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  • 1 he has had his day

    viņš savā mūžā ir redzējis labas dienas

    English-Latvian dictionary > he has had his day

  • 2 work

    [wə:k] 1. noun
    1) (effort made in order to achieve or make something: He has done a lot of work on this project) darbs
    2) (employment: I cannot find work in this town.) darbs
    3) (a task or tasks; the thing that one is working on: Please clear your work off the table.) darbs
    4) (a painting, book, piece of music etc: the works of Van Gogh / Shakespeare/Mozart; This work was composed in 1816.) sacerējums; ražojums; darbs
    5) (the product or result of a person's labours: His work has shown a great improvement lately.) darbs; darba rezultāts
    6) (one's place of employment: He left (his) work at 5.30 p.m.; I don't think I'll go to work tomorrow.) darbs; darbavieta
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause to) make efforts in order to achieve or make something: She works at the factory three days a week; He works his employees very hard; I've been working on/at a new project.) strādāt
    2) (to be employed: Are you working just now?) strādāt
    3) (to (cause to) operate (in the correct way): He has no idea how that machine works / how to work that machine; That machine doesn't/won't work, but this one's working.) strādāt; darboties; darbināt
    4) (to be practicable and/or successful: If my scheme works, we'll be rich!) īstenoties; tikt veiktam/realizētam
    5) (to make (one's way) slowly and carefully with effort or difficulty: She worked her way up the rock face.) ar pūlēm tikt uz priekšu
    6) (to get into, or put into, a stated condition or position, slowly and gradually: The wheel worked loose.) Ritenis atskrūvējās.
    7) (to make by craftsmanship: The ornaments had been worked in gold.) izstrādāt; darināt
    - - work
    - workable
    - worker
    - works
    3. noun plural
    1) (the mechanism (of a watch, clock etc): The works are all rusted.) mehānisms
    2) (deeds, actions etc: She's devoted her life to good works.) darbi
    - work-box
    - workbook
    - workforce
    - working class
    - working day
    - work-day
    - working hours
    - working-party
    - work-party
    - working week
    - workman
    - workmanlike
    - workmanship
    - workmate
    - workout
    - workshop
    - at work
    - get/set to work
    - go to work on
    - have one's work cut out
    - in working order
    - out of work
    - work of art
    - work off
    - work out
    - work up
    - work up to
    - work wonders
    * * *
    darbs; nodarbošanās, darbs; darbība, rīcība; sacerējums, ražojums, darbs; izšuvums, rokdarbs; putas; apstrāde; nocietinājumi; strādāt; darboties; strādināt; nostrādināt; izmantot; darbināt; iedarbināt; izrakstīt, izšūt

    English-Latvian dictionary > work

  • 3 grace

    [ɡreis] 1. noun
    1) (beauty of form or movement: The dancer's movements had very little grace.) grācija; pievilcība
    2) (a sense of what is right: At least he had the grace to leave after his dreadful behaviour.) pieklājība; takts
    3) (a short prayer of thanks for a meal.) [] lūgšana
    4) (a delay allowed as a favour: You should have paid me today but I'll give you a day's grace.) pagarinājums
    5) (the title of a duke, duchess or archbishop: Your/His Grace.) augstība; gaišība
    6) (mercy: by the grace of God.) žēlastība
    - gracefully
    - gracefulness
    - gracious
    2. interjection
    (an exclamation of surprise.) ak vai! ak Dievs!
    - graciousness
    - with a good/bad grace
    - with good/bad grace
    * * *
    grācija, pievilcība; pievilcīgas īpašības, piemīlība; vēlība, labvēlība; pieklājība, laipnība; žēlastība, žēlsirdība; galda lūgšana; gaišība, augstība; atļauja; pagarinājums, atvieglojums; fioritūra; rotāt; apbalvot, apveltīt; pagodināt

