Перевод: с русского на все языки

со всех языков на русский


  • 101 делать свое дело

    1. [subj: human]
    to perform one's specific function or role:
    - X делал своё дело X did his work <job, thing>;
    - [in limited contexts] X did his part;
    - X did what he was supposed to < had to> do.
         ♦ В саду уже порядочно и иностранных корреспондентов, фоторепортеров и кинооператоров. Они - спокойные, деловитые... и умело, без лишней суеты делают свое дело (Гладков 1). By now there were also a good many foreign correspondents, photographers and newsreel men in the garden. They were calm and business - I ike... they did their job impassively, without fuss (1a).
         ♦ "Мужики... делают свое дело, ни за чем не тянутся; а теперь развратятся!" (Гончаров 1). "The peasants... went about their business and asked for nothing, but now they'll be corrupted!" (1a).
         ♦ Нет, полностью отрицать заслуги того, который сидел в метро, я не буду. Он [Сталин] тоже свое дело делал: и трубку курил, и жирным пальцем глобус мусолил, указывая, куда какую кинуть дивизию... (Войнович 4). No. I will not completely deny the merits of the man who lived in the metro. He [Stalin] did his part too-he smoked his pipe, he soiled his globe with a greasy finger, indicating where a division was to be hurled... (4a).
         ♦ В двадцатых годах все понемногу учили Мандельштама, в тридцатых на него показывали пальцами, а он жил, поплевывая, в окружении дикарей и делал свое дело (Мандельштам 2). In the twenties everybody tried to reason with M[andelstam], but in the thirties they were already pointing their fingers at him; not concealing his distaste, he went on living among the barbarians and did what he had to do (2a).
    2. [subj: abstr or concr]
    to produce its usual result, influence s.o., make itself felt:
    - X делал (сделал) своё дело X did its work < job>;
    - X began to have < X had> its effect < way>;
    - [of age, illness etc] X began to take < X had taken> its toll;
    - [impfv only] X began to tell on person Y.
         ♦ Иногда, уязвленные пренебрежением покупателей, чегемцы увозили назад свои продукты, говоря: ничего, сами съедим. Впрочем, таких гордецов оставалось все меньше и меньше, деспотия рынка делала свое дело (Искандер 3). Sometimes, stung by the contempt of the customers, the Chegemians would cart their produce back: All right, then, we'll eat it ourselves. As time went on, however, there were fewer and fewer people so arrogant; the despotism of the marketplace did its work (3a).
         ♦...В общем, это хорошо, что меня показали по телевизору. Слух об этом сегодня же облетит всю Москву и сделает свое дело (Зиновьев 2)....On the whole it's a good thing that I've been seen on television. The news'll be round all Moscow by this evening, and it'll have its effect (2a).
         ♦ Быть может, возраст все же делает свое дело и вместе с проплешинами и серебряными искорками, вместе с разными "звоночками", появляется и у их хамоватого поколения вкус к истинной дружбе? (Аксенов 6). Perhaps age was, after all, beginning to tell on them, and along with patches of mold, spots before the eyes, and ringing in the ears, even their boorish generation was developing a taste for true friendship? (6a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > делать свое дело

  • 102 сделать свое дело

    1. [subj: human]
    to perform one's specific function or role:
    - X делал своё дело X did his work <job, thing>;
    - [in limited contexts] X did his part;
    - X did what he was supposed to < had to> do.
         ♦ В саду уже порядочно и иностранных корреспондентов, фоторепортеров и кинооператоров. Они - спокойные, деловитые... и умело, без лишней суеты делают свое дело (Гладков 1). By now there were also a good many foreign correspondents, photographers and newsreel men in the garden. They were calm and business - I ike... they did their job impassively, without fuss (1a).
         ♦ "Мужики... делают свое дело, ни за чем не тянутся; а теперь развратятся!" (Гончаров 1). "The peasants... went about their business and asked for nothing, but now they'll be corrupted!" (1a).
         ♦ Нет, полностью отрицать заслуги того, который сидел в метро, я не буду. Он [Сталин] тоже свое дело делал: и трубку курил, и жирным пальцем глобус мусолил, указывая, куда какую кинуть дивизию... (Войнович 4). No. I will not completely deny the merits of the man who lived in the metro. He [Stalin] did his part too-he smoked his pipe, he soiled his globe with a greasy finger, indicating where a division was to be hurled... (4a).
         ♦ В двадцатых годах все понемногу учили Мандельштама, в тридцатых на него показывали пальцами, а он жил, поплевывая, в окружении дикарей и делал свое дело (Мандельштам 2). In the twenties everybody tried to reason with M[andelstam], but in the thirties they were already pointing their fingers at him; not concealing his distaste, he went on living among the barbarians and did what he had to do (2a).
    2. [subj: abstr or concr]
    to produce its usual result, influence s.o., make itself felt:
    - X делал (сделал) своё дело X did its work < job>;
    - X began to have < X had> its effect < way>;
    - [of age, illness etc] X began to take < X had taken> its toll;
    - [impfv only] X began to tell on person Y.
         ♦ Иногда, уязвленные пренебрежением покупателей, чегемцы увозили назад свои продукты, говоря: ничего, сами съедим. Впрочем, таких гордецов оставалось все меньше и меньше, деспотия рынка делала свое дело (Искандер 3). Sometimes, stung by the contempt of the customers, the Chegemians would cart their produce back: All right, then, we'll eat it ourselves. As time went on, however, there were fewer and fewer people so arrogant; the despotism of the marketplace did its work (3a).
         ♦...В общем, это хорошо, что меня показали по телевизору. Слух об этом сегодня же облетит всю Москву и сделает свое дело (Зиновьев 2)....On the whole it's a good thing that I've been seen on television. The news'll be round all Moscow by this evening, and it'll have its effect (2a).
         ♦ Быть может, возраст все же делает свое дело и вместе с проплешинами и серебряными искорками, вместе с разными "звоночками", появляется и у их хамоватого поколения вкус к истинной дружбе? (Аксенов 6). Perhaps age was, after all, beginning to tell on them, and along with patches of mold, spots before the eyes, and ringing in the ears, even their boorish generation was developing a taste for true friendship? (6a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > сделать свое дело

