1 heinous
['heɪnəs]aggettivo form. atroce, efferato* * *heinous /ˈheɪnəs/a.atroce; efferato; nefando; odioso: a heinous crime, un crimine efferatoheinously avv. heinousness n. [u].* * *['heɪnəs]aggettivo form. atroce, efferato -
2 heinous hei·nous adj
['heɪnəs]frm nefando (-a), atroce -
3 ♦ crime
♦ crime /kraɪm/n.1 (leg.) reato; crimine; delitto: lesser crime, reato minore; serious crime, reato grave; crimine; capital crime, delitto capitale; a ghastly crime, un crimine orribile; a heinous crime, un crimine efferato; a monstrous crime, un delitto mostruoso; crime of passion, delitto passionale; a crime against humanity, un crimine contro l'umanità; motiveless crime, delitto senza movente; war crimes, crimini di guerra; the scene of the crime, la scena del delitto; to commit a crime, commettere un delitto; to perpetrate a crime, perpetrare un delitto2 (fig.) delitto; peccato: an unforgivable crime, un delitto imperdonabile; a foul crime, un infame delitto; It would be a crime to throw it away, sarebbe un delitto buttarlo via3 [u] crimine, crimini (pl.); criminalità: to prevent crime, prevenire il crimine; to combat (o to fight) crime, combattere il crimine (o la criminalità); Crime is on the increase, la criminalità è in aumento; organized crime, crimine organizzato; criminalità organizzata; juvenile crime, criminalità minorile; violent crime, crimini violenti; crime rate, tasso di criminalità; crime figures, statistiche relative alla criminalità; partner in crime, complice● crime and punishment, delitto e castigo □ crime fiction, narrativa gialla; giallistica □ crime-fighting, lotta contro il crimine □ crime-fighter, agente della polizia criminale □ ( USA) crime lab, (polizia) scientifica □ crime lord, signore del crimine; pezzo grosso della malavita □ (in GB) crime management unit, sezione investigativa ( della polizia) □ crime novel, giallo □ crime prevention, prevenzione del crimine □ (in GB) crime report number, numero della denuncia del reato □ (giorn.) crime reporter, cronista di cronaca nera □ (mil.) crime sheet, foglio delle punizioni □ crime squad, squadra anticrimine □ crime wave, ondata di delitti □ crime writer, scrittore di gialli; giallista □ a life in crime, una vita da criminale □ (prov.) Crime doesn't pay, il delitto non paga. -
4 heinously
5 heinousness
См. также в других словарях:
heinous — hei·nous / hā nəs/ adj: enormously and shockingly evil a heinous crime hei·nous·ly adv hei·nous·ness n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
Heinous — Hei nous (h[=a] n[u^]s), a. [OF. ha[ i]nos hateful, F. haineux, fr. OF. ha[ i]ne hate, F. haine, fr. ha[ i]r to hate; of German origin. See {Hate}.] Hateful; hatefully bad; flagrant; odious; atrocious; giving great offense; applied to deeds or to … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
heinous — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ utterly abhorrent and wicked: a heinous crime. DERIVATIVES heinously adverb heinousness noun. ORIGIN Old French haineus, from hair to hate … English terms dictionary
heinous — [hā′nəs] adj. [ME hainous < OFr hainös (Fr haineux) < haine, hatred < hair, to hate < Frank * hatjan, akin to Ger hassen, HATE] outrageously evil or wicked; abominable [a heinous crime] SYN. OUTRAGEOUS heinously adv. heinousness n … English World dictionary
heinous — late 14c., from O.Fr. hainos inconvenient, awkward; hateful, unpleasant; odious (Mod.Fr. haineux), from haine hatred, from hair to hate, from Frankish *hatjan (Cf. O.S. haton, O.E. hatian to hate; see HATE (Cf. hate) (v.)). Related: Heinously … Etymology dictionary
heinous — *outrageous, atrocious, monstrous Analogous words: *flagrant, glaring, gross, rank: nefarious, flagitious, infamous (see vicious) Antonyms: venial Contrasted words: trivial, trifling, *petty, paltry … New Dictionary of Synonyms
heinous — meaning ‘extremely wicked’, is pronounced hee nǝs … Modern English usage
heinous — [adj] horrifying, monstrous abhorrent, abominable, accursed, atrocious, awful, bad, beastly, crying, cursed, evil, execrable, flagitious, flagrant, frightful, godawful*, grave, gross*, hateful, hideous, horrendous, infamous, iniquitous, nefarious … New thesaurus
heinous — [[t]he͟ɪnəs[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n If you describe something such as a crime as heinous, you mean that it is extremely evil or horrible. [FORMAL] Her life has been permanently blighted by his heinous crime... They are capable of the most… … English dictionary
heinous — hei|nous [ˈheınəs] adj formal [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: haineus, from haine hate ] 1.) very shocking and immoral ▪ a heinous crime 2.) AmE spoken informal extremely bad ▪ The food in the cafeteria is pretty heinous. >heinousness… … Dictionary of contemporary English
heinous — adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French hainus, heinous, from haine hate, from hair to hate, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German haz hate more at hate Date: 14th century hatefully or shockingly evil ; abominable • heinously … New Collegiate Dictionary