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с английского на турецкий


  • 1 yön değiştirmek

    v. chop about, chop round, come over, haul, haul off, haul up, put about, shift, veer, veer round

    Turkish-English dictionary > yön değiştirmek

  • 2 çekme

    adj. pull off, pull out, shrinking, towaway, towing
    n. pull, drawing, draw, withdrawal, draft, draught, allure, allurement, extraction, shrinkage, bearing, haul, haulage, hitch, hoist, pluck, soak, traction
    çekme (akraba)
    n. throwback
    çekme (gemi vb.)
    n. towage
    * * *
    1. shrinkage 2. traction 3. shrink (n.) 4. haul (n.)

    Turkish-English dictionary > çekme

  • 3 aganta

    naut.Hold on!/Avast! - burina burinata. Haul out the bowlines! - etmek /ı/ to hold fast, haul taut.

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > aganta

  • 4 alabora

    "1. naut. capsizal, capsize, upset. 2. naut. hoisting (a sail, a flag); crossing (yards). 3. naut. tossing (oars). 4. hauling in, hauling (a fishing net). - etmek /ı/ 1. naut. to capsize, upset, keel (a boat) over, overturn. 2. naut. to hoist (a sail, a flag); to cross (yards). 3. naut. to toss (oars). 4. to haul in, haul (a fishing net). - olmak 1. naut. (for a boat) to capsize, keel over. 2. naut. (for a sail, a flag) to be hoisted; (for yards) to be crossed. 3. naut. (for oars) to be tossed. 4. (for a fishing net) to be hauled in."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > alabora

  • 5 ığrıp

    "seine; trawlnet, trawl.- çekmek to haul in the seine; to haul in the trawl. - çevirmek colloq. 1. to make a killing (by swindling someone). 2. /a/ to swindle (someone) in a big way, make a killing off (someone). - kayığı small seine-boat, small seiner; small trawl-boat, small trawler. "

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > ığrıp

  • 6 çekici

    adj. attractive, tractive, alluring, appealing, magnetic, bewitching, catchy, catching, charming, witching, seductive, sexy, juicy, inviting, comely, captivating, charismatic, darling, desirable, endearing, engaging, engrossing, enthralling
    n. tow truck, towing truck, breakdown truck, breakdown van; haulier, haul, tractor, wrecker
    * * *
    1. attractive 2. breakdown van 3. hauler 4. tractor 5. alluring (n.) 6. fetching (n.) 7. appealing (n.) 8. engaging (n.) 9. allure (adj.)

    Turkish-English dictionary > çekici

  • 7 düzeltmek

    v. correct, adjust, set aright, improve, tidy up, arrange, reorganize, straighten, straighten out, smooth, level, polish, unbend, ameliorate, amend, better, clean up, dub, emend, face-lift, fix, grade, grade up, haul up, heal, justify, level off
    düzeltmek (giysi)
    v. spruce, spruce up
    * * *

    Turkish-English dictionary > düzeltmek

  • 8 taşımak

    v. carry, transport, bear, wear, bear away, carry away, convey, haul, put across, relocate, remove, run, stanchion, sustain, tote
    taşımak (iterek)
    v. walk
    taşımak (omuzunda vb)
    v. ride
    taşımak (sular)
    v. wash
    * * *
    1. transport 2. carry

    Turkish-English dictionary > taşımak

  • 9 tomruk çekme

    log haul

    Turkish-English dictionary > tomruk çekme

  • 10 yük

    adj. sumpter
    n. bulk, burden, cargo, charge, encumbrance, fardel, freight, goods, haul, impedimenta, imposition, impost, incident, lading, load, loading, onus, plummet, shipment, stowage, strain, tax, weight, shipload, pile
    * * *
    1. carload 2. load 3. charging (n.) 4. charge (n.) 5. burden (n.) 6. load (n.)

