1 headquarters plant
2 headquarters plant
Техника: головное предприятие -
3 headquarters plant
English-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology > headquarters plant
4 headquarters plant
5 plant
1) растение
2) насаживать
3) поджимный
4) сажать
5) установка
6) <industr.> завод
7) агрегат
8) фабрика
9) станция
– assembly plant
– automatic plant
– automobile plant
– Bessemer plant
– calcining plant
– casting plant
– chemicals plant
– chlorination plant
– coking plant
– commercial plant
– compressor plant
– concrete-mixing plant
– cryogenic plant
– decontamination plant
– degassing plant
– diesel plant
– distillation plant
– distribution plant
– dye plant
– engineering plant
– feed-processing plant
– fodder plant
– food plant
– formula-feed plant
– garbage-disposal plant
– generating plant
– handling plant
– hardware plant
– headquarters plant
– heavy-chemicals plant
– hoisting plant
– ice-making plant
– isolated plant
– laboratory-scale plant
– lighting plant
– machine-tool plant
– mixing plant
– native plant
– nuclear plant
– oil-extraction plant
– opener plant
– outside plant
– oxygen plant
– oxygen-converter plant
– package plant
– pasteurizing plant
– pilot plant
– pilot-production plant
– pipe-rolling plant
– plant beets
– plant capacity
– plant compressor
– plant equation
– plant lag
– plant standard
– power plant
– processing plant
– proportioning plant
– propulsion plant
– pumping plant
– radiation plant
– radiobiological plant
– radiochemical plant
– radioisotope plant
– radiophysical plant
– rag-processing plant
– refrigerating plant
– rendering plant
– roasting plant
– salt-making plant
– sintering plant
– sprinkler plant
– stand-by plant
– steam-gas plant
– steam-turbine plant
– steel-making plant
– superphosphate plant
– tractor plant
– tube-welding plant
– turbine plant
– water-desalinating plant
– water-treatment plant
– welding plant
chemical engineering plant — химико-технологическая установка
coal-burning power plant — электростанция на твердом топливе
electric power plant — силовая электроустановка, <engin.> электростанция
engine-propeller power plant — винтомоторная силовая установка
heat-electric generating plant — теплофикационная электростанция
hydroelectric power plant — <energ.> гидростанция, гидроэлектростанция, гэс
integrated metallurgical plant — <metal.> завод с законченным металлургическим циклом
integrated steel plant — <metal.> комбинат металлургический
nitrogen fertilizer plant — <agric.> завод азотно-туковый
power plant topping — <engin.> надстройка
preparation plant output — < mining> выход продуктов обогащения
wind-turbine electric plant — <energ.> электростанция ветровая
6 plant
1) агрегат; установка2) завод; фабрика; предприятие3) растение || сажать растения4) станция5) авт. объект (управления)•- integrated metallurgical plant - tobacco processing plant -
7 headquarters
8 головной предприятие
headquarters plantБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > головной предприятие
9 головной
1) head;
encephalic, cerebral полушария головного мозга ≈ cerebral hemispheres головной убор ≈ head-dress, headgear, hat головной мозг ≈ brain, cerebrum головная боль ≈ headache
2) (передний) leading головной отряд головной дозор
3) (ведущий) leading головной институтБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > головной
10 service
1. сущ.1) общ. услуга, одолжение; помощьIt was of great service to him during his illness. — Это была огромная помощь для него во время болезни.
to be out of service — быть без работы, бездельничать
My friend did me a service in fixing the door. — Мой друг оказал мне услугу, починив дверь.
