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  • 101 speed

    English-Russian military dictionary > speed

  • 102 in

    [ɪn] 1. предл.
    а) внутри, в, на, в пределах

    His chamber in Merton Coll. — Его комната в Мертон Колл.

    I never saw greater devotion in any countenance. — Ни на одном лице я не видел выражения большей религиозности.

    They are in the open sea. — Они в открытом море.

    Hundreds lay languishing in prison. — В тюрьме гноили тысячи.

    The worthiest man in Europe. — Самый богатый человек в Европе.

    A word rings in my memory. — Мне все вспоминается одно слово.

    She bathes in water. — Она купается в воде.

    Thou (= you) wilt (= will) not leave us here in the dust. — Ты не оставишь нас здесь в пыли.

    Groping in the dark. — Ползая во тьме.

    б) из, среди, как часть

    Ninety-nine in a hundred were attentive. — Из сотни внимательны были девяносто девять.

    A debtor offered 6s. in the pound. — Должник предложил шесть шиллингов на каждый фунт.

    The plaintiff applied for shares in this company. — Истец требовал доли в этой фирме.

    - in parts

    A lovely girl in mourning is sitting. — Сидит милая девушка в трауре.

    I am to be hanged in chains. — Меня закуют в цепи и подвесят.

    During the descent Tuckett and I were in the same cord with them. — Во время спуска я и Такетт были в одной с ними связке.

    г) в, внутрь, в центр, в направлении к

    The said John cast the said writing in the fire. — Указанный Джон бросил указанную бумагу в огонь.

    He plunged his lousy head in the pillows. — Он зарылся своей вшивой башкой в подушки.

    д) ( in-) внутренний, не выходящий за пределы (процесса, организации)

    Our in-company training programs. — Наши внутрифирменные программы обучения.

    In-process gauging could halt waste. — Измерения по ходу процесса могут предотвратить потери.

    For drying grass seed, the in-sack drier had many advantages. — Что касается сушки травяных семян, внутримешочная сушка имеет много преимуществ.

    Development of in-service training for staff nurses. — Разработка программы обучения медсестер без отрыва от производства.

    а) во время, в течение

    In the beginning God made of nought heaven and earth. — Вначале сотворил Господь небо и землю.

    He was never so afraid in his days. — Никогда в жизни он не был так испуган.

    Common in times of famine. — Обычное дело в голодные времена.

    Between the hours of twelve and four in the morning. — Между двенадцатью и четырьмя часами утра.

    All the gentlemen's houses you'll see in a railway excursion. — Все дома дворянства вы увидите во время железнодорожной экскурсии.

    No Sunday shower kept him at home in that important hour. — Никакой дождь не мог удержать его дома в воскресенье в такое важное время.

    б) за (истечением), в течение, в пределах

    Men may sail it in seven days. — За семь дней это можно переплыть.

    From this machine gun 1,000 bullets can be discharged in a single minute. — Этот пулемет имеет скорострельность 1000 пуль в минуту.

    By working hard he could make one in a week. — Напряженно работая, он мог сделать одну такую вещь за неделю.

    He died in three months. — Он умер через три месяца.

    I came back from Oxford in ten days. — Через десять дней я вернулся из Оксфорда.

    The succeeding four months in which we continued at sea. — Следующие четыре месяца, в течение которых мы были в море.

    He was hungry as he had not been in months. — Ни разу за все прошедшие месяцы он не был так голоден, как сейчас.

    Arlene said that she had not played tennis in three years. — Арлин говорит, что три года не играла в теннис.

    а) из (какого-л. материала)

    A statue of a horse in brass. — Медная статуя лошади.

    A long coat in green velvet. — Длинный плащ из зеленого бархата.

    б) в объёме, в размере

    In the main they agree with us. — В основном они с нами согласны.

    Any act repealing in whole or in part any former statute. — Любой закон, отменяющий полностью или частично предыдущий статут.

    Drift-wood was lying about in large quantities. — Плавник был разбросан повсюду в огромных количествах.

