1 hit
hit -
2 hit
3 hit
hit -
4 hit
1. present participle - hitting; verb1) (to (cause or allow to) come into hard contact with: The ball hit him on the head; He hit his head on/against a low branch; The car hit a lamp-post; He hit me on the head with a bottle; He was hit by a bullet; That boxer can certainly hit hard!) golpear, pegar, chocar2) (to make hard contact with (something), and force or cause it to move in some direction: The batsman hit the ball (over the wall).) pegar, golpear3) (to cause to suffer: The farmers were badly hit by the lack of rain; Her husband's death hit her hard.) afectar; hacer daño, perjudicar4) (to find; to succeed in reaching: His second arrow hit the bull's-eye; Take the path across the fields and you'll hit the road; She used to be a famous soprano but she cannot hit the high notes now.) dar en, alcanzar
2. noun1) (the act of hitting: That was a good hit.) golpe; tiro2) (a point scored by hitting a target etc: He scored five hits.) acierto3) (something which is popular or successful: The play/record is a hit; (also adjective) a hit song.) éxito•- hit-or-miss
- hit back
- hit below the belt
- hit it off
- hit on
- hit out
- make a hit with
hit1 n1. golpe2. éxitohit2 vb golpear / pegar / dar
hit /'xit/ sustantivo masculino (pl ' hit' also found in these entries: Spanish: abatirse - aporrear - atinar - batear - blanca - blanco - canear - cascar - clavo - dar - desgraciada - desgraciado - embestir - escalabrar - golpear - grito - impacto - martillazo - pegar - plena - pleno - recibir - sicario - simpatizar - soplamocos - subirse - taconazo - taquillera - taquillero - acertar - atreverse - bestia - cabezazo - cabreo - chocar - dedo - entender - éxito - golpe - impactar - llegar - mandar - mentira - pedrada - pelotazo - perjudicado - pillar - piñata - rematar - torta English: bottle - bump - duck - forehead - front - goalpost - hard-hit - headline - high - hit - hit back - hit list - hit on - hit out - hit upon - hit-and-run - jackpot - mark - nail - on - pow - ricochet - road - roof - sack - sale - score - she - smash - with - beat - but - catch - crack - hard - home - knock - miss - over - punch - rock - slap - strike - swipetr[hɪt]1 (blow) golpe nombre masculino2 (success) éxito, acierto3 (shot) impacto4 (visit to web page) acceso5 figurative use (damaging remark) pulla6 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL slang asesinato1 (strike) golpear, pegar2 (crash into) chocar contra3 (affect) afectar, perjudicar4 (reach) alcanzar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLit hits you in the eye familiar salta a la vistait suddenly hit him figurative use de pronto se dio cuentato hit below the belt familiar dar un golpe bajoto hit it off with llevarse bien con, caer bien a alguiento hit the bottle familiar darse a la bebidato hit the headlines ser noticiato hit the nail on the head figurative use dar en el clavoto hit the road familiar ponerse en caminoto hit the roof familiar explotar, subirse por las paredesto hit the sack familiar irse al catreto make a hit with caer simpático,-a a alguiento score a direct hit dar en el blancodirect hit impacto directohit parade hit-parade nombre masculino, lista de éxitoshit record disco de éxito1) strike: golpear, pegar, batear (una pelota)he hit the dog: le pegó al perro2) : chocar contra, dar con, dar en (el blanco)the car hit a tree: el coche chocó contra un árbol3) affect: afectarthe news hit us hard: la noticia nos afectó mucho4) encounter: tropezar con, toparse conto hit a snag: tropezar con un obstáculo5) reach: llegar a, alcanzarthe price hit $10 a pound: el precio alcanzó los $10 dólares por librato hit town: llegar a la ciudadto hit the headlines: ser noticia6)hit vi: golpearhit n1) blow: golpe m2) : impacto m (de un arma)3) success: éxito mn.• acierto (Informática) s.m.n.• chirlo s.m.• golpe s.m.• impacto s.m.pret., p.p.(Preterito definido y participio pasivo de "to hit")v.(§ p.,p.p.: hit) = acertar v.• chocar v.• embestir v.• golpear v.• pegar (Golpear) v.• percutir v.• tropezar v.v.• pulsar (Informática) v.
1. hɪt1)a) ( deal blow to) \<\<door/table\>\> dar* un golpe en, golpear; \<\<person\>\> pegarle* ashe hit him with her handbag — le pegó or le dio un golpe con el bolso
(let's) hit it! — (AmE) dale!, rápido!
to hit the road o the trail — ponerse* en marcha
to hit the sack o the hay — irse* al sobre or (Esp tb) a la piltra (fam)
b) ( strike) golpearthe truck hit a tree — el camión chocó con or contra un árbol
the bullet hit him in the leg — la bala le dio or lo alcanzó en la pierna
to hit one's head/arm on o against something — darse* un golpe en la cabeza/el brazo contra algo, darse* con la cabeza/el brazo contra algo
to hit the ceiling o the roof — poner* el grito en el cielo
2)a) ( strike accurately) \<\<target\>\> dar* enb) ( attack) \<\<opponent/enemy\>\> atacar*thieves have hit many stores in the area — (AmE) ha habido robos en muchas tiendas de la zona
to hit a home run — hacer* un cuadrangular or (AmL) un jonrón
3) ( affect adversely) afectar (a)4)a) (meet with, run into) \<\<difficulty/problem\>\> toparse conb) ( reach) llegar* a, alcanzar*we're bound to hit the main road sooner or later — tarde o temprano tenemos que salir a la carretera principal
to hit town — (colloq) llegar* a la ciudad
to hit the big time — llegar* a la fama
5) ( occur to)suddenly it hit me: why not... ? — de repente se me ocurrió: ¿por qué no... ?
vi ( deal blow) pegar*, golpearPhrasal Verbs:- hit back- hit off- hit on- hit out- hit upon
1)a) (blow, stroke) ( Sport) golpe mb) ( in shooting) blanco m; ( in archery) blanco m, diana f; ( of artillery) impacto m2) ( success) (colloq) éxito m[hɪt] (vb: pt, pp hit)you made a big hit with my mother — le caíste muy bien a mi madre, mi madre quedó impactada contigo; (before n) <song, show> de gran éxito
1. N1) (=blow) golpe m ; (Sport) (=shot) tiro m ; (on target) tiro m certero, acierto m ; (Baseball) jit m ; [of bomb] impacto m directo; (=good guess) acierto m2) (Mus, Theat) éxito mto be a hit — tener éxito, ser un éxito
3) (Internet) (=match on search engine) correspondencia f ; (=visit to website) visita f2. VT(vb: pt, pp hit)1) (=strike) [+ person] pegar, golpear; (=come into contact with) dar con, dar contra; (violently) chocar con, chocar contra; [+ ball] pegar; [+ target] dar en- hit sb when he's down- hit the mark- hit one's head against a wall- hit the ground running2) (=affect adversely) dañar; [+ person] afectar, golpear3) (=find, reach) [+ road] dar con; [+ speed] alcanzar; [+ difficulty] tropezar con; (=achieve, reach) [+ note] alcanzar; (fig) (=guess) atinar, acertar- hit the bottle- hit the ceiling- hit the jackpot- hit the hay or the sackto hit somewhere —
- hit the road or the trail4) (Press)- hit the front page or the headlines- hit the papers5)how much can we hit them for? — ¿qué cantidad podremos sacarles?
