1 gun steel
2 gun steel
1) Военный термин: пушечная сталь2) Механика: орудийная сталь3) Оружейное производство: оружейная сталь -
3 gun steel
4 gun steel
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > gun steel
5 gun steel
пушечная (орудийная) сталь -
6 gun steel
7 gun steel
8 gun steel alloys
Оружейное производство: ружейные легированные стали -
9 gun steel alloys
10 carbon gun steel
1) Военный термин: углеродистая орудийная сталь2) Оружейное производство: углеродистая ружейная сталь -
11 carbon gun steel
12 gun
1. гидромонитор || перемешивать гидромонитором2. перфоратор3. солидолонагнетатель, шприц ( для консистентной смазки)4. распылитель— jet gun— mud gun— oil gun
* * *
2. керноотборник, грунтонос ( аппарат для отбора образцов пород из стенок ствола скважины)3. гидромонитор || перемешивать гидромониторомhigh-pressure drilling mud gun — перемешивающее струйное устройство высокого давления для бурового раствора
— jet gun— mud gun
* * *
1. газовая пушка ( gasgun)2. воздушная пушка ( airgun)
* * *
1. газовая пушка ( gas gun)2. воздушная пушка ( air gun)
* * *
2) керноотборник, грунтонос ( аппарат для отбора образцов пород из стенок ствола скважины)3) гидромонитор || перемешивать гидромонитором4) раздаточный кран ()5) источник сейсмических сигналов; излучатель•- air gunto gun the pits — перемешивать ( буровой раствор) струйными мешалками в резервуарах
- breakout gun
- bullet gun
- capsule gun
- capsule jet gun
- casing gun
- charged gun
- coring gun
- diesel-oil gun
- Dinoseis gas gun
- drilling-mud mixing gun
- expendable gun
- expendable capsule jet gun
- expendable jet gun
- firing gun
- gas gun
- glass jet gun
- grease gun
- gunite gun
- heavy-caliber bullet gun
- high-powered casing gun
- high-pressure drilling mud gun
- hollow carrier gun
- hollow-carrier jet-type gun
- hollow-carrier single action jet gun
- in-line firing gun
- jet gun
- lubricating gun
- makeup gun
- mechanically-oriented gun
- mud gun
- mud jet gun
- mud mixing gun
- multibarrel gun
- multidirectional firing gun
- nonretrievable gun
- oil gun
- one-shot gun
- perforating gun
- pressure gun
- retrievable hollow carrier gun
- retrievable jet gun
- retrievable mud gun
- retrievable strip jet gun
- rod gun
- Scallop gun
- selective gun
- semiexpendable gun
- shaped-charge gun
- short-barrel gun
- side-wall coring gun
- side-wall sampling gun
- slim-hole gun
- small-diameter gun
- steam gun
- steel retrievable gun
- strip gun
- strip jet gun
- swing jet gun
- tank washing gun
- three-barreled gun
- through-tubing perforating gun
- tubing-type jet gun
- uncharged gun
- wireline gun* * *• шприц -
13 steel
сталь || стальной- abrasion-resistant steel
- acid Bessemer steel
- acid electric steel
- acid open-hearth steel
- acid steel
- acid-resisting steel
- age-hardenable steel
- ageing steel
- aircraft structural steel
- air-hardened steel
- air-hardening steel
- air-melted steel
- alkaliproof steel
- alkali-resistant steel
- alloy steel
- alloy tool steel
- alloyed steel
- alphatized steel
- aluminized steel
- aluminum grain-refined steel
- aluminum steel
- aluminum-coated steel
- aluminum-nickel steel
- aluminum-stabilized steel
- anchor steel
- angle steel
- annealed steel
- anticorrosion steel
- arc-furnace steel
- armco steel
- ausaging steel
- ausforming steel
- austenitic manganese steel
- austenitic Ni-Cr stainless steel
- austenitic stainless steel
- austenitic steel
- austenitic-carbidic steel
- austenitic-intermetallic steel
- automatic steel
- automobile steel
- axle steel
- bainitically heat-treated steel
- balanced steel
- ball bearing steel
- banding steel
- bandsaw steel
- bar steel
- basic Bessemer steel
- basic converter steel
- basic open-hearth steel
- basic oxygen steel
- bearing steel
- bearing-grade steel
