locator x = 119 locator y = 32 location = Mercer County, North Dakota, USA nearest city = Bismarck, North Dakota lat degrees = 47 lat… … Wikipedia
knife hook — noun obsolete : sickle 1a … Useful english dictionary
Pocket knife — A pocket knife is a folding knife with one or more blades that fit inside the handle that can still fit in a pocket. It is also known as a jackknife or jack knife.[1][2] Blades can range from 1 cm (1/2 inch) to as much as 30 cm… … Wikipedia
Gravity knife — A gravity knife is a knife which opens by the forces of inertia or gravity.cite book | last = Langston | first = Richard | title = Collector s Guide to Switchblade Knives: An Illustrated Historical and Price Reference | publisher = Paladin Press… … Wikipedia
Fire Knife — Siva afi redirects here, for other uses of the term siva afi , see Siva afi (disambiguation) The Fire Knife is a traditional Samoan cultural implement that is used in ceremonial dances. It was originally composed of a machete wrapped in towels on … Wikipedia
Kartika (knife) — A kartika is a small, symbolic crescent knife or chopper , used in Vajrayana Buddhist ceremony. It symbolizes the severance of all material and worldly bonds and is crowned with a vajra, which is said to destroy ignorance, and leads to… … Wikipedia
Commander (knife) — Commander Emerson Commander Type Folding Knife Place of origin Torrance, California … Wikipedia
Corvo (knife) — Corvo Type Dagger Place of origin … Wikipedia
Swiss Army knife — A Swiss Army knife (SAK), (German: de. Schweizer Taschenmesser , French: fr. Couteau suisse ) is a brand of multi function pocket knife or multi tool. Generally speaking, a Swiss Army knife has a blade as well as various tools, such as… … Wikipedia
Fish hook — Fishhook redirects here. For other uses, see Fishhook (disambiguation). Anatomy of a fish hook A fish hook is a device for catching fish either by impaling them in the mouth or, more rarely, by snagging the body of the fish. Fish hooks have been… … Wikipedia