  • 103 нелегкая занесла

    1. [if impfv, pres only]
    used to express displeasure, annoyance when an unwelcome visitor arrives at the wrong or an inopportune time:
    - чёрт несёт < принёс> X-a - the devil must have brought X;
    - why the devil did X have to come (here)?
    || кого чёрт несёт? who the devil <the hell, in blazes> can (could) that <it> be?
         ♦ "Что, кум, ведь плохо!"... - "Да, чёрт его [Штольца] принёс! - яростно возразил Тарантьев. - Каков шельма, этот немец! Уничтожил доверенность да на аренду имение взял!" (Гончаров 1). "Well, old man....Things don't look very bright, do they?" "No," Tbrantyev replied furiously; "the devil must have brought him [Stolz]! What a rogue that German is! Destroyed the deed of trust and got the estate on a lease!" (1a).
         ♦ "По разговору видно, что он женится на его [Роди] сестре и что Родя об этом, перед самой болезнью, письмо получил..." - "Да; чёрт его принёс теперь; может быть, расстроил всё дело" (Достоевский 3). "From what he says it seems he's supposed to be marrying his [Rodya's] sister and Rodya received a letter about it just before his illness-" "Yes. Damn him coming here now. He might have upset the whole applecart" (3a). "You could see from what they said that he's marrying his [Rodya's] sister, and that Rodya got a letter about it just before his illness..." "Yes; why the devil did he have to come now; he may have spoiled the whole thing" (3c).
         ♦ " Кого... принесла нелёгкая? Отстали бы уж, наконец, совсем!" (Максимов 3). "Who the devil can it be? Why can't they leave me alone once and for all?" (3a).
         ♦...Вдруг звонок в дверь. Иду открывать, мысленно по дороге чертыхаясь: кого ещё там нелёгкая на ночь глядя принесла? (Войнович 1).... All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I went to the door, cursing on the way: Who the hell could it be at this time of night? (1a).
    (used to express displeasure or regret caused by s.o.'s or one's decision to go somewhere) it is unclear why or the speaker has no idea why he or s.o. is going to, is headed for, or has arrived at some place:
    - what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) did X (have to) come (go) to place Y for?
         ♦ "Тише ори... всех погубишь, черт сопливый. Слышишь, Штрезенские рыщут - шастают... Вот они. Замри... Ну, твое счастье, - далеко. Прошли мимо. Кой черт тебя сюда понес?" (Пастернак 1). "Not so loud. You'll give us all away, you devil Can't you hear-Strese's crowd are prowling up and down There they are. Don't breathe..Lucky for you they've gone by. What the devil did you have to come here for?" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > нелегкая занесла

  • 104 нелегкая принесла

    1. [if impfv, pres only]
    used to express displeasure, annoyance when an unwelcome visitor arrives at the wrong or an inopportune time:
    - чёрт несёт < принёс> X-a - the devil must have brought X;
    - why the devil did X have to come (here)?
    || кого чёрт несёт? who the devil <the hell, in blazes> can (could) that <it> be?
         ♦ "Что, кум, ведь плохо!"... - "Да, чёрт его [Штольца] принёс! - яростно возразил Тарантьев. - Каков шельма, этот немец! Уничтожил доверенность да на аренду имение взял!" (Гончаров 1). "Well, old man....Things don't look very bright, do they?" "No," Tbrantyev replied furiously; "the devil must have brought him [Stolz]! What a rogue that German is! Destroyed the deed of trust and got the estate on a lease!" (1a).
         ♦ "По разговору видно, что он женится на его [Роди] сестре и что Родя об этом, перед самой болезнью, письмо получил..." - "Да; чёрт его принёс теперь; может быть, расстроил всё дело" (Достоевский 3). "From what he says it seems he's supposed to be marrying his [Rodya's] sister and Rodya received a letter about it just before his illness-" "Yes. Damn him coming here now. He might have upset the whole applecart" (3a). "You could see from what they said that he's marrying his [Rodya's] sister, and that Rodya got a letter about it just before his illness..." "Yes; why the devil did he have to come now; he may have spoiled the whole thing" (3c).
         ♦ " Кого... принесла нелёгкая? Отстали бы уж, наконец, совсем!" (Максимов 3). "Who the devil can it be? Why can't they leave me alone once and for all?" (3a).
         ♦...Вдруг звонок в дверь. Иду открывать, мысленно по дороге чертыхаясь: кого ещё там нелёгкая на ночь глядя принесла? (Войнович 1).... All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I went to the door, cursing on the way: Who the hell could it be at this time of night? (1a).
    (used to express displeasure or regret caused by s.o.'s or one's decision to go somewhere) it is unclear why or the speaker has no idea why he or s.o. is going to, is headed for, or has arrived at some place:
    - what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) did X (have to) come (go) to place Y for?
         ♦ "Тише ори... всех погубишь, черт сопливый. Слышишь, Штрезенские рыщут - шастают... Вот они. Замри... Ну, твое счастье, - далеко. Прошли мимо. Кой черт тебя сюда понес?" (Пастернак 1). "Not so loud. You'll give us all away, you devil Can't you hear-Strese's crowd are prowling up and down There they are. Don't breathe..Lucky for you they've gone by. What the devil did you have to come here for?" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > нелегкая принесла

  • 105 нечистая сила занесла

    1. [if impfv, pres only]
    used to express displeasure, annoyance when an unwelcome visitor arrives at the wrong or an inopportune time:
    - чёрт несёт < принёс> X-a - the devil must have brought X;
    - why the devil did X have to come (here)?
    || кого чёрт несёт? who the devil <the hell, in blazes> can (could) that <it> be?
         ♦ "Что, кум, ведь плохо!"... - "Да, чёрт его [Штольца] принёс! - яростно возразил Тарантьев. - Каков шельма, этот немец! Уничтожил доверенность да на аренду имение взял!" (Гончаров 1). "Well, old man....Things don't look very bright, do they?" "No," Tbrantyev replied furiously; "the devil must have brought him [Stolz]! What a rogue that German is! Destroyed the deed of trust and got the estate on a lease!" (1a).
         ♦ "По разговору видно, что он женится на его [Роди] сестре и что Родя об этом, перед самой болезнью, письмо получил..." - "Да; чёрт его принёс теперь; может быть, расстроил всё дело" (Достоевский 3). "From what he says it seems he's supposed to be marrying his [Rodya's] sister and Rodya received a letter about it just before his illness-" "Yes. Damn him coming here now. He might have upset the whole applecart" (3a). "You could see from what they said that he's marrying his [Rodya's] sister, and that Rodya got a letter about it just before his illness..." "Yes; why the devil did he have to come now; he may have spoiled the whole thing" (3c).
         ♦ " Кого... принесла нелёгкая? Отстали бы уж, наконец, совсем!" (Максимов 3). "Who the devil can it be? Why can't they leave me alone once and for all?" (3a).
         ♦...Вдруг звонок в дверь. Иду открывать, мысленно по дороге чертыхаясь: кого ещё там нелёгкая на ночь глядя принесла? (Войнович 1).... All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I went to the door, cursing on the way: Who the hell could it be at this time of night? (1a).
    (used to express displeasure or regret caused by s.o.'s or one's decision to go somewhere) it is unclear why or the speaker has no idea why he or s.o. is going to, is headed for, or has arrived at some place:
    - what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) did X (have to) come (go) to place Y for?
         ♦ "Тише ори... всех погубишь, черт сопливый. Слышишь, Штрезенские рыщут - шастают... Вот они. Замри... Ну, твое счастье, - далеко. Прошли мимо. Кой черт тебя сюда понес?" (Пастернак 1). "Not so loud. You'll give us all away, you devil Can't you hear-Strese's crowd are prowling up and down There they are. Don't breathe..Lucky for you they've gone by. What the devil did you have to come here for?" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > нечистая сила занесла

