Перевод: со всех языков на вьетнамский

с вьетнамского на все языки


  • 1 Sie sind

    - {you're} = Sie selbst {yourself}+ = das geht Sie an {this concerns you}+ = erlauben Sie {by your leave; let me see}+ = frieren Sie? {do you feel cold?}+ = Sie heben ab (Kartenspiel) {it's your cut}+ = Sie sind dran {it's your turn}+ = gestatten Sie? {excuse me}+ = hören Sie mal! {I say!}+ = wie Sie wollen {as you will}+ = Verzeihen Sie! {I beg your pardon!}+ = Sind Sie satt? {Are you full?}+ = wie heißen Sie? {what is your name?}+ = er holt Sie ein {he'll catch up with you}+ = treten Sie ein! {walk in!}+ = sind Sie fertig? {have you finished?}+ = Sie dreht durch. {She's cracking up.}+ = seien Sie so gut {do me the kindness}+ = wie Sie wünschen {as you please}+ = woher kommen Sie? {where do you come from?}+ = Sie sind gemeint. {This means you.}+ = Das betrifft Sie. {This concerns you.}+ = Erheben Sie sich! {All Rise!}+ = was wünschen Sie? {what can I do for you?; what do you wish?}+ = da irren Sie sich {there you are mistaken}+ = versuchen Sie es! {have a try at it!}+ = wohin fahren Sie? {where are you bound for?}+ = Sie ist verreist. {She is out of town.}+ = Sie ist nicht da. {She's not in.}+ = treten Sie näher! {come closer!}+ = wollen Sie zu mir? {do you want to see me?}+ = seien Sie sachlich {stick to facts}+ = bleiben Sie sitzen {keep your seats!}+ = Sie sehen gut aus. {You look well.}+ = Rufen Sie mich an! {Give me a call!}+ = Sie verstehen ihn. {they sympathize with him.}+ = Sehen Sie sich um! {Look behind you!}+ = Wie groß sind Sie? {What's your height?}+ = Benehmen Sie sich! {Behave yourself!}+ = Sie wohnt bei mir. {She's staying with me.}+ = Sie war beleidigt. {She was offended.}+ = Sie werden gebeten {you are requested}+ = Meckern Sie nicht! {Don't be so fussy!}+ = das geht Sie nichts an {that doesn't regard you; that's none of your business; that's nothing to you}+ = ich rechne auf Sie [wegen] {I look to you [for]}+ = wie nennen Sie das? {what do you call that?}+ = Verstehen Sie mich? {Do you take me?}+ = Sie kam als letzte. {She came last.}+ = Passen Sie gut auf! {Pay close attention!}+ = Sie ist von gestern. {She's quite a back number.}+ = wo sind Sie geboren? {where were you born?}+ = Was Sie nicht sagen! {You don't say so!}+ = Sie ist fantasielos. {She has no imagination.}+ = Sie ist unglaublich. {She's the limit.}+ = Jetzt sind Sie dran. {the ball's in your court.}+ = wie kommen Sie dazu? {how dare you?}+ = Das wissen Sie doch! {But you know that!}+ = denken Sie sich nur! {just imagine!}+ = Seien Sie anständig! {Behave yourself!}+ = wie fühlen Sie sich? {how do you feel?}+ = Ganz wie Sie wollen. {Just as you like.}+ = Wem erzählen Sie das! {You are telling me!}+ = Halten Sie es geheim! {Keep it dark!}+ = Was halten Sie davon? {How does it strike you?}+ = fahren Sie langsamer! {slow down!}+ = was halten Sie davon? {what do you make of it?}+ = Sie ist schlagfertig. {She's quick at repartee.}+ = Sie leugnete rundweg. {She flatly denied.}+ = Sie kann gut rechnen. {She's good at sums.}+ = Bleiben Sie sachlich! {Stick to facts!}+ = Fahren Sie nach links! {Make a left turn!}+ = halten Sie sich rechts {keep to your right}+ = er möchte Sie sprechen {he wishes to see you}+ = Sie lügt wie gedruckt. {She's a lying so-and-so.}+ = Das gilt auch für Sie. {that applies to you too.}+ = Bitten Sie sie herein. {Ask her in.}+ = überlassen Sie es mir! {leave it to me!}+ = Entschuldigen Sie mich {pardon me}+ = was erlauben Sie sich? {how dare you?}+ = Fangen Sie an zu lesen! {Begin reading!}+ = nach dem, was Sie sagen {from what you say}+ = was wollen Sie von ihm? {what do you want with him?