    в) в качестве; взамен, вместо; в виде

    She thus in answer spake (= spoke). — В ответ она сказала так.

    He has written to the newspaper in reply to his assailant. — Он написал в газету письмо в ответ на нападки.


    All is in my sight. — Все доступно моему взору.

    б) в качестве, в порядке

    The living of Framley was in the gift of the Lufton family. — Содержание Фреймли было подарком от семьи Лафтонов, было содержанием, сутью дара семьи Лафтонов.

    It was in newspapers. — Об этом писали в газетах.

    в) в рядах, в кругу, в курсе

    A friend of mine is in the army. — Один мой друг служит в армии.

    Mind I'm in it. — Помни, я в деле.

    I thought I really was in it at last, and knew what she meant. — Я полагал, что меня наконец "допустили", что я понимал, что она имеет в виду.

    To those in it every sound conveys a meaning. — Для посвященных каждый звук наполнен смыслом.

    г) в руках, в ведении, во власти; в стиле, в духе

    The government of Greece is in the king. — Исполнительная власть в Греции принадлежит королю.

    It is in me to punish you. — У меня есть право тебя наказывать.

    His lordship knows rudeness is not in me. — Его превосходительство знает, что грубости не в моем духе.

    Anyone who has it in him to do heroic deeds. — Любой человек, обладающий способностью совершать геройские поступки, способный на геройство.

    The minerals, therefore, are in the trustees. — По этой причине камни хранятся у доверенных лиц.

    д) в (о наличии интереса, "изюминки" в чем-л., о сравнительном достоинстве кого-л. / чего-л.)

    The first round there was nothing much in it. — В первом раунде не произошло ничего особенного.

    The "Washingtonologists" in Moscow must be getting their files out to see what is in it for the Soviet Union, and for the world. — "Вашингтонологи" в Москве, должно быть, роются сейчас в своих досье, пытаясь понять, что это означает для Советского Союза, да и для планеты вообще.

    I can't see what there was in it for Mrs Plum. — Не могу понять, что это так заинтересовало миссис Плам.

    I thought the Party knew all the technique there is about handling people, but they're not in it with the Church. — Я полагал, партия умела управлять людьми, но на самом деле до церкви ей конечно далеко.

    All people are killers, potentially. Tigers aren't in it with people. — Все люди - потенциальные убийцы, куда там тиграм, тигры отдыхают!

    а) в состоянии, в положении

    Groping in our blindness we may seem big now, but, really, we're so small. (P. Hammill) — Мы идём по жизни на ощупь, как слепые, и кажемся порой великими, но, по правде, мы столь ничтожны.

    All the Court was in a hubbub. — В зале суда бушевала буря.

    Her husband has been in love with her ever since he knew her. — Её муж влюбился в неё ещё тогда, когда впервые её увидел.

    You are absolutely forbidden speaking to him in private. — Вам категорически запрещается разговаривать с ним в приватной обстановке / с глазу на глаз.

    The sea was in a blaze for many miles. — Море сверкало на много миль вперёд.

    б) в процессе, в ходе

    The Lacedemonians are already in labour of the war. — Лакедемоняне уже воюют.

    In search of plunder. — В поисках, чего бы пограбить.

    They have been in almost every variety of crime, from petty larceny down to downright murder. — Они совершили все возможные преступления, от простых краж прямо-таки до убийств.

    He was drowned in crossing the river. — Он утонул, переправляясь через реку.

    в) употребляется при указании на способ действия; переводится обычно наречиями или наречными оборотами; употребления часто сходны с аналогичными употреблениями предлога with

    in the manner anciently used — cпособом, известным с древности

    He told several people in confidence. — Он рассказал некоторым доверенным лицам.

    He begged in piteous terms that he might be admitted to the royal presence. — Он униженно просил аудиенции у короля.

    Among the trees in pairs they rose, they walked. (J. Milton, Paradise Lost, Book VII) — Попарно звери встали меж дерев и разминулись по местам своим. (пер. А. Штейнберга)

    A hawk flew in a circle, screaming. — Крича, летал кругами ястреб.

