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См. также в других словарях:

  • Anathema — • Placed on high, suspended, set aside Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Anathema     Anathema     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Anathema — (in Greek Ανάθεμα) meaning originally something lifted up as an offering to the gods; later, with evolving meanings, it came to mean: # to be formally set apart, # banished, exiled, excommunicated or # denounced, sometimes… …   Wikipedia

  • Anathema — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para el vocablo griego, véase Anatema. Anathema Anathema tocando en vivo en España en 2007 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Anathema — Фестиваль Festimad 2007, Мадрид …   Википедия

  • Anathema — sur scène en 2007. Pays d’origine Liverpool …   Wikipédia en Français

  • ANATHEMA — ut et Devotio ac Sacrum, interdum rem pietatis ergo Numini sacratam, interdum diris onustam denotat; cum scil. utraque devovebatur, haec ut malorum Vindici, illa ut bonorum Auctori Conservatorique. Unde et Hebraeum Cherem, seu Anathema aut… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Anathema — A*nath e*ma, n.; pl. {Anathemas}. [L. anath[e^]ma, fr. Gr. ? anything devoted, esp. to evil, a curse; also L. anath[=e]ma, fr. Gr. ? a votive offering; all fr. ? to set up as a votive gift, dedicate; ? up + ? to set. See {Thesis}.] 1. A ban or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Anathema Maranatha — Anathema A*nath e*ma, n.; pl. {Anathemas}. [L. anath[e^]ma, fr. Gr. ? anything devoted, esp. to evil, a curse; also L. anath[=e]ma, fr. Gr. ? a votive offering; all fr. ? to set up as a votive gift, dedicate; ? up + ? to set. See {Thesis}.] 1. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • anathema — (n.) 1520s, an accursed thing, from L. anathema an excommunicated person; the curse of excommunication, from Gk. anathema a thing accursed, originally a thing devoted, lit. a thing set up (to the gods), from ana up (see ANA (Cf. ana )) + tithenai …   Etymology dictionary

  • anathema — 1. The meaning has changed over several centuries of use. Originally a Greek word meaning ‘a thing dedicated’ it then came to mean ‘a thing dedicated to evil; an accursed thing’ and then, in the context of the Christian Church, ‘the act or… …   Modern English usage

  • Anathema (Band) — …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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