}+ = Sie durfte nicht gehen. {She wasn't allowed to go.}+ = Welche Größe haben Sie? {What size do you take?}+ = bitte, fahren Sie fort! {go on, please!}+ = Sie können mir glauben. {You can take it from me.}+ = bitte bedienen Sie sich {please help yourself}+ = können Sie das belegen? {can you furnish proof of that?}+ = bemühen Sie sich nicht! {don't bother!}+ = werden Sie daraus klug? {does it make sense to you?}+ = Seien Sie offen zu mir! {Be frank with me!}+ = deswegen sind Sie hier. {that's why you're here.}+ = Sie schritt auf und ab. {She paved up and down.}+ = tun Sie, was Sie wollen {do as you please}+ = nehmen Sie es nicht übel {don't take it amiss}+ = haben Sie schon gewählt? {have you made your choice?}+ = Sie hörte schweigend zu. {She listened in silence.}+ = besuchen Sie mich einmal {come to see me some time}+ = Bitte bedenken Sie doch! {Pray, consider!}+ = Sie ist sehr wählerisch. {She's very particular.}+ = wie können Sie es wagen? {how dare you?}+ = wollen Sie es probieren? {would you care to try it?}+ = Sie ist wieder die alte. {She's herself again.}+ = Sie fühlt sich gekränkt. {She feels hurt.}+ = wo sind Sie beschäftigt? {where do you work?}+ = wünschen Sie noch etwas? {would you like anything else?}+ = Entschuldigen Sie bitte. {You've my apologies.}+ = Entschuldigen Sie bitte! {I beg your pardon!; excuse me, please!}+ = kommen Sie morgen zu mir {see me tomorrow}+ = das dürfen Sie nie vergessen {you must never forget that}+ = Sie hat nichts zu melden. {She's a nobody.}+ = Sie wird leicht seekrank. {She's a bad sailor.}+ = welche Farbe möchten Sie? {what colour do you want?}+ = machen Sie es sich bequem {make yourself at home; make yourself comfortable}+ = worauf wollen Sie hinaus? {what are you driving at?}+ = Sie sollten sich schämen. {You ought to be ashamed of yourself.}+ = Das werden Sie mir büßen! {You'll hear of this!}+ = jetzt, da Sie es erwähnen {now you mention it}+ = Nehmen Sie es nicht übel. {Don't take it amiss.}+ = langen Sie ordentlich zu! (beim Essen) {cut and come again!}+ = er behauptet Sie zu kennen {he claims to know you}+ = Ich verlasse mich auf Sie. {I count on you.}+ = Rechnen Sie nicht mit mir! {You can count me out!}+ = er wünscht Sie zu sprechen {he wishes to see you}+ = Können Sie das beschwören? {Can you swear to that?}+ = Bitte seien Sie pünktlich. {Please be on time.}+ = würden Sie mir bitte sagen {would you kindly tell me}+ = Glauben Sie es bloß nicht. {Don't run away with the idea.}+ = Erinnern Sie sich an mich? {Do you remember me?}+ = Und was wünschen Sie noch? {And what more do you want?}+ = Sie haben nichts gegessen. {they feel empty.}+ = ich habe eine Bitte an Sie {may I ask you a favour}+ = können Sie mir herausgeben? {can you give me change?}+ = Sie ist piekfein gekleidet. {She's dressed up to the nines.}+ = Sie haben uns sehr gefehlt. {We've missed you badly.}+ = wären Sie so freundlich und {would you be kind enough to}+ = Sie braucht nicht zu gehen. {She hasn't got to go.}+ = Sie war tief eingeschlafen. {She was fast asleep.}+ = Gehen Sie sparsam damit um! {Use it sparingly!}+ = Sie ist sein ein und alles. {She's all the world to him.}+ = Sie werden bald gesund sein {you'll soon get well}+ = was wollen Sie damit sagen? {what do you mean by that?}+ = Bekennen Sie sich schuldig? {Do you plead guilty?}+ = Sie können mich gern haben. {I'll see you further first.}+ = wieviel verlangen Sie dafür? {what are you asking for that?}+ = Sie müssen sich entscheiden. {You have to make up your mind.}+ = Sie ist sehr mager geworden. {She's grown very thin.}+ = Mit wem sind Sie verabredet? {Who is your date?