    He spoke in a strong French accent. — Он говорил с сильным французским акцентом

    Bede is writing in a dead language, Gregory in a living. (M. Pattison) — Беда Достопочтенный пишет на мёртвом языке, папа Григорий I на живом.

    A French ship ballasted in mahogany. — Французский корабль, груженый красным деревом.

    Half-length portraits, in crayons. — Карандашные рисунки в половину роста.

    а) для, внутри; само по себе ( с возвратными местоимениями)

    Of things absolutely or in themselves. — О вещах безотносительно к чему бы то ни было или о вещах самих по себе.

    The story may be true in itself. — Сам по себе рассказ может быть правдив.

    б) поэт. во (имя), ради

    As in Adam all men die, so in Christ all men shall be resurrected. ( Bible) — Как в Адаме все умирают, так во Христе все оживут.

    Blessed are the dead men, that die in the Lord. ( Bible) — Отныне блаженны мёртвые, умирающие в Господе.

    в) в лице, в роли, по отношению к

    I am to come out in Hamlet, in Laertes. — Мне предстоит играть в "Гамлете" Лаэрта.

    Dread no thief in me! — Не бойся, я не вор!

    How great a captain England possessed in her future King. — Какого великого полководца имела Британия в лице своего будущего короля!

    All the thirty were in politics vehemently opposed to the prisoner. — Что касается политических взглядов, все тридцать были из противной узнику партии.

    [ref dict="LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)"]in[/ref]
    2. нареч.
    1) внутри; внутрь; с внутренней стороны
    2) рядом, поблизости
    near 2.
    3. сущ.
    а) ( the ins) разг. политическая партия, находящаяся у власти
    2) влияние, воздействие
    influence 1., pull 1.
    4. прил.
    б) внутренний, для внутреннего пользования
    2) разг. находящийся у власти
    б) приближающийся, прибывающий

    I saw the in train. — Я увидел прибывающий поезд.

    4) разг.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > in

  • 103 tank

    [tæŋk] I 1. сущ.
    1) бак, резервуар, цистерна, чан

    auxiliary / service tank — запасной бак

    б) искусственное озеро, пруд; бассейн
    pond 1., pool I
    3) фото; = developing tank бачок для проявления
    5) радио колебательный контур
    6) = reactor tank (ядерный) реактор
    7) информ. накопитель
    8) амер.; разг. тюремная камера
    2. гл.
    1) наливать в бак; хранить в баке
    3) спорт.; жарг. намеренно проиграть, "подыграть" (кому-л.)

    They tanked the match. — Они нарочно проиграли матч.

    4) падать (об акциях, курсе валюты)
    II 1. сущ.; воен. - tank cut
    - tank country
    2. гл.; разг.
    1) идти напролом; переть как танк

    He tanked right over her without so much as noticing her. (A. Thirkell) — Он прошёл мимо, даже не заметив её.

    2) одержать победу, победить с видимым преимуществом, одержать верх (над кем-л.)

    Our team always tanks them. — Наша команда всегда их побеждает.


    Англо-русский современный словарь > tank

  • 104 punctuation

    Points of exclamation, points of interrogation, dots, dashes; commas, semicolons and full stops serve as an additional source of information and help to specify the meaning of the written sentence which in oral speech would be conveyed by the intonation. (V.A.K.)

    "What's your name?" "John Lewis." "Mine's Liza. Watkin." (K.Kesey)

    "You know so much. Where is she?" "Dead. Or in a crazy house." Or married. I think she's married and quieted down." (T.Capote)

    The neon lights in the heart of the city flashed on and off. On and off. On. Off. On. Off. Continuiously. (P.Abrahams)

    ... a truth, a faith, a generation of men goes - and is forgotten, and it does not matter! (J.Conrad)

    See: order of words, one-word sentences, syntactical SDs

    English-Russian dictionary of stylistics (terminology and examples) > punctuation