- beaten steel
- beryllium steel
- Bessemer steel
- blanking steel
- blister steel
- blue steel
- boiler steel
- boron steel
- bottle-top steel
- bottom-run steel
- bright drawing steel
- bright steel
- bright-drawn steel
- bright-finished steel
- bronze steel
- bulb steel
- bulb-angle steel
- burned steel
- capped steel
- carbon nitrided steel
- carbon steel
- carbon tool steel
- carbonized steel
- carbon-martensite steel
- carbon-molybdenum steel
- carbon-vacuum deoxidized steel
- carburized steel
- carburizing steel
- case-hardened steel
- case-hardening steel
- cast steel
- cemented steel
- chain steel
- chilled steel
- chisel steel
- chrome steel
- chrome-manganese steel
- chrome-molybdenum steel
- chrome-nickel steel
- chrome-nickel-alloy steel
- chrome-nickel-molibdenum steel
- chrome-plated steel
- chrome-tungsten steel
- chrome-vanadium steel
- chromium steel
- chromium tool steel
- chromium-aluminum steel
- chromium-cobalt steel
- chromium-copper steel
- chromium-manganese steel
- chromium-molibdenum steel
- chromium-nickel steel
- chromium-nickel-molybdenum steel
- chromium-silicon steel
- chromium-tungsten steel
- chromium-tungsten-vanadium steel
- chromized steel
- clad steel
- cobalt steel
- cobalt-nickel steel
- coiled steel
- cold work steel
- cold-drawn steel
- cold-heading steel
- cold-rolled steel
- columbium-stabilized steel
- commercial forging steel
- commercial quality steel
- commercial steel
- common steel
- composite steel
- compound steel
- concrete-prestressing steel
- concrete-reinforcing steel
- constructional steel
- consumable electrode vacuum-melted steel
- controlled rimming steel
- converted steel
- converter steel
- copper steel
- copper-bearing steel
- copper-chromium steel
- copperclad steel
- copper-nickel steel
- copper-plated steel
- corrosion-resistant steel
- corrosion-resisting steel
- corrugated sheet steel
- CQ steel
- creep-resisting steel
- crucible steel
- crude steel
- cutlery-type stainless steel
- cyanided steel
- damascus steel
- damask steel
- DDQ steel
- dead-hard steel
- dead-melted steel
- dead-soft steel
- deep drawing quality steel
- deep drawing steel
- deep-hardening steel
- degasified steel
- deoxidized steel
- diamond tread steel
- die steel
- direct-process steel
- dirty steel
- dopped steel
- double-reduced steel
- double-refined steel
- double-shear steel
- drawn steel
- drill steel
- duplex steel
- dynamo sheet steel
- dynamo steel
- easily deformable steel
- EDD steel
- effervescent steel
- electric furnace steel
- electric steel
- electric tool steel
- electrical furnace steel
- emergency steel
- eutectoid steel
- exotic steel
- exposed quality steel
- extra deep drawing steel
- extrafine steel
- extrahard steel
- extrahigh tensile steel
- extrasoft steel
- face-hardened steel
- fagoted steel
- fashioned steel
- fast-finishing steel
- fast-machine steel
- faulty steel
- ferrite steel
- ferritic stainless steel
- ferritic steel
- fiery steel
- figured steel
- file steel
- fine steel
- fine-grained steel
- finished steel
- first quality steel
- flange steel
- flat steel
- flat-bulb steel
- flat-rolled steel
- forge steel
- forged steel
- forging die steel
- forging steel
- free-cutting steel
- free-machining steel
- fully deoxidized steel
- fully finished steel
- galvanized steel
- gear steel
- general purpose steel
- glass-hard steel
- grade steel
- graphitic steel
- graphitizable steel
- gun barrels steel
- gun steel
- Hadfield steel
- half-hard steel
- Halvan tool steel
- hammered steel
- hard cast steel
- hard steel
- hard-chrome steel
- hardened steel
- hard-grain steel
- heat-resistant steel
- heat-treated steel
- heavily alloyed steel
- heavy-fagoted steel
- heavy-melting steel
- hexagonal steel
- high-alloy steel
- high-carbon steel