}+ = Sie amüsierte sich köstlich. {She had a ripping good time.}+ = grüßen Sie ihn schön von mir {give him my best regards}+ = in welcher Branche sind Sie? {what line are you in?}+ = unterbrechen Sie mich nicht! {don't interrupt me!}+ = ich hoffe daß Sie gesund sind {I trust that you are well}+ = Wie sind Sie darauf gekommen? {How did you hit on that?}+ = Wie Sie es auch immer machen. {However you do it.}+ = Sie können es ruhig gestehen. {You may as well own up.}+ = Kümmern Sie sich nicht darum. {Don't bother about it.}+ = lassen Sie es mich versuchen! {let me have a try at it!}+ = haben Sie etwas zu verzollen? {do you have anything to declare?}+ = wenn Sie nichts dagegen haben {if you don't object}+ = Machen Sie es wie Sie wollen! {Do your best or your worst!}+ = versäumen Sie nicht hinzugehen {don't fail to go there}+ = lassen Sie sich nicht nötigen! {don't wait to be asked!}+ = ich bin zweimal so alt wie Sie {I'm double your age}+ = lassen Sie sich nicht täuschen {don't let yourself be fooled}+ = Sie fragten mich geradeheraus. {they asked me point-black.}+ = Sie haben es heraufbeschworen. {You've asked for it.}+ = Sie ist entschlossen zu gehen. {She's bent on going.}+ = Warten Sie, bis Sie dran sind! {wait your turn!}+ = das können Sie uns nicht erzählen! {tell us another!}+ = Haben Sie sich gut unterhalten? {Did you have a nice time?}+ = Sie müssen mich einmal besuchen {you must come and see me some day}+ = Wahrscheinlich haben Sie recht. {I dare say you're right.}+ = erlauben Sie mir, das zu machen {let me do that}+ = Sie haben sich nicht verstanden. {they didn't get on well together.}+ = ich freue mich, Sie wiederzusehen {I'm looking forward to seeing you again}+ = würden Sie so freundlich sein und {would you be so kind as}+ = verstehen Sie, worauf es ankommt? {do you see the point?}+ = entschuldigen Sie, wenn ich störe {excuse my interrupting you}+ = Sie können sich darauf verlassen. {You can count on that.}+ = halten Sie es für wahrscheinlich? {do you think it probable?}+ = Lassen Sie sich nicht entmutigen. {Don't get discouraged.}+ = ich freue mich, Sie kennenzulernen {nice to meet you}+ = Sie ist gut bei ihm angeschrieben. {She's in his good books.}+ = ich freue mich, Sie kennenzulernen. {I'm glad to meet you.}+ = kann ich Sie telefonisch erreichen? {are you on the phone?}+ = Sie ist gar nicht so unmusikalisch. {She's not at all musical.}+ = Sie haben nichts füreinander übrig. {there's no love lost between them.}+ = Sie macht sich nur über Sie lustig. {She's only trying to poke fun at you.}+ = Ich begreife nicht, was Sie meinen. {I fail to see what you mean.}+ = Sie wollte es einfach nicht glauben. {She refused to believe it.}+ = Sie passen überhaupt nicht zusammen. {they're a bad match.}+ = Sie äußerte sich sehr offen darüber. {She was very outspoken about it.}+ = entschuldigen Sie, daß ich Sie störe {sorry to trouble you}+ = damit können Sie bei mir nicht landen {that cuts no ice with me}+ = es wäre besser, wenn Sie jetzt gingen {you had better go now}+ = entschuldigen Sie, daß ich unterbreche {excuse my interrupting}+ = entschuldigen Sie, daß ich zu spät komme {excuse me for being late}+ = haben Sie etwas dagegen, wenn ich rauche {do you mind if I smoke}+ = haben Sie etwas dagegen, wenn ich rauche? {do you mind my smoking?}+ = Sie brauchen sich nicht zu rechtfertigen. {You needn't justify yourself.}+ = lassen Sie sich durch mich nicht abhalten {don't let me hinder you}+ = bitte sorgen Sie dafür, während ich fort bin {please see to this while I'm away}+ = ich danke Ihnen dafür, daß Sie mir geholfen haben {thank you for helping me}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > Sie sind