  • 105 discover

    2) обнаруживать, раскрывать
    - discover the truth
    - discover the theft
    - discover that..
    3) узнавать, выяснять
    Действие глагола to discover сравнимо с тщательным раскапыванием земли в поисках чего-либо, в данном случае, каких-либо фактов, новых или неожиданных сведений, что явно выражено в словосочетаниях фигурально передающих значение глагола to discover - "найти, открывать, обнаруживать": let me know if you dig up anything about it дай мне знать, если ты что-нибудь об этом раскопаешь; I unearthed some useful fact and figures я раскопал несколько полезных фактов и цифр; the facts only came to light after a long investigation факты увидели свет только после длительных изысканий; we left no stone unturned in our search for the truth мы камня на камне не оставили в поисках истины; the book is a mine/goldmine of information книга прямо кладезь информации; you need to put in a lot of spadework тебе еще предстоит много черновой работы/немало покопаться; it took me a long time to find it, but I finally struck gold/oil мне потребовалось много времени, чтобы найти это, но в конце концов я на него наткнулся; they racked up a lot of scandal они раскопали грандиозный скандал
    (1.) Глагол to discover 1. в основном употребляется в официальной письменной речи. (2.) Русские обнаружить, найти соответствуют английским глаголам to discover и to find. B утвердительных и вопросительных предложениях они взаимозаменимы: she found/discovered the drawing on her desk она обнаружила рисунок на своем столе. В отрицательных предложениях глагол to discover в этом значении не употребляется.

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > discover

  • 106 feed

    1. n питание, кормление
    2. n корм; фураж

    feed grinder — дробилка для кормов, кормодробилка

    3. n порция, дача
    4. n разг. пища, еда
    5. n выгон, пастбище
    6. n тех. питание, загрузка

    feed box — загрузочная воронка, загрузочный ковш

    7. n тех. подача материала
    8. n тех. подаваемый материал
    9. v кормить, давать пищу

    to feed in — подавать, вводить

    10. v питать; давать пищу
    11. v кормить, обеспечивать, содержать

    somebody has to stick about and feed the dog — кому-то надо остаться, чтобы кормить собаку

    12. v снабжать, обеспечивать, питать

    feed up — откармливать, усиленно питать

    13. v амер. задавать корм
    14. v амер. скармливать
    15. v бросать; отправлять

    one must feed coal to a stove to keep it going — чтобы печь не погасла, нужно всё время подбрасывать в неё уголь

    16. v пасти
    17. v есть, кормиться
    18. v шутл. есть, подкрепляться
    19. v кормиться, питаться
    20. v театр. проф. подавать реплику партнёру; подыгрывать партнёру
    21. v театр. проф. подсказывать, суфлировать
    22. v театр. проф. спорт. проф. подавать, передавать партнёру, противнику
    23. v тех. питать, снабжать
    24. v тех. нагнетать, накачивать
    25. v спец. вводить данные
    26. a редк. получающий жалованье, гонорар; нанятый
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. food (noun) bread; comestibles; edibles; fodder; food; foodstuff; forage; grub; meat; nourishment; nurture; pasture; provender; provisions; roughage; scoff; supplies; viands; victuals; vivres
    2. meal (noun) meal; refection; repast
    3. eat (verb) consume; cram; devour; dine; eat; feast; feed on; gorge; graze; pasture; stuff
    4. fuel (verb) fuel; kindle; stoke
    5. give (verb) deliver; dish out; dispense; find; furnish; give; hand; hand over; transfer; turn over
    6. live (verb) live; subsist
    7. nourish (verb) maintain; nourish; nurture; provide; provide for; purvey; supply; support; sustain
    8. satisfy (verb) cultivate; encourage; foster; gratify; minister to; please; promote; satisfy
    Антонимический ряд:
    neglect; quench; starve

