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  • 1 know better

    (to be too wise or well-taught (to do something): She should know better at her age!; He should have known better than to trust them.) nebūt tādam muļķim

    English-Latvian dictionary > know better

  • 2 the

    [ðə, ði]
    (The form [ðə] is used before words beginning with a consonant eg the house or consonant sound eg the union [ðə'ju:njən]; the form [ði] is used before words beginning with a vowel eg the apple or vowel sound eg the honour [ði 'onə]) tas
    1) (used to refer to a person, thing etc mentioned previously, described in a following phrase, or already known: Where is the book I put on the table?; Who was the man you were talking to?; My mug is the tall blue one; Switch the light off!)
    2) (used with a singular noun or an adjective to refer to all members of a group etc or to a general type of object, group of objects etc: The horse is running fast.; I spoke to him on the telephone; He plays the piano/violin very well.)
    3) (used to refer to unique objects etc, especially in titles and names: the Duke of Edinburgh; the Atlantic (Ocean).)
    4) (used after a preposition with words referring to a unit of quantity, time etc: In this job we are paid by the hour.)
    5) (used with superlative adjectives and adverbs to denote a person, thing etc which is or shows more of something than any other: He is the kindest man I know; We like him (the) best of all.)
    6) ((often with all) used with comparative adjectives to show that a person, thing etc is better, worse etc: He has had a week's holiday and looks (all) the better for it.)
    - the...
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > the

  • 3 break

    [breik] 1. past tense - broke; verb
    1) (to divide into two or more parts (by force).) []lauzt; sasist
    2) ((usually with off/away) to separate (a part) from the whole (by force).) nolauzt; atlauzt
    3) (to make or become unusable.) saplīst; sabrukt; saplēst; sagraut
    4) (to go against, or not act according to (the law etc): He broke his appointment at the last minute.) lauzt (solījumu); pārkāpt (likumu)
    5) (to do better than (a sporting etc record).) pārspēt (rekordu)
    6) (to interrupt: She broke her journey in London.) pārtraukt (ceļojumu)
    7) (to put an end to: He broke the silence.) pārtraukt (klusumu u.tml.)
    8) (to make or become known: They gently broke the news of his death to his wife.) paziņot; pavēstīt
    9) ((of a boy's voice) to fall in pitch.) (par balsi) aizlūzt
    10) (to soften the effect of (a fall, the force of the wind etc).) mazināt; mazināties
    11) (to begin: The storm broke before they reached shelter.) (par vētru) sākties
    2. noun
    1) (a pause: a break in the conversation.) pārtraukums; starpbrīdis
    2) (a change: a break in the weather.) []maiņa
    3) (an opening.) sprauga; plaisa
    4) (a chance or piece of (good or bad) luck: This is your big break.) gadījums; iespēja
    3. noun
    ((usually in plural) something likely to break.) viegli plīstošas lietas
    - breaker
    - breakdown
    - break-in
    - breakneck
    - breakout
    - breakthrough
    - breakwater
    - break away
    - break down
    - break into
    - break in
    - break loose
    - break off
    - break out
    - break out in
    - break the ice
    - break up
    - make a break for it
    * * *
    lūzums; robs, sprauga, plaisa, caurums; izlikšanās; starpbrīdis, pārtraukums; salūzt, saplīst, sasist; lauzt; salauzt; lauzt, pārkāpt; pārtraukt; atplēst, atkorķēt, attaisīt; pavēstīt, paziņot; izputēt, bankrotēt; degradēt, atlaist; izmainīt; aust; izklīst; aizlūzt; izlauzties; iedragāt, salauzt; pārspēt; kulstīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > break

