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  • 1 kaum

    1. hardly; (nur gerade) scarcely, barely, Brit. auch only just; kaum hatte er angefangen, als oder da..., kaum dass er angefangen hatte, (da) ... he had hardly ( oder only just, Am. barely) started when..., no sooner had he started than...; es ist kaum zu sehen it is scarcely ( oder barely) visible, you can hardly see it; wir haben kaum noch Milch we’ve hardly (Am. we hardly have) any milk left; sie sieht kaum älter aus she looks hardly ( oder scarcely) any older
    2. unwahrscheinlich: ( wohl) kaum! hardly, I doubt it very much; ich glaube kaum I hardly think so; er wird es wohl kaum überleben he is unlikely to survive; jetzt wird sie kaum noch kommen she’s hardly ( oder she’s not) likely to come now
    3. (selten) kaum je hardly ever; er ist kaum zu Hause he is hardly ever at home
    4. mit Zahlen: barely, just under; ich bekomme kaum 2000 Euro auch I’m lucky if I get 2,000 euros; sie kosten kaum 40 Euro you don’t even have to pay 40 euros for them, you can get them for under 40 euros
    * * *
    scarcely; hardly; only just; little; barely
    * * *
    1. adv
    1) (= noch nicht einmal) hardly, scarcely, barely

    er verdient káúm 1500 Euro — he earns barely 1500 euros

    ich habe káúm noch 10 Liter — I've barely 10 litres (Brit) or liters (US) left

    das kostet káúm 100 Euro — it doesn't even cost 100 euros

    man braucht káúm 10 Liter — you'll need less than 10 litres (Brit) or liters (US)

    sie war káúm hereingekommen, als... — hardly or scarcely or no sooner had she come in when..., she had hardly etc come in when...

    káúm jemand/jemals — hardly or scarcely anyone/ever

    es ist káúm möglich, dass... — it is hardly or scarcely possible that...

    es ist káúm zu glauben, wie... — it's hardly or scarcely believable or to be believed how...

    wir hatten káúm noch Vorräte — we had hardly or scarcely any supplies left, we hardly had any supplies left

    er kann káúm noch sprechen/laufen — he can hardly etc speak/walk any more

    ich hatte káúm noch damit gerechnet, dass... — I hardly or scarcely thought that... any more

    2) (= wahrscheinlich nicht) hardly, scarcely

    káúm! — hardly, scarcely

    wohl káúm, ich glaube káúm — I hardly or scarcely think so

    ich glaube káúm, dass... — I hardly or scarcely think that...

    das wird káúm passieren — that's hardly or scarcely likely to happen

    2. conj
    hardly, scarcely

    káúm dass wir das Meer erreicht hatten... — hardly or scarcely had we reached the sea when..., no sooner had we reached the sea than...

    káúm gerufen, eilte der Diener herbei — no sooner summoned, the servant hurried in

    er verdient äußerst wenig, káúm dass er davon satt wird — he earns extremely little and can hardly even buy enough to eat