    English-Russian base dictionary > feed

  • 107 system

    system of axes
    3-component LDV system
    3-D LDV system
    4-D system
    4-D flight-management system
    4-D guidance system
    AC electrical system
    actuation system
    aerial delivery system
    aerostat system
    AEW system
    afterburning control system
    AI-based expert system
    aileron-to-rudder system
    air bleed offtake system
    air cushion system
    air cycle system
    air data system
    air defence system
    air induction system
    air refueling system
    air traffic control system
    air-combat advisory system
    air-conditioning system
    air-path axis system
    air-turbine starting system
    airborne early warning system
    aircooling system
    aircraft reference axis system
    aircraft weight-and-balance measuring system
    aircraft-autopilot system
    aircraft-based system
    aircraft-bifilar-pendulum system
    aircraft-carried earth axis system
    aircraft-carried normal earth axis system
    aircrew escape system
    airfield lighting control system
    airframe/rotor system
    airspeed system
    alcohol-wash system
    alignment control system
    all-electronic system
    all-weather mission system
    altitude loss warning system
    angle-of-attack command system
    anti-collision system
    anti-g system
    antitorque system
    anti-icing system
    antiskid system
    area-navigation system
    ARI system
    artificial feel system
    artificial intelligence-based expert system
    artificially augmented flight control system
    ATC system
    attitude and heading reference system
    audio system
    audiovisual system
    auto-diagnosis system
    auto-hover system
    autolanding system
    automatic cambering system
    automatic trim system
    autostabilization system
    autotrim system
    axis system
    B system
    balance-fixed coordinate system
    base-excited system
    basic axis system
    beam-foundation system
    bifilar pendulum suspension system
    bladder system
    blowing system
    blowing boundary layer control system
    blown flap system
    body axis system
    body axis coordinate system
    body-fitted coordinate system
    body-fixed reference system
    boom system
    boosted flight control system
    braking system
    breathing system
    buddy-buddy refuelling system
    cabin pressurization system
    cable-mount system
    CAD system
    canopy's jettison system
    cardiovascular system
    cargo loading system
    cargo-handling system
    carrier catapult system
    cartesian axis system
    Cat III system
    central nervous system
    CGI system
    circulating oil system
    closed cooling system
    closed-loop system
    cockpit system
    cockpit management system
    collision avoidance system
    combined cooling system
    command-by-voice system
    command/vehicle system
    commercial air transportation system
    compensatory system
    computer-aided design system
    computer-assisted system
    computer-generated image system
    computer-generated visual system
    concentrated-mass system
    conflict-alert system
    conservative system
    constant bandwidth system
    constant gain system
    consultative expert system
    control system
    control augmented system
    control loader system
    cooling system
    coordinate system
    counterstealth system
    coupled system
    coupled fire and flight-control system
    covert mission system
    crew systems
    cueing system
    curvilinear coordinate system
    damped system
    data system
    data acquisition system
    data handling system
    data transfer system
    data-gathering system
    DC electrical system
    decision support system
    defensive avionics system
    deicing system
    demisting system
    departure prevention system
    deterministic system
    dual-dual redundant system
    4-D navigation system
    6-DOF motion system
    diagnosable system
    dial-a-flap system
    direct impingement starting system
    displacement control system
    display system
    display-augmented system
    divergent system
    DLC system
    dogfight system
    door-to-door system
    Doppler ground velocity system
    double-balance system
    drive system
    drive train/rotor system
    dry air refueling system
    dual-field-of-view system
    dual-wing system
    dynamic system
    early-warning system
    Earth-centered coordinate system
    earth-fixed axis system
    earth/sky/horizon projector system
    ejection system
    ejection display system
    ejection seat escape system
    ejection sequence system
    ejector exhaust system
    ejector lift system
    election safety system
    electric starting system
    electro-expulsive deicing system
    electro-impulse deicing system
    electro-vibratory deicing system
    electronic flight instrumentation system
    Elint system
    emergency power system
    emitter locator system
    EMP-protected system
    engine monitoring system
    engine-propeller system
    engine-related system
    enhanced lift system
    envelope-limiting system
    environmental control system
    escape system
    excessive pitch attitude warning system
    exhaust system
    FADEC system
    fault-tolerant system
    FBW system
    feathering system
    feedback system
    feel system
    fin axis system
    fire detection system
    fire suppression system
    fire-extinguishing system
    fire-protection system
    five-point restraint system
    fixed-structure control system
    flap system
    flap/slat system
    flash-protection system
    flexible manufacturing system
    flight control system
    flight control actuation system
    flight director system
    flight inspection system
    flight management system
    flight path system