  • 106 нечистая сила несет

    1. [if impfv, pres only]
    used to express displeasure, annoyance when an unwelcome visitor arrives at the wrong or an inopportune time:
    - чёрт несёт < принёс> X-a - the devil must have brought X;
    - why the devil did X have to come (here)?
    || кого чёрт несёт? who the devil <the hell, in blazes> can (could) that <it> be?
         ♦ "Что, кум, ведь плохо!"... - "Да, чёрт его [Штольца] принёс! - яростно возразил Тарантьев. - Каков шельма, этот немец! Уничтожил доверенность да на аренду имение взял!" (Гончаров 1). "Well, old man....Things don't look very bright, do they?" "No," Tbrantyev replied furiously; "the devil must have brought him [Stolz]! What a rogue that German is! Destroyed the deed of trust and got the estate on a lease!" (1a).
         ♦ "По разговору видно, что он женится на его [Роди] сестре и что Родя об этом, перед самой болезнью, письмо получил..." - "Да; чёрт его принёс теперь; может быть, расстроил всё дело" (Достоевский 3). "From what he says it seems he's supposed to be marrying his [Rodya's] sister and Rodya received a letter about it just before his illness-" "Yes. Damn him coming here now. He might have upset the whole applecart" (3a). "You could see from what they said that he's marrying his [Rodya's] sister, and that Rodya got a letter about it just before his illness..." "Yes; why the devil did he have to come now; he may have spoiled the whole thing" (3c).
         ♦ " Кого... принесла нелёгкая? Отстали бы уж, наконец, совсем!" (Максимов 3). "Who the devil can it be? Why can't they leave me alone once and for all?" (3a).
         ♦...Вдруг звонок в дверь. Иду открывать, мысленно по дороге чертыхаясь: кого ещё там нелёгкая на ночь глядя принесла? (Войнович 1).... All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I went to the door, cursing on the way: Who the hell could it be at this time of night? (1a).
    (used to express displeasure or regret caused by s.o.'s or one's decision to go somewhere) it is unclear why or the speaker has no idea why he or s.o. is going to, is headed for, or has arrived at some place:
    - what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) did X (have to) come (go) to place Y for?
         ♦ "Тише ори... всех погубишь, черт сопливый. Слышишь, Штрезенские рыщут - шастают... Вот они. Замри... Ну, твое счастье, - далеко. Прошли мимо. Кой черт тебя сюда понес?" (Пастернак 1). "Not so loud. You'll give us all away, you devil Can't you hear-Strese's crowd are prowling up and down There they are. Don't breathe..Lucky for you they've gone by. What the devil did you have to come here for?" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > нечистая сила несет

  • 107 нечистая сила понесла

    1. [if impfv, pres only]
    used to express displeasure, annoyance when an unwelcome visitor arrives at the wrong or an inopportune time:
    - чёрт несёт < принёс> X-a - the devil must have brought X;
    - why the devil did X have to come (here)?
    || кого чёрт несёт? who the devil <the hell, in blazes> can (could) that <it> be?
         ♦ "Что, кум, ведь плохо!"... - "Да, чёрт его [Штольца] принёс! - яростно возразил Тарантьев. - Каков шельма, этот немец! Уничтожил доверенность да на аренду имение взял!" (Гончаров 1). "Well, old man....Things don't look very bright, do they?" "No," Tbrantyev replied furiously; "the devil must have brought him [Stolz]! What a rogue that German is! Destroyed the deed of trust and got the estate on a lease!" (1a).
         ♦ "По разговору видно, что он женится на его [Роди] сестре и что Родя об этом, перед самой болезнью, письмо получил..." - "Да; чёрт его принёс теперь; может быть, расстроил всё дело" (Достоевский 3). "From what he says it seems he's supposed to be marrying his [Rodya's] sister and Rodya received a letter about it just before his illness-" "Yes. Damn him coming here now. He might have upset the whole applecart" (3a). "You could see from what they said that he's marrying his [Rodya's] sister, and that Rodya got a letter about it just before his illness..." "Yes; why the devil did he have to come now; he may have spoiled the whole thing" (3c).
         ♦ " Кого... принесла нелёгкая? Отстали бы уж, наконец, совсем!" (Максимов 3). "Who the devil can it be? Why can't they leave me alone once and for all?" (3a).
         ♦...Вдруг звонок в дверь. Иду открывать, мысленно по дороге чертыхаясь: кого ещё там нелёгкая на ночь глядя принесла? (Войнович 1).... All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I went to the door, cursing on the way: Who the hell could it be at this time of night? (1a).
    (used to express displeasure or regret caused by s.o.'s or one's decision to go somewhere) it is unclear why or the speaker has no idea why he or s.o. is going to, is headed for, or has arrived at some place:
    - what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) did X (have to) come (go) to place Y for?
         ♦ "Тише ори... всех погубишь, черт сопливый. Слышишь, Штрезенские рыщут - шастают... Вот они. Замри... Ну, твое счастье, - далеко. Прошли мимо. Кой черт тебя сюда понес?" (Пастернак 1). "Not so loud. You'll give us all away, you devil Can't you hear-Strese's crowd are prowling up and down There they are. Don't breathe..Lucky for you they've gone by. What the devil did you have to come here for?" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > нечистая сила понесла

