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  • 1 одиночк

    (adj. & n.) شخص، فرد، تک، منحصر بفرد، متعلق بفرد
    { individualize: ـ(vt.) از دیگران جدا کردن، مجزا کردن، تک سازی، تمیز دادن، تشخیص دادن، حالت ویژه دادن، منفرد ذکر کردن، به صورت فردی در آوردن}

    Русско-персидский словарь > одиночк

  • 2 одиночка

    (adj. & n.) شخص، فرد، تک، منحصر بفرد، متعلق بفرد
    { individualize: ـ(vt.) از دیگران جدا کردن، مجزا کردن، تک سازی، تمیز دادن، تشخیص دادن، حالت ویژه دادن، منفرد ذکر کردن، به صورت فردی در آوردن}

    Русско-персидский словарь > одиночка

См. также в других словарях:

  • his own man — independent man, one who makes his own decisions    Ken will do his job, but he does it his way. He s his own man …   English idioms

  • Man in Black: His Own Story in His Own Words — is an autobiography by country musician Johnny Cash. It served as part of the basis for the 2005 award winning film Walk the Line. First edition Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1975. ISBN 99924 31 58 X …   Wikipedia

  • be one's own man — phrasal : to have command of oneself : not to be subject to another the college president must be his own man Harold Taylor * * * be one s own man To be independent, not answerable to anyone else • • • Main Entry: ↑man * * * be one s own man (or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • be/become your own man — to be or become a man who is not controlled by other people or who is able to support himself without the help of other people He left home and moved to the city to become his own man. • • • Main Entry: ↑man …   Useful english dictionary

  • be your own man — phrase to not let yourself be influenced or controlled by other people There’s no point telling him what to do – he’s always been his own man. Thesaurus: to be free or independentsynonym Main entry: man …   Useful english dictionary

  • mind of his own — independent thinker, his own man    Fu doesn t copy the work of his friends. He has a mind of his own …   English idioms

  • be your own man — to not let yourself be influenced or controlled by other people There s no point telling him what to do – he s always been his own man …   English dictionary

  • To be one's own man — Man Man (m[a^]n), n.; pl. {Men} (m[e^]n). [AS. mann, man, monn, mon; akin to OS., D., & OHG. man, G. mann, Icel. ma[eth]r, for mannr, Dan. Mand, Sw. man, Goth. manna, Skr. manu, manus, and perh. to Skr. man to think, and E. mind. [root]104. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Man v. Food Nation — Country of origin United States Broadcast Original channel Travel Channel Original run June 1, 2011 …   Wikipedia

  • Let Every Man Mind His Own Business — Let Every Man Mind His Own Business, by Harriet Beecher Stowe, is a short story in the temperance fiction genre. It was published in 1839. Plot Summary The story opens with Alfred Melton attempting to persuade his cousin and her fiancé, August… …   Wikipedia

  • every man is the architect of his own fortune — Although attributed to Bacon in quot. 1991, this was a saying of the Roman censor Appius Claudius Caecus (4th 3rd cent. BC): PSEUDO SALLUST Ad Caesarem Senem i. sed res docuit id verum esse, quod in carminibus Appius ait, fabrum esse suae quemque …   Proverbs new dictionary

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