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  • 1 drift

    [drift] 1. noun
    1) (a heap of something driven together, especially snow: His car stuck in a snowdrift.) závej
    2) (the direction in which something is going; the general meaning: I couldn't hear you clearly, but I did catch the drift of what you said.) zmysel
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause to) float or be blown along: Sand drifted across the road; The boat drifted down the river.) naviať; unášať
    2) ((of people) to wander or live aimlessly: She drifted from job to job.) prechádzať
    - driftwood
    * * *
    • víchor
    • závej
    • zámer
    • smer
    • tendencia
    • drift
    • hromadit
    • hnat
    • ciel
    • prúd
    • lejak
    • kolísanie
    • odchýlenie

    English-Slovak dictionary > drift

См. также в других словарях:

  • heap — 01. We have a compost [heap] in our backyard for kitchen and yard waste. 02. His dirty clothes lay in a [heap] on the floor in his bedroom. 03. Add one [heaping] tablespoon of sugar to the mixture once it has started to boil. 04. Add one [heaped] …   Grammatical examples in English

  • heap — n pile, stack, shock, cock, mass, bank (see under HEAP vb) Analogous words: *aggregate, aggregation, conglomerate, conglomeration: collection, assemblage (see under GATHER) heap vb Heap, pile, stack, shock, cock, mass, bank are comparable as… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • heap — [hēp] n. [ME hepe, a troop, heap < OE heap, a troop, band, multitude, akin to Ger hauf(en), Du hoop < IE * keub < base * keu , bend, arch > HOP1, HIVE] 1. a pile, mass, or mound of things jumbled together 2. [often pl.] Informal a… …   English World dictionary

  • Heap — (h[=e]p), n. [OE. heep, heap, heap, multitude, AS. he[ a]p; akin to OS. h[=o]p, D. hoop, OHG. houf, h[=u]fo, G. haufe, haufen, Sw. hop, Dan. hob, Icel. h[=o]pr troop, flock, Russ. kupa heap, crowd, Lith. kaupas. Cf. {Hope}, in Forlorn hope.] 1. A …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • heap´er — heap «heep», noun, verb. –n. 1. a pile of many things thrown or lying together: »a heap of stones, a sand heap. SYNONYM(S): mass, stack, accumulation. 2. Informal. a large amount; a lot; multitude: »a heap of trouble. It did me a heap of good to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • heap — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. pile, load, stack, mound, assemblage;informal, great deal, heaps (inf.), oodles (inf.), piles (inf.), scads (sl.). See multitude. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. pile, accumulation, mass, agglomeration, stack …   English dictionary for students

  • heap — heaper, n. heapy, adj. /heep/, n. 1. a group of things placed, thrown, or lying one on another; pile: a heap of stones. 2. Informal. a great quantity or number; multitude: a heap of people. 3. Slang. an automobile, esp. a dilapidated one. 4. all… …   Universalium

  • heap — /hip / (say heep) noun 1. an assemblage of things, lying one on another; a pile: a heap of stones. 2. (sometimes plural) Colloquial a great quantity or number; a multitude: a heap better; heaps further. 3. Colloquial something very old and… …  

  • heap — [[t]hip[/t]] n. 1) a group of things placed, thrown, or lying one on another; pile: a heap of stones[/ex] 2) inf Informal. a great quantity or number; multitude 3) sts Slang. a dilapidated automobile 4) to gather, put, or cast in a heap; pile 5)… …   From formal English to slang

  • heap — {{11}}heap (n.) O.E. heap pile, great number, multitude (of things or persons), from W.Gmc. *haupaz (Cf. O.S. hop, O.Fris. hap, M.L.G. hupe, Du. hoop, Ger. Haufe heap ), perhaps related to O.E. heah high. Slang meaning old car is attested from… …   Etymology dictionary

  • heap — n 1. pile, stack, mass, accumulation, bulk, drift, cumulus; hoard, store, stock, stockpile, supply; lump, deposit, swell, mound, tumulus; bank, hillock, hill, mountain; bale, bundle, cock, shock, rick, mow; load, barrow, cartload, wagonload,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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