  • 2 Er tut nur so.

    - {He is only pretending.} = Er trinkt viel. {He is a heavy drinker.}+ = Er weist ihn ab. {He gives him the fluff.}+ = Er ist pudelnaß. {He is like a drowned rat.}+ = Er verlor dabei. {He came off a loser.}+ = Er ging heimwärts. {He headed for home.}+ = Er macht sich rar. {He makes himself scare.}+ = Er kennt sich aus. {He knows his stuff.}+ = Er bleibt höflich. {He keeps a civil tongue in his head.}+ = Er ist hilfsbereit. {He is being helpful.}+ = Er kommt viel herum. {He gets about a lot.}+ = Er ist daran schuld. {He is to blame for it.}+ = Er mischte sich ein. {He put his oar in.}+ = Er hat mich belogen. {He told me a lie.}+ = Er ist glattrasiert. {He is clean-shaven.}+ = Er geht mächtig ran. {He drives a hard bargain.}+ = Er hat es geschafft. {He brought home the bacon.}+ = Er ist nun einmal so. {He is like that.}+ = Er trägt nichts nach. {He bears no enmity.}+ = Er ist voreingenommen. {He is prejudiced.}+ = Er amüsierte sich gut. {He had a fine old time.}+ = Er war sehr ungezogen. {He was very off-hand.}+ = Er ist springlebendig. {He is full of beans.}+ = Er tat es absichtlich. {He did it on purpose.}+ = Er ist nicht mehr hier. {He isn't here any more.}+ = Er tickt nicht richtig. {He is wrong in the garvet.}+ = Er wird es noch bereuen. {He will live to rue it.}+ = Er hat nichts zu lachen. {His life is no bed of roses.}+ = Er ist gar nicht so dumm. {He knows a thing or two.}+ = Er zählt überhaupt nicht. {He simply doesn't count.}+ = Er trägt ihm nichts nach. {He doesn't hold a grudge against him.}+ = Er verliebte sich in sie. {He fell in love with her.}+ = Er sagte überhaupt nichts. {He didn't say anything at all.}+ = Er hat sich an ihm gerächt. {He took revenge on him.}+ = Er kommt vielleicht morgen. {He may come tomorrow.}+ = Er ließ es darauf ankommen. {He took his chance.}+ = Er ist ihm nicht gewachsen. {He is no match for him.}+ = Er ließ sich entschuldigen. {He asked to be excused.}+ = Er nähme es nicht geschenkt. {He wouldn't give it house-room.}+ = Er hat nicht seinesgleichen. {He has not his fellow.}+ = Er wurde von ihm reingelegt. {He was taken in by him.}+ = Er läßt sich nicht abweisen. {He'll take no refusal.}+ = Er kann sich alles erlauben. {He gets away with everything.}+ = Er kann sich nicht benehmen. {He doesn't know how to behave.}+ = Er versuchte es nicht einmal. {He didn't even begin to try.}+ = Er ließ sich leicht überreden. {He was easily persuaded.}+ = Er ist grenzenlos eingebildet. {He thinks no end of himself.}+ = Er arbeitet von früh bis spät. {He works from morning to night.}+ = Er ist zwar arm, aber ehrlich. {Though he's poor, he's an honest man.}+ = Er ist schrecklich langweilig. {He is an awful bore.}+ = Er versuchte es mir anzudrehen. {He tried to palm it off on me.}+ = Er weiß nicht, was er tun soll. {He is in a quandary.}+ = Er ist kaum zufriedenzustellen. {He is a hard man to please.}+ = Er kommt wie gewöhnlich zu spät. {He is late as usual.}+ = Er ist total verschossen in sie. {He is nuts about her.}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > Er tut nur so.

