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  • speech disorder — n. any conspicuous speech imperfection, or variation from accepted speech patterns, caused either by a physical defect in the speech organs or by a mental disorder, as aphasia, stuttering, etc. * * * ▪ medicine Introduction       any of the… …   Universalium

  • Speech-Language Pathology in School Settings — Speech language pathology is a fast growing profession that, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, offers about 96,000 jobs in the United States alone. It relates to many educational disciplines such as communication sciences, linguistics …   Wikipedia

  • Speech community — is a concept in sociolinguistics that describes a more or less discrete group of people who use language in a unique and mutually accepted way among themselves.Speech communities can be members of a profession with a specialized jargon, distinct… …   Wikipedia

  • speech — [ spitʃ ] noun *** 1. ) count a formal occasion when someone speaks to an audience: He began his speech by outlining his plans for the coming year. make/give/deliver a speech: The queen made a wonderful speech in reply. a ) the words that someone …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • speech — noun 1 speaking ADJECTIVE ▪ slurred ▪ She could tell by his slurred speech that he had been drinking. ▪ clipped ▪ casual ▪ connected …   Collocations dictionary

  • speech — [[t]spi͟ːtʃ[/t]] ♦♦ speeches 1) N UNCOUNT Speech is the ability to speak or the act of speaking. ...the development of speech in children... Intoxication interferes with speech and coordination. ...a speech therapist specialising in stammering.… …   English dictionary

  • speech */*/*/ — UK [spiːtʃ] / US [spɪtʃ] noun Word forms speech : singular speech plural speeches 1) [countable] a formal occasion when someone speaks to an audience He began his speech by outlining his plans for the coming year. make/give/deliver a speech: The… …   English dictionary

  • speech — noun /ˈspiːtʃ/ a) The faculty of speech; the ability to speak or to use vocalizations to communicate. It was hard to hear the sounds of his speech over the noise. b) A session of speaking; a long oral message given publicly usually by one person …   Wiktionary

  • speech*/*/*/ — [spiːtʃ] noun 1) [C] a formal occasion when someone speaks to an audience, or the words that someone speaks to an audience He began his speech with a joke.[/ex] She writes most of the president s speeches.[/ex] She made a wonderful speech.[/ex]… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • speech communication — noun (language) communication by word of mouth his speech was garbled he uttered harsh language he recorded the spoken language of the streets • Syn: ↑speech, ↑spoken communication, ↑spoken language, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • speech — /speech/, n. 1. the faculty or power of speaking; oral communication; ability to express one s thoughts and emotions by speech sounds and gesture: Losing her speech made her feel isolated from humanity. 2. the act of speaking: He expresses… …   Universalium

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