- high-chromium steel
- high-cobalt steel
- high-creep strength steel
- high-ductility steel
- high-elastic limit steel
- higher-carbon steel
- high-grade steel
- high-hardenability core steel
- high-hardenability steel
- high-manganese steel
- high-nickel steel
- high-permeability steel
- high-quality steel
- high-resistance steel
- high-speed steel
- high-strength low alloy steel
- high-strength steel
- high-sulphur steel
- high-temperature steel
- high-tensile steel
- hollow drill steel
- hot die steel
- hot-brittle steel
- hot-rolled steel
- hot-work steel
- hot-working die steel
- hot-working steel
- HSLA steel
- H-steel
- hypereutectoid steel
- hyperpearlitic steel
- hypoeutectoid steel
- hypopearlitic steel
- Indian steel
- induction furnace steel
- induction vacuum melted steel
- ingot steel
- intermediate-alloy steel
- iron-chromium stainless steel
- irreversible steel
- killed steel
- knife steel
- knife-blade steel
- lead-coated steel
- leaded steel
- lean alloy steel
- ledeburitic steel
- light gage steel
- liquid-compressed steel
- loman steel
- low earing steel
- low-alloy steel
- low-alloyed steel
- low-carbon steel
- low-ductility steel
- low-expansion steel
- low-hardenability steel
- low-hardening steel
- low-manganese steel
- low-nickel steel
- low-phosphorus steel
- low-texture steel
- machine-tool steel
- magnet steel
- mandrel steel
- manganese steel
- manganese-killed steel
- manganese-silicon steel
- maraging steel
- martempering steel
- martensitic steel
- mechanically capped steel
- medium alloy steel
- medium-carbon steel
- medium-hard steel
- medium-strength steel
- medium-temper steel
- merchant steel
- mild steel
- milling steel
- mixed steel
- molybdenum steel
- needled steel
- nickel steel
- nickel-chrome steel
- nickel-chrome-molybdenum steel
- nickel-chromium steel
- nickel-chromium-molybdenum steel
- nickel-clad steel
- nickel-molybdenum steel
- nitrided steel
- nonaging steel
- noncorrosive steel
- nondeforming steel
- nonhardening steel
- nonmagnetic steel
- nonpiping steel
- nonrustic steel
- nonshrinking steel
- nonstrain-aging steel
- normal steel
- octagon steel
- oil-hardening steel
- open-hearth steel
- open-poured steel
- ordinary steel
- oriented steel
- overblown steel
- overheated steel
- over-reduced steel
- oxidation-resisting steel
- paragon steel
- pearlitic steel
- perished steel
- permanent-magnet steel
- PH steel
- piled steel
- pipe steel
- piped steel
- plain carbon steel
- plain steel
- planished sheet steel
- planished steel
- plate steel
- plow steel
- pneumatic steel
- polished sheet steel
- polished steel
- pot steel
- powder metallurgical compacted steel
- powdered metal high-speed steel
- precipitation-hardening steel
- precision steel
- pressure vessel steel
- primary steel
- puddle steel
- puddled steel
- punching steel
- purified steel
- PV steel
- QT steel
- quality steel
- quenched-and-tempered steel
- quick-cutting steel
- quick-speed steel
- rail steel
- railway structural steel
- rapid machining steel
- rapid steel
- raw steel
- red-hard steel
- refined steel
- refining steel
- refractory steel
- reinforcing steel
- rephosphorized steel
- resilient steel
- resulphurized steel
- rimmed steel
- rimming steel
- rising steel
- rivet steel
- rolled section steel
- rolled steel
- roller-bearing steel
- rose steel
- round steel
- rustless steel
- rust-resisting steel
- saw steel
- scrap steel
- screw steel
- secondary steel
- section steel
- selenium steel
- self-hardening steel
- semideoxidized steel
- semifinished steel
- semikilled steel
- shallow-hardening steel
- shape steel
- shear steel
- shearing steel
- sheet steel
- shock-resisting steel
- Siemens-Martin steel
- silchrome steel
- silicon steel
- silicon-killed steel
- silicon-manganese steel