  • 3 there

    /ðeə/ * phó từ - ở đó, tại đó, chỗ đó, chỗ ấy, đấy =here and there+ đó đây =there and then+ tại chỗ ấy là lúc ấy - ((thường) + to be) (dùng để nhấn mạnh, không dịch) =there was nothing here+ ở đây không có gì cả =where there is oppression, there is struggle+ ở đâu có áp bức, ở đó có đấu tranh =you have only to turn the switch and there you are+ anh chỉ việc xoay cái nút thì sẽ được * thán từ - đó, đấy =there! I have told you+ đó! tôi đã bảo với anh rồi =there! take this chair+ đấy, lấy cái ghế này đi * danh từ - chỗ đó, nơi đó, chỗ đấy =he lives somewhere near there+ nó ở quanh quẩn gần nơi đó =tide comes up to there+ nước thuỷ triều lên tới chỗ đó

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > there

  • 4 that

    /ðæt/ * tính từ chỉ định, số nhiều those - ấy, đó, kia =that man+ người ấy =in those days+ trong thời kỳ đó =those books are old+ những quyển sách ấy đã cũ * đại từ chỉ định, số nhiều those - người ấy, vật ấy, cái ấy, điều ấy; người đó, vật đó, cái đó, điều đó =what is that?+ cái gì đó? =who is that?+ ai đó? =after that+ sau đó =before that+ trước đó =that is+ nghĩa là, tức là =will you help me? - that I will+ anh có vui lòng giúp tôi không? xin rất sẵn lòng =that's right+ phải đó =that's it+ tốt lắm =what that?+ sao vậy?, sao thế? =and that's that; so that's that+ đấy, chỉ có thế, chỉ thế thôi - cái kia, người kia =to prefer this to that+ thích cái này hơn cái kia - cái, cái mà, cái như thế =a house like that described here+ một cái nhà giống như cái tả ở đây !at that - (xem) at * đại từ quan hệ - người mà, cái mà, mà =he is the very man [that] I want to see+ anh ấy đúng là người mà tôi cần gặp =this is he that brought the news+ đây là người đã mang tin lại =he that sows iniquity shall reap sorrows+ ai gieo gió sẽ gặt bão =the night [that] I went to the theatre+ bữa tối mà tôi đi xem hát * phó từ - như thế, đến thế, thế =I've done only that much+ tôi chỉ làm được đến thế =that far+ xa đến thế - như thế này =the boy is that tall+ đứa bé cao như thế này -(thân mật) đến nỗi =I was that tired I couldn't speak+ tôi mệt đến nỗi không thể nói được * liên từ - rằng, là =there's no doubt that communism will be achieved in the world+ chắc chắn rằng chủ nghĩa cộng sản sẽ được thực hiện trên khắp thế giới - để, để mà =light the lamp that I may read the letter+ thắp đèn lên để tôi có thể đọc bức thư - đến nỗi =the cord was such long that I could not measure it+ sợi dây dài đến nỗi tôi không thể đo được - giá mà =oh, that I knew what was happening!+ ôi! giá mà tôi biết cơ sự như thế này! !in that - bởi vì !it is that - là vì

