1 ♦ hair
♦ hair /hɛə(r)/n.1 [u] capelli (pl.); capigliatura; chioma (lett.): curly [white] hair, capelli ricci [bianchi]; to have long [red] hair, avere i capelli lunghi [rossi]; fair hair, capelli biondi; short hair, capelli corti; thick hair, capelli folti; wavy hair, capelli ondulati; straight hair, capelli lisci; to brush one's hair, spazzolarsi i capelli; to comb one's hair, pettinarsi; to do one's hair, acconciarsi i capelli; farsi la messa in piega; to pull sb. 's hair, tirare i capelli a q.; to ruffle sb. 's hair, scompigliare i capelli a q.; He ran his fingers through his hair, si passò le dita tra i capelli; to have one's hair cut, farsi tagliare i capelli; to have one's hair done, farsi fare la messa in piega; DIALOGO → - New haircut- Where did you get your hair done?, dove ti sei fatta fare i capelli?; DIALOGO → - New haircut- Your hair looks nice, i tuoi capelli stanno bene; to lose one's hair, perdere i capelli2 [u] peli (pl.), peluria ( sul corpo); pelame, pelo ( di animale, di pianta): legs covered in hair, gambe coperte di peli; soft hair, peluria; pelame morbido; rabbit hair, pelo di coniglio; a good coat of hair, un bel pelo (o pelame); underarm hair, peli sotto le ascelle● hair-band ► hairband □ hair-care ► haircare □ hair clip, molletta per capelli; forcina □ hair-clipper, tosatrice, macchinetta □ hair conditioner, balsamo per i capelli □ hair consultant, tricologo □ hair-curlers, bigodini □ hair-curling = hair-raising ► sotto □ hair-dye, tintura per capelli □ hair graft, innesto (o trapianto) di capelli □ (bot.) hair grass, agrostide □ (fig. fam.) a (o the) hair of the dog ( that bit you), un bicchierino di alcol per curare i postumi di una sbornia □ hair oil, unguento per capelli; brillantina □ hair plugs, impianti di capelli; ciocche impiantate □ hair powder, cipria per capelli □ (fam.) hair-raising, che fa rizzare i capelli; terrificante; spaventoso □ hair remover, depilatore □ hair restorer, rigeneratore per capelli □ hair rollers, bigodini □ hair's breadth, un capello, un filo, un pelo (fig.); un millimetro; un niente: He missed me by a hair's breadth, mi ha mancato per un pelo (o di un niente); He came within a hair's breadth of winning, fu lì lì per vincere; non vinse per un pelo; to a hair's breadth, al capello; al millimetro □ hair's-breadth, (a. attr.) per un pelo (fig.); miracoloso: a hair's-breadth escape, un salvataggio miracoloso; to have a hair's breadth escape, salvarsi per un pelo (o per il rotto della cuffia) □ hair setting, messa in piega □ hair shirt, camicia di crine; cilicio □ (GB) hair slide, fermacapelli □ (tipogr.) hair space, spazio piccolissimo (spec. di mezzo punto o di un punto) □ hair-splitter, uno che spacca il capello in quattro; cavillatore; pignolo □ hair-splitting, (sost.) meticolosità, pedanteria, pignoleria; (agg.) meticoloso, pedante, pignolo □ hair-spray ► hairspray □ hair-stroke, filetto ( nella scrittura); (tipogr.) grazia □ hair stylist ► hairstylist □ hair trigger, grilletto ( d'arma da fuoco) assai sensibile □ hair-trigger (agg.), immediato; istantaneo; che scatta all'istante: to have a hair-trigger temper, scattare per un nonnulla □ hair-wave, messa in piega □ (zool.) hair-worm, nematomorfo □ against the hair, contropelo; (fig.) controvoglia, contro la propria inclinazione □ (fam.) a bad hair day, una giornata in cui va tutto storto; una giornata no □ to dress sb. 's hair, pettinare q. (spec. una donna) □ (fam.) to be (o to get) in sb. 's hair, dare fastidio a q.; essere tra i piedi di q.; rompere le scatole a q. (fam.) □ not to harm a single hair of (o on) sb. 's head, non torcere un capello a q. □ not to have a hair out of place, non avere un capello fuori posto; avere un aspetto impeccabile □ (fam.) to have sb. by the short hairs, tenere q. in pugno □ (fam. GB) to keep one's hair on, stare calmo; non scaldarsi □ to let one's hair down, sciogliersi i capelli; (fig.) lasciarsi andare, rilassarsi □ (fam.) to make sb. 's hair curl, far inorridire q.; orripilare q. □ to make sb. 's hair stand on end, far rizzare i capelli a q. ( per lo spavento); terrorizzare q. □ to pull one's hair out = to tear one's hair out ► sotto □ to put one's hair up, raccogliere i capelli in uno chignon; tirarsi su i capelli; (fig. antiq.: di una ragazza) diventare donna, entrare in società □ to set one's hair, farsi la messa in piega □ to split hairs, spaccare il capello in quattro; cercare il pelo nell'uovo □ to tear one's hair out, strapparsi i capelli; (fig.) essere disperato, mettersi le mani nei capelli, strapparsi i capelli □ to a hair, al capello, alla perfezione, esattamente: You've described him to a hair, l'hai descritto alla perfezione □ not to turn a hair, non batter ciglio; restare impassibile. -
