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  • 1 высота насыпи

    Russian-English dictionary of construction > высота насыпи

  • 2 высота насыпи

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь Масловского > высота насыпи

  • 3 высота насыпи

    2) Construction: height of embankment
    3) Automobile industry: depth of fill (дор)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > высота насыпи

  • 4 fyllingshøyde

    subst. (veibygging) height of embankment, height of fill

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > fyllingshøyde

  • 5 высота насыпи

    depth of fill, height of embankment

    Русско-английский словарь по строительству и новым строительным технологиям > высота насыпи

  • 6 высота насыпи

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > высота насыпи

  • 7 высота плотины

    Russian-English dictionary of construction > высота плотины

  • 8 высота плотины

    Construction: embankment height

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > высота плотины

  • 9 tribunal

    trĭbūnal (moleste diligentibus permittamus et tribunale dicere, Quint. 1, 6, 17; yet trĭbūnāle is found Corp. Inscr. Lat. 206, 24), ālis, n. [tribunus].
    A raised semicircular or square platform, on which the seats of magistrates were placed, a judgment-seat, tribunal (cf.:

    suggestus, sella): compleatur tribunal,

    Cic. Brut. 84, 290:

    popularis accessus ac tribunal,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 8, § 25:

    praetor tribunal suum juxta Trebonii praetoris urbani sellam collocavit,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 20; cf. Tac. A. 15, 29; Mart. 11, 98, 17:

    eum de tribunali deturbavit,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 21; Cic. Vatin. 9, 21:

    (praetor) palam de sellā ac tribunali pronuntiat, Si quis, etc.,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 38, § 94:

    quem ad se vocari et de tribunali citari jussit,

    id. ib. 2, 5, 7, §

    16: pro tribunali agere aliquid,

    id. Fam. 3, 8, 21; cf. id. Pis. 5, 11:

    qui dicunt apud tribunalia,

    Quint. 11, 3, 134; cf. id. 11, 3, 156:

    laudatum ex quattuor tribu nalibus,

    id. 12, 5, 6:

    nobis in tribunali praetoris urbani sedentibus,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 37, 168:

    sedens pro tribunali,

    Liv. 39, 32, 11:

    Fulvius magnā circumfusus turbā ad tribunal consulis venit,

    id. 26, 22, 3; cf. Tac. A. 1, 75.—
    The elevation in the camp, from which the general addressed the soldiers or administered justice, Liv. 28, 27, 15; Tac. H. 3, 10; 4, 25; cf.:

    regium (sc. Porsenae),

    Liv. 2, 12, 6.—
    3. 4.
    A tribunal erected as a monument to a deceased person of high rank:

    sepulcrum Antiochiae ubi crematus (Germanicus), tribunal Epidaphnae, quo in loco vitam finierat,

    Tac. A. 2, 83; Inscr. Orell. 4548.—
    Transf., in gen., a mound, dam, embankment:

    tribunalia structa manibus ad experimenta altissimi aestūs,

    Plin. 16, 1, 1, § 3.—
    Of the persons who sit on a tribunal, the magistrates:

    omne forum quem spectat et omne tribunal,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 57.—
    Trop., height, greatness:

    quid superest ad honoris mei tribunal et columen, ad laudis meae cumulum?

    App. Flor. p. 356, 16.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > tribunal

  • 10 tribunale

    trĭbūnal (moleste diligentibus permittamus et tribunale dicere, Quint. 1, 6, 17; yet trĭbūnāle is found Corp. Inscr. Lat. 206, 24), ālis, n. [tribunus].
    A raised semicircular or square platform, on which the seats of magistrates were placed, a judgment-seat, tribunal (cf.:

    suggestus, sella): compleatur tribunal,

    Cic. Brut. 84, 290:

    popularis accessus ac tribunal,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 8, § 25:

    praetor tribunal suum juxta Trebonii praetoris urbani sellam collocavit,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 20; cf. Tac. A. 15, 29; Mart. 11, 98, 17:

    eum de tribunali deturbavit,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 21; Cic. Vatin. 9, 21:

    (praetor) palam de sellā ac tribunali pronuntiat, Si quis, etc.,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 38, § 94:

    quem ad se vocari et de tribunali citari jussit,

    id. ib. 2, 5, 7, §

    16: pro tribunali agere aliquid,

    id. Fam. 3, 8, 21; cf. id. Pis. 5, 11:

    qui dicunt apud tribunalia,

    Quint. 11, 3, 134; cf. id. 11, 3, 156:

    laudatum ex quattuor tribu nalibus,

    id. 12, 5, 6:

    nobis in tribunali praetoris urbani sedentibus,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 37, 168:

    sedens pro tribunali,

    Liv. 39, 32, 11:

    Fulvius magnā circumfusus turbā ad tribunal consulis venit,

    id. 26, 22, 3; cf. Tac. A. 1, 75.—
    The elevation in the camp, from which the general addressed the soldiers or administered justice, Liv. 28, 27, 15; Tac. H. 3, 10; 4, 25; cf.:

    regium (sc. Porsenae),

    Liv. 2, 12, 6.—
    3. 4.
    A tribunal erected as a monument to a deceased person of high rank:

    sepulcrum Antiochiae ubi crematus (Germanicus), tribunal Epidaphnae, quo in loco vitam finierat,

    Tac. A. 2, 83; Inscr. Orell. 4548.—
    Transf., in gen., a mound, dam, embankment:

    tribunalia structa manibus ad experimenta altissimi aestūs,

    Plin. 16, 1, 1, § 3.—
    Of the persons who sit on a tribunal, the magistrates:

    omne forum quem spectat et omne tribunal,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 57.—
    Trop., height, greatness:

    quid superest ad honoris mei tribunal et columen, ad laudis meae cumulum?

