101 radar ground mapping with image storage
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > radar ground mapping with image storage
102 log storage ground
103 log storage ground
Англо-русский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > log storage ground
104 radar ground mapping with image storage
English-Russian military dictionary > radar ground mapping with image storage
105 open storage ground
106 log storage ground
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > log storage ground
107 открытое хранение
ground storageБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > открытое хранение
108 открытый склад
ground storageБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > открытый склад
109 открытое хранение
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > открытое хранение
110 открытый склад
111 аэродромная аккумуляторная батарея
ground storage batteryБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > аэродромная аккумуляторная батарея
112 аэродромная аккумуляторная батарея
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > аэродромная аккумуляторная батарея
113 tank
1. резервуар, ёмкость, хранилище, чан, бак, цистерна2. водоём; водохранилище— air tank— day tank— gas tank— mud tank— oil tank
* * *
1. бак; цистерна; танк2. резервуар || наливать в резервуар; хранить в резервуареtank on the line — резервуар с открытой задвижкой на выходе в трубопровод;
to roll a tank — перемешивать нефть в резервуаре (с каким-л. газом);
to strap a tank — измерять ёмкость резервуара;
— gas tank— oil tank
* * *
цистерна; чан, бак; хранилище, ёмкость, резервуар
* * *
1) резервуар, хранилище; сборник; чан; бак; цистерна || наливать в резервуар; хранить в резервуаре2) водоём; водохранилище•tank in use — эксплуатируемый резервуар;
tank on the line — резервуар с открытой задвижкой на выходе в трубопровод;
to bleed a tank — опорожнять резервуар;
to dismantle the tank — разбирать резервуар;
to empty a tank — опорожнять резервуар;
to erect the tank — сооружать резервуар;
to ground the tank — заземлять резервуар;
to run a tank — сливать нефть из резервуара в нефтепровод ;
to strap a tank — измерять вместимость резервуара;
- above-ground storage tankto thief a tank — отбирать пробы в резервуаре;
- accumulator tank
- acid measuring tank
- active drilling mud tank
- additive tank
- air tank
- airseparating tank
- antipitching tank
- antirolling tank
- atmospheric pressure storage tank
- automatic flow tank
- auxiliary tank
- bailing tank
- balance tank
- balancing tank
- ballast tank
- balloon roof tank
- batching tank
- blender tank
- blending tank
- blowdown tank
- bottomless offshore storage tank
- breathing tank
- bulk oil tank
- bullet tank
- buried tank
- canvas tank
- cargo tank
- cement slurry mixing tank
- cement surge tank
- cementing tank
- charging stock tank
- chemical treating tank
- collapsible tank
- compressed air tank
- compressor suction tank
- concrete tank
- concrete oil tank
- condensate tank
- condensate gathering tank
- conical bottom tank
- conical roof tank
- constant header tank
- crude oil storage tank
- cryogenic tank
- cuttings tank
- cylindrical tank
- daily tank
- daily bulk cement tank
- daily bulk mud tank
- deck tank
- degassed tank
- degassing tank
- depositing tank
- detachable tank
- diked tank
- discharge tank
- displacement tank
- dome-type tank
- drilling-mud tank
- drilling-mud mixing tank
- drilling-mud settling tank
- drilling-mud storage tank
- drilling-mud suction tank
- drip tank
- Dubai storage tank
- dump tank
- earth tank
- earthen tank
- elevated tank
- emergency head tank
- equalizing tank
- expansion tank
- expiration-roof tank
- explosion-proof tank
- fabric tank
- fabric gasoline fuel tank
- feed tank
- field tank
- filling tank
- filter-bottom tank
- fixed roof tank
- flexible tank
- float tank
- floating roof tank
- flow tank
- free-water settling tank
- fuel tank
- fuel oil tank
- fuel supply tank
- gage tank
- gaging tank
- gas tank
- gas-gathering tank
- gasoline tank
- gasoline mobile tank
- gathering tank
- globe-bottom tank
- globe-roof tank
- gravitation tank
- gravity tank
- gravity service tank
- grounded tank
- gun-barrel tank
- head tank
- hemispherical tank
- high-pressure storage tank
- horizontal tank
- impurities receiving tank
- inflatable dome-roof tank