3.VI golpear; (=collide) chocarto hit against — chocar con, dar contra
4.CPDhit list N — (=death list) lista f de personas a las que se planea eliminar; (=target list) lista f negra
hit parade N — lista f de éxitos
- hit back- hit off- hit on- hit out- hit upon* * *
1. [hɪt]1)a) ( deal blow to) \<\<door/table\>\> dar* un golpe en, golpear; \<\<person\>\> pegarle* ashe hit him with her handbag — le pegó or le dio un golpe con el bolso
(let's) hit it! — (AmE) dale!, rápido!
to hit the road o the trail — ponerse* en marcha
to hit the sack o the hay — irse* al sobre or (Esp tb) a la piltra (fam)
b) ( strike) golpearthe truck hit a tree — el camión chocó con or contra un árbol
the bullet hit him in the leg — la bala le dio or lo alcanzó en la pierna
to hit one's head/arm on o against something — darse* un golpe en la cabeza/el brazo contra algo, darse* con la cabeza/el brazo contra algo
to hit the ceiling o the roof — poner* el grito en el cielo
2)a) ( strike accurately) \<\<target\>\> dar* enb) ( attack) \<\<opponent/enemy\>\> atacar*thieves have hit many stores in the area — (AmE) ha habido robos en muchas tiendas de la zona
to hit a home run — hacer* un cuadrangular or (AmL) un jonrón
3) ( affect adversely) afectar (a)4)a) (meet with, run into) \<\<difficulty/problem\>\> toparse conb) ( reach) llegar* a, alcanzar*we're bound to hit the main road sooner or later — tarde o temprano tenemos que salir a la carretera principal
to hit town — (colloq) llegar* a la ciudad
to hit the big time — llegar* a la fama
5) ( occur to)suddenly it hit me: why not... ? — de repente se me ocurrió: ¿por qué no... ?
vi ( deal blow) pegar*, golpearPhrasal Verbs:- hit back- hit off- hit on- hit out- hit upon
1)a) (blow, stroke) ( Sport) golpe mb) ( in shooting) blanco m; ( in archery) blanco m, diana f; ( of artillery) impacto m2) ( success) (colloq) éxito myou made a big hit with my mother — le caíste muy bien a mi madre, mi madre quedó impactada contigo; (before n) <song, show> de gran éxito
5 hit
hit 1. present participle - hitting; verb1) (to (cause or allow to) come into hard contact with: The ball hit him on the head; He hit his head on/against a low branch; The car hit a lamp-post; He hit me on the head with a bottle; He was hit by a bullet; That boxer can certainly hit hard!) slå, kollidere, treffe, ramme2) (to make hard contact with (something), and force or cause it to move in some direction: The batsman hit the ball (over the wall).) slå3) (to cause to suffer: The farmers were badly hit by the lack of rain; Her husband's death hit her hard.) ramme4) (to find; to succeed in reaching: His second arrow hit the bull's-eye; Take the path across the fields and you'll hit the road; She used to be a famous soprano but she cannot hit the high notes now.) komme til/på/i, treffe2. noun1) (the act of hitting: That was a good hit.) slag, støt2) (a point scored by hitting a target etc: He scored five hits.) treff, slag3) (something which is popular or successful: The play/record is a hit; ( also adjective) a hit song.) slager•- hit-or-miss
- hit back
- hit below the belt
- hit it off
- hit on
- hit out
- make a hit withnå--------rekke--------suksessIsubst. \/hɪt\/1) slag, støt2) ( spesielt i sport og spill) treff, fulltreffer3) ( fekting) touché4) hint, hentydning, satirisk kommentar5) ( også lucky hit) lykketreff, hell6) suksess, publikumssuksess7) ( musikk) hit, slager• be\/make a big hitgjøre stor suksess, slå igjennom8) (spesielt amer., slang) mord (på oppdrag)9) ( slang) skudd, dose med stoff (også alkohol)direct hit fulltreffermake a hit få inn et treff, treffeII1) slå (til), støte (mot)2) treffe, ramme• you've hit it!3) treffe, kjøre inn i, kollidere med, støte mot4) ( overført) ramme, skade, påvirke5) ( også overført) angripe, gå til angrep6) ( hverdagslig) komme på, slå en7) nå, ankomme, komme frem til8) komme på, komme i9) (spesielt amer., slang) myrde (på oppdrag)10) (spesielt amer., slang) rane12) (om musikk, film, teaterstykke e.l.) være en suksess, være vellykket13) ( i brettspill) slå ut15) ( motorteknikk) tennefeel oneself hit føle seg rammet, føle seg truffethit against støte mothit a happy medium finne et tilfredsstillende kompromisshit a new high nå nye høyder, nå nye rekorderhit home gjøre inntrykk påhit it off ( hverdagslig) komme godt overenshit off begynne, sette i gang ta på kornet, gjengi treffendehit off well with passe bra med, klaffe medhit one in the eye ( hverdagslig) springe en i øynene, slå en umiddelbart, være påfallendehit one's fancy eller hit somebody's taste falle en i smakhit on somebody legge an på noen, flørte med noenhit out slå omkring seghit somebody for something (amer., hverdagslig) tigge noen om noehit someone (again) (kortspill, gambling) gi en et nytt korthit someone a blow gi noen et slag, slå til noenhit straight eller shoot straight treffe riktig, være treffsikkerhit the books se ➢ book, 1hit the bottle\/booze ( slang) slå seg på flaska, begynne å drikkehit the gound running ( hverdagslig) sette i gang med noe med stor entusiasme og høyt tempohit the hay\/sack ( hverdagslig) krype til køys, gå og legge seghit the nail on the head treffe spikeren på hodethit the pavement se ➢ pavementhit the right note slå an den rette tonenhit the road! ( slang) stikk av!hit the roof\/ceiling (spesielt amer., hverdagslig) fly i flint, bli fly forbannethit the skids se ➢ skidhit the spot ( hverdagslig) dekke et behov, tilfredsstillefå en idé, komme på en løsningnot know what hit one bli tatt på sengen, bli helt forvirret, bli helt paff -
6 hit
I. 1. удрям, бия, нанасям удар
удрям се (against, on/upon)
2. удрям, улучвам, умервам, попадам в целта
3. засягам (и прен.), обиждам
to he hard HIT пострадвам, бивам силно засегнат
to HIT someone where it hurts засягам някого на болното място, настъпвам някого по мазола
4. попадам/натъквам се на, намирам, иалучквам, случвам, улучвам
to HIT someone's fancy харесвам се/допадам някому
5. отгатвам, улучвам
to HIT a likeness улавям прилика
you've HIT it отгатна, позна, улучи
6. sl. поемам (пъm), пристигам в
to HIT the road/trail/pike/breeze тръгвам на път/да странствувам
to HIT the beach слизам на брега
7. авт. (до) стигам, вдигам (скорост)
8. разг. бивам публикуван в (печота)
to HIT the big spots ам. sl. гуляя, пиянствувам
to HIT the bottle пия много, удрям го на пиянство
to HIT the spot услажда ми се, много ми се харесва
to HIT the pace разг. водя бурен живот, to HIT the roof/ceiling ам. разг. избухвам, побеснявам
it HITs you in the eye очевидно e, не може да не го видиш, ще ти избоде очите
to HIT the hay/sack отивам да спя, лягам си
to HIT the ground ав. sl. кацам, приземявам се
to HIT the silk ав. sl. скачам с парашут
hit back разг. отвръщам (на удара с удар) (at), връщам си го
hit off улавям прилика/сходство, докарвам/имитирам точно, скицирам набързо
to HIT it off погаждам се, разбирам се (with)
hit on/upon натъквам се/попадам на, намирам, хрумва ми
hit out удрям силно/наляво и надясно
разг. нападам яростно (at)
hit up ам. sl. to HIT someone up for изкрънквам от някого (пари и пр.)
