• Don't hang all on one nail - На одном гвозде всего не повесишь (H)• Nail can go no farther than its head will let it (A) - Выше головы не прыгнешь (B)• One nail drives out another - Клин клином вышибают (K)• Peg is driven out by a peg, a nail by a nail (A) - Клин клином вышибают (K)• You hit the nail on the head - Не в бровь, а в глаз (H) -
2 Онихошизис (поражение ногтя характеризующееся расслаиванием ногтевых пластинок.)
Medicine: Distal Splitting Hang NailУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Онихошизис (поражение ногтя характеризующееся расслаиванием ногтевых пластинок.)
3 Трещины кожи околоногтевые
Medicine: Hang NailУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Трещины кожи околоногтевые
4 заусеница
5 онихошизис
Medicine: (поражение ногтя характеризующееся расслаиванием ногтевых пластинок.) Distal Splitting Hang Nail -
6 бороться не на жизнь, а на смерть
1) General subject: hang on like grim death, hold on like grim death, struggle tooth and nailУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > бороться не на жизнь, а на смерть
7 первоклассный
1) General subject: A One at Lloyd's, A number, A-number, A1 (товар), ace, as clean (clear, dry) as a whistle, bang-up, bangup, blue ribbon, bully, capital, clipping, cordon bleu, cracking, elegant, first-class, first-rate, front rank, front-rank, gift-edged, high class, high-calibre, high-class, high-grade, in a class by itself, number one, of the banner class, pucka, pukka, scrumptious, spiffing, spiffy, sterling, superfine, tiddly, tiptop, top bracket, top drawer, top flight, top hole, top of the line, top-bracket, top-drawer, top-flight, top-of-the-line, topline, topnotch, first class, hang-up (You did a hang-up job.), outstanding, world-beating, first stream, оf the first order, big time2) Naval: first-hand3) Colloquial: A-one, alpha plus, blue-ribbon, champion, classy, clinking, crack, dandy, exclusive, gilt-edged, jim-dandy, juicy, splendid, top-hole4) American: A No 1, A number one, A one, boss, brag, copacetic, ranking, a chunk of a...5) French: haut6) Military: first rate, top-notch7) Mathematics: excellent8) Economy: gilt edged, gilt gild edged, of first rank (напр. о товаре), ranked9) Accounting: tip-top11) Automobile industry: first-grade12) Architecture: world-beater (о предмете)13) Mining: A one14) Diplomatic term: No. 1, high-quality15) Jargon: cool, fizzing, highfalutin, humdinging, hunky-dory, nailing, ripsnorting, snitzy, tops, Jim Dandy, jam-up, proper, star16) Oil: super17) Emotional: topping19) Banking: bankable20) Advertising: first-rate (о товаре), top-of-the-line21) Business: blue chip, blue-chip, fine, first-class rate, prime, first-ranking22) Drilling: high grade23) Polymers: A124) Makarov: A-number-1, A-number-one, as clean as a whistle, as clear as a whistle, as dry as a whistle, gilt, of the first rate25) Emotional: screaming26) Taboo: bally, bitchen-twitchen, bitchin', dogs bollocks, (something) hell of a, hellish, hot shit -
8 упорствовать
1) General subject: balk (at smth), hang on, hold on (в чем-либо), persevere, persist, recalcitrate, recalcitrate (особ. в неподчинении), stick (в чем-либо), stick to it, threap, hold on, nail colors to the mast, stand out, (не смотря на вероятные трудности и проблемы) plough on regardless (Rather than plough on regardless, we have decided to suspend the project.), dig in (to put up a stubborn resistance to an attack; to stick to an established position, e.g. in an argument, and fight stubbornly to maintain it), dig in toes (в своих заблуждениях и т.п.), insist2) Australian slang: jack up3) Makarov: hang in there, keep a stiff upper lip, carry a stiff upper lip, dig in heels (в своих заблуждениях и т. п.), dig in toes (в своих заблуждениях и т. п.) -
9 зубами держаться
прост.hang on to smth. with one's teeth; stick to smth. tooth and nail; set one's teeth into smth.; hold one's ground- Ой, брось дурь, - сказал Яков, - наймись куда ни на есть да зубами держись за место. (И. Бунин, Деревня) — 'Oh, get this foolishness out of your head,' Yakov told him. 'Get any job you can and hang on to it with your teeth...'
То, что он с фронта явился не фертом и в хозяйство вцепился зубами, - некоторым мужикам пришлось по нраву. (Ф. Панфёров, Бруски) — Many peasants were deeply impressed by his behaviour when he returned from the front: he did not boast or idle his time away, but at once set his teeth into the work.
Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > зубами держаться
10 На одном гвозде всего не повесишь
See Не ставь все на одну карту (Н)Var.: На однин гвоздь всего не вешаютCf: Do not hang all on one nail (Am.). Don't carry (put) all your eggs in one basket (Am.). Don't put all your eggs into one basket (Br.). Never venture all in one bottom (Br.)Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок > На одном гвозде всего не повесишь
См. также в других словарях:
hang|nail — «HANG NAYL», noun. a small piece of skin that hangs by one end at the side or base of a nail, especially a fingernail; agnail. ╂[alteration (influenced by hang) of agnail] … Useful english dictionary
hang·nail — /ˈhæŋˌneıl/ noun, pl nails [count] : a small piece of skin hanging loose at the side or bottom of a fingernail … Useful english dictionary
hang-nail — … Useful english dictionary
hang — hang; hang·able; hang·by; hang·chow; hang·er; hang·er·man; hang·ie; hang·le; hang·man; hang·man·ship; hang·ment; hang·nail; re·hang; un·hang; … English syllables
nail — ag·nail; hang·nail; nail; nail·abil·i·ty; nail·er; nail·ery; nail·less; nail·sea; te·nail·lon; un·nail; tree·nail; … English syllables
nail — [nāl] n. [ME naile < OE nægl, akin to Ger nagel < IE base * onogh, nail > Sans áṅghri , foot, Gr onyx, nail, L unguis, fingernail] 1. a) a thin, horny covering that grows out over the upper tip of a finger or toe b) a similar growth on a … English World dictionary
hang — [v1] suspend or be suspended adhere, attach, beetle, be fastened, be in mid air, be loose, bend, be pendent, be poised, bow, cling, cover, dangle, deck, decorate, depend, drape, drift, droop, drop, fasten, fix, flap, float, flop, furnish, hold,… … New thesaurus
nail — nail1 S3 [neıl] n [: Old English; Origin: nAgl] 1.) a thin pointed piece of metal with a flat top, which you hit into a surface with a hammer, for example to join things together or to hang something on ▪ The key was hanging on a nail by the door … Dictionary of contemporary English
hang — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. suspend, dangle, sag; attach; depend, be contingent (on); string up, lynch. See pendency, connection, killing, relation. n., informal, knack, art, skill. II (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To suspend] Syn. dangle … English dictionary for students
hang — verb 1) lights hung from the trees Syn: be suspended, dangle, hang down, be pendent, swing, sway 2) hang the pictures at eye level Syn: put up, fix, attach, affix, fasten, post … Thesaurus of popular words
History in For Want of a Nail — For Want of a Nail: If Burgoyne Had Won at Saratoga is an alternate history novel by Robert Sobel that takes the form of a history of North America from 1763 to 1971. Over the course of its 441 pages, For Want of a Nail details the failure of the … Wikipedia