  • 108 нечистая сила принесла

    1. [if impfv, pres only]
    used to express displeasure, annoyance when an unwelcome visitor arrives at the wrong or an inopportune time:
    - чёрт несёт < принёс> X-a - the devil must have brought X;
    - why the devil did X have to come (here)?
    || кого чёрт несёт? who the devil <the hell, in blazes> can (could) that <it> be?
         ♦ "Что, кум, ведь плохо!"... - "Да, чёрт его [Штольца] принёс! - яростно возразил Тарантьев. - Каков шельма, этот немец! Уничтожил доверенность да на аренду имение взял!" (Гончаров 1). "Well, old man....Things don't look very bright, do they?" "No," Tbrantyev replied furiously; "the devil must have brought him [Stolz]! What a rogue that German is! Destroyed the deed of trust and got the estate on a lease!" (1a).
         ♦ "По разговору видно, что он женится на его [Роди] сестре и что Родя об этом, перед самой болезнью, письмо получил..." - "Да; чёрт его принёс теперь; может быть, расстроил всё дело" (Достоевский 3). "From what he says it seems he's supposed to be marrying his [Rodya's] sister and Rodya received a letter about it just before his illness-" "Yes. Damn him coming here now. He might have upset the whole applecart" (3a). "You could see from what they said that he's marrying his [Rodya's] sister, and that Rodya got a letter about it just before his illness..." "Yes; why the devil did he have to come now; he may have spoiled the whole thing" (3c).
         ♦ " Кого... принесла нелёгкая? Отстали бы уж, наконец, совсем!" (Максимов 3). "Who the devil can it be? Why can't they leave me alone once and for all?" (3a).
         ♦...Вдруг звонок в дверь. Иду открывать, мысленно по дороге чертыхаясь: кого ещё там нелёгкая на ночь глядя принесла? (Войнович 1).... All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I went to the door, cursing on the way: Who the hell could it be at this time of night? (1a).
    (used to express displeasure or regret caused by s.o.'s or one's decision to go somewhere) it is unclear why or the speaker has no idea why he or s.o. is going to, is headed for, or has arrived at some place:
    - what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) did X (have to) come (go) to place Y for?
         ♦ "Тише ори... всех погубишь, черт сопливый. Слышишь, Штрезенские рыщут - шастают... Вот они. Замри... Ну, твое счастье, - далеко. Прошли мимо. Кой черт тебя сюда понес?" (Пастернак 1). "Not so loud. You'll give us all away, you devil Can't you hear-Strese's crowd are prowling up and down There they are. Don't breathe..Lucky for you they've gone by. What the devil did you have to come here for?" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > нечистая сила принесла

  • 109 черт занес

    1. [if impfv, pres only]
    used to express displeasure, annoyance when an unwelcome visitor arrives at the wrong or an inopportune time:
    - чёрт несёт < принёс> X-a - the devil must have brought X;
    - why the devil did X have to come (here)?
    || кого чёрт несёт? who the devil <the hell, in blazes> can (could) that <it> be?
         ♦ "Что, кум, ведь плохо!"... - "Да, чёрт его [Штольца] принёс! - яростно возразил Тарантьев. - Каков шельма, этот немец! Уничтожил доверенность да на аренду имение взял!" (Гончаров 1). "Well, old man....Things don't look very bright, do they?" "No," Tbrantyev replied furiously; "the devil must have brought him [Stolz]! What a rogue that German is! Destroyed the deed of trust and got the estate on a lease!" (1a).
         ♦ "По разговору видно, что он женится на его [Роди] сестре и что Родя об этом, перед самой болезнью, письмо получил..." - "Да; чёрт его принёс теперь; может быть, расстроил всё дело" (Достоевский 3). "From what he says it seems he's supposed to be marrying his [Rodya's] sister and Rodya received a letter about it just before his illness-" "Yes. Damn him coming here now. He might have upset the whole applecart" (3a). "You could see from what they said that he's marrying his [Rodya's] sister, and that Rodya got a letter about it just before his illness..." "Yes; why the devil did he have to come now; he may have spoiled the whole thing" (3c).
         ♦ " Кого... принесла нелёгкая? Отстали бы уж, наконец, совсем!" (Максимов 3). "Who the devil can it be? Why can't they leave me alone once and for all?" (3a).
         ♦...Вдруг звонок в дверь. Иду открывать, мысленно по дороге чертыхаясь: кого ещё там нелёгкая на ночь глядя принесла? (Войнович 1).... All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I went to the door, cursing on the way: Who the hell could it be at this time of night? (1a).
    (used to express displeasure or regret caused by s.o.'s or one's decision to go somewhere) it is unclear why or the speaker has no idea why he or s.o. is going to, is headed for, or has arrived at some place:
    - чёрт занес X-a в место Y the devil knows what brought X (what made X come) to place Y;
    - what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) did X (have to) come (go) to place Y for?
         ♦ "Тише ори... всех погубишь, черт сопливый. Слышишь, Штрезенские рыщут - шастают... Вот они. Замри... Ну, твое счастье, - далеко. Прошли мимо. Кой черт тебя сюда понес?" (Пастернак 1). "Not so loud. You'll give us all away, you devil Can't you hear-Strese's crowd are prowling up and down There they are. Don't breathe..Lucky for you they've gone by. What the devil did you have to come here for?" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > черт занес

  • 110 черт принес

    1. [if impfv, pres only]
    used to express displeasure, annoyance when an unwelcome visitor arrives at the wrong or an inopportune time:
    - чёрт несёт < принёс> X-a - the devil must have brought X;
    - why the devil did X have to come (here)?
    || кого чёрт несёт? who the devil <the hell, in blazes> can (could) that <it> be?
         ♦ "Что, кум, ведь плохо!"... - "Да, чёрт его [Штольца] принёс! - яростно возразил Тарантьев. - Каков шельма, этот немец! Уничтожил доверенность да на аренду имение взял!" (Гончаров 1). "Well, old man....Things don't look very bright, do they?" "No," Tbrantyev replied furiously; "the devil must have brought him [Stolz]! What a rogue that German is! Destroyed the deed of trust and got the estate on a lease!" (1a).
         ♦ "По разговору видно, что он женится на его [Роди] сестре и что Родя об этом, перед самой болезнью, письмо получил..." - "Да; чёрт его принёс теперь; может быть, расстроил всё дело" (Достоевский 3). "From what he says it seems he's supposed to be marrying his [Rodya's] sister and Rodya received a letter about it just before his illness-" "Yes. Damn him coming here now. He might have upset the whole applecart" (3a). "You could see from what they said that he's marrying his [Rodya's] sister, and that Rodya got a letter about it just before his illness..." "Yes; why the devil did he have to come now; he may have spoiled the whole thing" (3c).
         ♦ " Кого... принесла нелёгкая? Отстали бы уж, наконец, совсем!" (Максимов 3). "Who the devil can it be? Why can't they leave me alone once and for all?" (3a).
         ♦...Вдруг звонок в дверь. Иду открывать, мысленно по дороге чертыхаясь: кого ещё там нелёгкая на ночь глядя принесла? (Войнович 1).... All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I went to the door, cursing on the way: Who the hell could it be at this time of night? (1a).
    (used to express displeasure or regret caused by s.o.'s or one's decision to go somewhere) it is unclear why or the speaker has no idea why he or s.o. is going to, is headed for, or has arrived at some place:
    - what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) did X (have to) come (go) to place Y for?
         ♦ "Тише ори... всех погубишь, черт сопливый. Слышишь, Штрезенские рыщут - шастают... Вот они. Замри... Ну, твое счастье, - далеко. Прошли мимо. Кой черт тебя сюда понес?" (Пастернак 1). "Not so loud. You'll give us all away, you devil Can't you hear-Strese's crowd are prowling up and down There they are. Don't breathe..Lucky for you they've gone by. What the devil did you have to come here for?" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > черт принес

