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  • 1 guts

    veleje vminek, zsigerek, vminek a lényege, has
    * * *
    1) (the gut, liver, kidneys etc.) belsőségek
    2) (courage: He's got a lot of guts.) energia, mersz

    English-Hungarian dictionary > guts

  • 2 gut

    szűk utca, utcaszűkület, sikátor, folyószűkület to gut: kizsigerel, kibelez
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (the tube in the lower part of the body through which food passes.) bél
    2) (a strong thread made from the gut of an animal, used for violin strings etc.) bélhúr
    2. verb
    1) (to take the guts out of: Her job was to gut fish.) kibelez
    2) (to destroy completely, except for the outer frame: The fire gutted the house.) kiéget

    English-Hungarian dictionary > gut

См. также в других словарях:

  • guts — [ gʌts ] noun plural INFORMAL * 1. ) the quality of being brave and determined: That s what you need to be a referee, guts. have the guts to do something: She had the guts to decide what she wanted and go for it. it takes guts to do something: It …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • guts´i|ness — guts|y «GUHT see», adjective, guts|i|er, guts|i|est. Slang. 1. full of guts: »Figurative. a gutsy fighter. 2. Figurative. full of vitality; …   Useful english dictionary

  • guts´i|ly — guts|y «GUHT see», adjective, guts|i|er, guts|i|est. Slang. 1. full of guts: »Figurative. a gutsy fighter. 2. Figurative. full of vitality; …   Useful english dictionary

  • guts|y — «GUHT see», adjective, guts|i|er, guts|i|est. Slang. 1. full of guts: »Figurative. a gutsy fighter. 2. Figurative. full of vitality; …   Useful english dictionary

  • guts — noun a) The entrails or contents of the abdomen. , It must have taken some guts to speak in front that audience. b) Courage; determination. , She doesnt take any nonsense from anyone mdash;shes got guts. Syn …   Wiktionary

  • guts — noun fortitude and determination (Freq. 2) he didn t have the guts to try it • Syn: ↑backbone, ↑grit, ↑moxie, ↑sand, ↑gumption • Derivationally related forms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • guts — /gʌts / (say guts) Colloquial –plural noun (often construed as singular) 1. the bowels or entrails. 2. the stomach or abdomen. 3. courage; stamina; endurance: to have guts. 4. essential information: the guts of the matter. 5. essential parts or… …  

  • guts */ — UK [ɡʌts] / US noun [plural] informal 1) the quality of being brave and determined That s what you need to be a referee – guts. have the guts to do something: She had the guts to go for what she wanted. it takes guts to do something: It takes a… …   English dictionary

  • guts — [gʌts] noun [plural] informal 1) the quality of being brave and determined She had the guts to go for what she wanted.[/ex] It takes a lot of guts and hard work to get where he is.[/ex] 2) your stomach and the organs near it 3) the most important …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • guts-ache — /ˈgʌts eɪk/ (say guts ayk) noun Colloquial a pain in the abdomen; colic …  

  • greedy guts — noun (informal) A glutton • • • Main Entry: ↑greedy * * * ˈgreedy guts idiom (BrE, informal) used to refer to sb who eats too much …   Useful english dictionary

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