- initial oil storage tank
- interconnected tanks
- intermediate storage tank
- knocked-down tank
- land storage tank
- landing craft tank
- lease tank
- lifter-roof tank
- low-temperature tank
- main tank
- main storage tanks
- measuring tank
- metering tank
- mixing tank
- mobile tank
- molded plastic tank
- mud tank
- mud storage tank
- mud surge tank
- multiple tank
- multisphere tank
- multiple-chamber separating tank
- offshore storage tank
- oil tank
- oil settling tank
- oil storage tank
- oil-feed tank
- oil-field tank
- oil-gathering tank
- oil-storage tank
- oil-store tank
- orifice surge tank
- overflow tank
- overhead tank
- overland tank
- overload tank
- oxidation tank
- pipeline tank
- precipitation tank
- pressure tank
- pressure-relief tank
- priming tank
- prove tank
- pumping tank
- receiving tank
- rectangular tank
- refrigerated truck tank
- reinforced concrete storage tank
- rejection tank
- relay tank
- reserve drilling mud tank
- restricted orifice surge tank
- retention tank
- riveted tank
- roll-dampening tank
- rubber-lined tank
- rubberized fabric tank
- run tank
- run-down tank
- salt-settling tank
- sedimentation tank
- sedimentation tank of water treatment system
- separating tank
- service tank
- service mud storage tank
- service storage tank
- setting tank
- settlement tank
- settling tank
- shaker tank
- shotgun tank
- simple surge tank
- single chamber separating tank
- skimming tank
- slime tank
- slop tank
- sludge tank
- sludge acid separating tank
- slurry tank
- spherical tank
- spheroidal tank
- sprayed tank
- steel drilling mud tank
- stock tank
- stock oil tank
- storage tank
- streamlined pressure tank
- stringer ballast tank
- sturry tank
- submerged tank
- subsurface tank
- subsurface storage tank
- subterraneous tank
- suction tank
- sump tank
- supply tank
- surge tank
- test tank
- transit site tank
- trip tank
- truck tank
- twin compartment test tank
- underground storage tank
- underwater tank
- underwater storage tank
- ungrounded tank
- unlined tank
- upright tank
- vapor-tight tank
- variable vapor-space tank
- vented tank
- vertical tank
- volume tank
- waste tank
- water-sealed tank
- water-sprayed tank
- water-top tank
- wax-mixture-flow tank
- weathering tank
- weigh tank
- weir tank
- welded tank
- wet-oil tank* * * -
114 above
наверху; наверх; сверху; выше; над; поверх; ранее; раньше; до; вверху; более; больше- above-critical - above-critical conditions - above curb - above grade - above ground conveyor - above-ground oil tank - above-ground pipelining - above-ground storage - above-ground storage tank - above-ground storing - above-ground tank - above standard - above-surface storage - above-surface storing - above-synchronous speed -
115 battery
1) аккумулятор; (аккумуляторная) батарея2) группа или совокупность( одинаковых) устройств; комплект; батарея•-
A battery
accumulator battery
acid storage battery
acid battery
aircraft storage battery
air-depolarized battery
alkaline storage battery
alkaline battery
anode battery
atomic battery
B battery
baby battery
balancing battery
banked battery
biasing battery
booster battery
bottle battery
buffer battery
bypass battery
C battery
cadmium-nickel battery
cell battery
coke battery
dead battery
dirfusion battery
disk battery
drum storage battery
dry battery
dry-charged battery
Edison storage battery
electric battery
electrochemical battery
emergency battery
filament battery
flash light battery
flat battery
floated storage battery
fuel-cell battery
fuel battery
fully charged battery
gaging battery
galvanic battery
grid battery
ground storage battery
heat battery
iron-nickel storage battery
lead-acid battery
mercury battery
mold battery
nickel-cadmium battery
nickel-iron battery
pancake battery
peaking battery
penlight battery
photocharging battery
pie battery
plate battery
plunge battery
primary battery
rail current battery
rechargeable battery
rechargeable solar battery
ringing battery
satisfactorily charged battery
sea-water-activated battery
secondary battery
separator battery
shakedown battery
shell still battery
side-fired battery
signaling battery
silver-cadmium storage battery
silver-cadmium battery
silver-zinc storage battery
silver-zinc battery
slab-oven battery
solar battery
solid-electrolyte battery