  • 111 черти занесли

    1. [if impfv, pres only]
    used to express displeasure, annoyance when an unwelcome visitor arrives at the wrong or an inopportune time:
    - чёрт несёт < принёс> X-a - the devil must have brought X;
    - why the devil did X have to come (here)?
    || кого чёрт несёт? who the devil <the hell, in blazes> can (could) that <it> be?
         ♦ "Что, кум, ведь плохо!"... - "Да, чёрт его [Штольца] принёс! - яростно возразил Тарантьев. - Каков шельма, этот немец! Уничтожил доверенность да на аренду имение взял!" (Гончаров 1). "Well, old man....Things don't look very bright, do they?" "No," Tbrantyev replied furiously; "the devil must have brought him [Stolz]! What a rogue that German is! Destroyed the deed of trust and got the estate on a lease!" (1a).
         ♦ "По разговору видно, что он женится на его [Роди] сестре и что Родя об этом, перед самой болезнью, письмо получил..." - "Да; чёрт его принёс теперь; может быть, расстроил всё дело" (Достоевский 3). "From what he says it seems he's supposed to be marrying his [Rodya's] sister and Rodya received a letter about it just before his illness-" "Yes. Damn him coming here now. He might have upset the whole applecart" (3a). "You could see from what they said that he's marrying his [Rodya's] sister, and that Rodya got a letter about it just before his illness..." "Yes; why the devil did he have to come now; he may have spoiled the whole thing" (3c).
         ♦ " Кого... принесла нелёгкая? Отстали бы уж, наконец, совсем!" (Максимов 3). "Who the devil can it be? Why can't they leave me alone once and for all?" (3a).
         ♦...Вдруг звонок в дверь. Иду открывать, мысленно по дороге чертыхаясь: кого ещё там нелёгкая на ночь глядя принесла? (Войнович 1).... All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I went to the door, cursing on the way: Who the hell could it be at this time of night? (1a).
    (used to express displeasure or regret caused by s.o.'s or one's decision to go somewhere) it is unclear why or the speaker has no idea why he or s.o. is going to, is headed for, or has arrived at some place:
    - what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) did X (have to) come (go) to place Y for?
         ♦ "Тише ори... всех погубишь, черт сопливый. Слышишь, Штрезенские рыщут - шастают... Вот они. Замри... Ну, твое счастье, - далеко. Прошли мимо. Кой черт тебя сюда понес?" (Пастернак 1). "Not so loud. You'll give us all away, you devil Can't you hear-Strese's crowd are prowling up and down There they are. Don't breathe..Lucky for you they've gone by. What the devil did you have to come here for?" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > черти занесли

  • 112 черти несут

    1. [if impfv, pres only]
    used to express displeasure, annoyance when an unwelcome visitor arrives at the wrong or an inopportune time:
    - чёрт несёт < принёс> X-a - the devil must have brought X;
    - why the devil did X have to come (here)?
    || кого чёрт несёт? who the devil <the hell, in blazes> can (could) that <it> be?
         ♦ "Что, кум, ведь плохо!"... - "Да, чёрт его [Штольца] принёс! - яростно возразил Тарантьев. - Каков шельма, этот немец! Уничтожил доверенность да на аренду имение взял!" (Гончаров 1). "Well, old man....Things don't look very bright, do they?" "No," Tbrantyev replied furiously; "the devil must have brought him [Stolz]! What a rogue that German is! Destroyed the deed of trust and got the estate on a lease!" (1a).
         ♦ "По разговору видно, что он женится на его [Роди] сестре и что Родя об этом, перед самой болезнью, письмо получил..." - "Да; чёрт его принёс теперь; может быть, расстроил всё дело" (Достоевский 3). "From what he says it seems he's supposed to be marrying his [Rodya's] sister and Rodya received a letter about it just before his illness-" "Yes. Damn him coming here now. He might have upset the whole applecart" (3a). "You could see from what they said that he's marrying his [Rodya's] sister, and that Rodya got a letter about it just before his illness..." "Yes; why the devil did he have to come now; he may have spoiled the whole thing" (3c).
         ♦ " Кого... принесла нелёгкая? Отстали бы уж, наконец, совсем!" (Максимов 3). "Who the devil can it be? Why can't they leave me alone once and for all?" (3a).
         ♦...Вдруг звонок в дверь. Иду открывать, мысленно по дороге чертыхаясь: кого ещё там нелёгкая на ночь глядя принесла? (Войнович 1).... All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I went to the door, cursing on the way: Who the hell could it be at this time of night? (1a).
    (used to express displeasure or regret caused by s.o.'s or one's decision to go somewhere) it is unclear why or the speaker has no idea why he or s.o. is going to, is headed for, or has arrived at some place:
    - what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) did X (have to) come (go) to place Y for?
         ♦ "Тише ори... всех погубишь, черт сопливый. Слышишь, Штрезенские рыщут - шастают... Вот они. Замри... Ну, твое счастье, - далеко. Прошли мимо. Кой черт тебя сюда понес?" (Пастернак 1). "Not so loud. You'll give us all away, you devil Can't you hear-Strese's crowd are prowling up and down There they are. Don't breathe..Lucky for you they've gone by. What the devil did you have to come here for?" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > черти несут