2 conditioner
[kən'dɪʃənə(r)]* * *noun (something which helps in conditioning: hair-conditioner.) balsamo* * *conditioner /kənˈdɪʃənə(r)/n.* * *[kən'dɪʃənə(r)] -
3 hair
[heə(r)] 1.1) U (collectively) (human) (on head) capelli m.pl., capigliatura f.; (on body) peli m.pl.; (of animal) pelo m., pelame m.2) (individually) (human) (on head) capello m.; (on body) pelo m.; (animal) pelo m.2. 3.hair cream — gommina, gel per capelli
••by a hair by a hair's breadth per un pelo; to have a hair's breadth escape salvarsi per un pelo o per il rotto della cuffia; he didn't turn a hair non ha fatto una piega, non ha battuto ciglio; it made my hair stand on end mi ha fatto rizzare i capelli; keep your hair on! BE colloq. stai calmo! non preoccuparti! to get in sb.'s hair colloq. stare tra i piedi a qcn.; to have sb. by the short hairs AE pop. tenere qcn. in pugno; to let one's hair down colloq. rilassarsi, lasciarsi andare; to split hairs spaccare il capello in quattro; to tear one's hair out strapparsi i capelli; you need a hair of the dog (that bit you) — = hai bisogno di un bicchierino di liquore per farti passare la sbronza
* * *[heə] 1. noun1) (one of the mass of thread-like objects that grow from the skin: He brushed the dog's hairs off his jacket.) pelo2) (the mass of these, especially on a person's head: He's got brown hair.) capelli•- - haired- hairy
- hairiness
- hair's-breadth
- hair-breadth
- hairbrush
- haircut
- hair-do
- hairdresser
- hairdressing
- hair-drier
- hairline
- hair-oil
- hairpin 2. adjective((of a bend in a road) sharp and U-shaped, especially on a mountain or a hill.) a zigzag- hairstyle
- keep one's hair on
- let one's hair down
- make someone's hair stand on end
- make hair stand on end
- not to turn a hair
- turn a hair
- split hairs
- tear one's hair* * *[heə(r)] 1.1) U (collectively) (human) (on head) capelli m.pl., capigliatura f.; (on body) peli m.pl.; (of animal) pelo m., pelame m.2) (individually) (human) (on head) capello m.; (on body) pelo m.; (animal) pelo m.2. 3.hair cream — gommina, gel per capelli
••by a hair by a hair's breadth per un pelo; to have a hair's breadth escape salvarsi per un pelo o per il rotto della cuffia; he didn't turn a hair non ha fatto una piega, non ha battuto ciglio; it made my hair stand on end mi ha fatto rizzare i capelli; keep your hair on! BE colloq. stai calmo! non preoccuparti! to get in sb.'s hair colloq. stare tra i piedi a qcn.; to have sb. by the short hairs AE pop. tenere qcn. in pugno; to let one's hair down colloq. rilassarsi, lasciarsi andare; to split hairs spaccare il capello in quattro; to tear one's hair out strapparsi i capelli; you need a hair of the dog (that bit you) — = hai bisogno di un bicchierino di liquore per farti passare la sbronza
4 conditioner con·di·tion·er n
[kən'dɪʃ(ə)nə(r)](for hair) balsamo, (for clothes) ammorbidente m -
5 condition
I 1. [kən'dɪʃn]1) (stipulation) condizione f.to meet o satisfy the conditions soddisfare le condizioni; I'll sell it under certain conditions lo venderò solo a determinate condizioni; on condition that — a condizione che
2) (state)to be in good, bad condition — [house, car] essere in buono, cattivo stato
to keep sth. in good condition — mantenere qcs. in buone condizioni
3) (disease) malattia f.a heart, skin condition — una malattia cardiaca, della pelle
4) (fitness) forma f.to be out of condition — essere fuori forma o in cattive condizioni fisiche
5) (situation) condizione f.2.nome plurale conditions (circumstances) condizioni f.II [kən'dɪʃn]housing, working conditions — condizioni abitative, lavorative