standby battery
starter battery
stationary battery
storage battery
talking battery
tank battery
test battery
thermoelectric battery
thermonuclear battery
torch battery
track battery
traction battery
underjet battery
zinc-nickel battery -
116 battery
( аккумуляторная) батарея; гальванический элемент -
117 battery
battery nбатареяaircraft storage batteryбортовая аккумуляторная батареяbattery cartаккумуляторная тележкаbattery cellэлемент батареиbattery dischargeразряд аккумулятораbattery electrolyte levelуровень электролита в аккумулятореconserve a batteryэкономить заряд батареиdrain a batteryразряжать батареюfloated storage batteryбуферная аккумуляторная батареяground storage batteryаэродромная аккумуляторная батареяnonspillable storage batteryнепроливающаяся аккумуляторная батареяstorage batteryаккумуляторная батареяwet storage batteryэлектролитическая батарея -
118 наземное хранилище
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > наземное хранилище
119 наземное хранилище
above-ground storage, ( радиоактивных отходов) surface vaultАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > наземное хранилище
120 building
launch and service building — ркт. пункт управления пуском и обслуживанием
systems integration and checkout building — ркт. монтажно-испытательный корпус
См. также в других словарях:
Storage tank — A storage tank is a container, usually for holding liquids, sometimes for compressed gases (gas tank). The term can be used for both reservoirs (artificial lakes and ponds), and for manufactured containers. The usage of the word tank for… … Wikipedia
Storage heater — A storage heater is an electrical appliance which stores heat at a time when base load electricity is available at a low price, usually during the night, and releases it during the day. Heat is usually stored in clay bricks or other ceramic… … Wikipedia
ground squirrel — any of several terrestrial rodents of the squirrel family, as of the genus Citellus and chipmunks of the genus Tamias. [1680 90, Amer.] * * * Any of numerous relatively short legged, terrestrial rodents of the squirrel family (Sciuridae), found… … Universalium
Ground tissue — Cross section of a flax plant stem: 1. Pith, 2. Protoxylem, 3. Xylem I, 4. Phloem I, 5. Sclerenchyma (bast fibre), 6. Cortex, 7. Epidermis The types of ground tissue found in plants develop from gro … Wikipedia
Underground storage tank — An Underground Storage Tank (UST), in United States environmental law, is a tank and any underground piping connected to the tank that has at least 10 percent of its combined volume underground. USTs, used to store petroleum, are regulated in the … Wikipedia
2005 Hertfordshire Oil Storage Terminal fire — {| Location map|Hertfordshire label= background=white lat= 51.764 long= 0.424 caption=Hemel Hempstead in Hertfordshire float=right width=195The 2005 Hertfordshire Oil Storage Terminal fire was caused by a series of explosions early on the morning … Wikipedia
Natural gas storage — Natural gas, like many other commodities, can be stored for an indefinite period of time in natural gas storage facilities for later consumption. Contents 1 Usage 2 Measures and definitions 3 Types 3.1 … Wikipedia
Flywheel energy storage — NASA G2 flywheel Flywheel energy storage (FES) works by accelerating a rotor (flywheel) to a very high speed and maintaining the energy in the system as rotational energy. When energy is extracted from the system, the flywheel s rotational speed… … Wikipedia
LNG storage tank — A LNG storage tank is a specialized type of storage tank used for the storage of Liquefied Natural Gas. LNG storage tanks can be found in ground, above ground or in LNG carriers. The common characteristic of LNG Storage tanks is the ability to… … Wikipedia
Food storage — is both a traditional domestic skill and is important industrially. Food is stored by almost every human society and by many animals. Storing of food has several main purposes:*preparation for periods of scarcity or famine *taking advantage of… … Wikipedia
Peak ground acceleration — (PGA) is a measure of earthquake acceleration on the ground and an important input parameter for earthquake engineering, also known as the design basis earthquake ground motion (DBEGM)[1] Unlike the Richter and moment magnitude scales, it is not… … Wikipedia