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  • 101 fatigue

    1) (great tiredness (caused especially by hard work or effort): He was suffering from fatigue.) þreyta
    2) ((especially in metals) weakness caused by continual use: metal fatigue.) (málm)þreyta

    English-Icelandic dictionary > fatigue

  • 102 feeling

    1) (power and ability to feel: I have no feeling in my little finger.) tilfinning
    2) (something that one feels physically: a feeling of great pain.) tilfinning, kennd
    3) ((usually in plural) something that one feels in one's mind: His angry words hurt my feelings; a feeling of happiness.) tilfinningar
    4) (an impression or belief: I have a feeling that the work is too hard.) tilfinning; hugboð; skoðun
    5) (affection: He has no feeling for her now.) tilfinning
    6) (emotion: He spoke with great feeling.) geðshræring, uppnám; tilfinningasemi

    English-Icelandic dictionary > feeling

  • 103 fracture

    ['fræk ə] 1. noun
    (a break of anything hard, especially a bone: a fracture of the left thigh-bone.) (bein)brot
    2. verb
    (to break: The metal pipes (were) fractured.) brjóta

    English-Icelandic dictionary > fracture

  • 104 frame

    [freim] 1. noun
    1) (a hard main structure round which something is built or made: the steel frame of the aircraft.) grind
    2) (something made to enclose something: a picture-frame; a window-frame.) rammi
    3) (the human body: He has a slight frame.) líkamsbygging
    2. verb
    1) (to put a frame around: to frame a picture.) ramma
    2) (to act as a frame for: Her hair framed her face.) ramma, vera umgjörð
    3) (to arrange false evidence so as to make (someone) seem guilty of a crime etc (noun frame-up).) koma sök á e-n saklausan, falsa sönnunargögn
    - frame of mind

    English-Icelandic dictionary > frame

  • 105 gallstone

    noun (a small hard object that is sometimes formed in the gall bladder.) gallsteinn

    English-Icelandic dictionary > gallstone

  • 106 get ahead

    (to make progress; to be successful: If you want to get ahead, you must work hard.) komast áfram

    English-Icelandic dictionary > get ahead

  • 107 glass

    1) (a hard usually breakable transparent substance: The bottle is made of glass; ( also adjective) a glass bottle.) gler
    2) (a usually tall hollow object made of glass, used for drinking: There are six glasses on the tray; sherry-glasses.) glas
    3) ((also looking-glass) a mirror.) spegill
    4) (a barometer, or the atmospheric pressure shown by one: The glass is falling.) loftvog
    - glassful
    - glassy
    - glassiness

    English-Icelandic dictionary > glass

  • 108 go far

    (to be successful: If you keep on working as hard as this, I'm sure you'll go far.) ná langt

    English-Icelandic dictionary > go far

  • 109 graft

    I 1. verb
    (to fix (skin, bone etc) from one part of the body on to or into another part of the body: The doctor treated her burns by grafting skin from her leg on to her back.)
    2. noun
    (a piece of skin, bone etc which is grafted: a skin graft.)
    II noun
    1) (dishonesty in obtaining profit or good position.) misferli, spilling
    2) (hard work.) erfiði

    English-Icelandic dictionary > graft

  • 110 grain

    1) (a seed of wheat, oats etc.) korn
    2) (corn in general: Grain is ground into flour.) korn
    3) (a very small, hard particle: a grain of sand.) ögn, arða
    4) (the way in which the lines of fibre run in wood, leather etc.) (æða)mynstur
    5) (a very small amount: There isn't a grain of truth in that story.) agnarögn, sannleikskorn

    English-Icelandic dictionary > grain

  • 111 granite

    noun, adjective
    ((of) a type of hard usually grey or red rock used for building: buildings of granite: granite hills.) granít

    English-Icelandic dictionary > granite

  • 112 grind

    1. past tense, past participle - ground; verb
    1) (to crush into powder or small pieces: This machine grinds coffee.) mala
    2) (to rub together, usually producing an unpleasant noise: He grinds his teeth.) gnísta, nísta
    3) (to rub into or against something else: He ground his heel into the earth.) kremja, merja
    2. noun
    (boring hard work: Learning vocabulary is a bit of a grind.) streð, púl
    - grinding
    - grindstone
    - grind down
    - grind up
    - keep someone's nose to the grindstone
    - keep one's nose to the grindstone

    English-Icelandic dictionary > grind

  • 113 hammer

    ['hæmə] 1. noun
    1) (a tool with a heavy usually metal head, used for driving nails into wood, breaking hard substances etc: a joiner's hammer.) hamar
    2) (the part of a bell, piano, clock etc that hits against some other part, so making a noise.) hamar
    3) (in sport, a metal ball on a long steel handle for throwing.) sleggja
    2. verb
    1) (to hit, beat, break etc (something) with a hammer: He hammered the nail into the wood.) negla
    2) (to teach a person (something) with difficulty, by repetition: Grammar was hammered into us at school.) hamra á, troða í
    - give someone a hammering
    - give a hammering
    - hammer home
    - hammer out