    English-Latvian dictionary > grace

  • 4 good

    [ɡud] 1. comparative - better; adjective
    1) (well-behaved; not causing trouble etc: Be good!; She's a good baby.)
    2) (correct, desirable etc: She was a good wife; good manners; good English.)
    3) (of high quality: good food/literature; His singing is very good.)
    4) (skilful; able to do something well: a good doctor; good at tennis; good with children.)
    5) (kind: You've been very good to him; a good father.)
    6) (helpful; beneficial: Exercise is good for you.; Cheese is good for you.)
    7) (pleased, happy etc: I'm in a good mood today.)
    8) (pleasant; enjoyable: to read a good book; Ice-cream is good to eat.)
    9) (considerable; enough: a good salary; She talked a good deal of nonsense.)
    10) (suitable: a good man for the job.)
    11) (sound, fit: good health; good eyesight; a car in good condition.)
    12) (sensible: Can you think of one good reason for doing that?)
    13) (showing approval: We've had very good reports about you.)
    14) (thorough: a good clean.)
    15) (healthy or in a positive mood: I don't feel very good this morning.)
    2. noun
    1) (advantage or benefit: He worked for the good of the poor; for your own good; What's the good of a broken-down car?) jūsu pašu labā
    2) (goodness: I always try to see the good in people.) tas, kas ir labs
    3. interjection
    (an expression of approval, gladness etc.) labi!
    4. interjection
    ((also my goodness) an expression of surprise etc.) ak, Dievs!
    - goody
    - goodbye
    - good-day
    - good evening
    - good-for-nothing
    - good humour
    - good-humoured
    - good-humouredly
    - good-looking
    - good morning
    - good afternoon
    - good-day
    - good evening
    - good night
    - good-natured
    - goodwill
    - good will
    - good works
    - as good as
    - be as good as one's word
    - be up to no good
    - deliver the goods
    - for good
    - for goodness' sake
    - good for
    - good for you
    - him
    - Good Friday
    - good gracious
    - good heavens
    - goodness gracious
    - goodness me
    - good old
    - make good
    - no good
    - put in a good word for
    - take something in good part
    - take in good part
    - thank goodness
    - to the good
    * * *
    labums; labs; noderīgs; derīgs; prasmīgs, veikls; laipns, jauks; labs, labvēlīgs; nebojāts, svaigs; labs, vesels; dibināts, pamatots; drošs; uzvedīgs, paklausīgs; pamatīgs; krietns, prāvs

    English-Latvian dictionary > good

  • 5 so

    [səu] 1. adverb
    1) ((used in several types of sentence to express degree) to this extent, or to such an extent: `The snake was about so long,' he said, holding his hands about a metre apart; Don't get so worried!; She was so pleased with his progress in school that she bought him a new bicycle; They couldn't all get into the room, there were so many of them; He departed without so much as (= without even) a goodbye; You've been so (= very) kind to me!; Thank you so much!) tik; tādā mērā
    2) ((used to express manner) in this/that way: As you hope to be treated by others, so you must treat them; He likes everything to be (arranged) just so (= in one particular and precise way); It so happens that I have to go to an important meeting tonight.) tā; tādā veidā
    3) ((used in place of a word, phrase etc previously used, or something previously stated) as already indicated: `Are you really leaving your job?' `Yes, I've already told you / said so'; `Is she arriving tomorrow?' `Yes, I hope so'; If you haven't read the notice, please do so now; `Is that so (= true)?' `Yes, it's really so'; `Was your father angry?' `Yes, even more so than I was expecting - in fact, so much so that he refused to speak to me all day!) tā (atsaucoties uz iepriekšminēto vārdu)
    4) (in the same way; also: `I hope we'll meet again.' `So do I.'; She has a lot of money and so has her husband.) arī; tāpat
    5) ((used to express agreement or confirmation) indeed: `You said you were going shopping today.' `So I did, but I've changed my mind.'; `You'll need this book tomorrow, won't you?' `So I will.') jā; pilnīgi pareizi
    2. conjunction
    ((and) therefore: John had a bad cold, so I took him to the doctor; `So you think you'd like this job, then?' `Yes.'; And so they got married and lived happily ever after.)
    - so-so
    - and so on/forth
    - or so
    - so as to
    - so far
    - so good
    - so that
    - so to say/speak
    * * *
    sol; tādā veidā, tā ; tādā mērā, tik; arī; apmēram; tā!, tiešām!; tāpēc, tādēļ; tātad

