1 panneau-réclame/d’affichage
Mini Dictionnaire français-anglais > panneau-réclame/d’affichage
2 panneau publicitaire
3 palissade
hoarding, stockade -
4 panneau-réclame
panoʀeklampanneaux-réclame pl nmbillboard, hoarding Grande-Bretagne* * *[panoreklam] ( pluriel panneaux-réclame) nom masculin -
5 thésaurisation
1 (de richesses, connaissances) hoarding;2 Écon accumulation of capital.[tezɔrizasjɔ̃] nom féminin -
6 clôture en planches
fboarding, hoardingDictionnaire d'ingénierie, d'architecture et de construction > clôture en planches
7 palissade
Dictionnaire d'ingénierie, d'architecture et de construction > palissade
8 panneau d’affichage
mbillboard (US), hoarding (UK), notice boardDictionnaire d'ingénierie, d'architecture et de construction > panneau d’affichage
9 accaparement
accaparement nm1 Comm ( de marchandises) hoarding; ( de marché) cornering; ( de moyens de production) monopolizing;2 fig (de pouvoir, personne) monopolizing.[akaparmɑ̃] nom masculin[d'une conversation, d'une personne] monopolization -
10 palissade
11 panneau d'affichage
notice board GB, bulletin board* * *nm1) (informations) notice Grande-Bretagne board, bulletin USA board2) (publicité) billboard, hoarding Grande-Bretagne3) (gare, aéroport) arrivals and departures board* * * -
12 panneau
masculine noun* * *pl panneaux pano nom masculin1) ( permanent) sign; ( temporaire) board; ( d'information) notice board2) ( élément) panel3) Art panel•Phrasal Verbs:••tomber or donner dans le panneau — (colloq) to fall for it (colloq)
* * *panopanneaux pl nm1) (= écriteau) sign, noticeCe panneau dit que la maison est à vendre. — This sign says that the house is for sale.
2) [boiserie, tapisserie] panel3)* * *1 ( permanent) sign; ( temporaire) board; ( d'information) noticeboard; il y a un panneau à l'entrée there's a sign at the entrance; mettre une annonce sur le panneau to put a notice on the board;2 ( élément) panel; jupe à trois panneaux skirt made in three panels; panneau préfabriqué/en bois prefabricated/wooden panel;panneau d'affichage notice board GB, bulletin board; panneau électoral Pol election signboard (outside polling stations); panneau indicateur Aut signpost; panneau publicitaire hoarding GB, billboard; panneau de signalisation routière road sign; panneau solaire solar panel.tomber or donner dans le panneau○ to fall for it○.( pluriel masculin panneaux) [pano] nom masculin1. [pancarte] sign2. [plaque] panelun panneau de contreplaqué a piece ou panel of plywood5. CHASSE (game) nettomber ou donner dans le panneau to fall into the trap
См. также в других словарях:
Hoarding — is the storing of food or other goods or money. Hoarding of food is a natural behaviour in certain species of animals. occurs in two forms:*Larder hoarding, the collection of large amounts of food in a single place (a larder), which usually also… … Wikipedia
hoarding — hoard‧ing [ˈhɔːdɪŋ ǁ ˈhɔːr ] noun 1. [uncountable] when you collect and save large amounts of something in order to sell it later at a high price or because you think there might not be enough available in the future: • There has been an increase … Financial and business terms
Hoarding — Hoard ing, n. [From OF. hourd, hourt, barrier, palisade, of German or Dutch origin; cf. D. horde hurdle, fence, G. horde, h[ u]rde; akin to E. hurdle. [root]16. See {Hurdle}.] 1. (Arch.) A screen of boards inclosing a house and materials while… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hoarding — [hôr′diŋ] n. [< obs. hoard, hoarding < OFr hourde < Frank * hurda, enclosure, pen: for IE base see HURDLE] Brit. 1. a temporary wooden fence around a site of building construction or repair 2. a billboard … English World dictionary
hoarding — ► NOUN Brit. 1) a large board used to display advertisements. 2) a temporary board fence around a building site. ORIGIN from obsolete hoard in the same sense, probably from Old French hourd … English terms dictionary
Hoarding — The purchase of large quantities of a commodity with the intent of pushing up the price. An investor hoping to increase the price of a commodity can do so by leveraging his or her demand for it, and buying physical inventory as well as purchasing … Investment dictionary
hoarding — [[t]hɔ͟ː(r)dɪŋ[/t]] hoardings N COUNT A hoarding is a very large board at the side of a road or on the side of a building, which is used for displaying advertisements and posters. [BRIT] An advertising hoarding on the platform caught her… … English dictionary
hoarding — UK [ˈhɔː(r)dɪŋ] / US [ˈhɔrdɪŋ] noun [countable] Word forms hoarding : singular hoarding plural hoardings British a large board used for advertising outside … English dictionary
hoarding — / hɔ:dɪŋ/ noun 1. ♦ hoarding of supplies the buying of large quantities of money or goods to keep in case of need 2. a large wooden board for posters ▪▪▪ ‘…as a result of hoarding, rice has become scarce with prices shooting up’ [Business Times… … Marketing dictionary in english
hoarding — / hɔ:dɪŋ/ noun ♦ hoarding of supplies the buying of large quantities of goods to keep in case of need ▪▪▪ ‘…as a result of hoarding, rice has become scarce with prices shooting up’ [Business Times (Lagos)] … Dictionary of banking and finance
Hoarding — Hoard Hoard, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Hoarded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Hoarding}.] [AS. hordian.] To collect and lay up; to amass and deposit in secret; to store secretly, or for the sake of keeping and accumulating; as, to hoard grain. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English