- silver steel
- simple steel
- skelp steel
- slowly cooled steel
- soft steel
- special steel
- special treatment steel
- spheroidized steel
- spotty steel
- spring steel
- stabilized steel
- stainless clad steel
- stainless steel
- standard steel
- stock steel
- strain-aged steel
- stress-relieved annealed steel
- strip steel
- strong steel
- structural steel
- super-corrosion-resistant stainless steel
- superduty steel
- surface-hardening steel
- surgical steel
- tap steel
- tapped-on-carbon steel
- T-bulb steel
- tee-bulb steel
- tempered steel
- tensile strength steel
- ternary steel
- thermostrengthened steel
- Thomas steel
- through-hardening steel
- titanium steel
- titanium-stabilized steel
- tool steel
- Tor steel
- transformation induced plasticity steel
- transformer steel
- treated steel
- TRIP steel
- tube steel
- tungsten steel
- turbohearth steel
- two-ply steel
- tyre steel
- ultrastrong steel
- unkilled steel
- unsound steel
- vacuum carbon deoxidized steel
- vacuum degased steel
- vacuum-cast steel
- vacuum-induction melted steel
- vacuum-remelted steel
- valve steel
- vanadium steel
- water-hardening steel
- wear-resisting alloy steel
- weathering steel
- weld steel
- weldable steel
- welding steel
- wild steel
- wire rope steel
- Wootz steel
- wrought steelEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > steel
14 gun
1) горн. несработавший шпур3) керноотборник, грунтонос ( аппарат для отбора образцов пород из стенки скважины)5) инжектор; распылитель6) шприц, нагнетатель ( для пластичной смазки)7) форсунка8) металлизатор, металлизационный пистолет10) сварочные клещи12) ружье; пушка13) космонавт. трубчатая пусковая направляющая•-
abrasive jet gun
ac gun
air gun
annular gun
anticomet-tail gun
antisetoff spray gun
bent gun
bipotential focus gun
blue gun
bullet gun
capsule-type jet gun
casing gun
cement gun
cleaning gun
close-coupled work-accelerated gun
CO2 gun
coaxial-coil gun
compressor gun
concrete gun
crossed-field gun
dense plasma gun
desoldering gun
diesel-oil gun
Dinoseis gas gun
distant gun
double bipotential gun
double-barrel mud gun
electric gun
electromagnetic rocket gun
electron gun
electron-beam melting gun
electrostatic gun
electrostatic powder gun
erasing gun
expendable capsule jet gun
explosive actuated gun
feed gun
field-emitting electron gun
flooding gun
flood gun
fog gun
gas gun
glow-discharge gun
grease gun
green gun
hand-held gun
heat gun
heavy-caliber bullet gun
high-density plasmoid gun
high-unipotential focus gun
high-voltage bipotential gun
holding gun
hollow-carrier jet gun
hydraulic gun
hydraulic welding gun
hypervelocity gun
in-line firing gun
in-line guns
ion gun
irrigation gun
jet gun
line-throwing gun
low-pressure gun
lubricating gun
magnetic gun
marking gun
mechanically oriented gun
metal spraying gun
metal spray gun
mud gun
multibarrel gun
multidirectional firing gun
notch gun
offset gun
oil gun
one-shot gun
on-line gun
open chamber gun
orbital gun
overdense plasmoid gun
paint-spray gun
perforating gun
pickling gun
pincer gun
pinch welder gun
planting gun
plasma gun
poke gun
postacceleration gun
powder spray gun
pressure gun
proton gun
puffing gun
pump gun
push gun
ramp gun
ray gun
reading gun
red gun
refractory gun
retrievable gun
retrievable mud gun
rocker gun
Scallop gun
selective gun
semiexpendable gun
shaped-charge gun
short-barrel gun
shotcrete gun
slim hole gun
slurry gun
snow gun
soldering gun
spot-welding gun
spraying gun
spray gun
sputter gun
squirt gun
staple gun
steam gun
steel retrievable gun
stowing gun
strip jet gun
stud gun
swing jet gun
tank washing gun
taphole gun
three-barreled gun
thru-tubing gun
tubing-type jet gun
ultradense plasmoid gun
unipotential-bipotential gun
welding gun
wire gun
wire-line gun
work-accelerated gun