  • 4 ever

    ['evə] 1. adverb
    1) (at any time: Nobody ever visits us; She hardly ever writes; Have you ever ridden on an elephant?; If I ever / If ever I see him again I shall get my revenge; better than ever; the brightest star they had ever seen.) gandrīz nekad
    2) (always; continually: They lived happily ever after; I've known her ever since she was a baby.) kopš tā laika
    3) (used for emphasis: The new doctor is ever so gentle; What ever shall I do?) tik; gan
    - evergreen 2. noun
    (an evergreen tree: Firs and pines are evergreens.) mūžzaļš augs
    - everlastingly
    - evermore
    - for ever / forever
    * * *
    arvien, vienmēr; jebkad, kādreiz; gan; cik vien

    English-Latvian dictionary > ever

  • 5 which

    [wi ] 1. adjective, pronoun
    (used in questions etc when asking someone to point out, state etc one or more persons, things etc from a particular known group: Which (colour) do you like best?; Which route will you travel by?; At which station should I change trains?; Which of the two girls do you like better?; Tell me which books you would like; Let me know which train you'll be arriving on; I can't decide which to choose.) kurš
    2. relative pronoun
    ((used to refer to a thing or things mentioned previously to distinguish it or them from others: able to be replaced by that except after a preposition: able to be omitted except after a preposition or when the subject of a clause) (the) one(s) that: This is the book which/that was on the table; This is the book (which/that) you wanted; A scalpel is a type of knife which/that is used by surgeons; The chair (which/that) you are sitting on is broken; The documents for which they were searching have been recovered.) (tas) kurš
    3. relative adjective, relative pronoun
    (used, after a comma, to introduce a further comment on something: My new car, which I paid several thousand pounds for, is not running well; He said he could speak Russian, which was untrue; My father may have to go into hospital, in which case he won't be going on holiday.) kas; kurš
    - which is which? - which is which
    * * *
    kāds, kurš; kas, kurš, kāds

    English-Latvian dictionary > which

См. также в других словарях:

  • better-known — etter known adj. prenom. more familiar or renowned than the other of two. Antonym of {lesser known}. the {better known} book of the two Syn: better known(predicate). [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • better known as — phrase used when someone has two names and you are introducing the more familiar one Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known as Lenin Thesaurus: relating to names and the process of naminghyponym Main entry: better …   Useful english dictionary

  • better-known — adjective more familiar or renowned than the other of two the better known book of the two • Similar to: ↑known …   Useful english dictionary

  • better known as — used when someone has two names and you are introducing the more familiar one Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known as Lenin …   English dictionary

  • Better Know a District — (also known as BKAD) is a recurring segment on The Colbert Report . It offers a humorous explanation of a different United States Congressional district in each segment and generally includes an interview with that district s member of… …   Wikipedia

  • better — bet|ter1 [ betər ] function word *** Better is the comparative form of good and well, and can be used in the following ways: as an adjective: a better method of teaching languages The weather is better today. as an adverb: Our opponents played… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • better — I UK [ˈbetə(r)] / US [ˈbetər] adjective *** 1) a) more satisfactory, suitable, pleasant, effective, or of higher quality etc She s trying to find a better job. better than: The results were better than we had expected. get better (= improve): The …   English dictionary

  • better*/*/*/ — [ˈbetə] grammar word summary: Better can be: ■ an adjective: a better method of teaching languages ■ an adverb: Our opponents played better than we did. ■ a noun: There has been a change for the better. 1) the comparative form of ‘good and ‘well …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • better — 1 adjective (comparative of good) 1 more useful, interesting, satisfactory, effective, suitable etc: Your stereo is better than mine. | a better job with a better salary | It was one of the better Broadway shows I ve seen. | There must be a… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • better — bet|ter1 W1S1 [ˈbetə US ər] adj [: Old English; Origin: betera] 1.) [comparative of good] more useful, interesting, satisfactory, effective, suitable etc ≠ ↑worse ▪ Your stereo is better than mine. ▪ a better job with a better salary ▪ There must …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Better Than the Rest — Infobox Album| Name = Better Than the Rest Type = album Artist = George Thorogood the Destroyers Released = 1979 Recorded = Genre = Blues rock Hard rock Length = 28:58 Label = MCA Producer = Danny Lipman Reviews = * Allmusic Rating|3|5… …   Wikipedia

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