Перевод: со всех языков на португальский

с португальского на все языки


  • 1 have done!

    have done!
    pare!, pare com isso!

    English-Portuguese dictionary > have done!

  • 2 have done with this!

    have done with this!
    deixe-se disso!

    English-Portuguese dictionary > have done with this!

  • 3 I have done with him

    I have done with him
    não tenho mais nada que fazer com ele.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > I have done with him

  • 4 to have done with

    to have done with
    não interessar-se mais em ou por.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to have done with

  • 5 done

    1) (finished or complete: That's that job done at last.) terminado
    2) ((of food) completely cooked and ready to eat: I don't think the meat is quite done yet.) no ponto
    3) (socially accepted: the done thing.) aceite
    * * *
    [d∧n] vt pp of to do.adj 1 acabado, completo, feito, executado, concluído. 2 cozido, assado, pronto. 3 enganado, atraiçoado, logrado. 4 sl exausto, extenuado, esgotado, esfalfado. • interj está feito! topo! está feita a aposta, está valendo! as good as done como se estivesse concluído. done for arruinado, liquidado, mortalmente ferido, exausto, esgotado, nas últimas. done in exausto, esfalfado, fatigado. done up coll embrulhado, empacotado. done with acabado, terminado. easier said than done falar é fácil, fazer é que são elas. have done with this! deixe-se disso! it is not to be done não se pode fazer. no sooner said than done dito e feito. that done depois disto. to be done factível, praticável. to get a thing done mandar fazer alguma coisa. to have done with não interessar-se mais em ou por. well done! bravo! bem feito! what’s done cannot be undone o que está feito não tem mais jeito. when all is done no fim, finalmente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > done

  • 6 have

    (to have or keep (something) in case or until it is needed: If you go to America please keep some money in reserve for your fare home.) ter de reserva
    * * *
    [hæv; həv] vt+vi (ps and pp had) 1 ter, haver, possuir. 2 sofrer. 3 manter, reter (na memória). 4 conter, compreender. 5 ter de, precisar, ser obrigado a, dever. you have to pay / você precisa pagar. we shall have to wait / teremos de esperar. 6 permitir, tolerar, admitir. I will not have it / não o admito. 7 tomar, beber. have a cup of tea! / tome uma chícara de chá! 8 comer. as good luck would have it felizmente. as the proverb has it conforme diz o provérbio. God have you in his keeping! Deus o guarde! have a look at it dê uma olhada nisso. have a nice trip! boa viagem! have a smoke? deseja fumar? have at you! tome cuidado! have done! pare!, pare com isso! have him in faça-o entrar. have it in mind! não se esqueça disso! have it your own way faça o que quiser. have the kindness to tell me tenha a bondade de me dizer. have you got the letter? yes, I have! recebeu a carta? sim, recebi! have your hair cut mande cortar o cabelo. he had a son born to him nasceu-lhe um filho. he had his horse killed seu cavalo foi morto. he has a new hat on ele está com um chapéu novo. he will have arrived ele terá chegado. I am having my hair cut estou cortando o cabelo. I had as well eu faria bem em. I had best go o melhor seria se eu fosse. I had better go seria melhor se eu fosse. I had him up a) eu o fiz subir. b) processei-o. I had it out with him entendi-me, expliquei-me com ele. I had rather eu preferiria. I have eaten tenho comido. I have it by his own mouth eu o soube de sua própria boca. I have no cash about me não tenho dinheiro comigo. I should have been able to come teria sido possível vir, poderia ter vindo. I would have them gone eu queria que eles se fossem. I would have you know você deve saber. now I have it agora compreendo. there I had him aí pude pegá-lo, aí o tinha eu. they will have many presents eles receberão muitos presentes. to have a nice time divertir-se. to have a try experimentar. to have a wash lavar-se. to have care of cuidar de, tomar providências acerca de. to have dinner jantar. to have got hurt ferir-se, ficar ferido. to have in keeping guardar, custodiar. to have it by heart saber de cor, de memória. to have it on someone superar, avantajar-se sobre alguém. to have on a) usar (roupa). b) planejar tomar parte em algo. we had better wait será melhor esperarmos. we had him on gozamos com a cara dele. we have your future at heart temos muito interesse em seu futuro. we shall have rain teremos chuva. what will (ou would) you have me do? que quer você que eu faça? you have it você compreendeu, acertou. you have me, have you not? você me entendeu, não é? you have my word for it dou-lhe minha palavra que. you’ll have it! você vai apanhar! you may have it for your own pode ficar com isso.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > have

  • 7 have you done yet?

    have you done yet?
    você já acabou?

