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  • 1 sock

    [sɔk] 1. n
    skarpeta f, skarpetka f
    2. vt ( inf)
    walnąć ( perf) (pięścią) (inf)
    * * *
    [sok] I noun
    (a (usually wool, cotton or nylon) covering for the foot and ankle, sometimes reaching to the knee, worn inside a shoe, boot etc: I need a new pair of socks.) skarpetka
    II 1. verb
    (slang) to strike someone hard with the fist: He socked the burglar (on the jaw). walnąć, przyłożyć (komuś)
    2. noun
    ((slang) a strong blow with the fist: He gave me a sock on the jaw.) cios, uderzenie

    English-Polish dictionary > sock

  • 2 wallop

    vt ( BRIT)
    ( inf) tłuc (stłuc perf), przywalić ( perf) +dat (inf)
    * * *
    ['woləp] 1. verb
    (to strike (something or someone) hard: He walloped the desk with his fist; I'll wallop you if you do that again!) grzmocić, lać
    2. noun
    (a heavy or powerful blow: He gave John a wallop right on the chin.) mocny cios

    English-Polish dictionary > wallop

См. также в других словарях:

  • hard-fist|ed — «HAHRD FIHS tihd», adjective. stingy; niggardly. –hard´ fist´ed|ness, noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • hard´-fist´ed|ness — hard fist|ed «HAHRD FIHS tihd», adjective. stingy; niggardly. –hard´ fist´ed|ness, noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • Hard-fisted — Hard fist ed ( f[i^]st [e^]d), a. 1. Having hard or strong hands; as, a hard fisted laborer. [1913 Webster] 2. Close fisted; covetous; niggardly. Bp. Hall. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hard-fisted — hard′fist′ed, adj. stingy; miserly; closefisted …   From formal English to slang

  • fist — bull·fist; fist; fist·ed; fist·ful; fist·i·ana; fist·ic; fist·i·cuff; fist·i·cuff·er; fist·mele; puck·fist; pac·i·fist; hard·fist·ed·ness; …   English syllables

  • hard — beg·hard; eber·hard; hard; hard·en·abil·i·ty; hard·en·er; hard·ish; hard·ly; hard·ness; hard·ship; hard·wick·ia; semi·hard; vol·hard; hard·en; hard·fist·ed·ness; hard·hand·ed·ness; hard·head·ed·ly; hard·head·ed·ness; hard·heart·ed·ly;… …   English syllables

  • fist — [fıst] n [: Old English; Origin: fyst] 1.) the hand when it is tightly closed, so that the fingers are curled in towards the ↑palm. People close their hand in a fist when they are angry or are going to hit someone ▪ She held the money tightly in… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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  • Hard-rock — Origines stylistiques Blues rock Garage rock Rock and roll Rock psychédélique Rock sudiste Origines culturelles …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Hard Rock — Origines stylistiques Blues rock Garage rock Rock and roll Rock psychédélique Rock sudiste Origines culturelles …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Hard rock — Origines stylistiques Blues rock Garage rock Rock n roll Rock psychédélique Origines culturelles  États …   Wikipédia en Français

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