1 harmonic tolerance
допустимый коэффициент нелинейных искажений
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > harmonic tolerance
2 harmonic tolerance
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > harmonic tolerance
3 harmonic tolerance
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > harmonic tolerance
4 harmonic tolerance
максимально допустимый уровень нелинейных искаженийАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > harmonic tolerance
5 harmonic tolerance
6 harmonic tolerance
2) Телекоммуникации: допуск на нелинейные искажения, допустимый коэффициент гармонических искажений3) Электроника: допустимый коэффициент нелинейных искажений4) Космонавтика: допуск на нелинейное искажение -
7 harmonic tolerance
8 harmonic tolerance
9 harmonic tolerance
10 harmonic tolerance
English-Russian dictionary of modern telecommunications > harmonic tolerance
11 harmonic tolerance
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > harmonic tolerance
12 harmonic tolerance
13 harmonic tolerance
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > harmonic tolerance
14 harmonic
1) гармоника
2) гармонический
3) гармоническая функция
4) колебание
5) частота
6) гармоничный
– even harmonic
– extract harmonic
– first harmonic
– fractional harmonic
– fundamental harmonic
– harmonic amplifier
– harmonic analysis
– harmonic analyzer
– harmonic antenna
– harmonic balance
– harmonic cam movement
– harmonic component
– harmonic curve
– harmonic drive
– harmonic filter
– harmonic frequency
– harmonic function
– harmonic generation
– harmonic generator
– harmonic majorant
– harmonic mean
– harmonic measure
– harmonic motion
– harmonic oscillations
– harmonic oscillator
– harmonic progression
– harmonic pumping
– harmonic separation
– harmonic suppressor
– harmonic tolerance
– harmonic vocoder
– harmonic wave
– harmonic waveguide
– higher harmonic
– line harmonic
– odd harmonic
– piecewise harmonic
– point harmonic
– simple harmonic
– simply harmonic
– solid harmonic
– space harmonic
– spherical harmonic
– tesseral harmonic
– zonal harmonic
audio-frequency harmonic distortion — < radio> искажение тембра
disturbed harmonic process — возмущенный гармонический процесс
harmonic selective ringing — посылка частотного избирательного вызова
sectorial surface harmonic — секториальная сферическая функция
tesseral surface harmonic — тессеральная сферическая функция
15 tolerance
2) допустимая доза (напр. облучения)3) выносливость; стойкость, устойчивость (к какому-л. воздействию); толерантность•tolerance in dam — допуск размеров плотины;tolerance on height — допуск высоты;tolerance on length — допуск длины;tolerance on thickness — допуск толщины;-
acceptance tolerance
accumulated tolerance
adjustment tolerance
aircraft dimension tolerance
aircraft production tolerance
aircraft rigging tolerance
aircraft weight tolerance
alignment tolerance
alpha tolerance
basic tolerance
beta tolerance
breathing tolerance
chemical tolerance
close size tolerance
close tolerance
concentricity tolerance
cut angle tolerance
design tolerance
dimensional tolerance
discharge tolerance
distortion tolerance
dredging tolerance
drinking tolerance
environmental tolerance
fine tolerance
fit tolerance
form tolerance
frequency tolerance
gamma tolerance
gear-spacing tolerance
geometric tolerance
gum tolerance
harmonic tolerance
humidity tolerance
immunological tolerance
in-line tolerance
in-service tolerance
lead tolerance
lower tolerance
machining tolerance
maintenance tolerance
man-impact tolerance
manufacturing tolerance
navigation tolerance
negative tolerance
overall tolerance
parameter tolerance
pitch tolerance
positioning tolerance
position tolerance
positive tolerance
process tolerance
radiation tolerance
rated tolerance
registration tolerance
repair tolerance
rolling tolerance
rough tolerance
shrinkage tolerance
size tolerance
specific tolerance
targeted tolerance
target tolerance
temperature tolerance
tube ID tolerance
tube OD tolerance
tube wall tolerance
upper tolerance
voltage tolerance
wave tolerance
wear tolerance
weight tolerance
Z-axis tolerance -
16 tolerance
1) допуск
2) максимальный безопасный
3) толерантность
4) толерантный
5) устойчивость
6) допустимое отклонение
7) допустимость
8) допустимый
9) зазор
10) предельный
11) выносливость
12) стойкость
– basic tolerance
– close tolerance
– component tolerance
– excessive tolerance
– fit tolerance
– form tolerance
– frequency tolerance
– gage tolerance
– harmonic tolerance
– human tolerance
– leak tolerance
– machining tolerance
– maintenance tolerance
– manufacturer's tolerance
– manufacturing tolerance
– natural tolerance
– negative tolerance
– operating tolerance
– parameter tolerance
– phase tolerance
– pitch tolerance
– positive tolerance
– production tolerance
– size tolerance
– specification tolerance
– specification tolerance
– specify tolerance
– to a tolerance of
– tolerance for diameter
– tolerance limit
– tolerance limits
– tolerance sensitivity
– tolerance unit
– wear tolerance
– working tolerance
non-parametric tolerance limits — непараметрические толерантные пределы
17 tolerance
1) допуск2) допустимая доза ( облучения)3) предельно допустимые или предельно достижимые параметры ( устройства)4) устойчивость; стойкость ( по отношению к каким-либо воздействиям или явлениям)5) вчт толерантность•- adjustment tolerance
- alignment tolerance
- closed tolerance
- component tolerance
- design tolerance
- display tolerance
- distortion tolerance
- environmental tolerance
- fabrication tolerance
- fault tolerance
- fine tolerance
- frequency tolerance
- G-tolerance
- geometric tolerance
- harmonic tolerance
- human tolerance
- lower tolerance
- manufacturing tolerance
- masking tolerance
- parameter tolerance
- positioning tolerance
- production tolerance
- quantization tolerance
- radiation tolerance
- registration tolerance
- RF tolerance
- sample tolerance
- sampling tolerance
- software-implemented fault tolerance
- statistical tolerance
- transmitter frequency tolerance
- upper tolerance
- voltage tolerance -
18 tolerance
19 tolerance
допустимое отклонение; допуск- frequency tolerance
- harmonic tolerance
- symbol-rate tolerance
- voltage toleranceEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > tolerance