    English-Portuguese dictionary > have you done yet?

  • 8 have a hand in (something)

    (to be one of the people who have caused, done etc (something): Did you have a hand in the building of this boat / in the success of the project?) contribuir para

    English-Portuguese dictionary > have a hand in (something)

  • 9 have a hand in (something)

    (to be one of the people who have caused, done etc (something): Did you have a hand in the building of this boat / in the success of the project?) contribuir para

    English-Portuguese dictionary > have a hand in (something)

  • 10 have a hand in (something)

    (to be one of the people who have caused, done etc (something): Did you have a hand in the building of this boat / in the success of the project?) contribuir para

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > have a hand in (something)

  • 11 have a hand in (something)

    (to be one of the people who have caused, done etc (something): Did you have a hand in the building of this boat / in the success of the project?) contribuir para

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > have a hand in (something)

  • 12 might have

    1) (used to suggest that something would have been possible if something else had been the case: You might have caught the bus if you had run.) poderia ter
    2) (used to suggest that a person has not done what he should: You might have told me!) bem que podia ter
    3) (used to show that something was a possible action etc but was in fact not carried out or done: I might have gone, but I decided not to.) até podia ter
    4) (used when a person does not want to admit to having done something: `Have you seen this man?' `I might have.') talvez

    English-Portuguese dictionary > might have

  • 13 might have

    1) (used to suggest that something would have been possible if something else had been the case: You might have caught the bus if you had run.) poderia ter
    2) (used to suggest that a person has not done what he should: You might have told me!) deveria
    3) (used to show that something was a possible action etc but was in fact not carried out or done: I might have gone, but I decided not to.) poderia
    4) (used when a person does not want to admit to having done something: `Have you seen this man?' `I might have.') talvez

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > might have

  • 14 you have been (and gone) and done it

    you have been (and gone) and done it
    coll você o fez realmente. you were not late, were you? você não chegou atrasado, não é?

