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  • 1 caution

    n. varning; försiktighet
    v. vara försiktig; varna
    * * *
    ['ko:ʃən] 1. noun
    1) (carefulness (because of possible danger etc): Exercise caution when crossing this road.) försiktighet
    2) (in law, a warning: The policeman gave him a caution for speeding.) varning, tillrättavisning
    2. verb
    (to give a warning to: He was cautioned for drunken driving.) varna, tillrättavisa
    - cautious
    - cautiously

    English-Swedish dictionary > caution

  • 2 exercise caution

    bruka försiktighet

    English-Swedish dictionary > exercise caution

  • 3 question under caution

    förhöra försiktigt

    English-Swedish dictionary > question under caution

  • 4 -minded

    ( with of) adjective ((formal) aware (of); paying attention (to): to be mindful of their needs; Mindful of the dangers, he proceeded with caution.) uppmärksam på

    English-Swedish dictionary > -minded

  • 5 cautious

    adj. försiktig
    * * *
    adjective (having or showing caution; careful: She used to trust everyone but she's more cautious now; a cautious driver.) försiktig

    English-Swedish dictionary > cautious

  • 6 mindful

    adj. uppmärksam; komma ihåg; tänka på; ge akt på; försiktig
    * * *
    ( with of) adjective ((formal) aware (of); paying attention (to): to be mindful of their needs; Mindful of the dangers, he proceeded with caution.) uppmärksam på

    English-Swedish dictionary > mindful

  • 7 preach

    v. predika; hålla en predikan; förkunna
    * * *
    [pri: ]
    1) (to give a talk (called a sermon), usually during a religious service, about religious or moral matters: The vicar preached (a sermon) on/about pride.) predika
    2) (to speak to someone as though giving a sermon: Don't preach at me!) predika
    3) (to advise: He preaches caution.) ivra för

    English-Swedish dictionary > preach

  • 8 prudence

    n. försiktighet; klokhet
    * * *
    noun (wisdom and caution.) klokhet, försiktighet

    English-Swedish dictionary > prudence

  • 9 rash

    adj. förhastad, överilad, ej övertänkt
    n. hudutslag
    * * *
    I [ræʃ] adjective
    (acting, or done, with little caution or thought: a rash person/action/statement; It was rash of you to leave your present job without first finding another.) överilad, obetänksam
    - rashness II [ræʃ] noun
    (a large number of red spots on the skin: That child has a rash - is it measles?) utslag

    English-Swedish dictionary > rash

  • 10 undue

    adj. onödig
    * * *
    (too great; more than is necessary: You show undue caution in distrusting him.) onödig

    English-Swedish dictionary > undue

См. также в других словарях:

  • caution — [ kosjɔ̃ ] n. f. • caucion v. 1260; lat. cautio « précaution », de cavere « prendre garde » 1 ♦ Garantie d un engagement pris pour soi même ou pour un autre. ⇒ cautionnement; assurance, gage, sûreté. Verser une caution, de l argent pour servir de …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • caution — CAUTION. s. f. Celui qui répond, qui s oblige pour un autre. Caution solvable. Caution bourgeoise. Caution solidaire. Bonne et suffisante caution. Etre caution de quelqu un. Recevoir une caution. Servir de caution. Donner caution. Décharger les… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • caution — Caution, Un pleige et caution, Praes, Appromissor, Expromissor. Caution bourgeoise, Assiduus fideiussor. Caution de payer dedans certain temps qu on demande de respit, Cautio moratoria. Caution en matiere capitale, Vas, vadis. Bailler caution… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • caution — cau‧tion [ˈkɔːʆn ǁ ˈkɒː ] noun [uncountable] FINANCE if there is caution in the financial markets, people are unwilling to buy or sell because they are worried that prices will fall: • Investors exercised caution in the run up to the election. * …   Financial and business terms

  • caution — CAUTION. s. f. Pleige, qui respond, qui s oblige pour un autre. Caution solvable. caution bourgeoise. bonne & suffisante caution. estre caution. recevoir une caution, servir de caution. donner caution. descharger les cautions. certifier une… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Caution Solidaire D’un Particulier — La Caution solidaire d’un particulier peut être acceptée en garantie d’un crédit par certains prêteurs. La personne qui se porte caution s’engage à payer à la place de la personne qui est cautionnée, en cas de défaillance dans le remboursement… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Caution solidaire d'un particulier — Caution solidaire d’un particulier La Caution solidaire d’un particulier peut être acceptée en garantie d’un crédit par certains prêteurs. La personne qui se porte caution s’engage à payer à la place de la personne qui est cautionnée, en cas de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • caution — I (vigilance) noun attention, attentiveness, care, carefulness, cautio, circumspection, concern, conscientiousness, consideration, cura, diligence, exactitude, exactness, forethought, guardedness, heed, needfulness, meticulousness, mindfulness,… …   Law dictionary

  • Caution — Cau tion, n. [F. caution a security, L. cautio, fr. cavere (For scavere) to be on one s guard, to take care (orig.) to be on the watch, see; akin to E. show.] 1. A careful attention to the probable effects of an act, in order that failure or harm …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Caution money — Caution Cau tion, n. [F. caution a security, L. cautio, fr. cavere (For scavere) to be on one s guard, to take care (orig.) to be on the watch, see; akin to E. show.] 1. A careful attention to the probable effects of an act, in order that failure …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Caution — can refer to:* A precautionary statement describing a potential hazard. * care taken with something * a police caution, an alternative to prosecution for a criminal offence in some countries such as the United Kingdom and Australia * a sanction… …   Wikipedia

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