1) psic. condizionare* * *[kən'diʃən] 1. noun1) (state or circumstances in which a person or thing is: The house is not in good condition; He is in no condition to leave hospital; under ideal conditions; living conditions; variable conditions.)2) (something that must happen or be done before some other thing happens or is done; a term or requirement in an agreement: It was a condition of his going that he should pay his own expenses; That is one of the conditions in the agreement.)2. verb1) (to affect or control: behaviour conditioned by circumstances.) condizionare2) (to put into the required state: The footballers trained hard in order to condition themselves for the match.) mettere in buone condizioni fisiche•- conditionally
- conditioner
- on condition that* * *I 1. [kən'dɪʃn]1) (stipulation) condizione f.to meet o satisfy the conditions soddisfare le condizioni; I'll sell it under certain conditions lo venderò solo a determinate condizioni; on condition that — a condizione che
2) (state)to be in good, bad condition — [house, car] essere in buono, cattivo stato
to keep sth. in good condition — mantenere qcs. in buone condizioni
3) (disease) malattia f.a heart, skin condition — una malattia cardiaca, della pelle
4) (fitness) forma f.to be out of condition — essere fuori forma o in cattive condizioni fisiche
5) (situation) condizione f.2.nome plurale conditions (circumstances) condizioni f.II [kən'dɪʃn]housing, working conditions — condizioni abitative, lavorative
1) psic. condizionare -
6 (to) untangle
(to) untangle /ʌnˈtæŋgl/v. t.1 districare; sbrogliare: Use a conditioner to untangle your hair, usa un balsamo per districare i tuoi capelli2 (fig.) sbrogliare; venire a capo di: It's hard to untangle their motives, è difficile venire a capo delle loro motivazioni. -
7 (to) untangle
(to) untangle /ʌnˈtæŋgl/v. t.1 districare; sbrogliare: Use a conditioner to untangle your hair, usa un balsamo per districare i tuoi capelli2 (fig.) sbrogliare; venire a capo di: It's hard to untangle their motives, è difficile venire a capo delle loro motivazioni.
См. также в других словарях:
Hair conditioner — A 19th century advertisement for 9 hair care products from a company named Dupuy. Hair conditioner is a hair care product that alters the texture and appearance of hair. Contents … Wikipedia
hair conditioner — hair product which improves the quality and health of the hair … English contemporary dictionary
hair conditioner — /ˈhɛə kəndɪʃənə/ (say hair kuhndishuhnuh) noun a cosmetic applied to the hair so as to improve its general condition …
hair conditioner — noun Any of many cosmetic products that aim to improve the condition of the hair, especially after washing … Wiktionary
Hair care — is an overall term for parts of hygiene and cosmetology involving the hair on the human head. Hair care will differ according to one s hair type and according to various processes that can be applied to hair. All hair is not the same; indeed,… … Wikipedia
Hair washing — is the cosmetic act of keeping hair clean by washing it with shampoo or other detergent products and water. Hair conditioner may also be used to improve hair s texture and manageability. Two in one shampoos, which have both detergent and… … Wikipedia
Conditioner — A conditioner is something that improves the quality of another material. See: Conditioner (farming) Hair conditioner Air conditioner Conditioner (chemistry) Fabric conditioner Yarn conditioner Power conditioner Condition number Thi … Wikipedia
conditioner — /kənˈdɪʃənə/ (say kuhn dishuhnuh) noun 1. a person or thing that conditions: an air conditioner. 2. a substance added to something to improve its quality or usability: hair conditioner …
conditioner — noun a) anything that improves the condition of something b) hair conditioner … Wiktionary
Hair weave — Hair weaving is weaving or braiding human or synthetic hair into existing natural hair. It is also known as Hair Integration. The hair extension is woven to cornrowed hair or to small sections of loose hair. Not maintaining hair extensions… … Wikipedia
conditioner — n. 1. exercise that conditions the body; as, farmwork can be a good conditioner. [WordNet 1.5] 2. a trainer of athletes. [WordNet 1.5] 3. a substance used in washing (clothing or hair) to make things softer. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English