1 биопротез клапана сердца
Большой русско-английский медицинский словарь > биопротез клапана сердца
2 биопротез клапана сердца
Medicine: heart valve bioprosthesisУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > биопротез клапана сердца
См. также в других словарях:
Valve replacement — surgery is the replacement of one or more of the heart valves with either an artificial heart valve or a bioprosthesis (homograft from human tissue or xenograft e.g. from pig).There are four procedures: * Aortic valve replacement * Mitral valve… … Wikipedia
bioprosthesis — bio·pros·the·sis präs thē səs, präs thə n, pl the·ses .sēz a prosthesis (as a porcine heart valve) consisting of an animal part or containing animal tissue bio·pros·thet·ic präs thet ik adj * * * bio·pros·the·sis (bi″o pros theґsis) [bio +… … Medical dictionary
Philippine Heart Center — The first Director of the PHC was Dr. Avenilo P. Aventura (1974 1986), a cardiovascular surgeon who performed many pioneering operations in the Philippines including the first successful renal transplantation in 1970, the first CABG in 1972, and… … Wikipedia
Marian Ionescu — Marian Ion Ionescu Marian Ion Ionescu (born 21 August 1929) is a pioneer British cardiac surgeon who spent his professional life initially in his native Romania and afterwards, the main part of his productive life in Great Britain. His interest… … Wikipedia