2)а) эк. услуга, услуги, обслуживание, сервис (работа, осуществляемая для заказчика в процессе экономической деятельности компании или организации); предоставление услуг ( деятельность в сфере услуг)ATTRIBUTES:
high service — обслуживание [сервис\] на высоком уровне
premium quality [premium grade\] service — услуга премиального качества
to provide a service — оказывать услугу, обслуживать
See:accessorial services, ancillary service, a la carte service, account reconcilement service, accounting service 1), actual service 3), advertising services, advisory service 2), ancillary service 1), assurance services, augmented service, banking services, business reply service, business reply service, carry-out service, consumer service 2), consumer services, contract services, core service, 1), 3), dealer service, delivery service 1), factor services, field service 1), financial intermediation services indirectly measured, financial services, freight services, free services, freight services, full service, home service 1), 2), 3), in-flight service, investment-related services, legal services, limited service, managerial services, market services, medical service, 1), &2 non-factor services, non-market services, non-material services, non-productive services, passenger services, productive services, tax services, trade-related services, balance of services, contract for services, exports of services, quality of service, range of services, service account, service dealer, service dumping, service export, service firm, service import, service mark, services account, services deficit, service director, service manager, services market, services marketing, services surplus, services trade, service worker а), trade in services, balance on goods and services, exports of goods and services, final goods and services, goods and service tax, Bank Export Services Act, Extended Balance of Payments Services Classification, FIATA Model Rules for Freight Forwarding Services, Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks, Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 1980, Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 1980, Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 1980, Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 1980, Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 1980, Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 1980, Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 1980, Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 1980, Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 1980, Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 1980б) эк. техническое обслуживание (установка, подготовка к эксплуатации, сервисное обслуживание, чистка, ремонт оборудования или иной техники)COMBS:
Syn:See:, service history, maintenance 3)в) эк. обслуживание (за столом) (накрывание стола, подача еды и т. д., напр., услуги официанта, бармена); прислуживание (работа на кого-л. вышестоящего по положению или должности; обычно: работа домашней прислуги)They complained of poor bar service. — Они пожаловались на плохое обслуживание в баре.
I found the butler's service to be excellent. — На мой взгляд, дворецкий выполнял свои обязанности безукоризненно.
See:3)а) эк. служба, работа ( работа по найму в частной компании или в государственном учреждении)COMBS:
service crime — служебное преступление, преступление по службе
duty of service — служебная [воинская\] обязанность
record of service, service record — послужной список
condition of service — условия работы [прохождения службы\]
to go out of service, to leave the service — уйти с работы
He has been in the company's service for 15 years. — Он работает в этой компании уже 15 лет.
See:active service 2), actual service 1), administrative service 1), a continuous service, full-time service, labour service 2), pensionable service, uninterrupted service, length of service, service worker б) future service benefit, past service benefit, in-service 1), 2)б) эк. служба, работа, эксплуатация (работа оборудования, техники)COMBS:
disposable [fit\] for service — годный для эксплуатации [использования\]
The computer should provide good service for years. — Компьютер должен работать хорошо в течение многих лет.
See:4)а) гос. упр. государственная служба (социально-правовой институт и сфера деятельности государственных гражданских служащих и военнослужащих)COMBS:
See:б) воен. армия, вооруженные силы (какой-л. страны; используется c определенным артиклем); род войскCOMBS:
He joined the service right after college. — Сразу после колледжа он пошел в армию.
Syn:See:uniformed services, member of the services, Selective Service System, Washington Headquarters Services5) гос. упр. обслуживание населения*; услуги населению* (в т. ч. предоставление коммунальных услуг, обеспечение общественным транспортом, средствами коммуникации и т. д.)ATTRIBUTES:
regular service — регулярное обслуживание, регулярное (транспортное) сообщение
rail [railway\] service — железнодорожное сообщение, железнодорожный транспорт [перевозки\]
Syn:public service 2) б)See:communal services, communications services, essential service, health service 1), janitorial service, non-essential service, public service broadcasting, social service, curtailment of service, Community Oriented Policing Services, Institute of Museum and Library Services, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, probation service6) фин., банк. обслуживание долга ( выплата процентов и основной суммы)Syn:See:7)а) гос. упр. служба, агентство, бюро (государственный орган или предприятие, оказывающее услуги населению и в той или иной степени регулируемое государством)Syn:See:accounting service 2), inspection service, intelligence service, patent service 2), Agricultural Marketing Service, Agricultural Research Service, American Forces Information Service, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Central Security Service, Congressional Research Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Serviceб) эк. служба, отдел (подразделение организации, обслуживающее ее основную деятельность; также независимая фирма, оказывающая услуги)Syn:See:account service 1), advisory service 1), auditing service, back of the house services, customer service, 2), legal service 2), management services, marketing service 1), media buying service, placement service, property service, 1), rating service, rental service, repair service, tax preparation services 1), telephone answering service, Agent/Distributor Service, Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service8) юр. исполнение постановления суда; вручение повестки ( в суд)to acknowledge service — получать подтверждение юридического документа (напр., повестки)
speedy service of your documents on both defendants and witnesses — быстрое вручение ваших документов как ответчикам, так и свидетелям
See:actual service 2), 1),9) общ. церковная служба; религиозный обряд10) потр. сервиз (полный набор столовой или чайной посуды, рассчитанный на определенное количество человек)ATTRIBUTES:
Syn:See:11) эк. сфера услугSyn:12) эк. = service charge2. гл.1) общ. обслуживать ( предоставлять или оказывать услуги)to service customers — обслуживать покупателей [клиентов\]
The electric company services all nine counties. — Эта энергетическая компания обслуживает все девять округов.
