Перевод: с исландского на английский

с английского на исландский


  • 1 HANI

    * * *
    m. cock.
    * * *
    a, m. [Ulf. hana; A. S. hana; Engl. hen; Hel. hano; Germ. hahn; Dan. and Swed. hane; cp. Lat. cano]:—a cock, Fms. v. 193, 194, Vsp. 34, 35, passim; veðr-hani or vind-hani, a weathercock; Oðins-hani, a kind of sandpiper, tringa minima; Þórs-hani; Óðinshani and Þórshani are distinguished, Þjóðólfr, May 15, 1869, p. 124.
    2. as a nickname, Fms. xii, Fb. iii, Landn.; whence in local names, Hana-tún, Hana-fótr, etc., Landn.
    COMPDS: hanagal, hanagalan, hanaótta.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > HANI

  • 2 Þórs-hani

    a, m. a bird, cp. Óðins-hani.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > Þórs-hani

  • 3 ungur hani

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ungur hani

  • 4 GALA

    * * *
    (gel; gól, gólum; galinn), v.
    1) to crow (of a cock), cry, scream;
    2) to sing, chant; g. galdra yfir e-m, to chant magic songs over one; afl gól hann Ásum, he chanted strength into the Æsir.
    * * *
    pres. gelr, Hm. 28, 150, Vsp. 35; pret. gól, pl. gólu; pret. subj. gœli, Haustl. 20; in mod. usage, pres. galar, áðr en haninn galar, Matth. xxvi. 34, 74, 75, Mark xiv. 30, cp. Pass. 12. 7; but fyrr en haninn gelr, Luke xxii. 61; in pret. the old form is preserved, ok jafnsnart gól haninn, Matth. xxvi. 74; þá gól nú haninn fyrst, Pass. 11. 5; gól haninn annað sinn, 11. 8, Luke xxii. 60; og strax gól haninn, John xviii. 27; but elsewhere in mod. usage weak, galaði: [not recorded in Goth., as Ulf. renders φωνειν l. c. by hrukjan; A. S. galan; Old Engl. and Scot. to gale = to cry; Dan. gale; Swed. gala]:—to crow; hún heyrir hana gala, Stj. 208; gól um Ásum Gullinkambi, Vsp. 35; en annarr gelr, sótrauðr hani, id.: of a crow, Hm. 84.
    II. metaph. to chant, sing, used trans.; gala sér úgott, Hm. 28, Ls. 31; afl gól hann Ásum, Hm. 161; þann kann ek galdr at gala, I can chant that song, with the notion of spell, Hm. 153; svá ek gel, 150; hón (the sibyll) gól galdra sína yfir Þór, Edda 58: ironic., gólu þeir eptir í staðinn, O. H. L. 17; gala at um e-t, to beg blandly, Fms. xi. 113; Herodias gól at um líflát Johannes, 625. 96:—with acc. to gladden, cheer, Sl. 26.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > GALA

  • 5 HRÍNA

    (hrín; hrein, hrinum; hrinit), v.
    1) to squeal (of swine); h. við, to neigh to a horse (of a mare in heat);
    2) h. á (or á e-m), to take effect, esp. of imprecations.
    * * *
    pres. hrín; pret. hrein, pl. hrinu; part. hrinið:—
    A. To squeal like swine; stundum jarmaði hann sem geit eðr hrein sem svín, Greg. 50, Fas. iii. 148; hani, krummi, hundr, svín … | galar, krunkar, geltir, hrín, a ditty, passim.
    β. of an animal in heat; þá hljóp merr at hestinum ok hrein við, Edda 26; hrein hænan við hananum, Fs. 156.
    B. [A. S. hrînan = tangere], to cleave to, stick; það hrín ekki á, it will not stick, e. g. of throwing water on a duck’s back; það hrín ekki á svörtu, i. e. black ( spots) on black will not be seen.
    2. metaph. to take effect, hurt, esp. of curses or imprecations; mjök þykir þetta atkvæði á hafa hrinit, Ld. 154; ella mun ek mæla þat orð er alla æfi mun uppi vera í knérunni yðrum, ok mun á hrína, Anal. 186; ellegar hríni þat allt á þér sem ek hefi þér verst beðit, Fas. iii. 206, 390; þótti þat mjök hafa hrinit á er Ósvífr hafði spáð, Ld. 230; cp. áhrins-orð, curses that take effect.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > HRÍNA

