1 harrow point
Сельское хозяйство: зуб бороны -
2 harrow point
3 harrow point
4 harrow
с.х.борона; процесс боронения; II бороновать; боронить- harrow tooth - articulated harrow - bog harrow - brush harrow - chisel-type harrow - circular harrow - coulter harrow - cutout-disk harrow - diamond harrow - double-gang disk harrow - flexible harrow - grassland harrow - jointed harrow - knife harrow - lever harrow - mounted harrow - nail harrow - offset harrow - orchard harrow - ox-harrow - pasture harrow - road harrow - section harrow - seed harrow - single harrow - single-section harrow - smoothing harrow - spike harrow - spike-tooth harrow - spring harrow tooth - spring-tooth harrow - sweeper harrow - tandem disk harrow - tractor harrow - trailing harrow - universal harrow - weeding harrow - wide-level harrow - zigzag harrow -
5 plough
с.х.; дор.плуг; соха; сошник; снегоочиститель; пашущее орудие; струг (для земляных работ); пашня; токосниматель; пазник; шпунтгебель; II пахать; разрыхлять; бороздить; вспахивать; англ. запахивать- plough in - plough-pan - plough-point - plough up - plough with forecarriage - plough-wright - coal plough-machine - curved plough beam - cylinder plough beam - deep plough - digger plough - disk plough - disk plough-harrow - double-mouldboard plough - fall-plough - frame plough - hoeing plough - lifting plough - loading plough - many-bottom plough - rigid plough beam - safety-trip plough beam - screw plough - shovel plough - steam-engine plough - subsoil plough - swing-plough - trench plough - trenching plough - walking plough -
6 single
1) единственный
2) одинарный
3) единичный
4) единый
5) однократный
6) одноразовый
7) ординарный
8) простой
9) отдельный
– single anticline
– single axis
– single beam
– single board
– single bond
– single carry
– single conduit
– single cord
– single crystallization
– single cut
– single diffusion
– single dislocation
– single door
– single duct
– single error
– single experiment
– single face
– single fluid
– single harrow
– single hook
– single ignition
– single injection
– single ionization
– single material
– single mode
– single precision
– single pulse
– single purchase
– single sample
– single sampling
– single scattering
– single shear
– single slit
– single stroke
single board computer — одноплатный компьютер, одноплатная ЭВМ
single specification limit — <math.> предел допускаемый односторонний
7 diamond
1. n алмаз; бриллиантblack diamond — чёрный алмаз; карбонадо
rough diamond, diamond in the rough — неотшлифованный алмаз
2. n алмаз для правки шлифовальных кругов3. n мат. ромб4. n амер. площадка для игры в бейсбол; бейсбольное поле5. n геральд. чёрный цвет6. n полигр. диамант7. a алмазный; бриллиантовый8. a алмазный, сделанный из алмаза9. a алмазоносный; алмазосодержащий10. a гранёный, ромбоидальный, ромбовидный11. v редк. украшать бриллиантами12. n карт. бубны, бубновая масть13. n карт. бубна, бубновка, карта бубновой мастиСинонимический ряд:1. baseball diamond (noun) ball park; baseball diamond; infield; inner works; pasture; playing field; sandlot; scalped field2. form (noun) form; lozenge; quadrilateral; rhomb; rhombus; solid3. glass cutter (noun) cutter; cutting tool; diamond point; glass cutter4. precious stone (noun) bort; brilliant; crystal; crystalline jewel; engagement ring; precious stone; solitaire5. prize (noun) gem; pearl; prize; treasure
См. также в других словарях:
Harrow School — Mottoes Latin: Stet Fortuna Domus ( Let the Fortune of the House Stand ) Latin: Donorum Dei Dispensatio Fidelis ( The Faithful Dispensation of the Gifts of God ) Established 1572 (1243) … Wikipedia
Harrow High School — is a state secondary school in the London Borough of Harrow in the north west of London. The headteacher is Vivien Swaida. The school is a specialist Sports College. It is not to be confused with the private school Harrow School, situated nearby… … Wikipedia
Harrow Weald — is an area in London, England. It includes a suburban development and forms part of the London Borough of Harrow.Locale, geography, historyHarrow Weald is near to Bushey Heath, Stanmore, Wealdstone, Headstone and Hatch End. The area is separated… … Wikipedia
Point de vue medical sur le suicide — Point de vue médical sur le suicide Suicide Généralités Autolyse · Mort · Tentative de suicide · Idée suicidaire · Euthanasie · Culture de la mort Formes particulières de suicide Attentat suicide · Suicide collectif · Suicide forcé · Suicide par… … Wikipédia en Français
Harrow football — about 18 inches in diameter and convert|12|in|mm deep. It tends to soak up mud and water and become extremely heavy.Harrow football is ancestral to association football and played exclusively at Harrow School, both between teams of boys currently … Wikipedia
Harrow (tool) — In agriculture, a set of harrows is an implement for cultivating the surface of the soil. In this way it is distinct in its effect from the plough, which is used for deeper cultivation. They are commonly called harrows (plural) as they are used… … Wikipedia
Harrow Way — The Harrow Way (also spelled as Harroway, and sometimes known as Hoary Way[1]) forms the western part of the Old Way, an ancient trackway in the south of England, dating from the Neolithic period, which can be traced from Rochester and the… … Wikipedia
Point de vue médical sur le suicide — Suicide Généralités Autolyse · Tentative de suicide · Idée suicidaire · Euthanasie · Culture de la mort · Liste des pays par taux de suicide • Personnes suicidées … Wikipédia en Français
Grim's Ditch (Harrow) — Infobox Mountain Name = Grim s Ditch Photo = Picturedigi 018.jpg Caption = View towards Harrow from near summit of Grim s Ditch Elevation = 144 m (472 ft) Location = Stanmore, England Prominence = Coordinates = Topographic OS Explorer 173 Type =… … Wikipedia
Thorny rest-harrow — Thorny Thorn y, a. [Compar. {Thornier}; superl. {Thorniest}.] [Cf. AS. [thorn]orniht.] 1. Full of thorns or spines; rough with thorns; spiny; as, a thorny wood; a thorny tree; a thorny crown. [1913 Webster] 2. Like a thorn or thorns; hence,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rest-harrow — ground ground (ground), n. [OE. ground, grund, AS. grund; akin to D. grond, OS., G., Sw., & Dan. grund, Icel. grunnr bottom, Goth. grundus (in composition); perh. orig. meaning, dust, gravel, and if so perh. akin to E. grind.] 1. The surface of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English