to HIT it up буйствувам
II. 1. удар
2. попадение
full HIT точно попадение
3. нападка
сатирична забележка, сарказъм (at)
that was a HIT at me това беше камък в моята градина
4. разг. успех
сензация (with сред), шлагер
to make a HIT with имам голям успех/добивам голяма популяриост сред
5. разг. късмет
HIT or miss, ам. HIT-and-miss наслуки, както дойде, безразборно
HIT songs, song HITs най-популярни песни, хитове (на грамофонна плоча и пр.)* * *{hit} v (hit) 1. удрям, бия, нанасям удар; удрям се (against, on/(2) {hit} n 1. удар; 2. попадение; full hit точно попадение; 3. нап* * *хит; чалвам; шлагер; улучвам; удар; умервам; удрям; попадение; постигам; попадам; бия; връхлетявам; засягам; наранявам; налучквам;* * *1. full hit точно попадение 2. hit back разг. отвръщам (на удара с удар) (at), връщам си го 3. hit off улавям прилика/сходство, докарвам/имитирам точно, скицирам набързо 4. hit on/upon натъквам се/попадам на, намирам, хрумва ми 5. hit or miss, ам. hit-and-miss наслуки, както дойде, безразборно 6. hit out удрям силно/наляво и надясно 7. hit songs, song hits най-популярни песни, хитове (на грамофонна плоча и пр.) 8. hit up ам. sl. to hit someone up for изкрънквам от някого (пари и пр.) 9. i. удрям, бия, нанасям удар 10. ii. удар 11. it hits you in the eye очевидно e, не може да не го видиш, ще ти избоде очите 12. sl. поемам (пъm), пристигам в 13. that was a hit at me това беше камък в моята градина 14. to he hard hit пострадвам, бивам силно засегнат 15. to hit a likeness улавям прилика 16. to hit it off погаждам се, разбирам се (with) 17. to hit it up буйствувам 18. to hit someone where it hurts засягам някого на болното място, настъпвам някого по мазола 19. to hit someone's fancy харесвам се/допадам някому 20. to hit the beach слизам на брега 21. to hit the big spots ам. sl. гуляя, пиянствувам 22. to hit the bottle пия много, удрям го на пиянство 23. to hit the ground ав. sl. кацам, приземявам се 24. to hit the hay/sack отивам да спя, лягам си 25. to hit the pace разг. водя бурен живот, to hit the roof/ceiling ам. разг. избухвам, побеснявам 26. to hit the road/trail/pike/breeze тръгвам на път/да странствувам 27. to hit the silk ав. sl. скачам с парашут 28. to hit the spot услажда ми се, много ми се харесва 29. to make a hit with имам голям успех/добивам голяма популяриост сред 30. you've hit it отгатна, позна, улучи 31. авт. (до) стигам, вдигам (скорост) 32. засягам (и прен.), обиждам 33. нападка 34. отгатвам, улучвам 35. попадам/натъквам се на, намирам, иалучквам, случвам, улучвам 36. попадение 37. разг. бивам публикуван в (печота) 38. разг. късмет 39. разг. нападам яростно (at) 40. разг. успех 41. сатирична забележка, сарказъм (at) 42. сензация (with сред), шлагер 43. удрям се (against, on/upon) 44. удрям, улучвам, умервам, попадам в целта* * *hit [hit] I. v ( hit [hit]) 1. удрям, бия, нанасям удар; удрям се ( against, on, upon); to \hit s.o. in the face удрям някого по лицето; to \hit s.o. a blow нанасям удар на някого; \hit hard! \hit out! удряй силно! to \hit a man when he is down нападам повален противник; to \hit below the belt сп. нанасям предателски удар, постъпвам нечестно; to \hit home удрям здравата, където боли; to \hit the nail on the head улучвам, отгатвам, познавам; постъпвам правилно; казвам точно на място; 2. удрям, улучвам, уцелвам, умервам; попадам в целта; to \hit the target улучвам мишената; to \hit the bull's eye ( to hit the mark) попадам в целта; прен. успявам, постигам целта си; 3. засягам, наранявам, обиждам; to be hard \hit бивам силно засегнат; to \hit s.o. where it hurts (to \hit on the gall) засягам болното място, настъпвам по мазола, бъркам в раната; 4. попадам на, намирам, натъквам се, налучквам (и to \hit on); случвам, срещам; to \hit s.o.'s fancy харесвам се на някого, допадам му; 5. отгатвам, улучвам; you've \hit it ти отгатна, улучи, позна; 6. правя впечатление, впечатлявам; how did it \hit you? как ти хареса? какво впечатление ти направи? it \hits you in the eye бие на очи, не може да не го видиш; 7. ам. разг. пристигам; to \hit ( the) town пристигам в града; to \hit the beach мор. слизам на брега; • to \hit the headlines ставам сензация, привличам вниманието на медиите; to \hit the big spots гуляя, пиянствам; бохемствам, пирувам; to \hit the road ( trail) sl тръгвам, отправям се; пътешествам, странствам; скитосвам, скитам; to \hit the cеiling ам. избухвам, разгневявам се, разсърдвам се не на шега; to \hit the drink ав. sl кацам в море, вода; падам в морето; to \hit the ground ав. sl кацам, кацвам, приземявам се, слизам; to \hit the hay ( sack) ам. шег. отивам да спя, лягам си; to \hit a pace хвърча, летя, нося се стремително; прен. водя бурен живот; to \hit the silk ав. sl скачам с парашут; to \hit a wrong note муз. изсвирвам фалшива нота (на пиано); нападам, обвинявам без основание, погрешно; to \hit the bottle пия прекомерно; II. n 1. удар; a \hit! удар! (при фехтовка); 2. попадение; full \hit точно попадение; 3. нападка; сатирична забележка, остра духовитост; сарказъм (at); to have a sly \hit at правя ехидна забележка по адрес на; that was a \hit on me това беше камък в моята градина; 4. успех, сензация; to make a \hit правя сензация; произвеждам ефект; успявам напълно; 5. \hits комп. срив (кратковременно смущение в линия); • it is \hit or miss все едно е; song \hits from operas популярни откъси от опери, потпури. -
7 hit
hit [hɪt]coup ⇒ 1 (a), 1 (b) succès ⇒ 1 (c) hit ⇒ 1 (d) frapper ⇒ 2 (a), 3 (a) heurter ⇒ 2 (b) attaquer ⇒ 2 (c) toucher ⇒ 2 (d) arriver à ⇒ 2 (e) buter sur ⇒ 2 (f) marquer ⇒ 2 (g)1 noun∎ figurative that was a hit at me ça m'était destiné, c'est moi qui étais visé(b) Sport (in ball game) coup m; (in shooting) tir m réussi; (in fencing, billiards, snooker) touche f; (in baseball) coup m de batte; (in hockey) coup m de crosse;∎ to score a hit (in shooting) faire mouche, toucher la cible; (in fencing) faire ou marquer une touche;∎ he got three hits and one miss il a réussi trois tirs et en a manqué un;∎ it only counts as a hit if the bullet goes inside the red line le tir ne compte que si la balle se trouve à l'intérieur de la ligne rouge;∎ that was a hit (in fencing) il y a eu touche∎ Frank Sinatra's greatest hits les plus grands succès de Frank Sinatra;∎ to be a big hit (record, play, book, song) faire ou être un grand succès;∎ a hit with the