  • 113 черти понесли

    1. [if impfv, pres only]
    used to express displeasure, annoyance when an unwelcome visitor arrives at the wrong or an inopportune time:
    - чёрт несёт < принёс> X-a - the devil must have brought X;
    - why the devil did X have to come (here)?
    || кого чёрт несёт? who the devil <the hell, in blazes> can (could) that <it> be?
         ♦ "Что, кум, ведь плохо!"... - "Да, чёрт его [Штольца] принёс! - яростно возразил Тарантьев. - Каков шельма, этот немец! Уничтожил доверенность да на аренду имение взял!" (Гончаров 1). "Well, old man....Things don't look very bright, do they?" "No," Tbrantyev replied furiously; "the devil must have brought him [Stolz]! What a rogue that German is! Destroyed the deed of trust and got the estate on a lease!" (1a).
         ♦ "По разговору видно, что он женится на его [Роди] сестре и что Родя об этом, перед самой болезнью, письмо получил..." - "Да; чёрт его принёс теперь; может быть, расстроил всё дело" (Достоевский 3). "From what he says it seems he's supposed to be marrying his [Rodya's] sister and Rodya received a letter about it just before his illness-" "Yes. Damn him coming here now. He might have upset the whole applecart" (3a). "You could see from what they said that he's marrying his [Rodya's] sister, and that Rodya got a letter about it just before his illness..." "Yes; why the devil did he have to come now; he may have spoiled the whole thing" (3c).
         ♦ " Кого... принесла нелёгкая? Отстали бы уж, наконец, совсем!" (Максимов 3). "Who the devil can it be? Why can't they leave me alone once and for all?" (3a).
         ♦...Вдруг звонок в дверь. Иду открывать, мысленно по дороге чертыхаясь: кого ещё там нелёгкая на ночь глядя принесла? (Войнович 1).... All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I went to the door, cursing on the way: Who the hell could it be at this time of night? (1a).
    (used to express displeasure or regret caused by s.o.'s or one's decision to go somewhere) it is unclear why or the speaker has no idea why he or s.o. is going to, is headed for, or has arrived at some place:
    - what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) did X (have to) come (go) to place Y for?
         ♦ "Тише ори... всех погубишь, черт сопливый. Слышишь, Штрезенские рыщут - шастают... Вот они. Замри... Ну, твое счастье, - далеко. Прошли мимо. Кой черт тебя сюда понес?" (Пастернак 1). "Not so loud. You'll give us all away, you devil Can't you hear-Strese's crowd are prowling up and down There they are. Don't breathe..Lucky for you they've gone by. What the devil did you have to come here for?" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > черти понесли

  • 114 черти принесли

    1. [if impfv, pres only]
    used to express displeasure, annoyance when an unwelcome visitor arrives at the wrong or an inopportune time:
    - чёрт несёт < принёс> X-a - the devil must have brought X;
    - why the devil did X have to come (here)?
    || кого чёрт несёт? who the devil <the hell, in blazes> can (could) that <it> be?
         ♦ "Что, кум, ведь плохо!"... - "Да, чёрт его [Штольца] принёс! - яростно возразил Тарантьев. - Каков шельма, этот немец! Уничтожил доверенность да на аренду имение взял!" (Гончаров 1). "Well, old man....Things don't look very bright, do they?" "No," Tbrantyev replied furiously; "the devil must have brought him [Stolz]! What a rogue that German is! Destroyed the deed of trust and got the estate on a lease!" (1a).
         ♦ "По разговору видно, что он женится на его [Роди] сестре и что Родя об этом, перед самой болезнью, письмо получил..." - "Да; чёрт его принёс теперь; может быть, расстроил всё дело" (Достоевский 3). "From what he says it seems he's supposed to be marrying his [Rodya's] sister and Rodya received a letter about it just before his illness-" "Yes. Damn him coming here now. He might have upset the whole applecart" (3a). "You could see from what they said that he's marrying his [Rodya's] sister, and that Rodya got a letter about it just before his illness..." "Yes; why the devil did he have to come now; he may have spoiled the whole thing" (3c).
         ♦ " Кого... принесла нелёгкая? Отстали бы уж, наконец, совсем!" (Максимов 3). "Who the devil can it be? Why can't they leave me alone once and for all?" (3a).
         ♦...Вдруг звонок в дверь. Иду открывать, мысленно по дороге чертыхаясь: кого ещё там нелёгкая на ночь глядя принесла? (Войнович 1).... All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I went to the door, cursing on the way: Who the hell could it be at this time of night? (1a).
    (used to express displeasure or regret caused by s.o.'s or one's decision to go somewhere) it is unclear why or the speaker has no idea why he or s.o. is going to, is headed for, or has arrived at some place:
    - what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) did X (have to) come (go) to place Y for?
         ♦ "Тише ори... всех погубишь, черт сопливый. Слышишь, Штрезенские рыщут - шастают... Вот они. Замри... Ну, твое счастье, - далеко. Прошли мимо. Кой черт тебя сюда понес?" (Пастернак 1). "Not so loud. You'll give us all away, you devil Can't you hear-Strese's crowd are prowling up and down There they are. Don't breathe..Lucky for you they've gone by. What the devil did you have to come here for?" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > черти принесли

  • 115 знать

    I гл.
    1) (вн., о пр.; иметь сведения, быть в курсе) know (d; about), be aware (of)

    дать знать кому́-л — let smb know

    дать кому́-л знать о себе́ — let smb hear from one

    не знать (о пр.) — be ignorant (of), be unaware (of)

    наско́лько я зна́ю — as far as I know

    отку́да мне знать? — how would I know?

    он знать не хо́чет об э́том — he doesn't want to know anything about it, he won't hear of it

    2) (вн.; обладать понятием, познаниями в чём-л) know (d)

    знать своё де́ло — know one's job / business

    она́ зна́ет, о чём говори́т — she knows what she is talking about

    не знать, что де́лать — not to know what to do, be at a loss; be at a loose end идиом.

