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  • 1 hands-on

    adjective (practical; involving active participation: hands-on experience with computers.) praktinis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > hands-on

  • 2 feel

    past tense, past participle - felt; verb
    1) (to become aware of (something) by the sense of touch: She felt his hand on her shoulder.) jausti
    2) (to find out the shape, size, texture etc of something by touching, usually with the hands: She felt the parcel carefully.) (ap)čiupinėti
    3) (to experience or be aware of (an emotion, sensation etc): He felt a sudden anger.) pajusti
    4) (to think (oneself) to be: She feels sick; How does she feel about her work?) jaustis
    5) (to believe or consider: She feels that the firm treated her badly.) manyti, laikyti
    - feeling
    - feel as if / as though
    - feel like
    - feel one's way
    - get the feel of

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > feel

См. также в других словарях:

  • hands-on experience — ➔ experience * * * hands on experience UK US noun [U] ► knowledge or skill that someone gets from doing something rather than just reading about it or seeing it being done: »They will participate in workshops and get hands on experience leading… …   Financial and business terms

  • experience — ex‧pe‧ri‧ence [ɪkˈspɪəriəns ǁ ˈspɪr ] noun [uncountable] 1. knowledge or skill gained from doing a particular job: • He is a high up executive who has years of experience in advising investors • Applicants will normally have at least two years… …   Financial and business terms

  • hands-on — adj [usually before noun] doing something yourself rather than just talking about it or telling other people to do it ▪ a chance to get some hands on experience of the job ▪ He has a very hands on approach to management …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • hands-on — adjective hands on experience or training involves you doing something instead of just reading about it or watching other people do it a. someone who is hands on is involved in something and does not let other people do all the work and make all… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • hands-on — hands′ on′ adj. cvb characterized by or involving active personal participation: hands on experience with computers[/ex] • Etymology: 1965–70 …   From formal English to slang

  • experience — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 knowledge/skill obtained by seeing/doing sth ADJECTIVE ▪ considerable, extensive, great, long, vast, wide ▪ limited, little …   Collocations dictionary

  • hands-on — ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n Hands on experience or work involves actually doing a particular thing, rather than just talking about it or getting someone else to do it. Ninety nine per cent of primary pupils now have hands on experience of computers...… …   English dictionary

  • hands-on — /handz on , awn /, adj. 1. characterized by or involved in active personal participation in an activity; individual and direct: a workshop to give children hands on experience with computers. 2. requiring manual operation, control, adjustment, or …   Universalium

  • hands on — practice doing a task by working with your hands    In shop class, we get hands on experience in car maintenance …   English idioms

  • hands-on — UK / US adjective a) hands on experience or training involves you doing something rather than just reading about it or watching other people do it b) a hands on person is involved in something and does not let other people do all the work and… …   English dictionary

  • ˌhands-ˈon — adj 1) hands on experience involves you doing something, not just reading about it 2) someone who is hands on is involved in something and does not make other people do the work …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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