2) эк. осуществлять [проводить\] техническое обслуживаниеto service the equipment — обслуживать оборудование, осуществлять ремонт оборудования
It is time to get my car serviced. — Пора проходить техобслуживание.
3) фин., банк. обслуживать долг ( выплачивать основную сумму или проценты по займу)to service a debt [a loan\] — обслуживать долг [заем\]
* * *
услуга, обслуживание: 1) банковская услуга; 2) обслуживание долга: своевременная выплата процентов; = debt service; 3) бытовая платная услуга населению: мойка машины, стирка, ремонт часов и т. д. -
11 base
1. n основа, основание; базис; база; низ, дно2. n основа, основание, основной момент, пункт3. n база; опорный пункт4. n преим. воен. площадка5. n воен. орудийная платформа6. n мат. стр. основание, донная часть; фундамент7. n мат. архит. пьедестал, цоколь8. n мат. тех. фундаментная плита; основная рама; основная доска9. n мат. тех. штатив10. n мат. геол. подошва11. n мат. геол. подстилающий слой, подстилающая порода12. n мат. геод. базис13. n эл. цоколь14. n эл. изолирующее основание15. n эл. кино подложкаplastic base — пластмассовая основа ; пластмассовая подложка
16. n эл. полигр. ножка литеры, подставка клише17. n эл. спорт. место старта; стартовая площадка или линияhome base — цель, финиш
18. n эл. «дом»19. n эл. воен. дно снаряда; запоясковая часть снаряда20. a основной, базисный; фундаментальный21. a спец. базовый; относящийся к базе22. a спец. воен. донный23. a спец. ав. наземный24. v основывать, обосновыватьbased on experiment — основанный на опыте, опирающийся на опыты
25. v базировать; размещать войска26. v стр. фундировать27. a низкий, низменный, подлыйbase person — подлая личность, гнусный тип
28. a нижний29. a низкий; негромкий30. a арх. низкорослый, невысокий31. a низкокачественный; некачественный32. a фальшивый, неполноценный или низкого достоинства33. a зазорный34. a неблагодарный, окисляющийся35. a низкопробный36. a простонародный, грубый, испорченный37. a уст. незаконный, незаконнорождённый38. a юр. преим. ист. принудительный; рабский, крепостной39. n игра в барыСинонимический ряд:1. cheap (adj.) cheap; cheesy; paltry; rubbishing; rubbishly; rubbishy; shoddy; sleazy; tatty; trashy; trumpery2. corrupt (adj.) bad; corrupt; evil; foul; nefarious; sinister; tainted; ungodly3. disreputable (adj.) disgraceful; dishonorable; dishonourable; disreputable; infamous; notorious; scandalous; shameful4. ignoble (adj.) abject; baseborn; beggarly; common; degrading; humble; ignoble; lowborn; lowly; menial; ordinary; plebeian; unennobled; unwashed; vulgar5. inferior (adj.) coarse; counterfeit; inferior; poor; shabby; tawdry; ugly; unworthy6. mean (adj.) contemptible; cowardly; degraded; despicable; dirty; low; low-down; mean; servile; sordid; squalid; vile; villainous; wretched7. basement (noun) basement; bed; bedrock; bottom; cornerstone; foot; footing; foundation; fundamental; ground; grounds; groundwork; hardpan; infrastructure; nadir; pedestal; rest; root; rudiment; seat; seating; stand; stem; substratum; substruction; substructure; underpinning; understructure8. camp (noun) camp; centre; complex; garrison; headquarters; installation; post; settlement; site; station9. point of departure (noun) goal; object; point of departure; radical; terminal10. principle (noun) basis; core; element; essence; heart; principle; support11. establish (verb) bottom; build; establish; fasten; found; ground; predicate; rest; root in; seat; stay12. locate (verb) locate; situate; stationАнтонимический ряд:good; grand; high-minded; honorable; honored; honourable; honoured; lofty; majestic; moral; noble; peak; pure; refined; summit; virtuous -
12 installation
