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  • 81 six-quatre-deux

    A la six-quatre-deux (adv. loc.): 'Any-old-how', in a slap-dash manner. Elle nous a fait de la boustifaille à la six-quatre-deux! She knocked us up some pretty awful grub!

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > six-quatre-deux

  • 82 soupe

    n. f.
    1. 'Grub', food. Etre de soupe (mil.): To be on cookhouse fatigue. Aller à la soupe: To go for one's nosh.
    2. 'Slush', wet and very soft snow.
    3. Un gros plein de soupe (pej.): A big fat slob. (The derogatory nature of the appellation lies not so much in contempt for outsize people, as in the erroneous assumption that they are big-heads and that they 'throw their weight about'!)
    4. Etre trempé comme une soupe: To be 'wringing wet', to be soaked to the skin.
    5. Etre soupe au lait: To get into a huff at the drop of a cross word (literally to rise at the slightest provocation like milk on the boil).
    6. Manger (de) la soupe à la grimace: To weather a marital storm and eat in stony silence.
    7. Servir la soupe (th.): To hold a very minor part in a production (to be something like a standard- bearer in a Shakespearean drama).
    8. Etre le dernier pour la soupe (joc. & iron.): To miss out where the better things of life are concerned. (This expression is very much in tune with the hackneyed story of the private complaining to his sergeant that he did not often get a leave-pass, adding: 'My name is Wimpole'— to this the sergeant replied 'lf your name had been Arse-hole, Bum-hole or Cunt- hole you'd have had a chance, but being Wimpole you come last!')
    9. Par ici la bonne soupe! (iron.): (If it's a fight you're after) come and get it! (This belligerent taunt is usually uttered by hotheads, boastful bullies and the like.)
    10. Marchand de soupe (pej.):
      a Restaurateur. (As the appellation suggests, hardly the keeper of a three-star establishment.)
      b Headmaster of a crammer. (Academic whose objective seems to be a healthy turn-over of pupils, i.e., large profits rather than the imparting of knowledge.)
      c Any businessman whose primary objective is a large turn-over and quick profits.
    11. Faire de la soupe (Musicians' slang): To prostitute one's talents by working for a sub-standard band or outfit churning out Muzak-like tunes for popular consumption.
    12. Donner la soupe à quelqu'un: To show a clean pair of heels to an adversary in the race for success.
    13. Avoir soupe de¼: To be fed-up with¼, to have had enough of someone or something. J'en ai soupe de sa fiole! I'm sick and tired of seeing his face around!
    14. La soupe sera bonne! (joc. & iron.): This incongruous remark is directed at anyone who is picking his nose or scratching his behind.
    15. (also pl.): Abominable substances ingurgitated by perverts and the scatologicallyminded.

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > soupe

  • 83 tambouille

    n. f.
    1. Cooking, cookery, the preparation of food. (Without being pejorative, this word is not exactly complimentary and refers to humble efforts far removed from haute cuisine. Faire la tambouille: To cook up some nosh.)
    2. 'Grub', 'eats', food.

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > tambouille

  • 84 tortore

    n. f. 'Grub', 'eats', food. On s'est payé une tortore tout ce qu'il y a de meu-meu! We had ourselves a right super nosh!

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > tortore

  • 85 tringle

    n. f.
    1. Se mettre la tringle: To have to 'go without', to have to go short of something. Côté bouffetance, on a dû se mettre la tringle! When it came to grub, we all had to tighten our belts!
    2. En avoir tringle de: To be sick and tired of something. Ecoute, mon vieux, on en a tringle de tes histoires à la con! Listen chum, we've just about had it up to here with your arsing about!
    3. Avoir la tringle: To have 'the big stick', to have 'a hard', to have an erection. Donner un coup de tringle: To 'screw', to fuck, to have coition with.