    App. Flor. p. 356, 16.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > tribunale

  • 11 hoehose

    hill; synonyms (n) height, bank, gradient, mound, ascent, elevation, acclivity, embankment, grade, hillock, knoll, pile, rise, slope, hammock, heap, decline, eminence, hump, inclination, ramp, bluff, descent, incline, ridge, slant, (v) declivity, dip, stack; antonym (n) vale.

    Cheyenne - English thesaurus dictionary > hoehose

  • 12 מיעוט

    מִיעוּט, מִעוּטm. (מָעַט) 1) reduction of size, the space reduced. Erub.77a אם יש במִיעוּטוֹוכ׳ if the reduction of the height (by lowering the wall or raising the embankment) extends over four handbreadths; כנגד המ׳ only as far as the reduction extends. 2) minority. Y.Pes.VII, 34c bot. כרוב או כמ׳ (not כרוב׳ במ׳) do we treat the case as if it were a majority (of unclean persons), or as if it were a minority? Ib. אין תימר כמ׳ (not במ׳) if you will consider it a minority. Y.Kidd.I, 59b top. Yeb.119a מ׳ מפילות a minority of women miscarry; a. e. 3) the least of. R. Hash. 11a; Yeb.42a; Nidd.38b (ref. to 1 Sam. 1:20) מ׳ תקופותוכ׳ the least of tkufoth (plural number) is two (seasons, of three months each), the least of yamin is two days; a. e. 4) narrowing qualification, limitation. Yoma 43a; B. Kam.86b, a. fr. הוי מ׳ אחר מ׳ ואין מ׳ אחר מ׳ אלאוכ׳ this is a limitation following a limitation, and a double limitation serves to widen the scope (because the repetition indicates that no limitation is meant, but only an exemplification); Y.Peah V, end, 19d (corr. acc.). Y.Hor.I, beg.45c מ׳ אחר מ׳ אחר מ׳ three successive limitations. Lev. R. s. 24, end ת״ל רק לשון מ׳ it says ‘only (Deut. 28:13) which intimates a limitation; a. fr.Pl. מִיעוּטִים, מִיעוּטִין, מִע׳. Tosef.Shebu.I, 7 הוה דורש ריבויין ומ׳ interpreted the Bible texts with a view to widening and narrowing the limits of the respective laws. Y.Sabb.VIII, 10b אך הוא הרי אלו מ׳וכ׳ akh and hu (Ex. 12:16, are limiting qualifications intimating that you must not cut, grind (on the Holy Day). Y.Ber.IX, 14b bot., v. אַךְ I; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > מיעוט

  • 13 מעוט

    מִיעוּט, מִעוּטm. (מָעַט) 1) reduction of size, the space reduced. Erub.77a אם יש במִיעוּטוֹוכ׳ if the reduction of the height (by lowering the wall or raising the embankment) extends over four handbreadths; כנגד המ׳ only as far as the reduction extends. 2) minority. Y.Pes.VII, 34c bot. כרוב או כמ׳ (not כרוב׳ במ׳) do we treat the case as if it were a majority (of unclean persons), or as if it were a minority? Ib. אין תימר כמ׳ (not במ׳) if you will consider it a minority. Y.Kidd.I, 59b top. Yeb.119a מ׳ מפילות a minority of women miscarry; a. e. 3) the least of. R. Hash. 11a; Yeb.42a; Nidd.38b (ref. to 1 Sam. 1:20) מ׳ תקופותוכ׳ the least of tkufoth (plural number) is two (seasons, of three months each), the least of yamin is two days; a. e. 4) narrowing qualification, limitation. Yoma 43a; B. Kam.86b, a. fr. הוי מ׳ אחר מ׳ ואין מ׳ אחר מ׳ אלאוכ׳ this is a limitation following a limitation, and a double limitation serves to widen the scope (because the repetition indicates that no limitation is meant, but only an exemplification); Y.Peah V, end, 19d (corr. acc.). Y.Hor.I, beg.45c מ׳ אחר מ׳ אחר מ׳ three successive limitations. Lev. R. s. 24, end ת״ל רק לשון מ׳ it says ‘only (Deut. 28:13) which intimates a limitation; a. fr.Pl. מִיעוּטִים, מִיעוּטִין, מִע׳. Tosef.Shebu.I, 7 הוה דורש ריבויין ומ׳ interpreted the Bible texts with a view to widening and narrowing the limits of the respective laws. Y.Sabb.VIII, 10b אך הוא הרי אלו מ׳וכ׳ akh and hu (Ex. 12:16, are limiting qualifications intimating that you must not cut, grind (on the Holy Day). Y.Ber.IX, 14b bot., v. אַךְ I; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > מעוט