public/the critics un succès auprès du public/des critiques;∎ to make a hit with sb (person) conquérir qn;∎ she's a hit with everyone elle a conquis tout le monde;∎ I think you've made a hit with him je crois que tu l'as conquis; (romantically) je crois que tu as fait une touche∎ this website counted 20,000 hits last week ce site Web a été consulté 20 000 fois la semaine dernière∎ a hit by the Mafia un meurtre perpétré par la Mafia(f) familiar drugs slang (of hard drugs) fix m; (of joint) taffe f; (effect of drugs) effet□ m (procuré par une drogue);∎ you get a good hit off that grass cette herbe fait rapidement de l'effet(a) (strike with hand, fist, stick etc → person) frapper; (→ ball) frapper ou taper dans; (→ nail) taper sur; Computing (key) appuyer sur;∎ to hit sb in the face/on the head frapper qn au visage/sur la tête;∎ they hit him over the head with a baseball bat ils lui ont donné un coup de batte de baseball sur la tête;∎ to hit a ball over the net envoyer un ballon par-dessus le filet;∎ figurative to hit sb where it hurts most toucher qn là où ça fait mal;∎ also figurative to hit a man when he's down frapper un homme quand il est à terre;∎ figurative to hit the nail on the head mettre le doigt dessus;∎ figurative he didn't know what had hit him il se demandait ce qui lui était arrivé(b) (come or bring forcefully into contact with → of ball, stone) heurter; (→ of bullet, arrow) atteindre, toucher;∎ the bottle hit the wall and smashed la bouteille a heurté le mur et s'est cassée;∎ the bullet hit him in the shoulder la balle l'a atteint ou touché à l'épaule;∎ I've been hit! j'ai été touché!;∎ the boat was hit by a missile le bateau a été touché par un missile;∎ the windscreen was hit by a stone une pierre a heurté le pare-brise;∎ he was hit by a stone il a reçu une pierre;∎ the two cars didn't actually hit each other en fait les deux voitures ne se sont pas heurtées;∎ to hit the target (with gun, missile etc) toucher la cible;∎ figurative his comments really hit their target ses remarques ont vraiment fait mouche, il a mis dans le mille avec ses remarques;∎ the car hit a tree la voiture a heurté ou est rentrée dans un arbre;∎ the dog was hit by a car le chien a été heurté par une voiture;∎ to hit one's head/knee (against sth) se cogner la tête/le genou (contre qch);∎ to hit sb's head against sth frapper ou cogner la tête de qn contre qch;∎ figurative to hit the ground running être opérationnel immédiatement;∎ figurative it suddenly hit me that… il m'est soudain venu à l'esprit que…(c) (attack → enemy) attaquer∎ the company has been hit by the recession l'entreprise a été touchée par la récession;∎ how badly did the postal strike hit you? dans quelle mesure avez-vous été touché par la grève des postes?;∎ the region worst hit by the earthquake la région la plus sévèrement touchée par le tremblement de terre;∎ the child's death has hit them all very hard la mort de l'enfant les a tous durement touchés ou frappés;∎ to be hard hit être durement touché;∎ familiar it hits everyone in the pocket tout le monde en subit financièrement les conséquences□, tout le monde le sent passer∎ familiar the new model can hit 130 mph on the straight le nouveau modèle peut atteindre les 210 km/h en ligne droite;∎ familiar to hit a problem se heurter à un problème ou une difficulté;∎ to hit the wrong note (singer) chanter faux; (instrumentalist) & figurative faire une fausse note;∎ I can't hit those high notes any more je n'arrive plus à chanter ces notes aiguës;∎ familiar the circus hits town tomorrow night le cirque arrive en ville demain soir□ ;∎ familiar we'll stop for dinner when we hit town nous nous arrêterons pour dîner quand nous arriverons dans la ville;∎ familiar let's hit the beach! allons à la plage!□ ;∎ to hit an all-time high/low (unemployment, morale etc) atteindre son plus haut/bas niveau□ ;∎ familiar to hit rock-bottom atteindre son point le plus bas□(f) (encounter → problem, difficulty) buter sur;∎ the tunnellers hit rock les ouvriers qui creusaient le tunnel sont tombés sur de la roche;∎ you'll hit the rush hour traffic tu vas te retrouver en plein dans la circulation de l'heure de pointe;∎ we hit a terrible snowstorm nous nous sommes trouvés dans une tempête de neige terrible;∎ to hit a sticky or bad patch rencontrer des difficultés∎ to hit three runs (in cricket) marquer trois points;∎ to hit a home run (in baseball) faire un tour complet de circuit∎ to hit sb for $10 taper qn de 10 dollars;∎ to hit sb for a loan emprunter de l'argent à qn□∎ to hit the books se mettre à étudier□ ;∎ familiar to hit the ceiling or roof sortir de ses gonds, piquer une colère folle;∎ familiar to hit the hay or the sack aller se mettre au pieu, aller se pieuter;∎ familiar if ever this hits the headlines we're in trouble si jamais cela paraît dans les journaux nous aurons des problèmes□ ;∎ to hit home (remark, criticism) faire mouche;∎ to hit the jackpot gagner le gros lot;∎ familiar to hit the road se mettre en route□ ;∎ familiar that really hits the spot! (of food, drink) c'est juste ce dont j'avais besoin□(a) (person, object) frapper, taper;∎ don't hit so hard, we're only playing ne frappe ou tape pas si fort, ce n'est qu'un jeu;∎ the door was hitting against the wall la porte cognait contre le mur;∎ the atoms hit against each other les atomes se heurtent(b) (inflation, recession) se faire sentir►► familiar hit list liste f noire;∎ to be on sb's hit list être sur la liste noire de qn;familiar hit man tueur m à gages□ ;old-fashioned hit parade hit-parade m;Military hit rate taux m de tirs réussis; figurative taux m de réussite;hit record (disque m à) succès m;hit single, hit song succès m, hit m, tube m;familiar hit squad commando m de tueurs□ ;hit tune air m à succès➲ hit back(reply forcefully, retaliate) riposter, rendre la pareille;∎ he hit back with accusations that they were giving bribes il a riposté en les accusant de verser des pots-de-vin;∎ to hit back at sb/sth (in speech) répondre à qn/qch;∎ to hit back at the enemy riposter, répondre à l'ennemi;∎ our army hit back with a missile attack notre armée a riposté en envoyant des missiles∎ to hit the ball back renvoyer le ballon;∎ he hit me back il m'a rendu mon coup(a) (in words) décrire ou dépeindre à la perfection; (in paint) représenter de manière très ressemblante; (in mimicry) imiter à la perfection∎ to hit it off (get on well) bien s'entendre□ ;∎ to hit it off with sb bien s'entendre avec qn□ ;∎ we hit it off immediately le courant est tout de suite passé entre nous(a) (find → solution, plan etc) trouver∎ he started hitting out at me il s'est mis à envoyer des coups dans ma direction(b) (in speech, writing)∎ to hit out at or against s'en prendre à, attaquer;∎ he hits out in his new book il lance l'offensive dans son nouveau livre∎ to hit it up se piquer(find → solution, plan etc) trouver -