    flight path axis system
    flight test system
    flight-test instrumentation system
    flotation system
    fluid anti-icing system
    flutter control system
    flutter margin augmentation system
    flutter suppression system
    fluttering system
    fly-by-light system
    fly-by-light control system
    fly-by-wire system
    fly-by-wire/power-by-wire control system
    foolproof system
    force-excited system
    force-feel system
    forward vision augmentation system
    fuel conservative guidance system
    fuel management system
    fuel transfer system
    full-vectoring system
    full-authority digital engine control system
    full-motion system
    full-state system
    full-time system
    fully articulated rotor system
    fuselage axis system
    g-command system
    g-cueing system
    g-limiting system
    gas generator control system
    gas turbine starting system
    global positioning system
    governing system
    ground collision avoidance system
    ground proximity warning system
    ground-axes system
    ground-fixed coordinate system
    ground-referenced navigation system
    gust alleviation system
    gust control system
    gyroscopic system
    gyroscopically coupled system
    halon fire-extinguishing system
    halon gas fire-fighting system
    hands-off system
    head-aimed system
    headup guidance system
    helmet pointing system
    helmet-mounted visual system
    hierarchical system
    high-damping system
    high-authority system
    high-lift system
    high-order system
    high-pay-off system
    high-resolution system
    higher harmonic control system
    hose-reel system
    hot-gas anti-icing system
    hub plane axis system
    hub plane reference axis system
    hub-fixed coordinate system
    hydraulic system
    hydraulic starting system
    hydropneumatic system
    hydrostatic motion system
    hysteretic system
    ice-protection system
    icing cloud spray system
    icing-protection system
    identification friend or foe system
    image generator system
    in-flight entertainment system
    incidence limiting system
    inert gas generating system
    inertial coordinate system
    inertial navigation system
    inertial reference system
    infinite-dimensional system
    information management system
    inlet boundary layer control system
    inlet control system
    input system
    instruction system
    instrument landing system
    instrumentation system
    intelligence system
    intelligent system
    interconnection system
    intermediate axis system
    intrusion alarm system
    intrusion detection system
    inverted fuel system
    landing guidance system
    large-travel motion system
    laser-based visual system
    lateral attitude control system
    lateral control system
    lateral feel system
    lateral seat restraint system
    lateral-directional stability and command augmentation system
    lead compensated system
    left-handed coordinate system
    leg restraint system
    life support system
    liferaft deployment system
    lift-distribution control system
    lighter-than-air system
    lightly damped system
    lightning protection system
    lightning sensor system
    lightning warning system
    limited-envelope flight control system
    linear vibrating system
    liquid oxygen system
    load control system
    load indication system
    local-horizon system
    loom system
    low-damping system
    low-order system
    LQG controlled system
    lubrication system
    lumped parameter system
    Mach number system
    main transmission system
    maintenance diagnostic system
    maintenance record system
    man-in-the-loop system
    man-machine system
    maneuver demand system
    maneuvering attack system
    mass-spring-dashpot system
    mass-spring-damper system
    mast-mounted sight system
    mechanical-hydraulic flight control system
    microwave landing system
    MIMO system
    mine-sweeping system
    missile system
    missile-fixed system
    mission-planning system
    mobile aircraft arresting system
    modal cancellation system
    modal suppression system
    mode-decoupling system
    model reference system
    model-based visual system
    model-following system
    modelboard system
    molecular sieve oxygen generation system
    monopulse system
    motion system
    motion generation system
    multi-input single-output system
    multi-input, multi-output system
    multimode system
    multibody system
    multidegree-of-freedom system
    multiloop system
    multiple-input single output system
    multiple-input, multiple-output system
    multiple-loop system
    multiple-redundant system
    multiply supported system
    multishock system
    multivariable system
    navigation management system
    navigation/attack system
    navigation/bomb system
    NDT system
    neuromuscular system
    night/dusk visual system
    portable aircraft arresting system
    nitrogen inerting system
    no-tail-rotor system
    nonminimum phase system
    nonoscillatory system
    nonconservative system
    normal earth-fixed axis system
    Notar system
    nozzle control system
    nuclear-hardened system
    observer-based system
    obstacle warning system
    oil system
    on-board inert gas generation system
    on-board maintenance system
    on-board oxygen generating system
    on-off system
    one degree of freedom system
    one-shot lubrication system
    open cooling system
    open seat escape system
    open-loop system
    operability system
    optic-based control system
    optimally controlled system
    orthogonal axis system
    oxygen generation system
    parachute system
    partial vectoring system
    partial vibrating system
    performance-seeking system
    perturbed system