    * * *
    1) (scarcely or only just: We have barely enough food.) barely
    2) (almost no, none, never etc: Hardly any small businesses are successful nowadays; I hardly ever go out.) hardly
    3) (only just; almost not: My feet are so sore, I can hardly walk; I had hardly got on my bicycle when I got a puncture.) hardly
    4) (probably not: He's hardly likely to forgive you after what you said about him.) hardly
    5) (only just; not quite: Speak louder please - I can scarcely hear you; scarcely enough money to live on.) scarcely
    * * *
    I. adv
    1. (gerade [erst]) hardly, scarcely
    sie war \kaum aus der Tür, da fingen sie schon an zu lästern she had hardly [or scarcely] gone out the door before they started making nasty remarks about her, no sooner was she out the door than they started making nasty remarks about her
    2. (höchstwahrscheinlich nicht) hardly, scarcely
    [wohl] \kaum! certainly not!, I don't think so!; s.a. wohl
    3. (fast nicht) hardly, scarcely
    ich habe euch dieses Jahr \kaum gesehen I've scarcely seen you this year
    das ist ja wohl \kaum anzunehmen! you'd scarcely credit it!
    \kaum jemals [o je] hardly ever
    \kaum noch/mehr hardly [or scarcely]... any more
    seit vier Tagen hat er \kaum etwas gegessen he has hardly [or scarcely] eaten anything for four days [now]
    wir haben \kaum noch Zeit we've hardly [or scarcely] got any time left
    wir hatten \kaum noch damit gerechnet! we scarcely expected that!
    \kaum eine[r] [o jemand] [o wer] hardly [or scarcely] anyone [or anybody]
    \kaum eine Rolle spielen to be scarcely of any importance; s.a. glauben
    II. konj
    \kaum dass no sooner... than
    \kaum dass sie sich kennen gelernt hatten, heirateten sie auch schon no sooner had they met than they were married, they had hardly [or scarcely] met before they were married
    * * *
    1) (fast gar nicht) hardly; scarcely

    kaum jemand/etwas — hardly anybody or anyone/anything

    kaum älter/größer/besser — hardly or scarcely any older/bigger/better

    ich kann es kaum glauben/erwarten — I can hardly believe it/wait

    2) (vermutlich nicht) hardly; scarcely

    er wird [wohl] kaum zustimmen — he is hardly likely to agree

    ich glaube kaumI hardly or scarcely think so

    kaum hatte er Platz genommen, als... — no sooner had he sat down than...


    kaum dassalmost as soon as

    kaum dass er aus dem Gefängnis gekommen war... — hardly or scarcely had he left prison when...

    * * *
    kaum adv
    1. hardly; (nur gerade) scarcely, barely, Br auch only just;
    kaum hatte er angefangen, als oder
    da …, kaum dass er angefangen hatte, (da) … he had hardly ( oder only just, US barely) started when …, no sooner had he started than …;
    es ist kaum zu sehen it is scarcely ( oder barely) visible, you can hardly see it;
    wir haben kaum noch Milch we’ve hardly (US we hardly have) any milk left;
    sie sieht kaum älter aus she looks hardly ( oder scarcely) any older
    (wohl) kaum! hardly, I doubt it very much;
    ich glaube kaum I hardly think so;
    er wird es wohl kaum überleben he is unlikely to survive;
    jetzt wird sie kaum noch kommen she’s hardly ( oder she’s not) likely to come now
    3. (selten)
    kaum je hardly ever;
    er ist kaum zu Hause he is hardly ever at home
    4. mit Zahlen: barely, just under;
    ich bekomme kaum 2000 Euro auch I’m lucky if I get 2,000 euros;
    sie kosten kaum 40 Euro you don’t even have to pay 40 euros for them, you can get them for under 40 euros
    * * *
    1) (fast gar nicht) hardly; scarcely

    kaum jemand/etwas — hardly anybody or anyone/anything

    kaum älter/größer/besser — hardly or scarcely any older/bigger/better

    ich kann es kaum glauben/erwarten — I can hardly believe it/wait

    2) (vermutlich nicht) hardly; scarcely

    er wird [wohl] kaum zustimmen — he is hardly likely to agree

    ich glaube kaumI hardly or scarcely think so

    kaum hatte er Platz genommen, als... — no sooner had he sat down than...


    kaum dass er aus dem Gefängnis gekommen war... — hardly or scarcely had he left prison when...

    * * *
    barely adv.
    hardly adv.
    little adv.
    scarcely adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > kaum

См. также в других словарях:

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  • international relations — a branch of political science dealing with the relations between nations. [1970 75] * * * Study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political… …   Universalium

  • India — /in dee euh/, n. 1. Hindi, Bharat. a republic in S Asia: a union comprising 25 states and 7 union territories; formerly a British colony; gained independence Aug. 15, 1947; became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations Jan. 26, 1950.… …   Universalium

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