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  • 1 hard\ money

    English-Hungarian dictionary > hard\ money

  • 2 hard up

    (not having much especially money: I'm a bit hard up at the moment; I'm hard up for envelopes.) rosszul áll

    English-Hungarian dictionary > hard up

  • 3 be\ hard\ up\ for\ money

    rosszul áll anyagilag, nincs pénze

    English-Hungarian dictionary > be\ hard\ up\ for\ money

  • 4 depend

    1) (to rely on: You can't depend on his arriving on time.) (meg)bízik vkiben, vmiben
    2) (to rely on receiving necessary (financial) support from: The school depends for its survival on money from the Church.) számít vkire, vmire
    3) ((of a future happening etc) to be decided by: Our success depends on everyone working hard.) függ vmitől
    - dependant
    - dependent
    - it/that depends
    - it all depends

    English-Hungarian dictionary > depend

  • 5 die

    érmesajtoló, érmesajtoló szerszám, csavarmenetvágó to die: meghal
    * * *
    I present participle - dying; verb
    1) (to lose life; to stop living and become dead: Those flowers are dying; She died of old age.) meghal
    2) (to fade; to disappear: The daylight was dying fast.) elenyészik
    3) (to have a strong desire (for something or to do something): I'm dying for a drink; I'm dying to see her.) ég a vágytól, hogy
    - die away
    - die down
    - die hard
    - die off
    - die out
    II noun
    (a stamp or punch for making raised designs on money, paper etc.) érmesajtoló (szerszám)
    III see dice

    English-Hungarian dictionary > die

  • 6 difficulty

    nehézség, bonyolultság, akadály
    * * *
    plural - difficulties; noun
    1) (the state or quality of being hard (to do) or not easy: I have difficulty in understanding him.) nehézség
    2) (an obstacle or objection: He has a habit of foreseeing difficulties.) akadály
    3) ((especially in plural) trouble, especially money trouble: The firm was in difficulties.) pénzügyi probléma

    English-Hungarian dictionary > difficulty

  • 7 however

    viszont, mindamellett, bármennyire, mégis, ám
    * * *
    1) (in spite of that: It would be nice if we had more money. However, I suppose we'll manage with what we have.) azonban, mindamellett, mégis
    2) ((also how ever) in what way; by what means: However did you get here?; However did you do that?) hogy(an)
    3) (to no matter what extent: However hard I try, I still can't do it.) bármennyire, bármilyen

    English-Hungarian dictionary > however

  • 8 industry

    ipar, szorgalom, iparág
    * * *
    plural - industries; noun
    1) ((any part of) the business of producing or making goods: the ship-building industry; The government should invest more money in industry.) ipar(ág)
    2) (hard work or effort: He owed his success to both ability and industry.) szorgalom
    - industrialist
    - industrialized
    - industrialised
    - industrialization
    - industrialisation
    - industrious
    - industrial estate
    - industrial relations

    English-Hungarian dictionary > industry

  • 9 to

    irányában, -höz, felé, -be, -ig, -ra, -ba, -hez
    * * *
    1. [tə,tu] preposition
    1) (towards; in the direction of: I cycled to the station; The book fell to the floor; I went to the concert/lecture/play.) -hoz, -hez, -höz; -ra, -re
    2) (as far as: His story is a lie from beginning to end.) -ig
    3) (until: Did you stay to the end of the concert?) -ig
    4) (sometimes used to introduce the indirect object of a verb: He sent it to us; You're the only person I can talk to.) -hoz, -hez, -höz
    5) (used in expressing various relations: Listen to me!; Did you reply to his letter?; Where's the key to this door?; He sang to (the accompaniment of) his guitar.) -nak, -nek; -ra, -re
    6) (into a particular state or condition: She tore the letter to pieces.) (vmilyen állapotba hoz:) darabokra...
    7) (used in expressing comparison or proportion: He's junior to me; Your skill is superior to mine; We won the match by 5 goals to 2.) vmihez képest; 5-2-re (győz stb.)
    8) (showing the purpose or result of an action etc: He came quickly to my assistance; To my horror, he took a gun out of his pocket.) (cselekvés célja, következménye:) segítségemre; rémületemre
    9) ([tə] used before an infinitive eg after various verbs and adjectives, or in other constructions: I want to go!; He asked me to come; He worked hard to (= in order to) earn a lot of money; These buildings were designed to (= so as to) resist earthquakes; She opened her eyes to find him standing beside her; I arrived too late to see him.) (az "infinitive", a főnévi igenév kifejezése:) -ni
    10) (used instead of a complete infinitive: He asked her to stay but she didn't want to.)
    2. [tu:] adverb
    1) (into a closed or almost closed position: He pulled/pushed the door to.) (az ige elhagyása a to + "infinitive" szerkezetből)
    2) (used in phrasal verbs and compounds: He came to (= regained consciousness).) magához tért; nekiláttak stb.

    English-Hungarian dictionary > to

См. также в других словарях:

  • Hard money — Hard Hard (h[aum]rd), a. [Compar. {Harder} ( [ e]r); superl. {Hardest}.] [OE. hard, heard, AS. heard; akin to OS. & D. hard, G. hart, OHG. herti, harti, Icel. har[eth]r, Dan. haard, Sw. h[*a]rd, Goth. hardus, Gr. kraty s strong, ka rtos, kra tos …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hard money — can refer to:* Hard currency * Hard money donations to candidates for political office * Hard money currency policies * Hard money loans …   Wikipedia

  • hard money — Coin • • • Main Entry: ↑money * * * hard money, 1. currency exchangeable for gold or other precious metal. 2. money maintained at a fixed value in foreign exchange as by means of balance of payments or shipments of gold. 3. money under a banking… …   Useful english dictionary

  • hard money — ➔ money …   Financial and business terms

  • hard money — noun uncount amounts of money, limited by the government, that are given to politicians and can be legally used to influence elections …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • hard money — index cash Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Hard Money — 1. Funding by a government or organization that is repetitive, rather than a one time grant. Examples include ongoing government daycare subsidies or firms that pay annual scholarships to post secondary students. 2. Describes gold/silver/platinum …   Investment dictionary

  • Hard money lender — Hard money lenders are lending companies offering a specialized type of real estate backed loan. Hard money lenders provide short term loans (also called a bridge loan) that provide funding based on the value of real estate that has been… …   Wikipedia

  • Hard money (policy) — Hard money policies are those which are opposed to fiat currency and thus in support of a specie standard, usually gold or silver.In 1836, when President Andrew Jackson s veto of the recharter of the Second Bank of the United States took effect,… …   Wikipedia

  • Hard money loan — A hard money loan is a specific type of asset based loan financing in which a borrower receives funds secured by the value of a parcel of real estate. Hard money loans are typically issued at much higher interest rates than conventional… …   Wikipedia

  • Hard Money Loan — A loan of last resort or a short term bridge loan. Hard money loans are backed by the value of the property, not by the credit worthiness of the borrower. Since the property itself is used as the only protection against default by the borrower,… …   Investment dictionary

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