1 heat exhaustion
мед. тепловое истощение, болезненное состояние, вызванное перегревом -
2 heat exhaustion
3 heat exhaustion
[ʹhi:tıg͵zɔ:stʃ(ə)n] мед.тепловое истощение, болезненное состояние, вызванное перегревом -
4 heat exhaustion
5 heat exhaustion
['hiːtɪgˌzɔːstʃ(ə)n]1) Медицина: болезненное состояние, вызванное перегревом, тепловое истощение, тепловой удар2) Горное дело: гипертермия (при работе в глубокой шахте), перегревание человеческого организма3) Авиационная медицина: изнеможение от перегрева, изнурение от перегрева4) Макаров: вызванное перегревом болезненное состояние -
6 heat exhaustion
мед.фраз. тепловой удар* * * -
7 heat exhaustion
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > heat exhaustion
8 heat exhaustion
тепловое истощение, тепловая прострацияEnglish-Russian dictionary of labour protection > heat exhaustion
9 heat exhaustion
тепловое истощение, тепловая прострацияEnglish-Russian labor protection dictionary > heat exhaustion
10 heat exhaustion
English-Russian dictionary of Oil Industry > heat exhaustion
11 heat exhaustion
сущ.; мед. -
12 heat exhaustion
мед перегре́в м, теплово́е истоще́ниеThe Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > heat exhaustion
13 heat exhaustion
14 take precaution to avoid heat exhaustion
Охрана труда: принимать меры предосторожности против перегреваУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > take precaution to avoid heat exhaustion
15 heat prostration
16 heat
1. n1) тепло́ с; жара́ ж2) перен пыл м3) те́чка ж ( у животных)4) спорт забе́г м- heat pump
- heat shield
- heat wave 2. vнагрева́ть(ся); разогрева́ть(ся) -
17 heat prostration
[ʹhi:tprɒʹstreıʃ(ə)n] = heat exhaustion -
18 изнемогать
несовер. - изнемогать;
совер. - изнемочь( от чего-л.) be exhausted( with) ;
совер. тж. break down( with) ;
grow faint( from) ;
be(come) exhausted, be(come) enervated изнемогать под тяжестью ≈ to be fainting under a weight он изнемогает от жары ≈ he is exhausted with the heat он изнемогает от усталости ≈ he is dead tired, he is dead beat разг. изнемогать от жары ≈ frizzle, stew, изнемочь be* exhausted;
сов. тж. break* down;
~ от усталости be* faint with exhaustion/fatigue, be* tired out, drop with exhaustion.Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > изнемогать
19 process
1) процесс
2) обработать
3) перерабатывать
4) движение
5) течение
6) прием
7) способ
8) обрабатывать
9) процедура
10) технологический
11) обрабатывающий
12) вычислительный
– activate a process
– additive process
– adiabatic process
– adjoint process
– aluninography process
– anaerobic process
– auxiliary process
– averaging process
– batch process
– Bessemer process
– bloomery process
– branching process
– commercialize a process
– computational process
– continuous process
– controlled process
– converter process
– correlated process
– counter-flow process
– Crouse process
– cupola process
– decision process
– denumerable process
– destroy a process
– deterministic process
– diagonal process
– diffusion process
– doping process
– dry-press process
– EFG process
– emigration process
– endothermic process
– equally-correlated process
– equilibrium process
– ergodic process
– exhaustion process
– exothermic process
– explosive process
– fit process adequately
– hereditary process
– ideal process
– immigration process
– implement process
– input process
– install process
– inverse process
– irreversible process
– isentropic process
– isobaric process
– isochoric process
– isothermal process
– iterative process
– Kroll process
– limit process
– Markov process
– martingale process
– Moebius process
– non-steady process
– nonequilibrium process
– nonpreemptive process
– open-hearth process
– optimal process
– Orbach process
– oxidizing process
– path of a process
– periodic process
– pig-and-ore process
– preemptive process
– probabilistic process
– process acid
– process camera
– process chart
– process condensate
– process data
– process design
– process engineering
– process feed
– process film
– process gas
– process information
– process installation
– process interface
– process liquid
– process liquor
– process load
– process occurs
– process of exhaustion
– process oil
– process oxygen
– process runs
– process steam
– process the rubber
– process variable
– process water
– production process
– random process
– rate process
– reduction process
– regular process
– repetitive process
– reproduce process
– reverberatory process
– reversible process
– rotor process
– sequential process
– soft-mud process
– stationary process
– steady-state process
– steel-making process
– stencil process
– stochastic process
– transient process
– transport process
– umklapp process
– unit process
– unsteady process
– welding process
– Wohlwill process
– xiphoid process
birth and death process — <math.> процесс рождения и гибели
chromizing by powder process — твердое диффузионное хромирование
disturbed harmonic process — возмущенный гармонический процесс
drawn-gate CMOS process — технология КМОП-схем с удлиненными затворами
realization of random process — реализация случайного процесса
