1 calorie
['kæləri]1) (a unit of heat.) kalorie2) (a unit of energy given by food: My diet allows me 1,200 calories per day.) kalorie•* * *• kalorie -
2 electricity
[elek'trisəti](a form of energy used to give heat, light, power etc: worked by electricity; Don't waste electricity.) elektřina- electric- electrical
- electrically
- electrician
- electrified
- electrify
- electrification
- electrifying
- electric chair* * *• elektřina -
3 engine
['en‹in] 1. noun1) (a machine in which heat or other energy is used to produce motion: The car has a new engine.) motor2) (a railway engine: He likes to sit in a seat facing the engine.) lokomotiva•- engineer 2. verb(to arrange by skill or by cunning means: He engineered my promotion.) (za)řídit* * *• stroj• motor -
4 solar panel
noun (a piece of equipment, usually installed on a roof, that absorbs energy from the sun to heat water or turn it into electricity.) solární panel* * *• sluneční kolektor
См. также в других словарях:
heat energy — noun a form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature (Freq. 2) • Syn: ↑heat • Derivationally related forms: ↑heat (for: ↑heat) • Hypernyms: ↑energy … Useful english dictionary
heat energy — šiluminė energija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. heat energy; thermal energy vok. thermische Energie, f; Wärmeenergie, f rus. тепловая энергия, f pranc. énergie calorifique, f; énergie thermique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Heat content — The amount of heat energy available to be released by the transformation or use of a specified physical unit of an energy form (e.g., a ton of coal, a barrel of oil, a kilowatthour of electricity, a cubic foot of natural gas, or a pound of… … Energy terms
Energy — The capability of doing work; different forms of energy can be converted to other forms, but the total amount of energy remains the same. This is broadly defined as the capability of doing work. In the electric power industry, energy is more… … Energy terms
Heat transfer — Flow of heat energy induced by a temperature difference. Heat flow through a building envelope typically flows from a heated, or hot area to a cooled, or cold area. California Energy Comission. Dictionary of Energy Terms … Energy terms
Heat Pump — An electricity powered device that extracts available heat from one area (the heat source) and transfers it to another (the heat sink) to either heat or cool an interior space or to extract heat energy from a fluid … Energy terms
Heat Transfer Fluid — A gas or liquid used to move heat energy from one place to another; a refrigerant … Energy terms
Heat storm — Heat storms occur when temperatures exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit over a large area for three days in a row. Normal hot temperatures cause electricity demand to increase during the peak summertime hours of 4 to 7 p.m. when air conditioners are… … Energy terms
Heat Balance — Energy output from a system that equals energy input … Energy terms
Energy recycling — is utilizing energy that would normally be wasted, usually by converting it into electricity or thermal energy. Energy recycling which can be undertaken at manufacturing facilities, power plants, and large institutions such as hospitals and… … Wikipedia
Energy harvesting — (also known as Power harvesting or energy scavenging ) is the process by which energy is captured and stored. Frequently this term is applied when speaking about small autonomous devices, like those used in sensor networks. A variety of different … Wikipedia