    English-Portuguese dictionary > you have been (and gone) and done it

  • 15 do

    [du:] 1. 3rd person singular present tense - does; verb
    1) (used with a more important verb in questions and negative statements: Do you smoke?)
    2) (used with a more important verb for emphasis; ; [ðo sit down])
    3) (used to avoid repeating a verb which comes immediately before: I thought she wouldn't come, but she did.)
    4) (used with a more important verb after seldom, rarely and little: Little did he know what was in store for him.)
    5) (to carry out or perform: What shall I do?; That was a terrible thing to do.) fazer
    6) (to manage to finish or complete: When you've done that, you can start on this; We did a hundred kilometres in an hour.) fazer
    7) (to perform an activity concerning something: to do the washing; to do the garden / the windows.) fazer
    8) (to be enough or suitable for a purpose: Will this piece of fish do two of us?; That'll do nicely; Do you want me to look for a blue one or will a pink one do?; Will next Saturday do for our next meeting?) servir
    9) (to work at or study: She's doing sums; He's at university doing science.) estudar
    10) (to manage or prosper: How's your wife doing?; My son is doing well at school.) ir
    11) (to put in order or arrange: She's doing her hair.) arranjar
    12) (to act or behave: Why don't you do as we do?) fazer
    13) (to give or show: The whole town gathered to do him honour.) fazer
    14) (to cause: What damage did the storm do?; It won't do him any harm.) causar
    15) (to see everything and visit everything in: They tried to do London in four days.) visitar
    2. noun
    (an affair or a festivity, especially a party: The school is having a do for Christmas.) festa
    - doings
    - done
    - do-it-yourself
    - to-do
    - I
    - he could be doing with / could do with
    - do away with
    - do for
    - done for
    - done in
    - do out
    - do out of
    - do's and don'ts
    - do without
    - to do with
    - what are you doing with
    * * *
    do1, doh
    [dou] n Mus dó. up to high doh coll grande agitação.
    [du:] n 1 logro, velhacaria, peça. 2 sarau, reunião festiva, festança.
    [du:] vt+vi (ps did, pp done, pres p doing) 1 fazer, executar, agir, atuar, efetuar, trabalhar. I did my duty, why didn’t you do yours? / fiz meu dever, por que não fez o seu? 2 acabar, pôr fim a, concluir, completar. 3 preparar, arranjar. 4 interpretar, representar, desempenhar o papel de. 5 criar, produzir. 6 causar, levar a efeito ou a termo. 7 render, prestar. 8 haver-se, portar-se, atuar, proceder. 9 estar ou passar bem ou mal de saúde. 10 tratar com, ocupar-se de, acabar com. 11 servir, bastar, ser suficiente ou satisfatório, convir. 12 cozer, assar. 13 percorrer, cobrir. 14 enganar, lograr, trapacear. 15 matar, liquidar, arruinar. 16 coll acolher, entreter, sustentar. 17 visitar lugares interessantes. 18 cumprir. 19 esgotar-se, gastar-se. 20 esforçar-se. 21 traduzir, reter em, modificar. 22 sl consumir drogas. anything doing? há alguma novidade? há qualquer coisa? did you see the garden? você viu o jardim? do as you like faça como quiser. do as you would be done by não faças aos outros o que não queres que te façam. do or die! ou uma ou outra. dos and don’ts o que se pode e não se pode fazer. do you know the author of this piece? você conhece o autor desta peça? do you speak English? você fala inglês? how are you doing? Amer como vai você? I do hate him odeio-o (enfaticamente). I do not (don’t) know him não o conheço. I have done with him não tenho mais nada que fazer com ele. I have nothing to do with it nada tenho a ver com isso. it will do isto me bastará. nothing doing 1 Com não é negócio. 2 nada feito. 3 não há oferta. over done cozido demais, recozido. that will do está bom, isto chega, basta. that won’t do isto não serve, não está bom. that won’t do with me eu não posso admitir ou permitir isso. this has nothing to do with it isso não vem ao caso. to be done Amer coll 1 estar liberado, dispensado. 2 completar uma tarefa. to do a business fazer um negócio. to do a favour fazer um favor. to do a job fazer um trabalho. to do a kindness fazer um favor. to do a message dar um recado. to do a part desempenhar um papel. to do a picture pintar, fazer uma pintura. to do again refazer, fazer outra vez. to do as one is bid obedecer, fazer o que lhe mandam. to do away with 1 pôr de lado. 2 abolir, suprimir. 3 matar, liquidar. to do badly fazer maus negócios. to do better sair-se melhor. to do business with negociar com. to do for 1 convir, ser suficiente, bastante ou satisfatório. 2 pôr fim a. 3 arruinar, liquidar, matar. 4 tomar conta (da casa, da cozinha), fazer limpeza para alguém. 5 done for coll cansado, exausto. to do good well fazer bem, ter sucesso, progredir. to do harm, ill causar dano, prejuízo, fazer mal. to do in 1 lograr, trapacear. 2 matar. to do into traduzir, modificar. to do it sl praticar o ato sexual. to do it up sl fazer bem e decididamente. to do justice fazer justiça. to do like for like tratar do mesmo modo, pagar na mesma moeda. to do mischief causar dano. to do nicely prometer, ir bem, dar esperanças. to do off tirar, despir. to do one’s best esforçar-se, fazer o possível. to do one’s bit cumprir seu dever, fazer serviço militar. to do one’s hair arranjar o cabelo. to do one’s head Mil perder a cabeça. to do on top of someone’s head fazer nas coxas. to do out 1 limpar, arrumar. 2 decorar, embelezar. to do over 1 refazer, repetir, executar, interpretar outra vez. 2 dar uma segunda mão de tinta, emboçar, untar. to do someone. 1 cansar, extenuar alguém. 2 lograr. to do someone an ill turn pregar uma peça a. to do someone down desacreditar, desmoralizar com críticas. to do someone out of privar alguém de, burlar. to do someone over coll ferir, bater. to do the dishes lavar a louça. to do the garden cuidar do jardim. to do the museum visitar o museu. to do the washing lavar a roupa. to do time cumprir uma sentença de prisão. to do to tratar a alguém, agir, comportar-se com. to do to death matar, mandar matar, causar sua sentença de morte. to do up 1 embrulhar, empacotar, dobrar. 2 reparar, acondicionar, pôr em condições. 3 pentear, compor ou alisar os cabelos. 4 esgotar-se, gastar-se. 5 arruinar. to do well by tratar bem alguma pessoa. to do with 1 ter negócio ou relações com, tratar, ter de fazer com alguém ou com alguma coisa, começar. 2 encontrar um meio de, dar um jeito. 3 contentar-se com, passar com. (do you see it?) Yes, I do: No, I don’t sim, eu vejo, não, eu não vejo. to do without dispensar, passar sem. to have to do with ter negócio com, ter a ver com. under done mal cozido, cru, mal passado. we must do or die! temos de lutar ou perecer. well done bem-feito, muito bem, bem cozido, bem passado. well to do próspero, abastado. you do wisely (in doing) você faz bem (em fazer).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > do