8 ♦ hit
♦ hit /hɪt/A n.1 colpo; botta; percossa; urto: a hit on the head, una botta in testa; a direct hit, un colpo diretto4 cosa azzeccata; successo; personaggio di grande successo; disco (o canzone) di successo: The musical was a smash hit, la commedia musicale ha avuto un successo strepitosoB a. attr.(fam.) di successo: a hit record, un disco di successo● to be a hit with sb., incontrare il gradimento (o i gusti) di q. □ (fam.) hit-and-miss, a casaccio; improvvisato: DIALOGO → - Business trip 1- The trip was a bit hit-and-miss, to be honest, il viaggio è stato un po' sconclusionato, a dire il vero □ hit-and-run attack, (mil.) attacco di sorpresa con sganciamento immediato; (fam.) attacco mordi-e-fuggi □ hit-and-run driver, pirata della strada □ hit list, lista di persone da eliminare; ( anche) lista di aziende (o di enti) da sopprimere; lista nera □ ( slang) hit man, assassino (su commissione); killer □ hit-off, abile imitazione, parodia □ (fam.) hit-or-miss = hit-and-miss ► sopra □ hit parade, hit parade; rassegna di successi musicali □ ( slang) hit squad, commando omicida; squadra di killer □ to make a hit with sb., fare colpo su q. □ ( slang) to put a hit on sb., commissionare l'assassinio di q. □ ( slang USA) to take the hit for st. [sb.], beccarsi le critiche per qc. [al posto di q.].♦ (to) hit /hɪt/(pass. e p. p. hit), v. t. e i.1 battere; colpire; percuotere; picchiare; urtare contro: to hit a nail, battere un chiodo; to hit the target, colpire il bersaglio; The car hit the tree, l'automobile è andata a sbattere contro l'albero; to hit a button, premere un pulsante2 assestare, dare ( un colpo): He hit him a heavy blow on the head, gli ha assestato un forte colpo sulla testa4 (fig.) ferire, urtare ( nei sentimenti); colpire; danneggiare: He was hit hard by his friend's death, è stato duramente colpito dalla morte del suo amico; Flu hit severely last winter, l'influenza ha colpito duro lo scorso inverno6 (fam.) raggiungere, toccare: Sales have hit an all-time high, le vendite hanno toccato un livello mai raggiunto prima9 ( sport) effettuare, fare ( un tiro, ecc.): ( calcio) to hit a great shot, fare un gran tiro; ( tennis) to hit a winning forehand, effettuare un dritto vincente10 ( sport) fare; segnare: to hit two goals, segnare due gol; ( basket) to hit the basket, fare un canestro; andare a canestro● to hit sb. below the belt, ( boxe) colpire q. sotto la cintura; (fig.) tirare un colpo basso a q. □ (fig. fam.) to hit the bottle, darsi al bere; attaccarsi alla bottiglia □ (fig.) to hit ( rock) bottom, toccare il fondo □ (fam. USA) to hit the bricks, scendere in sciopero □ (fig.) to hit the ceiling, andare su tutte le furie □ to hit collapse, crollare, collassare; fallire □ (fam.) to hit the deck, andare (o buttarsi) a terra; alzarsi (da letto) □ (fam. USA) to hit sb. (up) for st., chiedere qc. a q.; cercare di scroccare (o spillare) qc. a q. □ (fig., fam. GB) to hit sb. for six, essere una brutta mazzata (o batosta) per q.: Losing her job hit her for six, la perdita del lavoro è stata una brutta mazzata per lei □ (fam.) to hit gold, trovare l'oro □ (fam.) to hit the ground running, partire con il piede giusto; partire in quarta □ to hit hard, colpire duro □ (fam.) to hit the hay (o the sack), andare a letto; andare a dormire □ to hit the headlines, fare notizia; apparire in prima pagina □ to hit it, azzeccarci, indovinare; ( slang USA) battersela, darsela a gambe, andarsene: He had to guess the answer and hit it right away, doveva indovinare la risposta e la azzeccò subito □ (fam. USA) Hit it!, attacca! ( a suonare, ecc.) □ (fam.) to hit (it) big, sbancare, fare una grossa vincita; avere un grande successo, sfondare □ (fam.) to hit the jackpot, vincere un mucchio di soldi; (fig.) pescare il jolly, fare tombola, fare un colpo grosso; avere successo, sfondare □ to hit a man when he's down, colpire l'avversario quando è a terra; (fig.) uccidere un uomo morto, infierire (su una persona in difficoltà) □ (fam. USA) Hit me ( again)!, ( al barista) (dammene) un altro!; (giocando a carte: al mazziere) (dammi) una carta! □ (fam.) to hit the road, partire; mettersi in viaggio; mettersi in marcia □ (fig.) to hit the roof, andare su tutte le furie □ (fam. USA: della polizia, ecc.) to hit the siren, attaccare la sirena □ (fam.) to hit the skids, andare in rovina (o a rotoli) □ (fam.) to hit the spot, colpire nel segno; essere nel giusto; andare proprio bene; essere quello che ci vuole □ ( anche fig.) to hit sb. where it hurts ( most) ( USA: where he/she lives), colpire q. nel suo punto debole; colpire q. nel punto più sensibile □ (fig.) to hit the wrong note, toccare il tasto sbagliato. -
9 hit
hit [hɪt](verb: preterite, past participle hit)1. nouna. ( = stroke, blow) coup ma. ( = strike) frapper ; ( = knock against) heurter ; ( = reach) atteindre ; [+ key on keyboard] appuyer sur• to hit sb where it hurts (in fight) frapper qn là où ça fait mal ; (by saying or doing sth hurtful) toucher le point faible de qn• you've hit the nail on the head! vous avez mis le doigt dessus !• that hit home! le coup a porté !• you won't know what's hit you when the baby arrives! (inf) ta vie va être bouleversée par l'arrivée du bébéb. ( = affect adversely) toucher• California was the area hardest hit by the storms la Californie a été la région la plus touchée par les tempêtes• what will happen when the story hits the front page? que se passera-t-il quand cette histoire fera la une (inf) des journaux ?• it suddenly hit me that... (inf) j'ai soudain réalisé que...• to hit the deck (inf) ( = get down) s'aplatir au sol ; ( = get knocked down) tomber par terre ; [boxer] aller au tapis• to hit the sack (inf!) se pieuter (inf !)d. ( = collide with) heurtere. ( = find) trouver ; [+ problems, difficulties] rencontrer4. compounds► hit-and-miss adjective [work] fait au petit bonheur ; [attitude] désinvolte ; [technique] empirique• it was all rather hit-and-miss il n'y avait pas beaucoup de méthode dans tout cela ► hit-and-run accident noun accident m avec délit de fuite► hit back• to hit back at sb's criticism/accusations riposter à la critique/aux accusations de qn• they hit it off straight away ils se sont immédiatement bien entendus► hit on inseparable transitive verba. tomber surb. ( = retaliate) riposter• to hit out at sb's criticism/accusations riposter à la critique/aux accusations de qn* * *[hɪt] 1.1) (blow, stroke in sport) coup m; ( in fencing) touche fto score a hit — Sport, fig marquer un point
