Перевод: с английского на словацкий

со словацкого на английский


  • 1 slip

    I 1. [slip] past tense, past participle - slipped; verb
    1) (to slide accidentally and lose one's balance or footing: I slipped and fell on the path.) pošmyknúť sa
    2) (to slide, or drop, out of the right position or out of control: The plate slipped out of my grasp.) vyšmyknúť sa
    3) (to drop in standard: I'm sorry about my mistake - I must be slipping!) vykĺznuť, urobiť chybu, (s)chybiť, zmýliť sa, prerieknuť sa
    4) (to move quietly especially without being noticed: She slipped out of the room.) vytratiť sa
    5) (to escape from: The dog had slipped its lead and disappeared.) vykĺznuť
    6) (to put or pass (something) with a quick, light movement: She slipped the letter back in its envelope.) vsunúť
    2. noun
    1) (an act of slipping: Her sprained ankle was a result of a slip on the path.) pošmyknutie
    2) (a usually small mistake: Everyone makes the occasional slip.) chybička
    3) (a kind of undergarment worn under a dress; a petticoat.) kombiné; spodnička
    4) ((also slipway) a sloping platform next to water used for building and launching ships.) dok
    - slippery
    - slipperiness
    - slip road
    - slipshod
    - give someone the slip
    - give the slip
    - let slip
    - slip into
    - slip off
    - slip on
    - slip up
    II [slip] noun
    (a strip or narrow piece of paper: She wrote down his telephone number on a slip of paper.) prúžok
    * * *
    • vrazit
    • ústrižok
    • vsypat
    • uvolnit
    • vodítko
    • utiect
    • vyklbit
    • vynechat
    • vyšmyknút sa
    • vyvliect sa
    • vyhnút sa
    • vypustit
    • výhonok
    • vyhodit
    • vypadnút
    • zlom
    • zhrešit
    • zapadnút
    • zhodit
    • zásterka
    • zošmyknutie
    • zvliect
    • zmetat
    • zmenit sa
    • zošmyknút sa
    • zosuv
    • schovat
    • šmyk
    • sadenica
    • šmyknút sa
    • sklznut
    • sklz
    • slabnút
    • štíhly jedinec
    • strácat svoje schopnosti
    • stlpcová korektúra
    • ujst
    • uklznut
    • uklznutie
    • uhnút
    • upevnovacia lišta
    • upadat
    • tlct
    • urobit malú chybu
    • trochu sa spliest
    • prehliadnut
    • prehliadnutie
    • prejst
    • prerieknut
    • priesada
    • preklzovat
    • priesmyk
    • prepustit
    • hltat
    • hádzat do seba
    • fúknut ho tam
    • klzat sa
    • klesat
    • hrubá poleva
    • klzat
    • klzavost
    • íst dole
    • bit
    • cvicebný úbor
    • cúvnut
    • chybicka
    • pustit
    • rezat
    • rozviazat
    • riadit
    • roztieratelnost
    • pruh
    • pustit sa
    • prúžok
    • riadenie padáku
    • pás
    • otvorit
    • plynút
    • paragón
    • povlak
    • posun
    • poklznutie
    • pokles
    • potratit
    • pomýlit sa
    • pošmyknutie
    • posunút
    • lúc
    • krídelko
    • lišta
    • kupón
    • lodný výtah
    • kombiné
    • malá chyba
    • malý priestupok
    • mlátit
    • mostík
    • nedopatrenie
    • nasadit
    • nechat bez využitia
    • nasypat
    • nechat bez povšimnutia
    • odpojit sa
    • odpojit kotvu
    • odomknút
    • omyl
    • obliekat sa
    • odviazat
    • odviazat sa
    • odnož
    • obruba

    English-Slovak dictionary > slip

  • 2 let slip

    1) (to miss (an opportunity etc): I let the chance slip, unfortunately.) nechať si ujsť
    2) (to say (something) unintentionally: She let slip some remark about my daughter.) ukĺznuť (niekomu), uniknúť

    English-Slovak dictionary > let slip

См. также в других словарях:

  • let something slip — let (something) slip to say something that you intended to keep secret. She doesn t like to tell people what she s doing, but sometimes she ll let something slip. From time to time, Alex lets slip an ugly comment about his colleagues. Usage notes …   New idioms dictionary

  • let (something) slip through (your) fingers — 1. to waste an opportunity to achieve something. This is my big chance to make a career in journalism and I can t let it slip through my fingers. Usage notes: sometimes used without let: He has seen the world championship slip through his fingers …   New idioms dictionary

  • let (it) slip — phrase to tell someone something that is secret by mistake He let it slip that they intended to move to Canada. She let slip something very interesting. Thesaurus: to make a mistake, or to do something badlysynonym to tell or reveal a secret or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • let (someone) slip through (your) fingers — to allow someone to escape from you. The police let the main suspect slip through their fingers …   New idioms dictionary

  • let something slip (through your fingers) — let sth ˈslip (through your fingers) idiom to miss or fail to use an opportunity • Don t let the chance to work abroad slip through your fingers. Main entry: ↑slipidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • let something slip through one's fingers — (or grasp) lose hold or possession of something …   Useful english dictionary

  • let something slip — REVEAL, disclose, divulge, let out, give away, blurt out; give the game away; informal let on, blab, let the cat out of the bag, spill the beans; Brit. informal blow the gaff. → slip * * * let something drop/slip/ …   Useful english dictionary

  • let something slip — who let it slip that we were hiding here? Syn: reveal, disclose, divulge, let out, give away, blurt out; give the game away; informal let on, blab, let the cat out of the bag, spill the beans …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • let something slip — 1》 reveal something inadvertently in conversation. 2》 archaic release a hound from the leash to begin the chase. → slip …   English new terms dictionary

  • Don't Let Love Slip Away — Studio album by Freddie Jackson Released 1988 Recorded 1988 Genre R B …   Wikipedia

  • Never Let Her Slip Away — Single by Andrew Gold from the album All This and Heaven Too Released 1978 Genre Pop Length 3:23 …   Wikipedia

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