    English-Latvian dictionary > so

  • 6 cover

    1. verb
    1) (to put or spread something on, over or in front of: They covered (up) the body with a sheet; My shoes are covered in paint.) apsegt; apklāt
    2) (to be enough to pay for: Will 10 dollars cover your expenses?) aptvert; ietvert
    3) (to travel: We covered forty miles in one day.) noiet; nobraukt; noskriet
    4) (to stretch over a length of time etc: His diary covered three years.) aptvert
    5) (to protect: Are we covered by your car insurance?) apdrošināt; nodrošināties
    6) (to report on: I'm covering the race for the local newspaper.) rakstīt reportāžu; ziņot
    7) (to point a gun at: I had him covered.) mērķēt; turēt šāviena attālumā
    2. noun
    1) (something which covers, especially a cloth over a table, bed etc: a table-cover; a bed-cover; They replaced the cover on the manhole.) apvalks; pārvalks; apsegs; apvāks; vāks; aploksne
    2) (something that gives protection or shelter: The soldiers took cover from the enemy gunfire; insurance cover.) paslēptuve; patvērums
    3) (something that hides: He escaped under cover of darkness.) aizsegs
    - covering
    - cover-girl
    - cover story
    - cover-up
    * * *
    apsegs, apvalks; sega; vāks; apvāks, iesējums; aploksne; paslēptuve, patvērums; aizsegs; apdrošinājums; galda piederumi; apklāt, apsegt; apslēpt, paveikt; slēpt; noslēpt; aptvert; nobraukt, noiet, noskriet; atbilst; izsmeļoši ziņot; segt; nosegt

    English-Latvian dictionary > cover

  • 7 eccentric

    [ik'sentrik] 1. adjective
    ((of a person, his behaviour etc) odd; unusual: He is growing more eccentric every day; He had an eccentric habit of collecting stray cats.) ekscentrisks; dīvains
    2. noun
    (an eccentric person.) ekscentriķis; dīvainis
    - eccentricity
    * * *
    ekscentriķis, ekscentrisks, ekscentrs, savādnieks; ekscentricitāte, ekscentrisks, dīvains

    English-Latvian dictionary > eccentric

  • 8 on

    [on] 1. preposition
    1) (touching, fixed to, covering etc the upper or outer side of: The book was lying on the table; He was standing on the floor; She wore a hat on her head.) uz
    2) (in or into (a vehicle, train etc): We were sitting on the bus; I got on the wrong bus.) iekšā
    3) (at or during a certain day, time etc: on Monday; On his arrival, he went straight to bed.) (norāda laiku)
    4) (about: a book on the theatre.) par
    5) (in the state or process of: He's on holiday.) (norāda stāvokli)
    6) (supported by: She was standing on one leg.) uz
    7) (receiving, taking: on drugs; on a diet.) (norāda uz eksistences līdzekli vai veidu)
    8) (taking part in: He is on the committee; Which detective is working on this case?) (norāda līdzdalību)
    9) (towards: They marched on the town.) (norāda virzienu) uz
    10) (near or beside: a shop on the main road.) tuvu; pie
    11) (by means of: He played a tune on the violin; I spoke to him on the telephone.) (norāda darbības instrumentu)
    12) (being carried by: The thief had the stolen jewels on him.) (norāda lietotāju, valkātāju)
    13) (when (something is, or has been, done): On investigation, there proved to be no need to panic.) (norāda secību laikā) pēc; pēc tam kad
    14) (followed by: disaster on disaster.) (norāda atkārtošanos) pēc
    2. adverb
    1) ((especially of something being worn) so as to be touching, fixed to, covering etc the upper or outer side of: She put her hat on.) (norāda priekšmeta valkāšanu)
    2) (used to show a continuing state etc, onwards: She kept on asking questions; They moved on.) (norāda uz darbības turpināšanos)
    3) (( also adjective) (of electric light, machines etc) working: The television is on; Turn/Switch the light on.) (norāda ierīces ieslēgšanu vai funkcionēšanu)
    4) (( also adjective) (of films etc) able to be seen: There's a good film on at the cinema this week.) (norāda procesa iestāšanos un turpināšanos)
    5) (( also adjective) in or into a vehicle, train etc: The bus stopped and we got on.) (norāda darbības virzienu) iekšā
    3. adjective
    1) (in progress: The game was on.) (norāda procesa iestāšanos un turpināšanos)
    2) (not cancelled: Is the party on tonight?) (norāda procesa iestāšanos)
    - ongoing
    - onwards
    - onward
    - be on to someone
    - be on to
    - on and on
    - on time
    - on to / onto
    * * *
    pie, uz ; uz ; par