    Turkish-English dictionary > yük

  • 11 ağ ile balık tutmak

    v. haul

    Turkish-English dictionary > ağ ile balık tutmak

  • 12 düzeltmemek

    v. (neg. form of düzeltmek) correct, adjust, set aright, improve, tidy up, arrange, reorganize, straighten, straighten out, smooth, level, polish, unbend, ameliorate, amend, better, clean up, dub, emend, face-lift, fix, grade, grade up, haul up, heal, justify, level off

    Turkish-English dictionary > düzeltmemek

  • 13 haksız kazanç

    n. haul, pelf, ill gotten gains

    Turkish-English dictionary > haksız kazanç

  • 14 haksız kazanç sağlamak

    make a big haul

    Turkish-English dictionary > haksız kazanç sağlamak

  • 15 iyi yola sevketmek

    v. haul up

    Turkish-English dictionary > iyi yola sevketmek

  • 16 kısa mesafe taşımacılığı

    n. short haul

    Turkish-English dictionary > kısa mesafe taşımacılığı

  • 17 mahkemeye çıkarmak

    v. haul up

    Turkish-English dictionary > mahkemeye çıkarmak

  • 18 malı götürmek

    make a big haul

    Turkish-English dictionary > malı götürmek

  • 19 taşıma mesafesi

    n. haul

    Turkish-English dictionary > taşıma mesafesi

  • 20 taşımamak

    v. (neg. form of taşımak) carry, transport, bear, wear, bear away, carry away, convey, haul, put across, relocate, remove, run, stanchion, sustain, tote

    Turkish-English dictionary > taşımamak

См. также в других словарях:

  • haul — [hôl] vt. [17th c. phonetic sp. of HALE2 < ME halen < OFr haler, to draw < ODu halen, akin to Ger holen, to fetch < IE base * kel , to cry out (> L calare): basic sense “to call hither”] 1. to pull with force; move by pulling or… …   English World dictionary

  • Haul — (h[add]l), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Hauled} (h[add]ld); p. pr. & vb. n. {Hauling}.] [OE. halen, halien, F. haler, of German or Scand. origin; akin to AS. geholian to acquire, get, D. halen to fetch, pull, draw, OHG. hol[=o]n, hal[=o]n, G. holen, Dan …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • haul — haul; haul·age; haul·er; haul·ier; keel·haul; over·haul·er; over·haul; …   English syllables

  • Haul — Haul, v. i. 1. (Naut.) To change the direction of a ship by hauling the wind. See under {Haul}, v. t. [1913 Webster] I . . . hauled up for it, and found it to be an island. Cook. [1913 Webster] 2. To pull apart, as oxen sometimes do when yoked.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Haul — Haul, n. 1. A pulling with force; a violent pull. [1913 Webster] 2. A single draught of a net; as, to catch a hundred fish at a haul. [1913 Webster] 3. That which is caught, taken, or gained at once, as by hauling a net. [1913 Webster] 4.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • haul on — [phrasal verb] haul on (something) : to forcefully pull (something) haul on the reins • • • Main Entry: ↑haul …   Useful english dictionary

  • haul — ► VERB 1) pull or drag with effort or force. 2) transport in a truck or cart. ► NOUN 1) a quantity of something obtained, especially illegally. 2) a number of fish caught at one time. 3) a distance to be travelled. ● …   English terms dictionary

  • haul\ in — • haul in • haul up • pull in v slang To bring before someone in charge for punishment or questioning; arrest. John was hauled in to court for speeding. The tramp was hauled up for sleeping on the sidewalk. Compare: call on the carpet …   Словарь американских идиом

  • haul\ up — • haul in • haul up • pull in v slang To bring before someone in charge for punishment or questioning; arrest. John was hauled in to court for speeding. The tramp was hauled up for sleeping on the sidewalk. Compare: call on the carpet …   Словарь американских идиом

  • haul — [n] something obtained or moved booty, burden, cargo, catch, find, freight, gain, harvest, lading, load, loot*, payload*, spoils, takings*, yield; concepts 337,338 haul [v] move, pull to another spot back, boost, bring, buck, carry, cart, convey …   New thesaurus

  • haul — index cargo, carry (transport), deliver, plunder, spoils, struggle Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton …   Law dictionary

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