    3) (вн.; быть знакомым с кем-чем-л) know (d), be acquainted (with)

    знать в лицо́ — know (d) by sight

    знать понаслы́шке — know (d) by hearsay

    4) (вн.; испытывать, переживать) know (d)

    не знать поко́я — know no peace

    знать и го́ре, и ра́дость — have known both bad and good times

    не знать пораже́ний — have never suffered a defeat

    не знать у́стали — be tireless


    знать не зна́ю (и ве́дать не ве́даю) (вн.; при отрицании осведомлённости о чём-л) — I haven't got the faintest idea (about); ( при отрицании знакомства с кем-л) I don't know (d) and I have nothing to do (with)

    знать толк в чём-л — be a good judge of smth, be an expert in smth

    знать ме́ру — know when to stop

    знать себе́ це́ну — know one's own worth / value

    знать, что к чему́ — know the how and why of things; know a thing or two

    как знать, почём знать, кто зна́ет — who knows

    дава́ть себя́ знать — make itself felt

    живи́ / поступа́й как зна́ешь — get on as best you can

    зна́ете ли вводн. сл.you know

    знай (себе́) — см. знай

    зна́ем мы вас! — we know your lot!, we know the likes of you!

    ну, зна́ете! — well, I never!; that's going too far!

    мно́го бу́дешь знать - соста́ришься — ≈ curiosity killed the cat

    II ж. собир. ист.
    aristocracy, nobility; the élite [eɪ'liːt] (фр.)
    III вводн. сл. прост.
    evidently, it seems

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > знать

  • 116 нужно

    1) кратк. прил. см. нужный
    2) предик. безл. (+ инф.; что́бы; необходимо) it is necessary (+ to inf; that... should); тж. передаётся с помощью гл. need (+ to inf), must (+ inf), have (+ to inf), should (+ inf)

    ну́жно пое́хать туда́ — it is necessary to go there

    ну́жно, что́бы кто-л пое́хал туда́ — it is necessary (that) smb should go there; smb must / should go there

    ну́жно сде́лать э́то тща́тельно — it needs to be done carefully

    э́то ну́жно сде́лать — it must [has to] be done

    ну́жно быть осторо́жным — one / you should be careful

    ну́жно бы́ло сесть в авто́бус, и вы не опозда́ли бы — you should have taken a bus and you wouldn't have been late

    э́тому ну́жно уделя́ть бо́льше вре́мени — more time should be spent on that

    дом ну́жно ремонти́ровать [кра́сить] — the house is in need of repair [painting]

    ему́ [им] ну́жно (+ инф.) — it is necessary for him [them] (+ to inf); he needs / has [they need / have] (+ to inf); he [they] must (+ inf)

    ей ну́жно пое́хать туда́ — she needs to go there

    мне ну́жно идти́ — I must go

    мне ну́жно бы́ло идти́ — I had to go

    вам ну́жно обрати́ться к врачу́ — you should [ought to] consult a doctor

    ему́ не ну́жно приходи́ть — he needn't come; he doesn't need / have to come

    (вам) не ну́жно боя́ться — you needn't / shouldn't be afraid

    ну́жно бы́ло ви́деть, как он обра́довался! — you should have seen how glad he was!

    вам не ну́жно бы́ло говори́ть ему́ э́то — you shouldn't have told him that

    мне ну́жно, что́бы ты пошёл туда́ — I want you to go there

    не ну́жно, что́бы об э́том кто́-то знал — there is no need for anyone to know about it; no one needs to know about it


    о́чень (мне) ну́жно! ирон. разг.that's the last thing I need! (ср. тж. надо I)

    ну́жно бы (+ инф.; следует, рекомендуется)it is advisable (+ to inf), one should (+ inf), one ought (+ to inf)

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > нужно

  • 117 быть себе на уме

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > быть себе на уме

  • 118 Г-166

    НЕЧЕГО И ГОВОРИТЬ, что... or о ком-чём, про кого-что coll these forms only impers predic with быть«, usu. pres и always precedes говорить)
    1. it is so obvious that it does not even have to be stated: нечего и говорить, что... - needless to say
    it goes without saying (that...) of course
    об X-e нечего и говорить - one need hardly mention (say anything about) X
    (when the person or thing in question is juxtaposed with a person or thing in the preceding context) to say nothing of X not to mention X.
    «Нечего и говорить о том, что мы приняли решение вашего превосходительства к непременному исполнению...» (Салтыков-Щедрин 2). "Needless to say, we accepted your excellency's decision and put it into effect immediately" (2a).
    Ближе -яснее - господин. Вы думаете, я сужу по пальто? Вздор. Пальто теперь очень многие и из пролетариев носят. Правда, воротники не такие, об этом и говорить нечего, но всё же издали можно спутать (Булгаков 11). As he came closer it was obvious that he was a gentleman. I suppose you thought I recognized him by his overcoat? Nonsense. Even lots of proletarians wear overcoats nowadays. I admit they don't usually have collars like this one, of course, but, even so, you can sometimes be mistaken at a distance (lib).
    Нечего и говорить о том, как утешительно было находить в письмах незнакомых людей отклик на то сокровенное, что годами вынашивалось молчком (Гинзбург 2). I need hardly say how reassuring it was to discover in letters from unknown people their reaction to inner secrets that for long years had been cherished in silence (2a).
    He до всего доходили руки старика, посев уменьшился, а про остальное уж и говорить нечего (Шолохов 3). The old man could not cope with everything he had even reduced his sowings, not to mention other things (3a).
    2. sth. or s.o. is excluded altogether (as a possibility): об X-e нечего и говорить = X is out of the question
    (in limited contexts) there is no question of (person Yb) doing thing X.
    О поездке в Прагу нечего и говорить. Going to Prague is out of the question.
    (author's usage)...Маргарите решительно нечего было надеть, так как все её веши остались в особняке, и хоть этот особняк был очень недалеко, конечно, нечего было и толковать о том, чтобы пойти туда и взять там свои вещи (Булгаков 9)....Margarita had nothing to put on, since all her things remained in her house, and though it was not far, there was, of course, no question of her going there to take her clothes (9a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Г-166