    English-Latvian dictionary > on

  • 9 return

    [rə'tə:n] 1. verb
    1) (to come or go back: He returns home tomorrow; He returned to London from Paris yesterday; The pain has returned.) atgriezties
    2) (to give, send, put etc (something) back where it came from: He returned the book to its shelf; Don't forget to return the books you borrowed.) atdot; atlikt atpakaļ
    3) (I'll return to this topic in a minute.) atgriezties (pie temata)
    4) (to do (something) which has been done to oneself: She hit him and he returned the blow; He said how nice it was to see her again, and she returned the compliment.) atbildēt (ar to pašu)
    5) ((of voters) to elect (someone) to Parliament.) ievēlēt (parlamentā)
    6) ((of a jury) to give (a verdict): The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.) nolasīt spriedumu
    7) ((in tennis etc) to hit (a ball) back to one's opponent: She returned his serve.) atsist (bumbu u.tml.)
    2. noun
    1) (the act of returning: On our return, we found the house had been burgled; ( also adjective) a return journey.) atgriešanās
    2) (especially in United Kingdom, a round-trip ticket, a return ticket: Do you want a single or a return?) biļete ‘turp un atpakaļ'
    - return match
    - return ticket
    - by return of post
    - by return
    - in return for
    - in return
    - many happy returns of the day
    - many happy returns
    * * *
    atgriešanās; atdošana; apgrozība, ienākums, peļņa; atskaite, ziņojums; vēlēšanu rezultāts; ievēlēšana; atsišana; recidīvs; atgriezties; atdot; atlikt atpakaļ; paziņot; atbildēt; atkārtoties; ievēlēt; dot

    English-Latvian dictionary > return

  • 10 time

    1. noun
    1) (the hour of the day: What time is it?; Can your child tell the time yet?) Cik pulkstenis?
    2) (the passage of days, years, events etc: time and space; Time will tell.) laiks
    3) (a point at which, or period during which, something happens: at the time of his wedding; breakfast-time.) laiks
    4) (the quantity of minutes, hours, days etc, eg spent in, or available for, a particular activity etc: This won't take much time to do; I enjoyed the time I spent in Paris; At the end of the exam, the supervisor called `Your time is up!') laiks
    5) (a suitable moment or period: Now is the time to ask him.) laiks; brīdis
    6) (one of a number occasions: He's been to France four times.) reize
    7) (a period characterized by a particular quality in a person's life, experience etc: He went through an unhappy time when she died; We had some good times together.) laiks
    8) (the speed at which a piece of music should be played; tempo: in slow time.) temps; takts
    2. verb
    1) (to measure the time taken by (a happening, event etc) or by (a person, in doing something): He timed the journey.) uzņemt laiku
    2) (to choose a particular time for: You timed your arrival beautifully!) izvēlēties (īpašu) laiku
    - timelessly
    - timelessness
    - timely
    - timeliness
    - timer
    - times
    - timing
    - time bomb
    - time-consuming
    - time limit
    - time off
    - time out
    - timetable
    - all in good time
    - all the time
    - at times
    - be behind time
    - for the time being
    - from time to time
    - in good time
    - in time
    - no time at all
    - no time
    - one
    - two at a time
    - on time
    - save
    - waste time
    - take one's time
    - time and time again
    - time and again
    * * *
    laiks; termiņš; laikmets, laiks; dzīves laiks, mūžs; darba laiks; reize; cietumlaiks; takts; izvēlēties piemērotu laiku; noteikt laiku; uzņemt laiku; ievērot ritmu, sist takti; regulēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > time