2.to be a big ou smash hit — avoir un succès fou
1) ( strike) frapper [person, ball]; [head, arm] cogner contre [wall]to hit a good shot — (in tennis, cricket) jouer une bonne balle
to hit the brakes — (colloq) écraser le frein
2) ( strike as target) atteindre [victim, target, enemy]3) ( collide violently with) heurter [wall]; ( more violently) percuter [wall]; [vehicle] renverser [person]4) ( affect adversely) affecter, toucher5) ( become apparent to)6) ( reach) arriver à [motorway]; fig [figures, weight] atteindre [level]7) ( come upon) rencontrer [traffic, bad weather]8) (colloq) ( go to)9) (colloq) ( attack) [robbers] attaquer [bank]•Phrasal Verbs:- hit back- hit upon••to hit the roof — (colloq) sauter au plafond (colloq)
not to know what has hit one — (colloq) être sidéré
10 hit
[hit] 1. present participle - hitting; verb1) (to (cause or allow to) come into hard contact with: The ball hit him on the head; He hit his head on/against a low branch; The car hit a lamp-post; He hit me on the head with a bottle; He was hit by a bullet; That boxer can certainly hit hard!) slå; ramme2) (to make hard contact with (something), and force or cause it to move in some direction: The batsman hit the ball (over the wall).) slå3) (to cause to suffer: The farmers were badly hit by the lack of rain; Her husband's death hit her hard.) ramme4) (to find; to succeed in reaching: His second arrow hit the bull's-eye; Take the path across the fields and you'll hit the road; She used to be a famous soprano but she cannot hit the high notes now.) ramme2. noun1) (the act of hitting: That was a good hit.) træf; pletskud2) (a point scored by hitting a target etc: He scored five hits.) pletskud3) (something which is popular or successful: The play/record is a hit; ( also adjective) a hit song.) hit•- hit-or-miss
- hit back
- hit below the belt
- hit it off
- hit on
- hit out
- make a hit with* * *[hit] 1. present participle - hitting; verb1) (to (cause or allow to) come into hard contact with: The ball hit him on the head; He hit his head on/against a low branch; The car hit a lamp-post; He hit me on the head with a bottle; He was hit by a bullet; That boxer can certainly hit hard!) slå; ramme2) (to make hard contact with (something), and force or cause it to move in some direction: The batsman hit the ball (over the wall).) slå3) (to cause to suffer: The farmers were badly hit by the lack of rain; Her husband's death hit her hard.) ramme4) (to find; to succeed in reaching: His second arrow hit the bull's-eye; Take the path across the fields and you'll hit the road; She used to be a famous soprano but she cannot hit the high notes now.) ramme2. noun1) (the act of hitting: That was a good hit.) træf; pletskud2) (a point scored by hitting a target etc: He scored five hits.) pletskud3) (something which is popular or successful: The play/record is a hit; ( also adjective) a hit song.) hit•- hit-or-miss
- hit back
- hit below the belt
- hit it off
- hit on
- hit out
- make a hit with -
11 hit
[hit] 1. present participle - hitting; verb1) (to (cause or allow to) come into hard contact with: The ball hit him on the head; He hit his head on/against a low branch; The car hit a lamp-post; He hit me on the head with a bottle; He was hit by a bullet; That boxer can certainly hit hard!) bater2) (to make hard contact with (something), and force or cause it to move in some direction: The batsman hit the ball (over the wall).) bater3) (to cause to suffer: The farmers were badly hit by the lack of rain; Her husband's death hit her hard.) atingir4) (to find; to succeed in reaching: His second arrow hit the bull's-eye; Take the path across the fields and you'll hit the road; She used to be a famous soprano but she cannot hit the high notes now.) alcançar2. noun1) (the act of hitting: That was a good hit.) golpe2) (a point scored by hitting a target etc: He scored five hits.) ponto3) (something which is popular or successful: The play/record is a hit; ( also adjective) a hit song.) sucesso•- hit-or-miss
- hit back
- hit below the belt
- hit it off
- hit on
- hit out
- make a hit with* * *[hit] n 1 golpe, pancada, estocada. 2 sucesso, sorte. 3 ataque, crítica. • vt+vi (ps and pp hit) 1 dar um golpe, dar uma pancada (at em). he hit me a blow / ele me deu uma pancada. 2 acertar, atingir. he was hit by the ball / ele foi atingido pela bola. his hand was hit by the knife / a sua mão foi ferida pela faca. a lucky hit um bom lance, um golpe feliz. he hit the town coll ele chegou à cidade. hit or miss a esmo. to hit against bater contra. to hit it off concordar. to hit it up injetar drogas. to hit off imitar ou descrever perfeitamente. to hit the bottle beber muito, em excesso. to hit the ceilving/ roof ficar com raiva. to hit the hay/ sack ir dormir, ir para a cama. to hit the jackpot acertar na sorte grande. to hit the nail on the head dar na trilha. to hit the road partir, pegar a estrada. to hit upon encontrar, topar com. to make a hit with someone a) ficar popular. b) impressionar alguém. you have hit my taste você acertou meu gosto. -
12 hit