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > that

  • 5 schon

    - {already} đã, rồi, đã... rồi - {before} trước, đằng trước, trước đây, ngày trước, trước mắt, trước mặt, hơn, thà... còn hơn..., trước khi, thà... chứ không... - {yet} còn, hãy còn, còn nữa, bây giờ, lúc này, tuy thế, tuy vậy, nhưng mà, mà, song, dù sao, dù thế nào, vả lại, hơn nữa, ấy vậy mà, tuy nhiên = schon gut {all right}+ = schon gut! {never mind!}+ = jetzt schon {by now}+ = das ist schon wahr. {that's true, of course.}+ = ist er schon da? {is he here yet?}+ = wem nützt das schon! {what's the use anyhow!}+ = was macht es schon aus? {what's the odds?}+ = was macht das schon aus! {what's the difference!}+ = ich werde es schon noch tun {I'll do it yet}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > schon

  • 6 los

    - {loose} lỏng, không chặt, chùng, không căng, không khít, rời ra, lung lay, long ra, lòng thòng, rộng lùng thùng, lùng nhùng, xốp, mềm, dễ cày, dễ làm tơi, lẻ, nhỏ, mơ hồ, không rõ ràng, không chính xác - không chặt chẽ, phóng, phóng đâng, phóng túng, không nghiêm, ẩu, bừa bâi..., yếu, hay ỉa chảy = los! {go ahead!; on}+ = also los! {here goes!}+ = ist was los? {is anything up?}+ = was ist los? {what is wrong?; what's that?; what's the matter?; what's the trouble?; what's up?}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > los

  • 7 trận nên thân trước khi chúng từ bỏ âm mưu

    !as well - cũng, cũng được, không hại gì =you can take him as well+ anh có thể đưa nó đi với =you may as well begin at once+ anh có thể bắt đầu ngay cũng được !as well as - như, cũng như, chẳng khác gì =by day as well as by night+ ngày cũng như đêm - và còn thêm =we gave him money as well as food+ chúng tôi cho nó tiền và còn thêm cái ăn nữa !pretty well - hầu như * tính từ better; best - tốt; tốt lành =things are well with you+ anh được mọi sự tốt lành; mọi việc của anh đều ổn c - tốt, hay, đúng lúc, hợp thời, nên, cần =it's well that you have come+ anh đến thật là tốt =it would be well to start early+ có lẽ nên ra đi sớm - khoẻ, mạnh khoẻ, mạnh giỏi =to feel quite well+ cm thấy rất khoẻ =to get well+ đ khỏi (người ốm) - may, may mắn =it was well for him that nobody saw him+ may mà không ai thấy nó !it's (that's) all very well but... -(mỉa mai) hay đấy, nhưng... * thán từ - quái, lạ quá =well, who would have thought it would happen?+ quái!, ai nào có tưởng là việc ấy có thể xy ra được? - đấy, thế đấy =well, here we are at last+ đấy, cuối cùng chúng ta đ đến đây - thế nào, sao =well what about it?+ thế nào, về điểm ấy thì nghĩ sao? =well then?+ rồi sao? - thôi, thôi được, thôi nào; nào nào; thôi thế là =well, such is life!+ thôi, đời là thế well =wellm it may be true!+ thôi được, điều đó có thể đúng! =well, well!, don't cry!+ thôi nào đừng khóc nữa! - được, ừ =very well!+ được!, ừ!, tốt quá! - vậy, vậy thì =well, as I was saying...+ vậy, như tôi vừa nói,... * danh từ - điều tốt, điều hay, điều lành, điều thiện =to wish someone well+ chúc ai gặp điều tốt lành !to let well alone - đ tốt rồi không phi xen vào nữa; đừng có chữa lợn lành thành lợn què * danh từ - giếng (nước, dầu...) =to bore a well+ khoan giếng =to sink a well+ đào giếng - (nghĩa bóng) nguồn (cm hứng, hạnh phúc) - (kiến trúc) lồng cầu thang - lọ (mực) - (hàng hi) khoang cá (trong thuyền đánh cá); buồng máy bm (trên tàu) - chỗ ngồi của các luật sư (toà án) - (hàng không) chỗ phi công ngồi - (địa lý,địa chất) nguồn nước, suối nước - (ngành mỏ) hầm, lò

