1 guide island
2 guide island
Строительство: островок безопасности -
3 guide island
[road] островок безопасности -
4 guide island
дорож. -
5 safety guide
6 Bathurst Island
геогр. остров Батерст -
7 Christmas Island
геогр. остров Рождества -
8 Cornwallis Island
геогр. остров Копнуоллис -
9 Dickson Island
геогр. остров Диксон -
10 Easter Island
геогр. остров Пасхи -
11 Jan Mayen Island
геогр. остров Ян-Майен -
12 lagoon island
атолл, коралловый остров -
13 North Island
геогр. о-в Норт-Айленд, Северный остров -
14 Ross Island
геогр. остров Росса -
15 South Island
геогр. о-в Саут-Айленд, Южный остров -
16 traffic island
дор. островок безопасности -
17 Vancouver Island
геогр. остров Ванкувер -
18 dielectrically-isolated island
островок, изолированный диэлектрикомEnglish-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > dielectrically-isolated island
19 method
1) метод; приём; способ2) методика3) технология4) система•- accelerated strength testing method-
benching method-
bullhead well control method-
electrical-surveying method-
electromagnetic surveying method-
long-wire transmitter method-
operational method-
rule of thumb method-
straight flange method of rolling beams-
symbolical method-
tee-test method-
testing method-
triangulation method-
value-iteration method -
20 state
1. n1) государство3) состояние; положение•to accept the existence of a state — признавать существование какого-л. государства
to be in a state of smth — находиться в каком-л. состоянии
to carry a state — добиваться победы на выборах / одерживать победу в каком-л. штате
to declare a state — объявлять о создании государства, провозглашать государство
to detain smb under the current state of emergency — задерживать кого-л. согласно действующему закону о чрезвычайном положении
to govern / to guide a state — руководить государством
to incorporate a state into a country — включать какое-л. государство в состав страны
to institute a state of siege — объявлять осадное положение; вводить / устанавливать осадное положение
to reconstitute a state — восстанавливать какое-л. государство
to reduce to the state of smth — низводить до какого-л. положения
to re-impose the state of siege — вновь вводить / восстанавливать осадное положение
to stop short of recognizing a state — не признавать какое-л. государство
- accrediting stateto take action under the state of siege — принимать меры в соответствии с приказом о введении осадного положения
- active state
- adjacent state
- admission of a state in the United Nations
- affairs of state
- aggressor state
- agrarian state
- agrarian-industrial state
- alarming state
- allied state
- apartheid state
- associated states
- at the helm of a state
- Baltic states
- banner state
- belligerent states
- border states
- bordering states
- bourgeois state
- bourgeois-democratic state
- bourgeois-parliamentary state
- breakup of a state
- buffer state
- bureaucratic police state
- call of the states
- capitalist state
- cast-ridden state
- civilized state
- client state
- coastal state
- constitutional state
- contesting states
- continental state
- contracting state
- corporate state
- creation of a state
- delinquent state
- dependent state
- depository state
- developed state - donor state
- enemy state
- equal states
- erection of a state
- exploiting state
- exporting state
- extra-zonal state
- federal state
- federative state
- founding of a state
- friendly state
- front-line state
- guarantor state
- Gulf states
- hinterland state
- home state
- hopeless state
- imposition of a state of emergency
- in a state of stagnation
- independent state
- initial state
- island state
- land-locked state
- law-based state
- law-governed state
- leading state
- lease-holder-state
- legal state
- littoral state
- loosely knit state
- mandatory state
- mediator state
- member state
- militarist state
- military-police state
- moderate state
- multinational state
- national state
- national-democratic state
- nationally uniform state
- near-land-locked state
- near-nuclear state
- neighboring state
- neutral state
- neutralist state
- neutralized state
- new state
- newly proclaimed state
- newly-independent state
- nonaligned states
- nonbelligerent state
- noncoastal state
- nondemocratic state
- nonlittoral state
- non-member state
- non-nuclear state
- non-nuclear-weapon state
- nonsignatory state
- normal state
- nuclear capable state
- nuclear-weapon states
- oceanic coastal state
- offending state
- oil state
- one-party state
- opposite states
- parent state
- participant state