  • 11 wish

    [wiʃ] 1. verb
    1) (to have and/or express a desire: There's no point in wishing for a miracle; Touch the magic stone and wish; He wished that she would go away; I wish that I had never met him.) vēlēties
    2) (to require (to do or have something): Do you wish to sit down, sir?; We wish to book some seats for the theatre; I'll cancel the arrangement if you wish.) vajadzēt; gribēt
    3) (to say that one hopes for (something for someone): I wish you the very best of luck.) vēlēt
    2. noun
    1) (a desire or longing, or the thing desired: It's always been my wish to go to South America some day.) vēlēšanās
    2) (an expression of desire: The fairy granted him three wishes; Did you make a wish?) vēlēšanās
    3) ((usually in plural) an expression of hope for success etc for someone: He sends you his best wishes.) vēlējums
    - wishing-well
    * * *
    vēlējums, vēlēšanās; vēlēties; vēlēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > wish

См. также в других словарях:

  • every dog has his day — 1545 R. TAVERNER tr. Erasmus’ Adages (ed. 2) 63 A dogge hath a day. 1600–1 SHAKESPEARE Hamlet v. i. 286 Let Hercules himself do what he may, The cat will mew, and dog will have his day. 1611 R. COTGRAVE Dict. French & English s.v. Fevrier, Euerie …   Proverbs new dictionary

  • have had your day — have had your/its/day phrase to have stopped being successful, effective, or fashionable, especially because of being no longer young His kind of comedy has had its day. Thesaurus: to fail, or to stop being successfulsynonym Main entry …   Useful english dictionary

  • have had its day — have had your/its/day phrase to have stopped being successful, effective, or fashionable, especially because of being no longer young His kind of comedy has had its day. Thesaurus: to fail, or to stop being successfulsynonym Main entry …   Useful english dictionary

  • day — [dā] n. [ME dai < OE dæg (pl. dagas), akin to ON dagr, Goth dags, OHG tag < PGmc * dagwaz, prob. < IE base * ag̑hes, day, with d by assoc. with base * dhegwh , to burn] 1. a) the period of light between sunrise and sunset b) daylight c)… …   English World dictionary

  • Day-care sex-abuse hysteria — was a panic that occurred primarily in the 1980s and early 1990s featuring claims against daycare providers of satanic ritual abuse and several forms of child abuse.[1][2] A prominent case in Kern County, California, first brought the issue of… …   Wikipedia

  • Day care sex abuse hysteria — occurred in the 1980s and early 1990s. [cite news |first= |last= |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=Parole Board recommends Amirault s commutation. |url=http://www.truthinjustice.org/amirault.htm |format=courtesy link from Truth in Justice|quote=The …   Wikipedia

  • day — W1S1 [deı] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(24 hours)¦ 2¦(not night)¦ 3¦(when you are awake)¦ 4¦(time at work)¦ 5¦(past)¦ 6¦(now)¦ 7¦(future)¦ 8 somebody s/something s day 9 Independence/election/Christmas etc day 10 five/three/ni …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Day of the Fight — title card Directed by Stanley Kubrick Produced by …   Wikipedia

  • day — /day/, n. 1. the interval of light between two successive nights; the time between sunrise and sunset: Since there was no artificial illumination, all activities had to be carried on during the day. 2. the light of day; daylight: The owl sleeps… …   Universalium

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  • day — /deI/ noun PERIOD OF TIME 1 (C) a period of 24 hours: We spent three days in Paris then went south. | What day is it today Tuesday? | the day before yesterday: I just saw Pat the day before yesterday. | the day after tomorrow: We re leaving for… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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