    English-Icelandic dictionary > hammer

  • 114 harden

    verb (to make or become hard: Don't touch the toffee till it hardens; Try not to harden your heart against him.) harðna; herða

    English-Icelandic dictionary > harden

  • 115 heavy

    1) (having great weight; difficult to lift or carry: a heavy parcel.) þungur
    2) (having a particular weight: I wonder how heavy our little baby is.) þungur
    3) (of very great amount, force etc: heavy rain; a heavy blow; The ship capsized in the heavy seas; heavy taxes.) mikill, þungur,
    4) (doing something to a great extent: He's a heavy smoker/drinker.) stórtækur, stór-
    5) (dark and dull; looking or feeling stormy: a heavy sky/atmosphere.) þungbúinn
    6) (difficult to read, do, understand etc: Books on philosophy are too heavy for me.) erfiður
    7) ((of food) hard to digest: rather heavy pastry.) þungur
    8) (noisy and clumsy: heavy footsteps.) þunglamalegur, hávær
    - heaviness
    - heavy-duty
    - heavy industry
    - heavyweight
    - heavy going
    - a heavy heart
    - make heavy weather of

    English-Icelandic dictionary > heavy

  • 116 heavy-duty

    adjective (made to stand up to very hard wear or use: heavy-duty tyres.) slitþolinn, sterkur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > heavy-duty

  • 117 horn

    1) (a hard object which grows (usually in pairs) on the head of a cow, sheep etc: A ram has horns.) horn
    2) (the material of which this is made: spoons made of horn; ( also adjective) horn spoons.) horn, hornefni
    3) (something which is made of horn: a shoehorn.) horn-; skóhorn
    4) (something which looks like a horn in shape: a snail's horns.) horn
    5) (the apparatus in a car etc which gives a warning sound: The driver blew his horn.) bílflauta
    6) (an instrument, formerly an animal's horn but now made of brass, that is blown to produce a musical sound: a hunting-horn.) horn, lúður
    7) ((also French horn) the type of coiled brass horn that is played in orchestras etc.) franskt horn, valdhorn
    - - horned
    - horny

    English-Icelandic dictionary > horn

  • 118 horny

    1) (like horn: a horny substance.) gerður úr horni, eins og horn
    2) (as hard as horn: horny hands.) harður; siggróinn
    3) ((slang) sexually excited; easily aroused sexually: feeling horny.)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > horny

  • 119 housing

    1) (houses: These flats will provide housing for the immigrants.) húsnæði
    2) (the hard cover round a machine etc.) drifhús, hásing

    English-Icelandic dictionary > housing

  • 120 however

    1) (in spite of that: It would be nice if we had more money. However, I suppose we'll manage with what we have.) samt (sem áður)
    2) ((also how ever) in what way; by what means: However did you get here?; However did you do that?) hvernig í ósköpunum
    3) (to no matter what extent: However hard I try, I still can't do it.) sama hvernig

    English-Icelandic dictionary > however

См. также в других словарях:

  • hard — hard …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Hard-Fi — at the 2006 Hurricane Festival in Germany Background information Origin Staines, Surrey, England …   Wikipedia

  • Hard — (h[aum]rd), a. [Compar. {Harder} ( [ e]r); superl. {Hardest}.] [OE. hard, heard, AS. heard; akin to OS. & D. hard, G. hart, OHG. herti, harti, Icel. har[eth]r, Dan. haard, Sw. h[*a]rd, Goth. hardus, Gr. kraty s strong, ka rtos, kra tos, strength …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hard — Hard …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • hard — [härd] adj. [ME < OE heard, akin to Ger hart < IE base * kar , hard > Gr karyon, nut, kratos, strength] 1. not easily dented, pierced, cut, or crushed; resistant to pressure; firm and unyielding to the touch; rigid; solid and compact 2.… …   English World dictionary

  • Hard — Hard, adv. [OE. harde, AS. hearde.] 1. With pressure; with urgency; hence, diligently; earnestly. [1913 Webster] And prayed so hard for mercy from the prince. Dryden. [1913 Webster] My father Is hard at study; pray now, rest yourself. Shak. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hard by — Hard Hard, adv. [OE. harde, AS. hearde.] 1. With pressure; with urgency; hence, diligently; earnestly. [1913 Webster] And prayed so hard for mercy from the prince. Dryden. [1913 Webster] My father Is hard at study; pray now, rest yourself. Shak.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hard up — Hard Hard, adv. [OE. harde, AS. hearde.] 1. With pressure; with urgency; hence, diligently; earnestly. [1913 Webster] And prayed so hard for mercy from the prince. Dryden. [1913 Webster] My father Is hard at study; pray now, rest yourself. Shak.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hard — ► ADJECTIVE 1) solid, firm, and rigid; not easily broken, bent, or pierced. 2) requiring or demonstrating a great deal of endurance or effort; difficult. 3) (of a person) not showing any signs of weakness; tough. 4) (of information or a subject… …   English terms dictionary

  • Hard FM — Origines stylistiques Glam metal Hard rock Heavy metal Origines culturelles …   Wikipédia en Français

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