strictly stationary process — стационарный в узком смысле процесс
20 point
1) точка2) остриё, острый конец || заострять4) положение; позиция; координата ( рабочего органа)5) указывать; ориентировать, наводить6) место; пункт11) ж.-д. стрелочный перевод; стрелка; остряк, перо ( стрелочного перевода)13) расшивать швы ( кладки)16) пишущий узел, пишущий элемент (ручки, карандаша)17) пищ. оценочный балл•point at infinity — бесконечно удалённая точка;to point off — отводить ( в сторону);to pass through a point — проходить через точку-
Abel flash point
acid dew point
actual point
acute round needle point
addressable point
adherent point
aerodrome check point
aerodrome reference point
agate arrestment point
aggregative transition point
agreed reporting point
aiming point
air supply breathing point
aircraft fire point
alternator pivot point
anchor point
anchorage point
aniline point
annealing point
antinodal point
aplantic points
arch work point
arithmetic point
array feed point
assumed point
attachment point
automatic point
azeotropic point
backoff point
backward stagnation point
balance point
base point
bend point
bending yield point
binary point
bleeding point
bleed point
blow point
blunt round needle point
boiling point
boundary point
branch point
breaker point
break-in point
breaking point
brittle point
bubble point
bucking point
bullet point
burble point
burn point
burning point
burnout point
burster point
cardinal points
casing point
central point
changeover point
characteristic point
check point
chemical-pinch point
chilling point
chisel point
clearing point
close spread collar point
closed flash point
cloud point
cold point
collinear points
collocation point
common depth point
compass points
concyclic points
condensation point
congelation point
consolute point
consumption point of current
contact point
contactor points
control point
control transfer point
corona point
correct point
coupler pivot point
coupling point
critical point
crossing point
crossover point
cryogen boiling point
Curie point
cuspidal point
cut point
cutoff point
cutting point
datum point
dead point
decimal point
defined point
delivery point
demixing point
dendritic point
depth reference point
destination point
destruction point
detonation point
dew point
dial indicator contact point
diamond grinding point
diamond point
directional kickoff point
discharge point
dispatching point
dispersion point
distinct curve collar point
distinct points
distinguished point
distribution point
double point
drain point
draw point
drawoff point
driving point
dropping point
dry point
dryout point
early warning point
edit point
edit-in point
edit-out point
elevation point
elliptic point
emission point
end point
energy breakeven point
entry point
entry-exit points
equal time point
equilibrium point
eutectic point
exclamation point
exhaustion end point
exit point
exterior point
extraction point
face point
fashioning point
fatigue point
feeding point
fiber saturation point
fiducial point
filling point
filling-in point
film entry point
film leaving point
final approach point
final boiling point
fine point
fire point
firing point
fixed point
flame break point
flare point
flash point
flexion point
flight reference point
flight way point
floating point
floc point
flooding point
flow point
flywheel dead point
focal point
forced open point
forward stagnation point
fouling point
freeze point
freezing point
French point
frontier point
frost point
fuel injection point
fuel servicing point
full point
fusing point
gage point
gaging point
gas hydrate formation point
gas point
geodetic point
glazier's point
gloss point
grasp point
grid point
grouped service points
half point
hammer point
hard points
heat point
heavy ball needle point
heavy rounded set needle point
heavy set needle point
holding point
hopper work point
horizontal control point
ice point
ignition point
image point
impact point
incongruent melting point
index point
infeed changeover point
initial point
injection point
insertion point
integral point
intended landing point
intercardinal point
interception point
intercept point
interior point
interlocked point
isoelectric point
jacking point
junction point
knee point
laminar separation point
landfall point of the storm
last departure point
lattice point
leaving point
leveling point
level point
lifter point
lifting point
lift-off point
light ball needle point
light rounded set needle point
light set needle point
limiting point
limit point
linking point
load point
loading point
load-unload point
long collar point
lower yield point
lubrication point
machine home point
macroyield point
maker point
matching point
matrix point
maximum power point
measurement point
measure point
medium ball needle point
melting point
mesh point
mid-boiling point
mixed melting point
movable point
multiple point
needle point
neutral point
nodal point
node point
noise measurement point
normal round needle point
observation point
open point
operation point
optimum point
panel point
paper point
paraffin crystallization point
peak point
pelerine point
pen point
pickup point
piercing point