- participating state
- peace-loving state
- permanently neutral state
- pivotal state
- police state
- possession of state secrets
- prenuclear state
- princely state
- proclamation of a state
- producer state
- proletarian state
- protected state
- protecting state
- protector state
- provider state
- puppet state
- rebel state
- receiving state
- recipient state
- reparian state
- requesting state
- responsibility of states
- rightful state
- rogue state
- satellite state
- secular state
- self-imposed state of isolation
- self-sufficient state
- separate state
- signatory state
- slave state
- sovereign state
- stable state
- stagnant state
- state holding most electoral votes
- state of affairs
- state of emergency
- state of market
- state of residence
- state of siege
- state of the economy
- state of trade
- state of war
- state within a state
- states concerned
- states parties
- states with different social structures
- successful state
- territorially integral state
- terrorist state
- The Succession State
- The United State of Europe
- The Warsaw Treaty State
- theocratic state
- threshold state
- totalitarian state
- transgressing state
- transgressor state
- transient state
- transition towards a multiparty state
- trustee state
- unified state
- unitary state
- unity of the state
- user state
- vassal states
- viable state
- welfare state
- young sovereign states
- zonal states 2. vзаявлять; излагать; выражать; сообщать; высказывать; констатировать; формулироватьto state an opinion / a question etc. — излагать мнение / вопрос и т.п.
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Island Park, Idaho — Infobox Settlement official name = Island Park, Idaho other name = native name = nickname = settlement type = City motto = imagesize = image caption = flag size = image seal size = image shield = shield size = image blank emblem = blank emblem… … Wikipedia
Island Savings Centre — Island Savings Centre. The Theater is the tall section, the Arena is where the Hockey Stick is. The Island Savings Centre[1] (formerly the Cowichan Centre) is a recreational centre serving Duncan, British Columbia. It has a pool, theater, arena,… … Wikipedia
Island — Island, eine zu Dänemark gehörige Insel im nördlichen Atlantischen Ozean, liegt zwischen 63°23 –66°32 nördl. Br. und 13°31 –24°29 westl. L., ist 965 km von Norwegen und 360 km von Grönland entfernt. Ihre Ausdehnung beträgt von N. nach S 356 km,… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Island Records — For other record labels with the Island name, see Island Records (disambiguation). Island Records Parent company Universal Music Group Founded … Wikipedia
Island Breeze — Big Red Boat III Big Red Boat III Noms : 1961 1966: RMS Transvaal Castle 1966 1977: RMS SA Vaal 1977 1996: SS Festivale 1996 2000: SS IslandBreeze 2000 2003: SS Big Red Boat III 2003: SS The Big Red Boat Type : Navire de croisière … Wikipédia en Français
Island Records discography — Given the longevity of the Island Records record label it is inevitable that a large amount of data has to be gathered, managed and presented not only correctly but also usably. To this end, the label s history (and this discography) can… … Wikipedia
Island of Montreal — Montreal Island redirects here. For the island in Nunavut, see Montreal Island (Nunavut). Island of Montreal Native name: Île de Montréal Map of the Island of Montreal … Wikipedia
Island Heights, New Jersey — Infobox Settlement official name = Island Heights, New Jersey settlement type = Borough nickname = motto = imagesize = image caption = image imagesize = image caption = image mapsize = 250x200px map caption = Map of Island Heights in Ocean County … Wikipedia
Island Scrub-jay — Taxobox name = Island Scrub Jay image width = 250px status = NT status system = iucn3.1 status ref = [IUCN2006|assessors=BirdLife International|year=2004|id=40319|title=Aphelocoma insularis|downloaded=11 May 2006 Database entry includes a brief… … Wikipedia
Island Garden City of Samal — Infobox Philippine city infoboxtitle = Island Garden City of Samal sealfile = locatormapfile = Ph locator davao del norte island garden city of samal.png caption = Map of Davao del Norte showing the location of Island Garden City of Samal… … Wikipedia
Island in the Sky (1953 film) — Infobox Film name = Island in the Sky image size = 225px caption = theatrical poster director = William A. Wellman producer = Robert Fellows John Wayne writer = Ernest K. Gann starring = John Wayne Lloyd Nolan James Arness Andy Devine Harry Carey … Wikipedia