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  • 81 Hand-Flügelpumpe

    f < förd> ■ semi-rotary pump; semi-rotary hand pump; semi-rotary hand wing pump; wing pump; hand wing pump

    German-english technical dictionary > Hand-Flügelpumpe

  • 82 hand-megin

    and hand-megn, n. strength of hand, clasp, = handafl, Rb. 378; af handmagni, with the clasp of the hand, 625. 26: strength to work, working power, Grág. i. 237, 240: work = handbjörg, færa e-n fram á fé sínu eðr handmagni, 292. handmegins-úmagi, a, m. = handbjargar-úmagi, Grág. i. 289.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > hand-megin

  • 83 Hand-Fuß-Monitor

    m < nukl> (Strahlenschutz) ■ hand-and-foot monitor; hand-and-foot counter

    German-english technical dictionary > Hand-Fuß-Monitor

  • 84 hand-afl

    n. hand-strength; lesa sik upp með handafli, to haul oneself up by strength of hand, Fas. iii. 283.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > hand-afl

  • 85 hand-björg

    f. ‘hand-supply;’ esp. in phrases, lifa við h. sína, to live from hand to mouth, Fas. iii. 538; eiga allt undir h. sinni, id., Róm. 290; færa e-n fram með h. sinni, to support a person by one’s labour, Jb. 267; whence handbjargar-úmagi, a, m. (-maðr, m.), a person supported by another’s labour, id.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > hand-björg

  • 86 hand-leika

    lék, to wield in one’s hand, have in the hand.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > hand-leika

  • 87 hand-rán

    n. a law term, ‘hand-robbery,’ wresting a thing out of another’s hand, a kind of frumhlaup (personal assault), defined in Grág. Vsl. ch. 3, liable to outlawry, Grág. ii. 191, N. G. L. i. 58, Gþl. 408, Jb. 426.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > hand-rán

  • 88 hand-sal

    n. [Scot. hansel; Dan. handsel], a law term, usually in pl. handsöl, ‘hand-selling’ or hanselling, i. e. the transference of a right, bargain, duty to another by joining hands;—hand-shaking was with the men of old the sign of a transaction, and is still used among farmers and the like, so that to shake hands is the same as to conclude a bargain, cp. Lat. mandare = manu-dare, mancipium from manu capere; jafnt þykkja mér þín heit sem handsöl annarra manna, thy word is as good as the h. of other men, Lv. 65: a trust, charge, Grág. i. 190; þetta handsal líkaði ílla Þorbrands sonum, Eb. 156; er hjá vóru gjöfinni ok handsalinu, Anal. 293; biskups handsöl, Vm. 66; taka við handsölum á e-u, to undertake the trust, charge of a thing, Nj. 257; ek vil gjarna at þú takir handsölum á öllu fénu, Ld. 50; taka við fé með handsölum, Fs. 125; eiga handsöl við e-n, to make a bargain with one, Hrafn. 21, Rd. 243, Fb. i. 109; gefa e-m handsöl yfir e-u, Bs. ii. 64; bjóða h. fyrir e-n, to offer bail for one, Fs. 87; ganga til handsala fyrir e-n, Eb. 128, 148, Grág. and Sagas passim.
    COMPDS: handsalsband, handsalsmaðr, handsalsrof, handsalsslit.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > hand-sal

  • 89 hand sth. over

    أَعْطَى (الدَّواء)‏ \ administer: to control, (esp. business or money affairs). give: give (medicine, punishment, a warning, etc.). give: hand (sth.) to sb. for any purpose: She gave me a tin to open for her, to cause sb. to have (sth.); provide: What gave you that idea? Who gave you that cut on your face? Sheep give us wool, (with a noun that can also be a verb) to make: He gave me his promise (or He promised). grant: to allow (esp. officially); give (sth. asked for or needed): I was granted permission to leave the class. hand sth. over: to pass sth. to sb. else’s control: He handed over the farm to his son.

    Arabic-English glossary > hand sth. over

  • 90 Hand- und Spanndienste

    Pl. HIST. feudal services
    * * *
    Hand- und Spanndienste pl HIST feudal services

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Hand- und Spanndienste

  • 91 Hand-Held-Empfänger

    m < navig> (GPS) ■ hand-held receiver; portable GPS receiver

    German-english technical dictionary > Hand-Held-Empfänger

  • 92 Hand-Laserscanner

    m < edv> ■ hand-held laser scanner

    German-english technical dictionary > Hand-Laserscanner

  • 93 Hand-over

    m < tele> (Mobilfunkverbindung) ■ handover; hand-over

    German-english technical dictionary > Hand-over

  • 94 hand-bjalla

    u, f. a hand-bell, Pm. 90.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > hand-bjalla

