1 hammer test
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > hammer test
2 hammer-test
['hæmətest]Металлургия: испытание на расковку -
3 hammer-test
4 hammer test
5 hammer-test
6 hammer test
* * *Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > hammer test
7 hammer test
1) Морской термин: испытание на удар2) Автомобильный термин: испытание на расковку, ударное испытание3) Металлургия: испытание обстукиванием молотком5) Макаров: обстукивание (с целью контроля качества сварных швов), обстукиванием (с целью контроля качества сварных швов)6) Каспий: обстучать молотком -
8 hammer test
(n) испытание на расковку -
9 hammer test
испытание молотком, испытание остукиваниемАнгло-русский словарь по сварочному производству > hammer test
10 hammer test
11 hammer test
English-Russian dictionary offshore oil gas & environment > hammer test
12 hammer test
испытание на расковку; ударное испытание -
13 hammer-test
метал. -
14 hammer-test
n метал. испытание на расковку -
15 hammer test of grease
ударное испытание пластичных смазочных материалов ( на волокнистость)Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > hammer test of grease
16 hammer test apparatus
17 hammer test of grease
18 hammer test of greases
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > hammer test of greases
19 spring hammer test
Строительство: тест пружинного молота, тест рессорного молота -
20 hammer
молот; молоток; эл. молоточек (прерывателя); II стучать (о машине); вбивать; вколачивать; ударять; бить; ковать; чеканить- hammer for carpenter with square head and nail slot - hammer forging - hammer-harden - hammer-in - hammer mill - hammer out - hammer test - hammer with round attachment - adjustable speed and built-in power regulator - air hammer - ball hammer - ball-face hammer - board-drop hammer - breaking hammer - cement-chipping hammer - chipping hammer - coal hammer - compressed-air hammer - cross-peen hammer - cup-shaped hammer - drifter hammer - foot hammer - front hammer - gong hammer - granulating hammer - helve hammer - hydraulic hammer - jack hammer - jump hammer - lift hammer - negative water hammer - plane-bottom hammer - planishing hammer - pneumatic hammer - power hammer - riveting hammer - rust hammer - scale hammer - scaling hammer - set hammer - shaft hammer - sledge hammer - slide hammer - snap hammer - spalling hammer - steam hammer - stone hammer - tail hammer - treadle hammer - water hammer
См. также в других словарях:
Hammer Into Anvil — Infobox Television episode Title = Hammer Into Anvil Series = The Prisoner Season = 1 Episode = 10 Guests = Number Two: Patrick Cargill Writer = Roger Woddis Director = Pat Jackson Production = Airdate = December 10, 1967 Episode list = Prev =… … Wikipedia
Hammer v. Dagenhart — ▪ law case (1918), legal case in which the Supreme Court of the United States struck down the Keating Owen Act, which had regulated child labour. The act, passed in 1916, had prohibited the interstate shipment of goods produced in factories … Universalium
Schmidt hammer — A Schmidt hammer, also known as a Swiss hammer or a rebound hammer, is a device to measure the elastic properties or strength of concrete or rock, mainly surface hardness and penetration resistance. Original Schmidt Concrete Test Hammer It was… … Wikipedia
Watson's water hammer pulse — is the medical sign which describes a pulse that is bounding and forceful,[1] or, in other words, rapidly increasing and subsequently collapsing,[2] as if it were the hitting of a water hammer that was causing the pulse. This is associated with… … Wikipedia
Proctor compaction test — The Proctor compaction test and the related modified Proctor compaction test, named for engineer Ralph R. Proctor (1933), are tests to determine the maximum practically achievable density of soils and aggregates, and are frequently used in… … Wikipedia
Justin Hammer — Superherobox| caption=Justin Hammer. Art by Ron Lim. comic color=background:#ff8080 character name=Justin Hammer real name=Justin Hammer species= publisher=Marvel Comics debut= Iron Man #120 (Mar 1979) creators=David Michelinie John Romita, Jr.… … Wikipedia
Pile integrity test — A pile integrity test (also known as low strain dynamic test, sonic echo test, and low strain integrity test) is one of the methods for assessing the condition of piles or shafts. It is cost effective and not very time consuming.The test is based … Wikipedia
Metal Hammer — For the debut single by German synthpop band And One, see Metalhammer. Metal Hammer (UK) Editor Alexander Milas Categories Music magazine Frequency Monthly Publisher … Wikipedia
Reflex hammer — A reflex hammer is a medical instrument used by physicians to test deep tendon reflexes. Testing for reflexes is an important part of the neurological physical examination in order to detect abnormalities in the central or peripheral nervous… … Wikipedia
Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammer — Type Service Pistol … Wikipedia
Izod impact test — a test specimen, usually of square crossed section is notched and held between a pair of jaws, to be broken by a swinging or falling weight. When the pendulum of the Izod testing machine is released it swings with a downward movement and when it… … Mechanics glossary