1. n официальное введение в должность2. n установка, размещение, расположение; сборка, монтаж3. n оборудование4. n установка, устройство5. n сооруженияmilitary installation — военные объекты, военные базы
Синонимический ряд:1. equipment (noun) apparatus; electrification; equipment; foundation; heating system; lighting rig; machinery; power plant; servo-mechanism2. investiture (noun) accession; coronation; establishment; inaugural; inauguration; induction; initiation; instatement; investiture; investment; ordination3. military base (noun) air field; ammo dump; bunker; fort; fortification; launching pad; military base; munitions dump4. placement (noun) emplacement; fixation; hooking up; hookup; installing; placement; placing; positioning; setting up5. station (noun) base; complex; headquarters; station
См. также в других словарях:
Plant Oxford — located in Cowley, Oxford, is the central assembly facility for the MINI range of cars. The plant forms the Mini production triangle along with Plant Hams Hall where engines are manufactured and Plant Swindon where body pressings and sub… … Wikipedia
Plant & Food Research — Rangahau Ahumāra Kai Agency overview Formed 2008 Preceding agency … Wikipedia
Plant Engineering — Infobox Newspaper name = Plant Engineering caption = type = business magazine format = Paper and online magazine foundation = 1947 ceased publication = price = owners = Reed Business Information editor = Bob Vavra founder = language = English… … Wikipedia
Dixie Coca-Cola Bottling Company Plant — Dixie Coca–Cola Bottling Company Plant U.S. National Register of Historic Places U.S. National Historic Landmark … Wikipedia
International Association for Plant Taxonomy — Infobox Organization name = International Association for Plant Taxonomy image border = size = 80x80 caption = formation = July 18 1950 type = headquarters = Vienna, Austria location = membership = language = leader title = President leader name … Wikipedia
R. C. Harris Water Treatment Plant — The R. C. Harris Water Treatment Plant in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, is both a crucial piece of infrastructure and an architecturally acclaimed historic building. It is located in the east of the city at the eastern end of Queen Street and at the… … Wikipedia
Wellesley Municipal Light Plant — Infobox Company company name = Wellesley Municipal Light Plant (WMLP) company type = Public company company slogan = Dedicated to Excellence foundation = 1892 location = key people = Richard F. Joyce, Director Debra J. Healy, Business Manager… … Wikipedia
Browns Lane plant — Browns Lane in Coventry, England was originally built as a World War II shadow factory run by the Daimler Motor Company. In 1951 it was leased by Jaguar Cars and remained their home until 2005. It was the historic site of all Jaguar production… … Wikipedia
Rohm and Haas Corporate Headquarters — Infobox nrhp name = Rohm and Haas Corporate Headquarters nrhp type = caption = Rohm and Haas Corporate Headquarters in 2007. lat degrees = 39 lat minutes = 57 lat seconds = 1 lat direction = N long degrees = 75 long minutes = 9 long seconds = 5… … Wikipedia
Whitley plant — The Whitley Plant is situated in Whitley, Coventry in the West Midlands of England. It is the Engineering Centre and Headquarters of Jaguar Cars. The facility has a fully integrated design, research and development centre for all current and… … Wikipedia
Knox's Headquarters State Historic Site — Infobox nrhp name = Knox Headquarters nrhp type = nhl caption = The Ellison House at Knox s Headquarter s State Historic Site in New Windsor, NY location = Vails Gate, NY nearest city = Newburgh lat degrees = 41 | lat minutes = 27 | lat seconds … Wikipedia