    pilot reveille system
    pilot vision system
    pilot-aircraft system
    pilot-aircraft-task system
    pilot-in-the-loop system
    pilot-manipulator system
    pilot-plus-airplane system
    pilot-vehicle-task system
    pilot-warning system
    pilot/vehicle system
    pitch change system
    pitch compensation system
    pitch stability and command augmentation system
    pitch rate system
    pitch rate command system
    pitch rate flight control system
    pneumatic deicing system
    pneumatic ice-protection system
    pneumodynamic system
    position hold system
    power system
    power-assisted system
    power-boosted system
    powered high-lift system
    powered-lift system
    precognitive system
    pressurization system
    preview system
    probabilistically diagnosable system
    probe refuelling system
    pronated escape system
    propeller-fixed coordinate system
    propulsive lift system
    proximity warning system
    pursuit system
    push-rod control system
    quantized system
    random system
    rating system
    reconfigurable system
    rectangular coordinate system
    reduced-gain system
    reference axis system
    refuelling system
    remote augmentor lift system
    remote combustion system
    response-feedback system
    restart system
    restraint system
    restructurable control system
    retraction system
    ride-control system
    ride-quality system
    ride-quality augmentation system
    ride-smoothing system
    right-handed axis system
    right-handed coordinate system
    rigid body system
    robotic refueling system
    rod-mass system
    roll augmentation system
    roll rate command system
    rotating system
    rotor system
    rotor isolation system
    rotor-body system
    rotor-wing lift system
    route planner system
    rudder trim system
    rudder-augmentation system
    sampled-data system
    scheduling system
    schlieren system
    sea-based system
    seat restraint system
    seatback video system
    self-adjoint system
    self-contained starting system
    self-diagnosable system
    self-excited system
    self-repairing system
    self-sealing fuel system
    self-tuning system
    shadow-mask system
    shadowgraph system
    ship-fixed coordinate system
    shock system
    short-closed oil system
    sighting system
    simulation system
    simulator-based learning system
    single degree of freedom system
    single-input multiple-output system
    singularly perturbed system
    situational awareness system
    six-axis motion system
    six-degree-of-freedom motion system
    six-puck brake system
    ski-and-wheel system
    skid-to-turn system
    snapping system
    soft mounting system
    soft ride system
    sound system
    speed-stability system
    spherical coordinate system
    spin recovery system
    spin-prevention system
    spring-mass-dashpot system
    stability and control augmentation system
    stability augmentation system
    stability axis coordinate system
    stability enhancement system
    stall detection system
    stall inhibitor system
    stall protection system
    stall warning system
    starting system
    stealth system
    stochastic system
    storage and retrieval system
    store alignment system
    stores management system
    strap-down inertial system
    structural system
    structural-mode compensation system
    structural-mode control system
    structural-mode suppression system
    STT system
    suppression system
    suspension system
    tactile sensory system
    tail clearance control system
    tail warning system
    task-tailored system
    terrain-aided navigation system
    terrain-referencing system
    test system
    thermal control system
    thermal protection system
    threat-warning system
    three-axis augmentation system
    three-body tethered system
    three-control system
    three-gyro system
    through-the-canopy escape system
    thrust modulation system
    thrust-vectoring system
    tilt-fold-rotor system
    time-invariant system
    time-varying system
    tip-path-plane coordinate system
    torque command/limiting system
    tractor rocket system
    trailing cone static pressure system
    training system
    trajectory guidance system
    translation rate command system
    translational acceleration control system
    trim system
    trim tank system
    triple-load-path system
    tutoring system
    twin-dome system
    two degree of freedom system
    two-body system
    two-input system
    two-input two-output system
    two-pod system
    two-shock system
    two-step shock absorber system
    unpowered flap system
    unpowered high-lift system
    utility services management system
    vapor cycle cooling system
    variable feel system
    variable stability system
    variable structure system
    vestibular sensory system
    vibrating system
    vibration isolation system
    vibration-control system
    vibration-damping system
    video-disc-based visual system
    visor projection system
    visual system
    visual display system
    visual flying rules system
    visual sensory system
    visual simulation system
    visually coupled system
    voice-activated system
    vortex system
    vortex attenuating system
    VTOL control system
    wake-imaging system
    warning system
    water injection cooling system
    water-mist system
    water-mist spray system
    weather system
    wheel steering system
    wide angle visual system
    wind coordinate system
    wind shear system
    wind-axes system
    wind-axes coordinate system
    wind-fixed coordinate system
    wing axis system
    wing flap system
    wing sweep system
    wing-load-alleviation system
    wing-mounted system
    wing/propulsion system
    wiring system
    yaw vane system