pile stoppage point
pinch point
pinning point
pitch point
pivotal point
pivot point
plait point
plow point
point of absolute zero
point of arrival
point of contraflexure
point of curve
point of departure
point of discontinuity
point of distance
point of engagement
point of fault
point of force application
point of graph
point of hook
point of increase
point of inflection
point of intersection
point of load application
point of looper
point of maximum
point of minimum
point of no return
point of occlusion
point of sight
point of support
point of tangency
point of tree
porous point
pour point
power point
precision point
preroll point
primary calibration point
principal point
probe point
projected peak point
pullout point
quadrantal point
quarter-span point
quarter point
quiescent operating point
radix point
reaction point
receiving point
reentry point
reference point
reflection depth point
refraction depth point
regional heat point
reporting point
rerun point
ripper point
rounded set needle point
saddle point
salient point
saturation point
sectioning point
set needle point
set point
setting point
shot point
sighting point
singing point
single defect point
single point
singular point
sintering point
slinging point
smoke point
softening point
solder termination point
solidification point
source point
special ball needle point
spring point
square collar point
stable point
stadia point
stagnation point
star point
stationary breaker point
stitch transfer point
stuck point
subsatellite point
support point
surveying point
survey point
switch point
switching point
takeoff point
tangent point
tapping point
terminal point
termination point
test point
thaw point
thermal critical point
thermodynamic point
third point
threshold point
tie point
toll point
tool point
touch point
touchdown point
towing point
tow point
trailing point
transfer initiation point
transfer point
transformation point
transit point
transition point
trap point
triangulation point
triple point
tripping point
true molal boiling point
turning point
umbilical point
unload point
unloading point
upper yield point
valley point
vanishing point
vertical control point
visible point
vitrifying point
volumetric boiling point
water supply point
wax dropout point
weight boiling point
weight-drop point
well point
wiring point
word break point
working point
yield point
zero point
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
heat exhaustion — n. a condition caused by excessive loss of salt and water, usually resulting from overexertion in a hot environment, and characterized by peripheral vascular collapse, dizziness, nausea, low body temperature, clammy skin, etc.: cf. HEATSTROKE … English World dictionary
Heat exhaustion — A warning that the body is getting too hot. The person may be thirsty, giddy, weak, uncoordinated, nauseous, and sweating profusely. The body temperature is usually normal and the pulse is normal or raised. The skin is cold and clammy. Although… … Medical dictionary
heat exhaustion — noun a condition marked by dizziness and nausea and weakness caused by depletion of body fluids and electrolytes • Syn: ↑heat prostration • Hypernyms: ↑heatstroke, ↑heat hyperpyrexia * * * noun : a condition characterized by faintness or fainting … Useful english dictionary
heat exhaustion — a condition characterized by faintness, rapid pulse, nausea, profuse sweating, cool skin, and collapse, caused by prolonged exposure to heat accompanied by loss of adequate fluid and salt from the body. Also called heat prostration. [1935 40] * * … Universalium
heat exhaustion — heat′ exhaus tion n. pat a condition brought on by intense or prolonged exposure to heat, characterized by profuse sweating with loss of fluids and salts, pale and damp skin, rapid pulse, nausea, and dizziness, progressing to collapse Compare… … From formal English to slang
heat exhaustion — heat ex.haustion n [U] weakness and sickness caused by doing too much work, exercise etc in hot weather … Dictionary of contemporary English
heat exhaustion — heat ex,haustion noun uncount the feeling of being extremely tired and weak that you get when you do too much physical activity in hot conditions … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
heat exhaustion — noun Date: 1939 a condition marked by weakness, nausea, dizziness, and profuse sweating that results from physical exertion in a hot environment called also heat prostration compare heatstroke … New Collegiate Dictionary
heat exhaustion — fatigue and collapse due to the low blood pressure and blood volume that result from loss of body fluids and salts after prolonged or unaccustomed exposure to heat. It is most common in new arrivals in a hot climate and is treated by giving… … The new mediacal dictionary
heat exhaustion — /ˈhit əgzɔstʃən/ (say heet uhgzawschuhn) noun prostration caused by prolonged exposure to intense heat, sometimes accompanied by rapidly rising body temperature …
heat exhaustion — noun (U) weakness and sickness caused by doing too much work, exercise etc when it is hot … Longman dictionary of contemporary English