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  • 1 high-hatter

    Сленг: сноб

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > high-hatter

  • 2 high-hatter


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  • 3 get the whip hand of smb.

    (get (have или hold) the whip(-)hand of (или over) smb.)
    иметь или держать кого-л. в полном подчинении; взять верх над кем-л

    ‘Yes,’ he muttered, addressing himself to the bottle, ‘You mark my words; they can't down me. I'm more than a match for them... I'll get the whip hand o' them.’ (A. J. Cronin, ‘Hatter's Castle’, book II, ch. 1) — - Да, - бормотал он, обращаясь к бутылке, - запомни мои слова: им меня не одолеть. я им не ровня, я сумею их подчинить себе... я возьму верх над всеми.

    ‘Don't come that high and mighty look over me,’ sneered Brodie, with a short hateful laugh. ‘You can't pull the wool over my eyes. It's me that's got the whip hand o' you this time.’ (A. J. Cronin, ‘Hatter's Castle’, book III, ch. 10) — - Нечего глядеть на меня с таким высокомерием! - проворчал Броуди с коротким злобным смешком. - Вы мне глаза не замажете. Теперь вы у меня в руках.

    In fact, he held the whip hand of the situation... (M. Mitchell, ‘Gone with the Wind’, ch. XLVII) — Фактически Ретт был хозяином положения...

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > get the whip hand of smb.

  • 4 have a fine time

    (have a fine (good, high, амер. big) time (тж. make a time of it, have a fine, good или high old time))
    хорошо провести время, повеселиться [выражение have a good time, широко распространённое в Англии в XVI-XVII вв., в XVIII в. вышло там из употребления, но сохранилось в США, а в XIX в. было заимствовано уже из США в Англию]

    ‘What do you all smart young people feel about life, nowadays, Fleur?..’ ‘Life?.. We just want to have a good time because we don't believe anything can last. But I don't think we know how to have it.’ (J. Galsworthy, ‘The White Monkey’, part II, ch. V) — - Как вы воспринимаете жизнь, Флер, вы - современная золотая молодежь?.. - Жизнь?.. Мы просто хотим пользоваться минутой, потому что знаем: все преходяще. Но мне кажется, мы не очень-то умеем пользоваться ею.

    Matt and me are off to be married and have a high old time. (A. J. Cronin, ‘Hatter's Castle’, book III, ch. 4) — Мэтт и я покидаем эти места; мы поженимся и заживем счастливо, как в старое доброе время.

    They had a big time... when he came home drunk. (DAE) — Он им устроил веселую жизнь, когда явился домой пьяным.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > have a fine time

  • 5 put smb. through his paces

    (put smb. through his paces (тж. try smb.'s paces))
    проверять чью-л. готовность, пригодность, выявлять чьи-л. качества, способности, "прощупывать" кого-л. [букв. пускать лошадь разными аллюрами]; см. тж. put smb. through his facings

    He had been put through an immense variety of paces, and had answered volumes of head-breaking questions. (Ch. Dickens, ‘Hard Times’, book I, ch. II) — Он прошел через бесконечное количество испытаний и ответил на множество головоломных вопросов.

    That's more like the spirit! That's more like my daughter! We havena [= haven't] put ye through your paces for nothing. Now that I'm showin' you, ye maun [= must] step high when you're in the ring. (A. J. Cronin, ‘Hatter's Castle’, book III, ch. 9) — Вот это лучше! Теперь я узнаю свою дочь! Недаром же я тебя столько времени тренировал! Теперь, когда я тебя выпущу на круг, ты помчишься как стрела.

    We must see what he can do, so we will give the lad some work that will put him through his paces. (DEI) — Надо выяснить, что этот парнишка умеет. Мы дадим ему работу и посмотрим, на что он способен.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > put smb. through his paces

См. также в других словарях:

  • high-hat — high hatter, n. /huy hat /, v., high hatted, high hatting, adj. Informal. v.t. 1. to snub or treat condescendingly. adj. 2. snobbish; disdainful; haughty. [1915 20; v., adj. use of HIGH HAT] * * * …   Universalium

  • Hatter — Mad as a hatter redirects here. For the Batman episode, see . A hatter is a maker or seller of hats. Milliners are a category of hatters who design women s hats.Mad as a hatterThe origin of the proverbial expression mad as a hatter is uncertain.… …   Wikipedia

  • Mad Hatter (comics) — This article is about the Batman character. For the character created by Lewis Carroll, see The Hatter. Mad Hatter Cover art for Gotham Central #20. Art by Michael Lark. Publication information …   Wikipedia

  • Mad Hatter — The Hatter is a fictional character initially encountered at a tea party in Lewis Carroll s Alice s Adventures in Wonderland and later again as Hatta in the story s sequel, Through the Looking Glass . He is popularly referred to as the Mad Hatter …   Wikipedia

  • Sophie Hatter — is a fictional character who is the heroine of Diana Wynne Jones novel Howl s Moving Castle , published in 1986 and is also a character in the sequels, Castle in the Air (1990) and House of Many Ways (2008). She was portrayed in 2004 in an… …   Wikipedia

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  • Central High School (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) — Infobox Secondary school name = Central High School type = Public secondary grades = 9–12 established= 1836 city = Philadelphia state = Pennsylvania country = USA enrollment = mascot = Central Lancer colors = Crimson and Gold color box|#DC143C… …   Wikipedia

  • Danbury High School — 320x250px Location Danbury, Connecticut, United States Information Type Public Established 1906 Principal …   Wikipedia

  • La Salle High School (Union Gap, Washington) — La Salle High School, also known as LHS, is a private, Roman Catholic high school in Union Gap, Washington. It is the only Catholic high school in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Yakima. The school prides itself on its commitment to its educational …   Wikipedia

  • show-off — n 1. exhibitionist, extrovert, Sl. grand stander, Sl. hot dog, Sl. hotshot, Sl. show boat; dandy, fop, clotheshorse, coxcomb, peacock. 2. snob, name dropper, prig, high hatter. 3. blusterer, swaggerer, strutter, gascon, fanfaron, trumpeter,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • List of Adventures in Wonderland episodes — This is a list of the episodes of the Disney Channel series Adventures in Wonderland .1. Herstory in the Making Alice lacks the confidence to write a story for a school assignment, so she enlists the help of her friends in Wonderland. Thinking… …   Wikipedia

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