1 guesswork
1) работа «на глазок», вслепую, «на авось»2) кустарщинаeliminate guesswork 1. поставить работу на научную основу 2. покончить с кустарщиной 3. устранить недоразумения в работе3) недоразумение4) (разг.) «гадание на кофейной гуще»English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > guesswork
2 guesswork
3 guesswork
(беспо́чвенные) дога́дкиthis is all mere guesswork — всё э́то гада́ние на кофе́йной гу́ще
4 guesswork
guess-work догадкаguesswork догадка -
5 guesswork
1> догадки, предположения; гадания на кофейной гуще
by guess-work приблизительно; на глазок, наугад, наобум
it's pure guess-work это всего лишь предположение
2> работа вслепую, без предварительных расчетов -
6 guesswork
1) Общая лексика: догадки, необоснованные предположения, предположения2) Техника: гадание3) Реклама: без предварительных расчётов, вслепую4) Автоматика: догадка, допущение, предположение, умозаключение5) Контроль качества: работа наугад (без предварительных расчетов) -
7 guesswork
предположение; допущение; догадка; умозаключениеEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > guesswork
8 guesswork
(n) догадка; необоснованные предположения -
9 guesswork
10 guesswork
догадки; предположения -
11 guesswork
1. догадки; предположения2. догадка -
12 guesswork
догадки, необоснованные предположенияАнгло-русский словарь по исследованиям и ноу-хау > guesswork
13 guesswork
предположения; работа наугадThe English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > guesswork
14 access via guesswork
Безопасность: получение доступа по методу "угадывания" (напр. кода) -
15 all this is not merely guesswork
Математика: все это не просто догадкаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > all this is not merely guesswork
16 by guesswork
наугадEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > by guesswork
17 by guesswork
18 pure guesswork
чистые догадки, ни на чем не основанные предположенияАнгло-русский словарь по исследованиям и ноу-хау > pure guesswork
19 на авось
on the off-chance, at random, hoping for the best, trusting to luck, by guess and by God авось да небось somehow and otherhit or miss;
by guessworkБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > на авось
20 on one's part
фраз. с чьей-либо стороныBut this was only guesswork on his part.
Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > on one's part
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Guesswork — Guess work , n. Work performed, or results obtained, by guess; conjecture. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
guesswork — index conjecture, estimate (idea), estimation (calculation), inference, speculation (conjecture) … Law dictionary
guesswork — also guess work, 1725, from GUESS (Cf. guess) + WORK (Cf. work) … Etymology dictionary
guesswork — ► NOUN ▪ the process or results of guessing … English terms dictionary
guesswork — [ges′wʉrk΄] n. 1. the act of guessing 2. a judgment, result, etc. arrived at by guessing … English World dictionary
guesswork — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ pure ▪ educated ▪ Their results owe more to educated guesswork than to actual knowledge. VERB + GUESSWORK ▪ be based on ▪ … Collocations dictionary
guesswork — [[t]ge̱swɜː(r)k[/t]] N UNCOUNT Guesswork is the process of trying to guess or estimate something without knowing all the facts or information. The question of who planted the bomb remains a matter of guesswork … English dictionary
guesswork — guess|work [ˈgeswə:k US wə:rk] n [U] the method of trying to find the answer to something by guessing ▪ There s a lot of guesswork in these calculations … Dictionary of contemporary English
guesswork — guess|work [ ges,wɜrk ] noun uncount the process of trying to find the answer to something by guessing, or the answer found by using this method: a theory based on pure guesswork … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
guesswork — noun (U) the method of trying to find the answer to something by guessing: In this study, scientific methods seem to have been replaced by guesswork … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
guesswork — noun the educated guesswork we rely on in our research Syn: guessing, conjecture, surmise, supposition, assumptions, presumptions, speculation, hypothesizing, theorizing, prediction; approximations, rough calculations; hunches; informal… … Thesaurus of popular words