[hit] 1. present participle - hitting; verb1) (to (cause or allow to) come into hard contact with: The ball hit him on the head; He hit his head on/against a low branch; The car hit a lamp-post; He hit me on the head with a bottle; He was hit by a bullet; That boxer can certainly hit hard!) udariti, zadeti2) (to make hard contact with (something), and force or cause it to move in some direction: The batsman hit the ball (over the wall).) odbiti3) (to cause to suffer: The farmers were badly hit by the lack of rain; Her husband's death hit her hard.) prizadeti4) (to find; to succeed in reaching: His second arrow hit the bull's-eye; Take the path across the fields and you'll hit the road; She used to be a famous soprano but she cannot hit the high notes now.) zadeti, naleteti na2. noun1) (the act of hitting: That was a good hit.) udarec2) (a point scored by hitting a target etc: He scored five hits.) zadetek3) (something which is popular or successful: The play/record is a hit; ( also adjective) a hit song.) uspešnica•- hit-or-miss
- hit back
- hit below the belt
- hit it off
- hit on
- hit out
- make a hit with* * *I [hit]nounudarec (at komu); zadetek, sreča; posrečena misel, posrečena pripomba, uspel poskus; uspela knjiga, popevka, drama itd.; American printing odtisII [hit]1.transitive verbudariti, poriniti, zadeti; figuratively prizadeti; zaleteti se v; figuratively naleteti na, najti; zadeti, uganiti; figuratively ostro kritizirati, bičati (napake); doseči, uspeti;2.intransitive verbtolči (at po); slučajno naleteti (on, upon na); zadeti ( against na); American colloquially vžgati, teči (motor)to be hard ( —ali badly) hit by — biti močno prizadet od, izgubiti veliko denarjaAmerican to hit the books — guliti secolloquially to hit the bottle — pijančevatito hit s.o. a blow — koga močno udaritito hit s.o. below the belt — udariti pod pasom (boks), nepošteno se boriti, nečastno ravnatiAmerican colloquially to hit on all four cylinders — dobro teči, figuratively dobro potekatito hit s.o.'s fancy ( —ali taste) — zadeti, uganiti okus nekogato hit home — zadeti v živec, priti do živcato hit s.o. home — zavrniti koga, zasoliti jo komuhit hard! — močno udari!to hit the jackpot — terno zadeti, priti nenadoma do denarjafiguratively to hit a man when he is down — zadati udarce človeku v nesrečinautical to hit a mine — zadeti na minoAmerican to hit the numbers pool — zadeti pti lotuto hit the spot — pravo zadeti, zadovoljitiAmerican colloquially to hit the town — prispeti v mestocolloquially to hit it up — pošteno se česa lotiti -
13 hit
A n1 (blow, stroke in sport) coup m ; ( in fencing) touche f ; to give the ball a tremendous hit frapper la balle très fort ; to score a hit Sport, fig marquer un point ; ⇒ direct hit ;2 ( success) (play, film etc) succès m ; ( record) tube ○ m ; to be a big ou smash hit (show, film) avoir or remporter un succès fou ; to be a hit with the public avoir beaucoup de succès auprès du public ; to make a hit with sb [person] faire grosse impression sur qn ; she's a big hit with my son mon fils l'adore ;1 ( strike) frapper [person, ball] ; [head, arm] cogner contre [windscreen, wall] ; to hit one's head/knee on sth se cogner la tête/le genou contre qch ; his father used to hit him son père le battait ; to hit a good shot (in tennis, cricket) jouer une bonne balle ; to hit a nail with a hammer enfoncer un clou à coups de marteau ; to hit the brakes écraser le frein ;3 ( collide violently) heurter [vehicle, wall] ; ( more violently) percuter ; [vehicle] renverser [person] ; the plane hit the runway with a bump l'avion s'est posé lourdement sur la piste ;4 ( affect adversely) affecter, toucher [group, incomes, industry] ; to be hit by strikes/bad weather être affecté par les grèves/le mauvais temps ; hardest ou worst hit will be small businesses ce sont les petits commerces qui seront les plus touchés ; his father's death hit him badly la mort de son père l'a beaucoup affecté ;5 ( become apparent to) it suddenly hit me that je me suis soudain rendu compte que ; then it hit me! tout d'un coup j'ai réalisé ○ ! ;7 ( come upon) rencontrer [traffic, problem, bad weather] ; you'll hit the worst of the rush hour tu vas tomber en pleine heure d'affluence ;10 ○ ( kill) refroidir ○, assassiner [person] ;11 ○ ( scrounge) to hit sb for sth taper ○ qch à qn ;12 ○ ( in cards) ‘hit me!’ ‘donne-moi une carte!’to hit sb in the eye sauter aux yeux ; a colour which hits you between the eyes une couleur criarde ; to hit the big time ○ réussir ; to hit the ceiling ou roof ○ sauter au plafond ○ ; to hit the jackpot remporter le gros lot ; to hit it off with sb bien s'entendre avec qn ; not to know what has hit one ○ être sidéré ; a beer would just hit the spot ○ ! une bière ferait (bien) l'affaire!■ hit back:▶ hit back riposter ;▶ hit [sb] back rendre un coup à [qn] ; well, if he hits you, hit him back! eh bien, s'il te frappe, rends-le lui (coup pour coup)! ;▶ hit [sth] back renvoyer [ball].■ hit out:▶ hit out lit distribuer des coups à droite et à gauche ; fig to hit out at attaquer [neglect, complacency].■ hit upon, hit on:▶ hit (up)on [sth] avoir [idea] ; découvrir [evidence, solution] ; trouver [present] ; tomber sur [problem] ; you've hit on a bad time tu tombes mal ;▶ hit on [sb] ◑ US draguer ○ [person]. -
14 hit
hit [hɪt]1. n1) уда́р, толчо́к2) успе́х, уда́ча;to make a hit with smb. привести́ кого́-л. в восто́рг
3) спекта́кль, фильм, рома́н и т.п., по́льзующийся успе́хом; «гвоздь» сезо́на; бестсе́ллер; хит; мо́дный шля́гер;the film was quite a hit фильм име́л большо́й успе́х
4) популя́рный исполни́тель, люби́мец пу́блики5) вы́пад, саркасти́ческое замеча́ние (at);that's a hit at me э́то по моему́ а́дресу
6) попада́ние; уда́чная попы́тка2. v (hit)1) ударя́ть (on — по); поража́ть;а) спорт. нанести́ уда́р ни́же по́яса;б) нанести́ преда́тельский уда́р;в) воспо́льзоваться свои́м преиму́ществом;to hit a man when he's down бить лежа́чего
2) бо́льно задева́ть, задева́ть за живо́е;to be badly hit понести́ тяжёлый уро́н, си́льно пострада́ть
3) уда́риться (тж. against, upon — о, обо);the car hit a tree маши́на вре́залась в де́рево
4) попада́ть в цельwe hit the right road мы напа́ли на ве́рную доро́гу
;to hit a likeness улови́ть схо́дство
6) разг. достига́ть, добира́ться7) амер. сл. огра́бить или уби́тьhit back дава́ть сда́чи;а) то́чно изобрази́ть немно́гими штриха́ми, слова́ми; улови́ть схо́дство;б) импровизи́ровать;hit out наноси́ть си́льные уда́рыа) пра́вильно угада́ть, попа́сть в то́чку;б) амер. дви́гаться, путеше́ствовать с большо́й быстрото́й;to hit it off with smb. ла́дить с кем-л.
;to hit the (right) nail on the head пра́вильно угада́ть, попа́сть в то́чку
;to hit the sack отпра́виться на бокову́ю
;to hit smb.'s fancy порази́ть чьё-л. воображе́ние
;to hit the bottle пристрасти́ться к буты́лке
;to hit the drink ав. жарг.