  • 119 Д-28

    НИ ДАТЬ НИ ВЗЯТЬ coll ( Invar, fixed WO
    1. ( modif) a person (or thing) looks absolutely the same as another person (or thing): (look) exactly (just) like ( s.o. sth.)
    for all the world like ( s.o. sth.) ( s.o. sth.) could (easily) have been a NP like a regular NP a real NP a NP nothing less (nothing less than a NP
    ). Ещё и ещё падали на стол снимки, и вот мелькнул покатый, тупой (ни дать ни взять мучной ларь) архиерейский дом... (Домбровский 1). More and more photographs fell onto the table. I caught a glimpse of a squat, square archbishop's palace (looking exactly like a flour-bin)... (1a).
    Пантелей Прокофьев и ч с Ильиничной - в заду брички рядком, ни дать ни взять — молодые (Шолохов 2). Pantelei and Ilyinichna, seated side by side at the back of the wagon, suddenly looked for all the world like a young couple (2a).
    Его (солдата) лицо было очень обыкновенное, будничное, чем-то знакомое - ни дать ни взять слесарь со «Спорта»... (Кузнецов 1). His (the soldier's) was a very ordinary, everyday type of face which had something familiar about it-he could easily have been a mechanic from the Sport Factory... (1b).
    Машина остановилась точно там, где нужно было: между Огород-никовым и фон Дерецки. Последний, когда первый начал говорить, приосанился и нацепил на нос очки в железной оправе, ни дать ни взять теоретик из Пном-Пеня (Аксёнов 12). The machine stopped just where it should have: in the center of the table, between Ogorodnikov and Von Deretzki. When the former began speaking, the latter straightened up and put on wire-rim glasses, like a regular theoretician from Phnom Penh (12a).
    Гвардеец:) Это даже невероятно... чтобы солдату да вдруг приснился такой волшебный сон... кукла разгуливает по дворцу... Удивительное дело. Ишь ты... Ну, ни дать ни взять - живая девочка (Олеша 7). (G.:) It's incredible that a soldier should have such a magical dream...a doll goes strolling round the palace.... Amazing. How d'you like that! A live girl...nothing less (7a).
    2. ( adv or sent adv
    often foil. by a как-clause or phrase) (to do sth.) in precisely the same way that someone else does it
    just (exactly) like
    for all the world like (as if) exactly (just) how (the way) (someone else does it).
    ...Люди на пароходе, в море, разговаривают и смеются беззаботно, ни дать ни взять как на твёрдой земле... (Тургенев 2)....People on a steamer at sea talk and laugh light-heartedly, for all the world as if they were on dry land... (2c).
    Дворня хохотала, дружно сочувствуя... лакею, прибившему казачка... «Вот, вот этак же, ни дать ни взять, бывало, мой прежний барин, - начал опять тот же лакей, что всё перебивал Захара, - ты, бывало, думаешь, как бы повеселиться, а он вдруг, словно угадает, что ты думал, идёт мимо, да и ухватит вот этак, вот как Матвей Мосеич Андрюшку» (Гончаров 1). (the translation of the idiom combines it with the preceding adverbial) The servants laughed, sympathizing with the footman who had beaten the boy.... That's exactly the way my former master used to carry on!" said the footman who kept interrupting Zakhar. "Just when you'd think of having a little fun, suddenly he seemed to guess what was in your mind, and he'd grab you, just as Matvei Moseich grabbed Andryushka" (1b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-28

  • 120 У-181

    HE ВИДАТЬ КАК СВОИХ УШЁЙ кому кого-чего coll VP impers usu. infin usu. this WO (in refer, to a desirable person, thing etc) s.o. will never win over, attract to o.s. etc (the person in question) s.o. will never obtain (the thing in question), achieve (the end in question) etc: не видать X-y Y-a как своих ушей - X will never get (get hold of, get his hands on, get near, get to see etc) Y there's no way X will ever get (get hold of etc) Y X can forget about (getting) Y Y is out of X's reach (in limited contexts) like hell X will get (get to see, be able to go to etc) Y X can kiss thing Y good-bye.
    «Меня же за одно намерение сочинить подпольную книжку выгонят из партии и с работы. А с вами что будет? Сашку укатают в Сибирь, а тебе института не видать тогда как своих ушей» (Зиновьев 2). "If I so much as had a thought of writing an underground book I'd be expelled from the party and sacked. And what'd happen to you? Sashka'd have to go off to Siberia, and you'd never get to see the inside of any institute" (2a).
    «Здравия желаю, товарищ майор! Говорит Паськов. У меня в кабинете... один из ваших... Просится на передовую. Хорошо. Передаю трубку». - «Привет, - говорю, - товарищ Кидалла». -«Здравствуй, мерзавец. Фронта тебе не видать как своих ушей. Ты числишься за органами» (Алешковский 1). "Good morning, Comrade Major. Paskov here. I have one of yours in my office... Wants to go to the front. Okay. I'll put him on." "Hi, Comrade Kidalla," I said. "Hello, scumbag. Like hell you're going to the front. You're working for the agency" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > У-181

См. также в других словарях:

  • have a thing about — have a thing for/about/informal phrase to have very strong feelings about someone or something, especially feelings that are unusual or unreasonable I have a thing about flying in planes; it scares me. Thesaurus: to feel an emotionsynonym …   Useful english dictionary

  • have a thing about — (something/someone) 1. to like something or someone very much or to be very interested in them. I ve got a thing about jackets I must have twenty or so in my wardrobe. He s got a thing about blondes. 2. to hate something or someone, or to be… …   New idioms dictionary

  • have a thing about — (something) to have a strong opinion about something. I ve always had a thing about fresh raspberries, so now I grow them in my garden. She won t come to the beach with me because she has a thing about getting sand between her toes. Usage notes:… …   New idioms dictionary

  • have a thing about something — have a thing about (something/someone) 1. to like something or someone very much or to be very interested in them. I ve got a thing about jackets I must have twenty or so in my wardrobe. He s got a thing about blondes. 2. to hate something or… …   New idioms dictionary

  • have a thing about someone — have a thing about (something/someone) 1. to like something or someone very much or to be very interested in them. I ve got a thing about jackets I must have twenty or so in my wardrobe. He s got a thing about blondes. 2. to hate something or… …   New idioms dictionary

  • have a thing about something — have a thing about (something) to have a strong opinion about something. I ve always had a thing about fresh raspberries, so now I grow them in my garden. She won t come to the beach with me because she has a thing about getting sand between her… …   New idioms dictionary

  • have a thing about somebody — have a ˈthing about sb/sth idiom (informal) to have a strong like or dislike of sb/sth in a way that seems strange or unreasonable • She has a thing about men with beards. Main entry: ↑thingidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • have a thing about something — have a ˈthing about sb/sth idiom (informal) to have a strong like or dislike of sb/sth in a way that seems strange or unreasonable • She has a thing about men with beards. Main entry: ↑thingidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • have a thing about — informal a peculiar attitude or feeling toward smth She has a thing about cats. Source: (Arakin 4, 80) …   Idioms and examples

  • have a thing about — informal have a preoccupation or obsession with. → thing …   English new terms dictionary

  • have a thing for — have a thing for/about/informal phrase to have very strong feelings about someone or something, especially feelings that are unusual or unreasonable I have a thing about flying in planes; it scares me. Thesaurus: to feel an emotionsynonym …   Useful english dictionary

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