1 hip knob
2 hip knob
['hɪpnɒb]Архитектура: украшение в месте пересечения рёбер крыши -
3 hip knob
4 hip knob
n архит. украшение в месте пересечения рёбер крыши -
5 hip knob
6 hip
1. n бедро; бок2. n архит. ребро крыши; конёк3. v вывихнуть или повредить бедро4. v перекинуть через бедро5. v архит. снабжать ребром, коньком6. n плод, ягода шиповника7. n разг. меланхолия, уныниеto have the hip — быть в скверном настроении, хандрить
8. v разг. повергать в уныние, расстраиватьlong swing hip beat — с большого маха вис лежа на н.ж.
9. a сл. характерный для хиппи10. a амер. сл. модныйСинонимический ряд:small pulpy fruit (noun) bean; berry; drupe; fruit; haw; kernel; pome; seed; small pulpy fruit -
7 hip
1. ребро крыши; вальма2. накосная стропильная нога3. крайний верхний узел трапецеидальной мостовой фермы
См. также в других словарях:
Hip knob — Hip Hip, n. [OE. hipe, huppe, AS. hype; akin to D. heup, OHG. huf, G. h[ u]fte, Dan. hofte, Sw. h[ o]ft, Goth. hups; cf. Icel. huppr, and also Gr. ? the hollow above the hips of cattle, and Lith. kumpis ham.] [1913 Webster] 1. The projecting… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hip-knob — hipˈ knob noun An ornament placed on the apex of the hip of a roof or of a gable • • • Main Entry: ↑hip … Useful english dictionary
Hip-knob — Hip knob, in architecture, is the finial on the hip of a roof, between the barge boards of a gable.References*1911 … Wikipedia
hip knob — noun : a finial, ball, or other ornament at the intersection of the hip rafters and the ridge of a roof * * * hip knob, Architecture. a knob or other ornament placed on the top of the hip of a roof, or on the apex of a gable … Useful english dictionary
Hip — Hip, n. [OE. hipe, huppe, AS. hype; akin to D. heup, OHG. huf, G. h[ u]fte, Dan. hofte, Sw. h[ o]ft, Goth. hups; cf. Icel. huppr, and also Gr. ? the hollow above the hips of cattle, and Lith. kumpis ham.] [1913 Webster] 1. The projecting region… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hip bone — Hip Hip, n. [OE. hipe, huppe, AS. hype; akin to D. heup, OHG. huf, G. h[ u]fte, Dan. hofte, Sw. h[ o]ft, Goth. hups; cf. Icel. huppr, and also Gr. ? the hollow above the hips of cattle, and Lith. kumpis ham.] [1913 Webster] 1. The projecting… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hip girdle — Hip Hip, n. [OE. hipe, huppe, AS. hype; akin to D. heup, OHG. huf, G. h[ u]fte, Dan. hofte, Sw. h[ o]ft, Goth. hups; cf. Icel. huppr, and also Gr. ? the hollow above the hips of cattle, and Lith. kumpis ham.] [1913 Webster] 1. The projecting… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hip joint — Hip Hip, n. [OE. hipe, huppe, AS. hype; akin to D. heup, OHG. huf, G. h[ u]fte, Dan. hofte, Sw. h[ o]ft, Goth. hups; cf. Icel. huppr, and also Gr. ? the hollow above the hips of cattle, and Lith. kumpis ham.] [1913 Webster] 1. The projecting… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hip molding — Hip Hip, n. [OE. hipe, huppe, AS. hype; akin to D. heup, OHG. huf, G. h[ u]fte, Dan. hofte, Sw. h[ o]ft, Goth. hups; cf. Icel. huppr, and also Gr. ? the hollow above the hips of cattle, and Lith. kumpis ham.] [1913 Webster] 1. The projecting… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hip rafter — Hip Hip, n. [OE. hipe, huppe, AS. hype; akin to D. heup, OHG. huf, G. h[ u]fte, Dan. hofte, Sw. h[ o]ft, Goth. hups; cf. Icel. huppr, and also Gr. ? the hollow above the hips of cattle, and Lith. kumpis ham.] [1913 Webster] 1. The projecting… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hip roof — Hip Hip, n. [OE. hipe, huppe, AS. hype; akin to D. heup, OHG. huf, G. h[ u]fte, Dan. hofte, Sw. h[ o]ft, Goth. hups; cf. Icel. huppr, and also Gr. ? the hollow above the hips of cattle, and Lith. kumpis ham.] [1913 Webster] 1. The projecting… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English