  • 14 מִיעוּט

    מִיעוּט, מִעוּטm. (מָעַט) 1) reduction of size, the space reduced. Erub.77a אם יש במִיעוּטוֹוכ׳ if the reduction of the height (by lowering the wall or raising the embankment) extends over four handbreadths; כנגד המ׳ only as far as the reduction extends. 2) minority. Y.Pes.VII, 34c bot. כרוב או כמ׳ (not כרוב׳ במ׳) do we treat the case as if it were a majority (of unclean persons), or as if it were a minority? Ib. אין תימר כמ׳ (not במ׳) if you will consider it a minority. Y.Kidd.I, 59b top. Yeb.119a מ׳ מפילות a minority of women miscarry; a. e. 3) the least of. R. Hash. 11a; Yeb.42a; Nidd.38b (ref. to 1 Sam. 1:20) מ׳ תקופותוכ׳ the least of tkufoth (plural number) is two (seasons, of three months each), the least of yamin is two days; a. e. 4) narrowing qualification, limitation. Yoma 43a; B. Kam.86b, a. fr. הוי מ׳ אחר מ׳ ואין מ׳ אחר מ׳ אלאוכ׳ this is a limitation following a limitation, and a double limitation serves to widen the scope (because the repetition indicates that no limitation is meant, but only an exemplification); Y.Peah V, end, 19d (corr. acc.). Y.Hor.I, beg.45c מ׳ אחר מ׳ אחר מ׳ three successive limitations. Lev. R. s. 24, end ת״ל רק לשון מ׳ it says ‘only (Deut. 28:13) which intimates a limitation; a. fr.Pl. מִיעוּטִים, מִיעוּטִין, מִע׳. Tosef.Shebu.I, 7 הוה דורש ריבויין ומ׳ interpreted the Bible texts with a view to widening and narrowing the limits of the respective laws. Y.Sabb.VIII, 10b אך הוא הרי אלו מ׳וכ׳ akh and hu (Ex. 12:16, are limiting qualifications intimating that you must not cut, grind (on the Holy Day). Y.Ber.IX, 14b bot., v. אַךְ I; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > מִיעוּט

  • 15 מִעוּט

    מִיעוּט, מִעוּטm. (מָעַט) 1) reduction of size, the space reduced. Erub.77a אם יש במִיעוּטוֹוכ׳ if the reduction of the height (by lowering the wall or raising the embankment) extends over four handbreadths; כנגד המ׳ only as far as the reduction extends. 2) minority. Y.Pes.VII, 34c bot. כרוב או כמ׳ (not כרוב׳ במ׳) do we treat the case as if it were a majority (of unclean persons), or as if it were a minority? Ib. אין תימר כמ׳ (not במ׳) if you will consider it a minority. Y.Kidd.I, 59b top. Yeb.119a מ׳ מפילות a minority of women miscarry; a. e. 3) the least of. R. Hash. 11a; Yeb.42a; Nidd.38b (ref. to 1 Sam. 1:20) מ׳ תקופותוכ׳ the least of tkufoth (plural number) is two (seasons, of three months each), the least of yamin is two days; a. e. 4) narrowing qualification, limitation. Yoma 43a; B. Kam.86b, a. fr. הוי מ׳ אחר מ׳ ואין מ׳ אחר מ׳ אלאוכ׳ this is a limitation following a limitation, and a double limitation serves to widen the scope (because the repetition indicates that no limitation is meant, but only an exemplification); Y.Peah V, end, 19d (corr. acc.). Y.Hor.I, beg.45c מ׳ אחר מ׳ אחר מ׳ three successive limitations. Lev. R. s. 24, end ת״ל רק לשון מ׳ it says ‘only (Deut. 28:13) which intimates a limitation; a. fr.Pl. מִיעוּטִים, מִיעוּטִין, מִע׳. Tosef.Shebu.I, 7 הוה דורש ריבויין ומ׳ interpreted the Bible texts with a view to widening and narrowing the limits of the respective laws. Y.Sabb.VIII, 10b אך הוא הרי אלו מ׳וכ׳ akh and hu (Ex. 12:16, are limiting qualifications intimating that you must not cut, grind (on the Holy Day). Y.Ber.IX, 14b bot., v. אַךְ I; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > מִעוּט

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  • dam — dam1 /dam/, n., v., dammed, damming. n. 1. a barrier to obstruct the flow of water, esp. one of earth, masonry, etc., built across a stream or river. 2. a body of water confined by a dam. 3. any barrier resembling a dam. v.t. 4. to furnish with a …   Universalium

  • Dam — /dam, dahm/, n. (Carl Peter) Henrik /kahrl pee ter hen rik/; Dan. /kahrddl pay teuhrdd hen rddik/, 1895 1976, Danish biochemist: Nobel prize for medicine 1943. * * * I Barrier built across a stream, river, or estuary to conserve water for such… …   Universalium

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