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > trận nên thân trước khi chúng từ bỏ âm mưu

  • 8 unwahrscheinlich

    - {fantastic} kỳ quái, quái dị, lập dị, đồng bóng, vô cùng to lớn, tưởng tượng, không tưởng - {flimsy} mỏng manh, mỏng mảnh, hời hợt, nông cạn, tầm thường, nhỏ mọn - {implausible} không có vẻ hợp lý, không có vẻ thật, đáng ngờ - {improbable} không chắc, không chắc có thực, không chắc sẽ xảy ra, đâu đâu - {incredible} không thể tin được, lạ thường - {unlikely} không nghĩ đến, không có hứa hẹn = sehr unwahrscheinlich {unthinkable}+ = durchaus unwahrscheinlich {nothing less than probable}+ = es war geradezu unwahrscheinlich {it was really improbable}+ = es ist unwahrscheinlich, daß er heute herkommt {there is a little likelihood of his coming here today}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > unwahrscheinlich

  • 9 einmal

    - {formerly} trước đây, thuở xưa - {once} một lần, một khi, trước kia, xưa kia, đã có một thời, khi mà, ngay khi = auf einmal {at a blow; at a single blow; at once; at one blow; overnight; with the run}+ = erst einmal {once}+ = noch einmal {again; anew; once again; once more}+ = nicht einmal {not even; not once; not so much as}+ = wieder einmal {once more}+ = später einmal {by and by}+ = es war einmal {once upon a time; once upon a time there was}+ = noch einmal tun {to repeat}+ = alles auf einmal {all of a lump}+ = noch einmal so viel {as many more; double}+ = nehmen wir einmal an {let us assume}+ = da du nun einmal da bist {now that you are here}+ = wie es nun einmal so ist {as it happens}+ = alles ging noch einmal glatt ab {everything went without a hitch}+ = bin ich erst einmal dort oben, werde ich... {once up there, I shall...}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > einmal

  • 10 rather

    /'rɑ:ðə/ * phó từ - thà... hơn, thích... hơn =we would rather die than be salves+ chúng ta thà chết còn hơn làm nô lệ =which would you rather have, tea or coffee?+ anh thích dùng (uống) gì hơn, trà hay cà phê? - đúng hơn, hơn là =we got home late last night, or rather early this morning+ chúng tôi về đến nhà khuya đêm qua, hay đúng hơn sáng sớm hôm nay =it is derived rather from inagination than reason+ điều đó xuất phát từ tưởng tượng hơn là từ lý trí - phần nào, hơi, khá =the performance was rather a failure+ buổi biểu diễn thất bại phần nào =he felt rather tired at the end of the long climb+ sau cuộc trèo núi lâu, anh cảm thấy hơi mệt =rather pretty+ khá đẹp - dĩ nhiên là có; có chứ (nhấn mạnh trong khi trả lời) =do you know him? - rather!+ anh có biết anh đó không? có chứ! =have you been here before? - rather!+ trước đây anh có ở đây không? dĩ nhiên là có! !the rather that... - huống hồ là vì...

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > rather

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Kilroy was here — Le graffiti « Kilroy was here » redessiné …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Foo was here — graffiti figure Foo was here is an Australian graffiti signature of popular culture, especially known for its use during World War II, but also became popular amongst Australian schoolchildren of post war generations. Foo (or Mr Chad) is shown as …   Wikipedia

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  • Kelis Was Here — Álbum de Kelis Publicación 22 de agosto del 2006 Grabación Octubre de 2004 – Junio de 2006 Bangladesh Studios Blue Basement Recordings Doppler Studios (Atlanta, Georgia) Battery Studios …   Wikipedia Español

  • Kelis Was Here — Studioalbum von Kelis Veröffentlichung 2006 Label LaFace/Jive (USA) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Kilroy was here — (Kilroy estuvo aquí) era un tipo de grafiti de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Aparece como una persona que está mirando por encima de una cerca con las palabras Kilroy was here. Un buen ejemplo está presente al final del …   Wikipedia Español

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