20 component
1) компонент, составная часть, элемент; деталь, обрабатываемая деталь2) составляющая (напр. силы)•- accessory componentsto reverse the component — поворачивать деталь на 180°
- add-on component
- aerospace components
- affected component
- alloy component
- architectural component
- arm component
- assembled component
- axial component
- axial leaded component
- bar-coded component
- bar-shaped component
- base component
- bought-in component
- bought-out component
- building block components
- Cartesian components of velocity
- centers-mounted component
- chucked component
- component of force
- component of gravity
- component of unbalance
- composed component
- composite component
- computer component
- conjugated component
- constant component
- contour-milled component
- control component
- controlled component
- coupling component
- cross component
- cutting force component
- data handling component
- defense-related components
- delay component
- direct component
- discontinued components
- drive components
- encapsulated component
- error component
- executive component
- expert system component
- fabricated components
- finish-machined component
- first-off component
- floating component
- force component
- forced component
- formed component
- free component
- front component of unbalance
- fundamental component
- gear component
- general components
- generic components
- gravitational component
- harmonic component
- high-frequency component
- incorrect component
- independent component
- injection-molded component
- in-tolerance component
- irregular component
- key component
- key-turned component
- laser beam travel optical component
- lateral component
- lead component
- machine components
- master component
- mid-of-tolerance component
- miniature component
- misbehaving component
- modular components
- multibend component
- multifeature component
- nonrotational component
- nonstock components
- normalized components
- obsolete components
- odd component
- odd-shaped component
- OEM components
- off-the-shelf components
- one-axis component
- one-off component
- pallet-mounted component
- periodic component
- peripheral force component
- piece part component
- point-to-point NC component
- power-steering components
- preamp component
- preformed component
- pre-production components
- primary component
- primitive component
- principal force component
- printed component
- programmable component
- projection component
- radial component of driving force
- radial component
- radial force component
- rear component of unbalance
- replacement component
- restoring component
- ring component
- rotary component
- rotational component
- rotational machined component
- sample component
- scrap components
- scrapped components
- sealing component
- separating component of driving force
- shaft rotary component
- sheet metal component
- short cycle component
- short operation component
- small batch component
- space-related component
- stabilizing component
- stable component
- stamped blank component
- steady state component
- structural component
- subharmonic component
- subminiature components
- substructure components
- surface mounted component
- system's crucial components
- tangential component of driving force
- three-dimensional curved component
- through-hole component
- tooling components
- transient component
- translational component
- transverse component
- turned component
- two-axis component
- two-dimensional component
- undefined component
- under-skin components
- unstable component
- useful component
- variable componentEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > component
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
допустимый коэффициент нелинейных искажений — — [Л.Г.Суменко. Англо русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.] Тематики информационные технологии в целом EN harmonic tolerance … Справочник технического переводчика
Electronic amplifier — A practical amplifier circuit An electronic amplifier is a device for increasing the power of a signal. It does this by taking energy from a power supply and controlling the output to match the input signal shape but with a larger amplitude. In… … Wikipedia
Depth of field — The area within the depth of field appears sharp, while the areas in front of and beyond the depth of field appear blurry … Wikipedia
African music — Introduction the musical sounds and practices of all indigenous peoples of Africa, including the Berber in the Sahara and the San (Bushmen) and Khoikhoin (Hottentot) in Southern Africa. The music of European settler communities and that of… … Universalium
Resistor — A typical axial lead resistor Type Passive Working principle Electrical resistance Invented Ge … Wikipedia
arts, East Asian — Introduction music and visual and performing arts of China, Korea, and Japan. The literatures of these countries are covered in the articles Chinese literature, Korean literature, and Japanese literature. Some studies of East Asia… … Universalium
Gear — For the gear like device used to drive a roller chain, see Sprocket. This article is about mechanical gears. For other uses, see Gear (disambiguation). Two meshing gears transmitting rotational motion. Note that the smaller gear is rotating… … Wikipedia
Nakamichi — Corporation Limited Type Subsidiary of Grande Holdings Ltd Industry Electronics Founded Tokyo, Japan (1948) … Wikipedia
Saspo — Dies ist der fünfte Teil der Liste Abkürzungen/Luftfahrt. Liste der Abkürzungen Teil 1 A A Teil 2 B–D B; C; D Teil 3 E–K … Deutsch Wikipedia
Oscillateur parametrique optique — Oscillateur paramétrique optique Un Oscillateur paramétrique optique (OPO) est une source de lumière cohérente et monochromatique. À partir d une onde laser de pompe de fréquence ωp, un OPO produit deux ondes de fréquences inférieures : le… … Wikipédia en Français
Oscillateur paramétrique optique — Un oscillateur paramétrique optique (OPO) est une source de lumière cohérente et monochromatique. À partir d une onde laser de pompe de fréquence ωp, un OPO produit deux ondes de fréquences inférieures : le signal à ωs et le complémentaire à … Wikipédia en Français