  • 6 HÆNA

    * * *
    ( hœna), u, f. [hani, formed on the same analogy as dal and dæl, hag and hóg]:—a hen, Al. 160, Fms. vii. 116, Fs. 156, Stj. 3, passim: in pr. names, Lopt-hana, Skálp-h., Landn.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > HÆNA

  • 7 krúnka

    að, to croak, of a raven; hani, krummi, hundr svín, … galar, krúnkar geltir, hrín, a ditty.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > krúnka

  • 8 ÓÐINN

    (dat. Óðni), m. Odin.
    * * *
    m., dat. Óðni; [A. S. Wodan; O. H. G. Wodan, in the Old High German song Phol ende Wodan vuoron zi holza; in the Norse the w is dropped, whence Odinn]:—Odin, Wodan, the name of the founder of the ancient Northern and Teutonic religion, who was afterwards worshipped as the supreme god, the fountain-head of wisdom, the founder of culture, writing, and poetry, the progenitor of kings, the lord of battle and victory; so that his name and that of Allföðr (Allfather, the father of gods and men) were blended together. For Odin as an historical person see esp. Yngl. S., the first chapters of which were originally written by Ari the historian, who himself traced his pedigree back to Odin. For the various tales of Odin as a deity see the Edda and the old poems; for the legends explaining how Odin came by his wisdom, how he was inspired, how he pawned his eye in the well of Mimir, see Vsp. 22; how he hung in the world-tree Yggdrasil, Hm. 139 sqq.; and the most popular account, how he carried away the poetical mead from the giant Suptung, etc., see Hm. 104–110. and Edda 47–49; for his travelling in disguise in search of wisdom among giants and Norns, Vþm., Gm., Vsp. For Odin’s many names and attributes see Edda (Gl.) The greatest families, the Ynglings in Sweden, Skjöldungs in Denmark, and the Háleygir in Norway, traced their pedigrees back to Odin, see the poems Ýt., Ht., Langfeðgatal. In translations from the Latin, Odin was, strangely enough, taken to represent Mercury; thus, kölluðu þeir Pál Óðin, en Barnabas Þór, they called Paul Odin, but Barnabas they called Thor, is an ancient rendering of Acts xiv. 12, cp. Clem., Bret., and passim. This seems to have originated with the Romans themselves; for Tacitus says, ‘deorum maxime Mercurium colunt,’ by which he can only mean Wodan; the Romans may have heard the German tales of Wodan’s wonderful travels, his many assumed names and disguises, his changes of shape, his eloquence, his magical power,—tales such as abound in the Edda,—and these might make the Romans think of the Greek legends of Hermes: accordingly, when the planetary week days were adopted from the Lat., ‘dies Mercurii’ was rendered into A. S. by Wodansdäg, in Engl. Wednesday, in Dan. Onsdag, in Norse Óðins-dagr, Orkn. 386, Fms. ix. 282: Óðins-nótt, f. Wednesday night, N. G. L. i. 17. Óðins-hani, a, m. a bird, tringa hyperborea, or the phalaropus cinereus, or the red phalarope, see Fjölnir viii, Faber, Edda (Gl.)
    II. Northern local names, Óðins-vé, n. the sanctuary of Odin = Odense in Fünen in Denmark, Knytl. S.: Óðins-salr, m. in Norway. Munch’s Norg. Beskr. 79: Óðins-lundr, m. Odin’s grove. In a single instance Athens is rendered by Óðins-borg, and the Athenians by Óðins-borgar-menn, Post. 645. 90; the name can only have been formed from the Greek name pronounced with the th sound, perhaps by the Northmen at Constantinople, who may have associated the name, thus sounded, with Odin’s supposed travels from the east to Sweden, and his halts at various places, which were afterwards called after him, as recorded in Yngl. S. As a pr. name, Othen villicus, Dipl. Arna-Magn. (Thorkelin) i. 23; Oden Throndsson, D. N. iv. 756, 764; Ódin-dís, f., Baut., but very rare. It is noteworthy that the name of Odin is, in the old poets, hardly ever used as appellative in poët. circumlocutions of a ‘man;’ málm-Óðinn is a απ. λεγ. = warrior.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ÓÐINN

  • 9 hœna

    f. hen (hani ok hœna).

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > hœna

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