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > tringle

  • 86 va

    (Imperative of aller):
    1. Vapour¼: O.K. for ¼Va pour trois briques! Alright, I'll settle for three grand!
    2. Va donc! (Insult intensifier): Va donc, eh couillon! You stupid idiot, you! (More current in everyday speech is va! with no specific connotation; its sole function is to emphasize a statement. Je t'aime bien, va! You know I love you! Tu es mechant, va! You're really bad to me! Il est gentil, va! He's a nice boy! Sometimes it is merely a 'rhetorical prop' like the Liverpudlian 'you know!'. C'est pas difficile, va! It's not difficult, you know!)
    3. A la va-vite (adv. exp.): In a slapdash manner, in a rushed and careless way.
    4. A la va-comme-jete-pousse (adv. exp.): In a 'happen-what-may' careless manner. Elle nous a servi à bouffer à la va-comme-je-te-pousse! She dished up the grub just any-old-how!

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > va

  • 87 va-vite

    n. f. A la va-vite (adv. exp.): In a 'slapdash' manner, hurriedly and with little care. Elle nous a fait de la tambouille à la va-vite: She knocked us up some grub double-quick.

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > va-vite

  • 88 fouiller

    fish, go through, grub, root, scour, search

    Mini Dictionnaire français-anglais > fouiller

См. также в других словарях:

  • Grub — ist der Name folgender geographischer Objekte: Grub (Thüringen), Gemeinde im Landkreis Hildburghausen, Thüringen Grub am Forst, Gemeinde im Landkreis Coburg, Bayern Grub AR, Gemeinde im Kanton Appenzell Ausserrhoden Ortsteile: In Deutschland:… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • GRUB — Bildschirmfoto des Grub Menüs Basisdaten Entwickler: Das GRUB Team Aktuelle Version: 1.96 ( …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Grub — Grub, n. 1. (Zo[ o]l.) The larva of an insect, especially of a beetle; called also {grubworm}. See Illust. of {Goldsmith beetle}, under {Goldsmith}. [1913 Webster] Yet your butterfly was a grub. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. A short, thick man; a dwarf …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Grub ax — Grub Grub, n. 1. (Zo[ o]l.) The larva of an insect, especially of a beetle; called also {grubworm}. See Illust. of {Goldsmith beetle}, under {Goldsmith}. [1913 Webster] Yet your butterfly was a grub. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. A short, thick man; a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Grub — can refer to:lang* Larva, most commonly of the scarabaeoidea (beetles) superfamily * a slang term for food; also as a verb to scavenge for food * a British word for a headless set screwPlaces* Grub AR, Grub, canton of Appenzell, Switzerland *… …   Wikipedia

  • grub — grub; grub·ber; grub·bi·ly; grub·bi·ness; grub·ble; grub·by; grub·less; grub·stak·er; …   English syllables

  • Grüb — ist der Ortsname von Grüb (Grafenau), Ortsteil der Stadt Grafenau, Landkreis Freyung Grafenau, Bayern Grüb (Wettringen), Ortsteil der Gemeinde Wettringen, Landkreis Ansbach, Bayern Grüb (Wittelshofen), Ortsteil der Gemeinde Wittelshofen,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Grub — Grub, v. t. 1. To dig; to dig up by the roots; to root out by digging; followed by up; as, to grub up trees, rushes, or sedge. [1913 Webster] They do not attempt to grub up the root of sin. Hare. [1913 Webster] 2. To supply with food. [Slang]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • grub — [n1] larva caterpillar, entozoon, maggot, worm; concept 398 grub [n2] food chow*, comestibles, eats*, edibles, feed, nosh*, nurture, provisions, rations, sustenance, viands, victuals, vittles*; concepts 457,460 grub [v1] dig, uncover beat, bre …   New thesaurus

  • grub´bi|ly — grub|by «GRUHB ee», adjective, bi|er, bi|est. 1. dirty; grimy; slovenly: »a grubby lot Of sooty sweeps (Thomas Hood). She was an exceptionally grubby girl fat, sloppily dressed, and, like Willard, uncommunicative (New Yorker …   Useful english dictionary

  • grub|by — «GRUHB ee», adjective, bi|er, bi|est. 1. dirty; grimy; slovenly: »a grubby lot Of sooty sweeps (Thomas Hood). She was an exceptionally grubby girl fat, sloppily dressed, and, like Willard, uncommunicative (New Yorker …   Useful english dictionary

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