  • 16 no

    [nəu] 1. adjective
    1) (not any: We have no food; No other person could have done it.) nenhum
    2) (not allowed: No smoking.) proibido
    3) (not a: He is no friend of mine; This will be no easy task.) nenhum
    2. adverb
    (not (any): He is no better at golf than swimming; He went as far as the shop and no further.) não
    3. interjection
    (a word used for denying, disagreeing, refusing etc: `Do you like travelling?' `No, (I don't).'; No, I don't agree; `Will you help me?' `No, I won't.') não
    4. noun plural
    ( noes)
    1) (a refusal: She answered with a definite no.) não
    2) (a vote against something: The noes have won.) voto contra
    5. noun
    (a very unimportant person: She's just a nobody.) zé-ninguém
    - there's no saying
    - knowing
    * * *
    [nou] n 1 não, negativa. 2 recusa. 3 voto negativo. • pron nenhum, nenhuma. there is no coffee / não há café. • adv 1 não. I can drink no more / não posso beber mais. 2 de modo algum. by no means de forma alguma. no big deal nada importante. no doubt não há dúvida. of no use de nenhuma utilidade. there is no knowing what will happen não se sabe o que vai acontecer.
    [nou] n Theat forma clássica do drama japonês.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > no

  • 17 ought

    negative short form - oughtn't; verb
    1) (used to indicate duty; should: You ought to help them; He oughtn't to have done that.) dever
    2) (used to indicate something that one could reasonably expect; should: He ought to have been able to do it.) dever
    * * *
    [ɔ:t] n 1 coll nada, zero. 2 alguma coisa.
    [ɔ:t] n dever, obrigação moral. • v aux (seguido de infinitivo com to) dever, convir, ser necessário. • vt Brit 1 possuir. 2 ter dívida, dever. you ought to have written você devia ter escrito.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ought

  • 18 no

    [nəu] 1. adjective
    1) (not any: We have no food; No other person could have done it.) nenhum
    2) (not allowed: No smoking.) proibido
    3) (not a: He is no friend of mine; This will be no easy task.) não
    2. adverb
    (not (any): He is no better at golf than swimming; He went as far as the shop and no further.) não
    3. interjection
    (a word used for denying, disagreeing, refusing etc: `Do you like travelling?' `No, (I don't).'; No, I don't agree; `Will you help me?' `No, I won't.') não
    4. noun plural
    ( noes)
    1) (a refusal: She answered with a definite no.)
    2) (a vote against something: The noes have won.)
    5. noun
    (a very unimportant person: She's just a nobody.) ninguém
    - there's no saying - knowing

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > no

  • 19 can

    [kæn] I negative - can't; verb
    1) (to be able to: You can do it if you try hard.) conseguir
    2) (to know how to: Can you drive a car?) saber
    3) ((usually may) to have permission to: You can go if you behave yourself.) poder
    4) (used in questions to indicate surprise, disbelief etc: What can he be doing all this time?) poder
    II 1. noun
    (a metal container for liquids and many types of food: oil-can; beer-can; six cans of beer.) lata
    2. verb
    (to put (especially food) into cans, usually to preserve it: a factory for canning raspberries.) enlatar
    - cannery
    * * *
    [kæn; kən] v aux (ps could) poder, ser capaz de, ter a faculdade de, ter a possibilidade de, ter a autorização para, estar em condições de, sentir inclinação para, saber fazer alguma coisa. I cannot, I can’t / não posso. what can I do for you? / em que lhe posso ser útil? he could have done it / ele podia tê-lo feito. as happy as happy could be sobremodo feliz.
    [kæn] n 1 lata, vasilha (de metal). 2 caneca. 3 canecada: porção que uma caneca comporta. 4 Amer prisão. he spent ten years in the can for robbery / ele passou dez anos na prisão por causa de roubo. 5 Amer banheiro. • vt (ps and pp canned) 1 enlatar, meter em lata. 2 Amer sl demitir. can opener abridor de latas. can that stuff! sl não fale bobagem! it is in the can está terminado (um trabalho). to carry the can Brit pagar o pato, assumir a culpa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > can