  • 95 hand-bogi

    a, m. a hand-bow, Landn. 288, Sks. 390, 626, Orkn. 148, Fms. vii. 45, Fb. i. 486; opp. to lásbogi, a cross-bow.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > hand-bogi

  • 96 hand-byndi

    mod. hand-bendi, n., prop. a handcuff: metaph. a hindrance, bother, e-m er (verðr) h. at e-u, to be bothered with a thing, Karl. 234; það er h. að honum; hann ekki nema til handbendis.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > hand-byndi

  • 97 hand-fang

    n. ‘hand-grip,’ a span, Gísl. 23.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > hand-fang

  • 98 hand-festa

    t, a law term, to strike a bargain by shaking hands, to pledge; h. heit sitt, Fms. vi. 145; Ásgrímr handfesti at greiða þriggja vetra skatta, Bs. i. 740; handfestir eiðar, Dipl. ii. 19; biskup handfesti ( betrothed) jungfrú Ingilborg, Fms. x. 103, H. E. i. 248; handfest mér upp á trú þína, at …, Stj. 629. 2 Kings x. 15.
    u, f. (hand-festning, f., H. E. i. 251), = handfestr, Dipl. iv. ii, Fb. i. 366, Bs. ii. 61.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > hand-festa

  • 99 hand-festr

    f. striking a bargain, the joining hands; þá ferr handfestr um allt skipit þeirra í millum at þessu heiti, Bs. i. 421; áttu þeir at handfesti ok vápna-tak at þessu heiti, Fms. viii. 55; tóku þeir heit sitt með h., v. 138; sira Oddr tók þá ok þetta skilorð með h., Bs. i. 746; við vitni ok h., Fb. i. 366: it answers to the signing one’s name in mod. law. ☞ In the early Dan. and Swed. laws the stipulation to be given by the king at his coronation was called haand-fæstning. In Scotland marriage used often to be preceded by a preliminary union called hand-fasting, see Jamieson s. v.
    II. a rope by which to haul oneself up, Jm. 1.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > hand-festr

  • 100 hand-grannr

    adj. having a thin hand.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > hand-grannr

См. также в других словарях:

  • hand — hand …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Hand... — Hand …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • Hand- — Hand …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • Hand — (h[a^]nd), n. [AS. hand, hond; akin to D., G., & Sw. hand, OHG. hant, Dan. haand, Icel. h[ o]nd, Goth. handus, and perh. to Goth. hin[thorn]an to seize (in comp.). Cf. {Hunt}.] 1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in man and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hand — [hand] n. [ME < OE, akin to Goth handus < base of hinthan, to seize (hence, basic sense “grasper”) < ? IE base * kent , ? to seize] I 1. the part of the human body attached to the end of the forearm, including the wrist, palm, fingers,… …   English World dictionary

  • hand — ► NOUN 1) the end part of the arm beyond the wrist. 2) (before another noun ) operated by or held in the hand. 3) (before another noun or in combination ) done or made manually. 4) a pointer on a clock or watch indicating the passing of units of… …   English terms dictionary

  • Hand — Hand: Die gemeingerm. Körperteilbezeichnung mhd., ahd. hant, got. handus, engl. hand, schwed. hand gehört wahrscheinlich als ablautende Substantivbildung zu der Sippe von got. hinÞan »fangen, greifen« und bedeutet demnach eigentlich »Greiferin,… …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • Hand — (h[a^]nd), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Handed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Handing}.] 1. To give, pass, or transmit with the hand; as, he handed them the letter. [1913 Webster] 2. To lead, guide, or assist with the hand; to conduct; as, to hand a lady into a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hand — Sf std. (8. Jh.), mhd. hant, ahd. hant, as. hand Stammwort. Aus g. * handu f. Hand , auch in gt. handus, anord. ho̧nd, ae. hond, afr. hand, hond. Herkunft umstritten. Denkbar ist ein Anschluß an g. * henþ a Vst. fangen, ergreifen in gt.… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • Hand — /hand/, n. Learned /lerr nid/, 1872 1961, U.S. jurist. * * * End part of the arm, consisting of the wrist joint, palm, thumb, and fingers. The hand has great mobility and flexibility to carry out precise movements. Bipedal locomotion in humans… …   Universalium

  • Hand — (Schönheitspflege). Es ist längst anerkannt, daß zarte Hände und Arme zu den vorzüglichsten Erfordernissen weiblicher Schönheit gehören, und glücklicher Weise sind die Mittel, sie zu erlangen, die unschuldigsten unter allen Toilettenkünsten. Wem… …   Damen Conversations Lexikon

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