а) сесть на́ воду;б) упа́сть в мо́ре;hit or miss науга́д, науда́чу; ко́е-ка́к
;to hit the road разг. шля́ться; переезжа́ть с ме́ста на ме́сто, бродя́жничать, смота́ться, смы́ться
;to hit the roof разг. разозли́ться
15 hit
§ (hit, hit) 1. დარტყმა; 2. ნიშანში მოხვედრა§1 დარტყმა2 (hit) დარტყმა (დაარტყამს)3 (hit) მიზანში მოხვედრა / მორტყმა4 (hit) მოხვედრა (მოხვდება)5 (hit) შეჯახება, დაჯახება (დაეჯახება)we hit the main road მთავარ გზას დავადექით / გზაზე გავედითwhen she told him he was a fool she hit the nail on the head სულელი ხარო რომ უთხრა, შიგ კაკალ გულში მოარტყაhe hit his sister but only under provocation დამ ისე გააღიზიანა, რომ ხელი ჰკრაto hit the mark მიზანში მოხვედრა / მორტყმა -
16 hit
[hit] 1. present participle - hitting; verb1) (to (cause or allow to) come into hard contact with: The ball hit him on the head; He hit his head on/against a low branch; The car hit a lamp-post; He hit me on the head with a bottle; He was hit by a bullet; That boxer can certainly hit hard!) udeřit se2) (to make hard contact with (something), and force or cause it to move in some direction: The batsman hit the ball (over the wall).) odpálit3) (to cause to suffer: The farmers were badly hit by the lack of rain; Her husband's death hit her hard.) postihnout4) (to find; to succeed in reaching: His second arrow hit the bull's-eye; Take the path across the fields and you'll hit the road; She used to be a famous soprano but she cannot hit the high notes now.) zasáhnout; dosáhnout2. noun1) (the act of hitting: That was a good hit.) zásah2) (a point scored by hitting a target etc: He scored five hits.) úspěšný zásah3) (something which is popular or successful: The play/record is a hit; ( also adjective) a hit song.) hit; populární•- hit-or-miss
- hit back
- hit below the belt
- hit it off
- hit on
- hit out
- make a hit with* * *• udeřit uhodit• trefit• udeřit• uhodit• zasáhnout• hit/hit/hit• hit• narazit• bít• bil -
17 hit
[hit] 1. present participle - hitting; verb1) (to (cause or allow to) come into hard contact with: The ball hit him on the head; He hit his head on/against a low branch; The car hit a lamp-post; He hit me on the head with a bottle; He was hit by a bullet; That boxer can certainly hit hard!) udrieť (sa); naraziť; vraziť2) (to make hard contact with (something), and force or cause it to move in some direction: The batsman hit the ball (over the wall).) odpáliť3) (to cause to suffer: The farmers were badly hit by the lack of rain; Her husband's death hit her hard.) postihnúť4) (to find; to succeed in reaching: His second arrow hit the bull's-eye; Take the path across the fields and you'll hit the road; She used to be a famous soprano but she cannot hit the high notes now.) zasiahnuť; dosiahnuť2. noun1) (the act of hitting: That was a good hit.) zásah2) (a point scored by hitting a target etc: He scored five hits.) úspešný zásah3) (something which is popular or successful: The play/record is a hit; ( also adjective) a hit song.) hit, šláger; populárny•- hit-or-miss
- hit back
- hit below the belt
- hit it off
- hit on
- hit out
- make a hit with* * *• zásah• zasiahnut• stlac• úder• trafit• udriet• hit -
18 hit
[hit] 1. present participle - hitting; verb1) (to (cause or allow to) come into hard contact with: The ball hit him on the head; He hit his head on/against a low branch; The car hit a lamp-post; He hit me on the head with a bottle; He was hit by a bullet; That boxer can certainly hit hard!) slá, kÿla; rekast á, skella á; hæfa2) (to make hard contact with (something), and force or cause it to move in some direction: The batsman hit the ball (over the wall).) slá, kÿla3) (to cause to suffer: The farmers were badly hit by the lack of rain; Her husband's death hit her hard.) verða (illa) fyrir e-u, valda skaða4) (to find; to succeed in reaching: His second arrow hit the bull's-eye; Take the path across the fields and you'll hit the road; She used to be a famous soprano but she cannot hit the high notes now.) hitta í mark, hæfa; ná2. noun1) (the act of hitting: That was a good hit.) skot2) (a point scored by hitting a target etc: He scored five hits.) stig, skot3) (something which is popular or successful: The play/record is a hit; ( also adjective) a hit song.) sem slær í gegn•- hit-or-miss
- hit back
- hit below the belt
- hit it off
- hit on
- hit out
- make a hit with -
19 hit
[hit] 1. present participle - hitting; verb1) (to (cause or allow to) come into hard contact with: The ball hit him on the head; He hit his head on/against a low branch; The car hit a lamp-post; He hit me on the head with a bottle; He was hit by a bullet; That boxer can certainly hit hard!) []sist; atsist; atsisties; trāpīt; sadurties; uzskriet2) (to make hard contact with (something), and force or cause it to move in some direction: The batsman hit the ball (over the wall).) triekt3) (to cause to suffer: The farmers were badly hit by the lack of rain; Her husband's death hit her hard.) sagādāt zaudējumus/ciešanas4) (to find; to succeed in reaching: His second arrow hit the bull's-eye; Take the path across the fields and you'll hit the road; She used to be a famous soprano but she cannot hit the high notes now.) sasniegt2. noun1) (the act of hitting: That was a good hit.) sitiens2) (a point scored by hitting a target etc: He scored five hits.) trāpījums3) (something which is popular or successful: The play/record is a hit; ( also adjective) a hit song.) hits; grāvējs; hita-•- hit-or-miss
- hit back
- hit below the belt
- hit it off
- hit on
- hit out
- make a hit with* * *sitiens; trāpījums; panākums, veiksme; dzēlīga piezīme; hīts, šlāgeris, grāvējs; narkotikas deva; iepriekšnodomāta slepkavība; sist; iesist; atsisties; trāpīt; uzskriet, sadurties; nepatīkami skart, sagādāt zaudējumus; sasniegt -
20 hit
[hit] 1. present participle - hitting; verb1) (to (cause or allow to) come into hard contact with: The ball hit him on the head; He hit his head on/against a low branch; The car hit a lamp-post; He hit me on the head with a bottle; He was hit by a bullet; That boxer can certainly hit hard!) trenkti, suduoti2) (to make hard contact with (something), and force or cause it to move in some direction: The batsman hit the ball (over the wall).) smogti3) (to cause to suffer: The farmers were badly hit by the lack of rain; Her husband's death hit her hard.) padaryti nuostolių, sukelti skausmą4) (to find; to succeed in reaching: His second arrow hit the bull's-eye; Take the path across the fields and you'll hit the road; She used to be a famous soprano but she cannot hit the high notes now.) pataikyti2. noun1) (the act of hitting: That was a good hit.) smūgis2) (a point scored by hitting a target etc: He scored five hits.) pataikymas3) (something which is popular or successful: The play/record is a hit; ( also adjective) a hit song.) hitas•- hit-or-miss
- hit back
- hit below the belt
- hit it off
- hit on
- hit out
- make a hit with
См. также в других словарях:
hit — hit … Dictionnaire des rimes
hit — [hit] vt. hit, hitting [ME hitten < OE hittan < ON hitta, to hit upon, meet with < IE base * keid , to fall > Welsh cwydd, a fall] 1. to come against, usually with force; strike [the car hit the tree] 2. to give a blow to; strike;… … English World dictionary
hit — ► VERB (hitting; past and past part. hit) 1) direct a blow at (someone or something) with one s hand or a tool or weapon. 2) propel (a ball) with a bat, racket, etc. 3) accidentally strike (part of one s body) against something. 4) (of a moving… … English terms dictionary
Hit — and the acronym HIT may refer to:;Science/Engineering * Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence, Fluid Dynamics ;Sport * Hit (baseball) * High intensity training, a form of strength training;Music * Hit (album), by Peter Gabriel * Hits (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
Hit — Hit, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Hit}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Hitting}.] [OE. hitten, hutten, of Scand. origin; cf. Dan. hitte to hit, find, Sw. & Icel. hitta.] 1. To reach with a stroke or blow; to strike or touch, usually with force; especially, to reach or … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hit — Hit, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Hit}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Hitting}.] [OE. hitten, hutten, of Scand. origin; cf. Dan. hitte to hit, find, Sw. & Icel. hitta.] 1. To reach with a stroke or blow; to strike or touch, usually with force; especially, to reach or … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hit — Hit, n. 1. A striking against; the collision of one body against another; the stroke that touches anything. [1913 Webster] So he the famed Cilician fencer praised, And, at each hit, with wonder seems amazed. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. A stroke of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hit 'Em Up — «Hit Em Up» Sencillo de 2Pac con Outlawz del álbum Greatest Hits Formato 12 Grabación 1996 Género(s) Rap, West coast rap … Wikipedia Español
Hit — puede referirse a: En inglés en el ámbito musical, se denomina hit a un sencillo exitoso. En este sentido, One hit wonder (en español: maravilla de un éxito) es un artista que generalmente sólo es conocido por un solo sencillo exitoso. 100… … Wikipedia Español
Hīt — Arabic: هيت … Wikipedia
Hit FM — 225px Localización Madrid, España Eslogan Música Non Stop, 20.000 canciones sin publicidad Frecuencia Nacional Primera … Wikipedia Español