• Honesty is praised and let to starve - Честь не в честь, как нечего есть (4)• Honesty is the best policy - Честный путь - лучший путь (4) -
2 Honesty
Military: H -
3 Honesty And Integrity
American: HIУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Honesty And Integrity
4 Honesty Integrity And Professionalism
Business: HIPУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Honesty Integrity And Professionalism
5 Honesty Openness And Willingness
Religion: HOWУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Honesty Openness And Willingness
6 Honesty Openness Listening And Dedication
Religion: HOLDУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Honesty Openness Listening And Dedication
7 Honesty Openness Willingness
Education: HOWУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Honesty Openness Willingness
8 Excellence Honesty And Integrity
Law: EHIУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Excellence Honesty And Integrity
9 Quality, Value, and Honesty
NASA: QVHУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Quality, Value, and Honesty
10 Responsibility Integrity Caring And Honesty
Education: RICHУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Responsibility Integrity Caring And Honesty
11 Sharing, Honesty, Acceptance, Respect, And Peace
Education: SHARPУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Sharing, Honesty, Acceptance, Respect, And Peace
12 лунник
13 положа руку на сердце
Русско-английский синонимический словарь > положа руку на сердце
14 честность
honesty* * ** * *honesty, integrity, uprightness* * *fairfair-dealingfairnessfaithhonestyintegrityplainprobitiesprobityrectitudescrupulositysinceritysportsmanship -
15 правдивость
honesty* * ** * *honesty, truth, veracity, verity* * *honestytruthtruthfulnessveracitiesveracityverity -
16 добросовестность
honesty* * ** * *honesty, conscientiousness* * *conscientiousnessscrupulosity -
17 честность
18 честность
honesty имя существительное:probity (честность, неподкупность)sportsmanship (спортивное мастерство, увлечение спортом, физподготовка, честность, прямота, физическая подготовка)fair-dealing (честность, прямота)словосочетание: -
19 масло семян ночной фиалки
Русско-английский словарь по химии > масло семян ночной фиалки
20 добросовестность
honesty, conscientiousness
См. также в других словарях:
Honesty — is the human quality of communicating and acting truthfully related to truth as a value. This includes listening, and any action in the human repertoire as well as speaking. Superficially, honesty means simply stating facts and views as best one… … Wikipedia
honesty — honesty, honor, integrity, probity are comparable when meaning uprightness as evidenced in character and actions. Honesty implies refusal to lie, steal, defraud, or deceive {you can rely on his honesty} {he is a man of scrupulous honesty} {this… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Honesty — Hon es*ty, n. [OE. honeste, oneste, honor, OF. honest[ e], onest[ e] (cf. F. honn[^e]tet[ e]), L. honestas. See {Honest}, a.] 1. Honor; honorableness; dignity; propriety; suitableness; decency. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] She derives her… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
honesty — ► NOUN 1) the quality of being honest. 2) a plant with purple or white flowers and round, flat, translucent seed pods. [ORIGIN: so named from its seed pods, translucency symbolizing lack of deceit.] ● honesty is the best policy Cf. ↑honesty is… … English terms dictionary
honesty — I noun accuracy, artlessness, authenticity, baldness, bluntness, candidness, candor, conscientiousness, estimableness, exactitude, factualness, fairness, fidelity, fides, frankness, genuineness, guilelessness, high character, high mindedness,… … Law dictionary
honesty — (n.) early 14c., splendor, honor; elegance, later honorable position; propriety of behavior, good manners; virginity, chastity (late 14c.), from O.Fr. honesté (Mod.Fr. honnêteté), from L. honestatem (nom. honestas) honor received from others;… … Etymology dictionary
honesty — [n] truthfulness, candidness bluntness, candor, confidence, conscientiousness, equity, evenhandedness, fairness, faithfulness, fidelity, frankness, genuineness, goodness, honor, impeccability, incorruptibility, integrity, justness, loyalty,… … New thesaurus
honesty — [än′is tē] n. [ME honeste < OFr honesté < L honestas < honestus] 1. the state or quality of being honest; specif., a) Obs. honor b) a refraining from lying, cheating, or stealing; a being truthful, trustworthy, or upright c) sincerity;… … English World dictionary
honesty — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ absolute, complete, total ▪ I always expect total honesty from my employees. ▪ blunt (esp. AmE), brutal, raw, unflinching … Collocations dictionary
honesty — n. 1) to impugn smb. s honesty 2) honesty in 3) the honesty to + inf. (she had the honesty to report the bribe) * * * [ ɒnɪstɪ] to impugn smb. s honesty honesty in the honesty to + inf. (she had the honesty to report the bribe) … Combinatory dictionary
Honesty 69 — Chartplatzierungen Erklärung der Daten Singles French Kiss DE 7 04.09.1989 … Deutsch Wikipedia