  • 20 judge

    1. verb
    1) (to hear and try (cases) in a court of law: Who will be judging this murder case?) julgar
    2) (to decide which is the best in a competition etc: Is she going to judge the singing competition again?; Who will be judging the vegetables at the flower show?; Who is judging at the horse show?) julgar
    3) (to consider and form an idea of; to estimate: You can't judge a man by his appearance; Watch how a cat judges the distance before it jumps; She couldn't judge whether he was telling the truth.) julgar
    4) (to criticize for doing wrong: We have no right to judge him - we might have done the same thing ourselves.) julgar
    2. noun
    1) (a public officer who hears and decides cases in a law court: The judge asked if the jury had reached a verdict.) juiz
    2) (a person who decides which is the best in a competition etc: The judge's decision is final (= you cannot argue with the judge's decision); He was asked to be on the panel of judges at the beauty contest.) juiz
    3) (a person who is skilled at deciding how good etc something is: He says she's honest, and he's a good judge of character; He seems a very fine pianist to me, but I'm no judge.) juiz
    - judgment
    - judging from / to judge from
    - pass judgement on
    - pass judgement
    * * *
    [dʒ∧dʒ] n 1 juiz, árbitro, julgador. 2 Judge Juiz Supremo, Deus. 3 perito, técnico, especialista. he is a good judge of cattle / ele é um perito de gado vacum. • vt+vi 1 julgar, sentenciar. I judge of him from his behaviour / eu o julgo pelo seu comportamento. 2 decidir, concluir, considerar como. 3 avaliar, ajuizar, opinar. he judges the merits of their proposal / ele avalia os méritos de sua proposta. 4 criticar, condenar, censurar. 5 expor, considerar, pensar. as far as I can judge segundo meu modo de pensar. as God is my judge! assim Deus me salve!

    English-Portuguese dictionary > judge

См. также в других словарях:

  • have done — phrasal : stop, cease, desist wish you would have done before I go mad used chiefly in the imperative * * * have done 1. To desist 2. To stop it 3. To have no more dealings • • • …   Useful english dictionary

  • have done — {v.}, {formal} To stop; finish. * /When the teacher had done, she asked for questions from the class./ * /If you have done, I will explain the matter./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • have done — {v.}, {formal} To stop; finish. * /When the teacher had done, she asked for questions from the class./ * /If you have done, I will explain the matter./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • have\ done — v formal To stop; finish. When the teacher had done, she asked for questions from the class. If you have done, I will explain the matter …   Словарь американских идиом

  • have done with — HAVE FINISHED WITH, be done with, be through with, want no more to do with; have given up, have turned one s back on, have washed one s hands of, have no more truck with. → have * * * I. phrasal : to bring to an end : have no further concern with …   Useful english dictionary

  • have [done/seen/had etc.] more (something) than (someone) has had hot dinners — British & Australian to have done, seen, had etc. something many times, so that you have had more experience of it than the person you are talking to. Young man, I ve been to more football matches than you ve had hot dinners, so you don t have to …   New idioms dictionary

  • have done more (something) than (someone) has had hot dinners — have [done/seen/had etc.] more (something) than (someone) has had hot dinners British & Australian to have done, seen, had etc. something many times, so that you have had more experience of it than the person you are talking to. Young man, I ve… …   New idioms dictionary

  • have done with — index discontinue (abandon), quit (discontinue) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • have done with it — be/​have done with it informal phrase to have finished dealing with something, so that you do not have to think about it any more Let’s just give them what they want and have done with it. Thesaurus: to finish somethingsynonym to kill a person or …   Useful english dictionary

  • have done with — {v.} To stop doing or using something. * /When you have done with that paintbrush, Barbara, I would like to use it. * /I wish you would have done with your criticisms./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • have done with — {v.} To stop doing or using something. * /When you have done with that paintbrush, Barbara, I would like to use it. * /I wish you would have done with your criticisms./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

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