work-accelerated zone-refining gun
writing gun -
15 steel
- fashion -
16 steel grey
17 steel retrievable gun
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > steel retrievable gun
18 steel retrievable gun
корпусный перфоратор многократного использованияАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > steel retrievable gun
19 steel retrievable gun
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > steel retrievable gun
20 gun barrels steel
1) Металлургия: ствольная сталь2) Автоматика: сталь для орудийных стволов
См. также в других словарях:
Gun — (g[u^]n), n. [OE. gonne, gunne; of uncertain origin; cf. Ir., Gael., & LL. gunna, W. gum; possibly (like cannon) fr. L. canna reed, tube; or abbreviated fr. OF. mangonnel, E. mangonel, a machine for hurling stones.] 1. A weapon which throws or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gun barrel — Gun Gun (g[u^]n), n. [OE. gonne, gunne; of uncertain origin; cf. Ir., Gael., & LL. gunna, W. gum; possibly (like cannon) fr. L. canna reed, tube; or abbreviated fr. OF. mangonnel, E. mangonel, a machine for hurling stones.] 1. A weapon which… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gun carriage — Gun Gun (g[u^]n), n. [OE. gonne, gunne; of uncertain origin; cf. Ir., Gael., & LL. gunna, W. gum; possibly (like cannon) fr. L. canna reed, tube; or abbreviated fr. OF. mangonnel, E. mangonel, a machine for hurling stones.] 1. A weapon which… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gun cotton — Gun Gun (g[u^]n), n. [OE. gonne, gunne; of uncertain origin; cf. Ir., Gael., & LL. gunna, W. gum; possibly (like cannon) fr. L. canna reed, tube; or abbreviated fr. OF. mangonnel, E. mangonel, a machine for hurling stones.] 1. A weapon which… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gun deck — Gun Gun (g[u^]n), n. [OE. gonne, gunne; of uncertain origin; cf. Ir., Gael., & LL. gunna, W. gum; possibly (like cannon) fr. L. canna reed, tube; or abbreviated fr. OF. mangonnel, E. mangonel, a machine for hurling stones.] 1. A weapon which… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gun fire — Gun Gun (g[u^]n), n. [OE. gonne, gunne; of uncertain origin; cf. Ir., Gael., & LL. gunna, W. gum; possibly (like cannon) fr. L. canna reed, tube; or abbreviated fr. OF. mangonnel, E. mangonel, a machine for hurling stones.] 1. A weapon which… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gun metal — Gun Gun (g[u^]n), n. [OE. gonne, gunne; of uncertain origin; cf. Ir., Gael., & LL. gunna, W. gum; possibly (like cannon) fr. L. canna reed, tube; or abbreviated fr. OF. mangonnel, E. mangonel, a machine for hurling stones.] 1. A weapon which… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gun port — Gun Gun (g[u^]n), n. [OE. gonne, gunne; of uncertain origin; cf. Ir., Gael., & LL. gunna, W. gum; possibly (like cannon) fr. L. canna reed, tube; or abbreviated fr. OF. mangonnel, E. mangonel, a machine for hurling stones.] 1. A weapon which… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gun tackle — Gun Gun (g[u^]n), n. [OE. gonne, gunne; of uncertain origin; cf. Ir., Gael., & LL. gunna, W. gum; possibly (like cannon) fr. L. canna reed, tube; or abbreviated fr. OF. mangonnel, E. mangonel, a machine for hurling stones.] 1. A weapon which… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gun tackle purchase — Gun Gun (g[u^]n), n. [OE. gonne, gunne; of uncertain origin; cf. Ir., Gael., & LL. gunna, W. gum; possibly (like cannon) fr. L. canna reed, tube; or abbreviated fr. OF. mangonnel, E. mangonel, a machine for hurling stones.] 1. A weapon which… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Steel Pulse — Origin Birmingham, England Genres Reggae Years active 1975–present Labels Mango Elektra MCA Atlan … Wikipedia