    Авиасловарь > system

  • 108 CIM

    CIM, coffin intercept missile
    CIM, combination influence mine
    CIM, communications improvement memorandum
    CIM, computer integrated manufacturing
    CIM, computer interface module
    CIM, corporate information management

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > CIM

См. также в других словарях:

  • Mine Action Information Center — The Mine Action Information Center at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA, is a public policy center that manages information and conducts training relevant to humanitarian mine clearance, victim assistance, mine risk reduction and other …   Wikipedia

  • mine of information — {n. phr.} A person, a book, etc., that is a valuable source of information. * /A dictionary can be a mine of information./ * /He is a mine of information on the stock market./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • mine of information — {n. phr.} A person, a book, etc., that is a valuable source of information. * /A dictionary can be a mine of information./ * /He is a mine of information on the stock market./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • mine\ of\ information — n. phr. A person, a book, etc., that is a valuable source of information. A dictionary can be a mine of information. He is a mine of information on the stock market …   Словарь американских идиом

  • mine of information — great source of knowledge, wealth of information …   English contemporary dictionary

  • (a) mine of information (about) — a mine of information (on/​about) phrase someone or something that can provide you with a lot of information, gossip etc The Internet is a mine of information on gardening. Thesaurus: general words for information, news and factssynonym… …   Useful english dictionary

  • (a) mine of information (on) — a mine of information (on/​about) phrase someone or something that can provide you with a lot of information, gossip etc The Internet is a mine of information on gardening. Thesaurus: general words for information, news and factssynonym… …   Useful english dictionary

  • (a) mine of information — a person or a book with a lot of information. He s a mine of information about the cinema. (often + about) …   New idioms dictionary

  • mine — mine1 [mīn] pron. [ME min < OE, gen. sing of ic, I, akin to Ger mein: for base see ME] that or those belonging to me: the possessive form of I2, used without a following noun, often after of [that book is mine; mine are better; he is a friend… …   English World dictionary

  • (a) mine of information (about somebody) — a mine of inforˈmation (about/on sb/sth) idiom a person, book, etc. that can give you a lot of information on a particular subject Main entry: ↑mineidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • (a) mine of information (on somebody) — a mine of inforˈmation (about/on sb/sth) idiom a person, book, etc. that can give you a lot of information on a particular subject Main entry: ↑mineidiom …   Useful english dictionary

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